Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1008

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§ 283 TITLE 31.-~—HOi 283. Busiqess cf} assay oEces.--·Except ns,csther_wise.provid< iu this chapter, the business qi the United Stgtcgs assay 01110 enumerated in section 261 ofqthis title other than the ass: cmce at New York, and that of any other assaybmces Ysihk may be established, shal1_be confined to the réceipt of gold ar silver bullion, for melti1;g'rmd assaying. · (R; S. § 3558; Jm ‘8, 181iS, c. 170, 20 Stat.'102; Feb,. 20, 1895, c. 105; § 1, 1 Stat. STB.) -· . · · _ 284. Appaintme f o&cers` at `assay ·‘ot§ces.#-<-Except z otherwise provided : law, the officer of _ the assay 0tHcembraced by sectio _ of this title shall be an ussayer i chariw, who shall also perform the duties of ,melter,- who sha E be appointed by the President, by and w§th thé adwjicé ar cmxsent of the Senate, a'nd“wh0‘ slgalll receive a salary in a cordaxécc with section 676 of Title 5. .(R. S. § 3559; Feb. 2 1895, ce 105, § 2, 28 Stat. 673; Aug; 23, 1912, c. 350, § 1, 37 St; 384; Jan. 22, 1925, cl 87, 43 Stdt. 764.) · *1 . “Y . Y 285. -Pcwcrs and duties of assaycrs at aqsay offices.-—'1‘1 assays: at eabh of the assay _0mces’ embraced by section Qi of {Big title Shall have general ¢hai·gé` Qt the ptiice; and Sha dischmfga the dutieé of disbursiug agent for tbciexpenbcé of tl ° cure imder his charge., (R" S. § 3560; Aug; 23,y 1912, c. 35 ` 5 1, 3*: sm. 384.) ·_ _ , " e » ~ { ‘ 286. %d and oath of o§c¢rs ind clerks.-—-·—Each officer ur I Qclqxjk appointed {nt either of the assay omccs embraced by se , firm 2% of this gcitle 8111111; before entering upon thé;dutics 4 k his bf§ce, tgka gu cathy pursuant to the ptdvlsicns of sectyén 1 ct Title 5, and shall give a bond to the,U_nited States, with 01

 · or more sprétics, s¤tigfact0;·y_ t0_ the Director ot tlge Mlm; or)

caébt the judges of the SilDT€lI1Q.C0¥i1'F of the. State pr. Terr .-, tmfy in which the `0§52e t0_ which he is,apppinted' is located, co: gitioncd· {mj the fuithfail performance of hi/s duties. (R. 2 § 3-$61; F'eb,f8. 18jI5,`¢. S0} { 1, 1;8.Stat. 3_}9; `Féb. 27,· 187 c.@,.§1,19Stqt:.2Q9.) ·»" '_‘ _—· _ ‘V 287. Liam fainting to mints extended to `sqpay o$ces.-5A 3 pxovisyans ot law for the regulation of ‘x;:iiuts,_ thqgomrumeu ‘ at smears, ang:} wrsons employed thegeiu, and for the pgiuisl » mem at all offenses connected with mintgior coinage, phgll ez

 to all assay owceq, as far asnppliéablef (R. S. § 3562.)

Chapter 8.-»-COINS, OOINAGE;-.AND QCURRENCY; M W COIHQ AND COXNAGE _- ' 311, Pcilcy of `United States ab' tc tqimetallisxixy , - .

3l2. imemntlomi memetari conference commissioners. ’

Eg;3. inuxmdcmi bimcvauism. ·_ · ` '314.·8£•§1la1‘·d naw oiyvalue. . 4 315. Gam épgiqs of United 3tatcs; weight. 313. Silver géins; weight, _ . `31¥. Him: mine: weight Amd alloy. _ ` _ 318, gum; seduced iq w&i¥h¥ by ab:-anion. _3h19. o1,g01d· cciui. ` ’ _ - 320. Recclmae at uncuramxz iubsidiary silver coma. 321. .Sté¤dard· tm- gold ani! silver coins. _ ·» . 322. Cum: yminibimd, _ · l . · ·· 823, Withdmrii ct duccntinued piecu~ and recomgge. "

  • 324; inscriptions an coins. ’ " · _’ ‘

325, =G¤1§ n¤d_si1v·ez§ bars. _' A g y G '· 4 326. Exqhnzagu of gow coins for gold mrs.

  • 327; Caiaias mid bu111¤¤;·n—ct'uam1 at depositni .

328. Silver bulitsm ter {arming into bars. · 323. ‘$Yeig3x;¤g and valuing bullion. . 3%. Assay at human. ” _ “‘ ‘ A · 331. B¤1mx·t_c!‘q1mity_¤! human xihaycd, 33::, Charms_tor gmuvgrting bullion into com and bam $33. Same; rtéudard goldhulllon. — ‘· - » _ 334. Vé~x·i§c1tic¤·c!.c¤!cu1ati¢na of vglue at deposits} countewizutx - agrtwcaxtg. " * ” ‘ . , ~ Siégfg. £*‘urcham at milling {cr silver minagez si1vm··p;·c¤t hind. 83% Phying pai mnt mms for gold coins. ‘ . _ _ 837, Exchn¤;¤·o¤f subsidiary alive: coins tm- Lawns! mnai. ` ·_.$38.Ss.m·¢, ·‘_ __ ¢ E39! tram¤;$0rta,t!0¤" bf silver mia; W

 349, P ur<;hs•,s¢ of metal for minor coinage ; piictlt fund.

