Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1006

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§» 251 ~ ; zrzzrm s1.-·»u01va 284. Appointment ot_c§<:eri at assay cmces. , 285. Péaswjers angi duties of assayers ng assay pmceg. 7 28€;. §3o¤d*’and 0at,h` of émcers spd clerks, · _ 2Q?. Law; relaflug tu mints extended to issay oflces. _~ _, 4 THE BUREAUIOF THE MINT _ Section 251. Burehu eétal>lis—lned;; dil;€¢t0!';····ThBlZ€ 'slxhll be estalalished ii1_ the Trezisury` I)eps.rtme¤t._n Buréau°—0£ sthe Mint, _embi*acing in its org;-uizadoni and undef lis control- all mlnts for the maxmfactizré of coin, and all assay offices for thé stamp- » ing of bars, whibla have been, or wlxichjizay be,—q.uTth0rizcd by ‘ law. _ The éhief oméer 0; the said bufeah shall be denominated the Directog of the Mint, ang1,.sha1l`be undef the general dltécw tion ot; the Secretaryof the Treasury. '_He shall bq appointed by thé Prégident, by and witty the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall hold his 0$cé` for thé term of five ‘years,, unless somaer fcmuvgd by the Presidentfupdu reasons j lo bé lccmmunibated by him to .u1€.S&l1§1ll€. · (R. S. S 3432) ;_ I " 252: Director; salary gud `éxpe¤aés.Q4Thgre shall bé",al1owedto the Diret££0;·` of the Mint an'- annual `salaty payable monthly, Maud actugl necessary · traveling expenses in . visiting thé different- mi11ts‘a¤d agéay offices, for whiéh irouchérs shall. be rendered. ‘(R. S. § 34·L) ‘ - * _ ‘ Y , . ‘ 253. Same; powers; reports.-?-5The Direcfox? of the_Mi;1t shall havé the general supervision of all mints and asgay offices, and shal1-maké an annual report to the Secretary of the Treaslury of their operations,. at the clgiqe of each·iiscg11_ ycaxgjqnd fromfime to timé such additional reports, éétting, forth, the operations and condition of such institutions, as the Secretary of the Treasury éhallméquirg, and shall lay‘befo1:e_him thé annual estimates fol'.U1€l1' supporp: And the Secretary pt the Treasury shall appoinbtlje number of clerks, classmed liccordiqg to Haw, neéessa1*y`· tb-"dischargc. the duties pf- said bureau. (B. S; §‘-345.) b M “E » g .· ’254. Acting inzibsence of director.-In case; of the temporary absence -0f ·the Direc·t01·'pf· the Mint, the Secretary of the ‘Trcasurj may designate sqme one to actin his_place. (R. S. § 3502.) . z. _ I _ _ ' m11~;TslAND ASSAY OFFICES 261. Miata gud may a&ccs _ enumerated.-—Tho ¢ different mints and assay omces shall be known as-- - - · First. 'I‘ of the Unitéd,SiutéS at Philadelphia. _ Second. '1‘he`mjnt of the United Stqtes at San Franciscd, *. 'Third, The min; ot the United Statesq at_Néw.$Q*rleai1s. ‘Fom·th. The mint of the United Statwiat Carson. . 1<‘ifth.`·Thé mint of-_tha United _St$tcg,at‘ Denver. i · Sixth. The United**Stutesl.z;ssay` omce at Ncw"Y0rk. · Seventh. The United States assay "qmee at_·Bolse City, Idaho. Eighth. The United States assai 6$ce_gt Hélena; Montana. Ninth. The United States assay oitlée at Deadwood, South Dakota. _, » · f _-- t n Tenth. The ··Uixltcd States assay 0Ece gt; Seattleg 'Wash-· lngten. _ ‘ ‘ l . _ ' Elevmth. The United Sli8t€8’8$8&Y’ omce at Sélt/Lnké Qlty, Utah; (R. S.] 3495; May 12, 1874, c. 168, 5 1, `18· Stat. 45; June 20, 1874, c. 328, § 1, 18 Stat. 97{ Feb-1, 1881, c. 33, Q. 1, 21 Smti 322,; June 11, 1&$6, c. 420,} 1, w Stat:. 414;'Hay·21, . 1808, 9. 348,-30 Stat. 420;_`Mny· 30, 1908, c; 2%, 35 Statj 474.) ` 262./Demrerf mint; gcinage of gold mdwsilvcr •t.·-==·-'1‘lxe colinagc of gold and silver and minor coins shall be cqrrmd 0:1* st mg mint of the United _ States at Denver, In the State of Uolqradc. (Feb. 20, 1@5,“.cQ 105, IQ 1, 8, 28 Stat. 678}) 253. OEcer¤ of mi¤ts.~——The oféccfs of each `minlzgc mint _ shall bé u superintendent and an assuyer; andfforltlie mliit Qt. Philadelphia, an ¢e1'1grav¢;·r;`a1l to be appolntéd by, the Pfgideut, bi and with the advicwykmd cohscnt of the Senate. (R. S.

7Y AND FINANCE _ 992 ·g 3496;_Feb. 20, 1895, c. 105; { 2;. 28 Stat. *873; Aug. 23, 1912,- c. 350, { 1, 37 Stat. 384; Jan. 3, 1923, e. 22, 42 Stat. 1103.) · ‘ _ 264.1Snperktendents of mints to performiduties of irasurer.-—-The superintendents of themints- nt Philetlelphm, Sen Frenciscofland Denver shall -be, Kndperform the dutigc _ , ’0f,_t!€&S11!€TS•0f_S8id rnints,remnect1ve1y.j {H; S. 5 3497; l‘.·1._ M ,20, '1895,Yc.-*105,-,§ 2, 28 .Stet.·673_; Jan. 3, 19%,/c. 22, 42 Sm.

   4 ., -'   ‘ " _

265. Snlaries of oEcers of coinage B&tS.··'1`i1€r011°lC€fS ol". the seve_ral.`colnage- mints shall be 'entltledito mhries, to 1... pnid monthly, in accordencej with the proviéons of section 9;.76 of Title 5. _(R.· S. 5 3498;,3une 20, 1874, e. 328. fl, 18 Stat. 96; ·Apr. 4, 1924»_c. 84,.43 Stat. 78:·3nn.j22. 19%, c. 87, 43 Stat.764.)_‘· l  » ___ ’_ ’ r 266.,. Appointment of sssistants- and employees.-—-All assist. .· _ nnts and. employees of ~the mints and Hm! o@cers of the'. United States ‘ shall be !DD0lnted._hyj the' Secretary otgtlm Trepsury. _One oi', the clerks gt each mint shall be designated _"chiet clerk." (R. S, $-.3504; Auk. %,'1912, 0:.*350, Q 1, 37 ’Stat.384.); . . · - J · 267. Duties of coiner and nelter md rdmr pwfemed by superintendent.—Tl1e duties und responsibilities formerly ny;- posed by lavv .011 thejcoiner ind the melter andredner in each ot.the"colnsQge mints and the nssny’o§ce st New York shell devolve upon the superintendents of said- institutions. {A:,n§.`l

 1912, c. 350, 5 1,-37 Stgt. 384.) _ ; . _ · = "

_ 268. Salsries of assistnnts, clerks, and hborers enployed in the mints.-éirnere shall be allowed to the and clerks `ot the several mints annual snlnrles in accordance with section 676 of Title 5, and the workmen·_ernployed therein shall he allowed suchrwsges as may be customary and reasonable eccording to their respective stations· and occumtione, to he determlneddhy the superintendent, end; approved hy the"Director of the Mint. The salaries provided for in this section, and the wages of workmen perniénently engnged,_shnll be psy- . nblein monthly lnstnllments. (R. S. 9 3499; dune 20, 1874, c. 328, } 1, 18 Stat. 96;·Mnr: 4, 1915, c. 141, § .6, 38 Stat. 1049.)° ‘ · 269; Ogth of o§ce of o%ers, psdstsltts. clerks.-·-Every oillcer, zisslstnnt, and clerk appointed for any znmt shell, ber fore `he enters upon the execution ot his o@ce, talEe.•n_ oelh before some judge of the United States, or judge ot some _ court ot record of the Stateyin which Lsueh mint is located. faithfully. ml dlllgentlyto perform the duties thereotfin nddli tion to other., omclnl oaths prescribed by law, snclr oath, duly eertidcdt shall he trnnsxnltted to the Secretnry of the Treasury. The ’·superintendent"ot each nmlnt require such oath from any ot the employees of the mint. 4 (R. S. 5 3500.) - . ` 270.; Bonds of o&cers, amlstants, und clerks.-—The superintendent nnd the a er, Before entering upon the execution of their respective noflfgrshnll become bound to the United Staten, with one or more `¤umeeS,— approved by · the Secretsry ot the Trensury, ln··the¢ snnrot not less than $10,000 normore than 6, @,000, with condftion {or_ the 1'nlthful and diligent perform] ance of the duties ot his eQce. Sinnller bonds may be required or the.n¤sistnnts·and..clerks, ln such sums ss the superintendent [shell determine, with ‘the. cpprohntion of the_;Director ot the `Mint; but the shell not be construed to relieve the super- ‘ iutendeht or other omeers from liability to the United Ststes tor acts, omlssions, or negligence ot their subordinates or employees; and the- Secretary of the Treasury may, nt "his>dis¢· cretion, increase the bonds-, of the superintendents; (R. S. § 3501 {Aug. @,1912, c. 350,_§!1, 37 Stgrt. 384; Jen. 3, .19.23, c. 22. 42Stat. 1103:). · 1 · I- — _ _. , · " 271. Acting in shsence of superintendentor other o0cer.—·-— Whenever any odlcer of n mint or nesay ofllce shall bedternpo- · rarlly absent, on eccount of sickness or? any other chose, it shall be lawful for the superintendent, with the consent of such