— 841, 1>.·m·ex·: alumina: coma; redcmptipn. x ·

   T ,

NEY AND FINANCE jd .c.‘ BS 342. Cleaning, reissue, and recelnage ct minor coins. ly 'iransfexk (gf bullion for formation into lngots. . ssuy 0 ngots. _ ` Zh 345. Delivery of l¤g0t$ for coigmge. ld _346. Standard of ingcts used for coinage. he 347. Preparation and stamping of bars for payment of deposits. ,8 geviatiaxg allowzed in adjusting weights; gold coins, - . ame; s ver co ns. ‘ · » 350i Same ;_ minor coins: ‘ as 351.”De1lvcry ot coms to superintendent and trial `of pieces, BS 352. Sealing and u·zm·=mltt1u‘g, trial p1ec&. - in 353. Disposa1s.ot clipplngsj ~ 354. .Y0m·ly settlement df aizcqunts. LH 355. Allowance for wastuge. - xd_ 356. Statement qt bala.rxce_sheet forwarded to Director of Mint. c_ 357. Delivery of c0iu`0r‘bar§ to depeslter. '

, 358. Payment in money to depositors when value ascertained. ‘ ‘

·0• 359.‘Payment for bullion in coln`cert1§i:¤tes. » Lt. _ 360. Egchahge of uuparted. bixlllqu for hue bars. 361.`Re1lnlng and pairtlng bullion, , ‘ ’ he _ 362. Same; crchange of unparted bullion for Gnd bug. 363. Assay commissioners. ` - ‘ 33 364. Standgrd troy pound for regulation of coinage. all 365.~ Standard weights for mints and assay oillces. le 366. .Destruction. of •bverse working; iles. · 0 367. Courage, for taielgn couiztrles. R . _ .’ _368. National and other medals Qtguck at Philadelphia Mint. . 389.» Money arising from bhargec and deductions covered into'Treasury. xd '3'I0. Transfer- qt bars to depositary; redemptlcm et cola certmeaten or c- exchange for gold 'eoinn. — _ ~ · · Dt 371. Declmgl pystem natablishedq V h · l 372. Value ot foreign coingi bow ascertaineti. 6 373. Recolnnge of foreign-coins. 16- 374. Spanish ang1·Mexlc·£m colixs. _ to 375. Same: transmission for "recolnnze. ,i_- 376. Commemorative celns; laws applicable. __ “ '377. Gold $2.§0 .pieccs and sllver_'50·ce¤t pieces in commemoration 0;, n' tlge one hundred and Bftieth anniversary of the signing et the S. _ Declaration of- Independence. · _ · 7; 378. Silvei··50—ce¤t plecu ln commemoration at e¤e_hmidsd‘sn¢l tltueth. . . I anniversary of Battlrof Bennington. : . . H 379. Laiws applicable to coins authorized by sections 377 nhd 378.. at . •· CURRENCY bfj 401. United.StuteQ‘k0tes. · - . A _ e !· 402L Limitation of amount of Unite! States notes in elreulatlouu ‘4®. Issue ot Unlteé Btatealk notes ol small denomination.; and retire- ·* .‘ _ ‘ ment at notesot lxlgher gencqiuntions. — » . ` 404. Further cancellation cr retirement pt ~legal·te¤der notesi pre- .· . ; 405. Silver csertlncateq; irgmanee ter silver dollars. .400. Dencmlngtienq qt silver eertitleates. _ 1407: Redemption pt fractional currency. _` ·` . _ ’ 498. Gold reserve; r&empti¢¤ at llntted Statm eaten and Treasury , ``l7‘ xx ctenagrelsspc at redeemed hates. " . . ` 409. Additional mean 'tor maintaluieg parity and strengtheelng gold Q . reserve. · . “ . f _ . 410, Treasury noftéxgrs @1 te¤du·:_¤dt1<>nl·bnk reserve firsts. 411. Cmmellatlen of Qrqépry netsw on; colnnge et qllrex; clollan and · lmxe atvsllrer. eertmcatea. ._ . , ‘ “ _ _ 412. Redemption nt Treasury notxwrlth rllver dollars; _ 413. Portrait! at livlh§¤§’r¤·¤=¤r on bends er; noteh. °. ._ .~—»’/J ‘ *414. Names-inscribed 1 r portraits: I . 415. Engraving md._pr1¤.tl¤g nets, bonds,. are ether 'aecurltles. 416.'M¤.¢;h1¤&r!, msterlalg, shdxcsngloyeea ¢¤Ed_ eucerjs. 1 417. Expenses at issuing nqtes. · i ‘ { . . · 418. Distinctive paper ter United States. necurltles : contracts tor., 419; $•;ne; amlttw iingpleyeu ter drills. · ° `. 420. Beplsalni matil ti notes. . · ", 421. Dentmctim of ¤0t¤.,,‘ · .- ‘ Nj 422.. Same. “ . . · · - 423. Lmmderlag paper mane:. , _ 424. Counterfeit notes tqbe marked. · - 425. State tgntwn., . * ._ - · _— xg g2?. ?me; nztionpl not sttciytedr I _ ° - 2 2 .. _.._ ales an ‘_r@ 2 s mm. ; 428._“?§cld eertlceatefln exchaagé for geld- bullion. 429. `bewsits at gem cola; gold certlilutes. _ _ _ 430. Same; by. superlntemtentn ot iiilrntq or sssnyern ot assure ces. ‘ ~· ’ _, ·• ` V `, CROSS ·REE'EB&NCK . -_Clrculgtl¤g notes; aee_Tlt1e 13. _ _