Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1011

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99; TITLQ $1.-—··MONEY_4 f§;,w»€»>;; mm the Trmsury of the United States. (B. § 352$ ; the lm.; 54,1906, c. 1861, 34 Stat. 132; Dec. *2, 1918; c. 1, 40 uni Qilkga · “ x ” h { V

_ Delivery of mixmr cpins; re;§cmption.—The_min0r coins c. si

WW·g;¤»fi by this.c·1‘{apter may; at like discretion of the Direc- 3

   lim Mint, be dadivered in any of the principal cities and I1;
 alwm of the United States; at the cost qt the paints, for tim
m~§~¤»rlutilaz;, and shall be exchangeable at_par gt the mints cag

_ w;§,»;§ at the disiéretiml Gi thé Su,p6ri:3}gndan°ts, fm: any other the M; < of gifspmzr, b1·0nzc,_ or- copper-nickel authorized, and; tt nu: lm; iso lmwfm for the flkwgaxsurer and clepositaric-as qt thelluited ent Si? M m ;·e·deem_.~ in la_wful.m0¤ey, under such.rules' as méaybe Vgup l ww·;·;:»»{1 by the Secretativ cftthe Treasury, all cqpper, bpqnze, J ard

 wpgm-ni<·k·sel cdins authorized by law when presented in _$5;(

,5;;;, asf not less than and whenever, under this authority, (R, l gil {mins are presented fp1·"redempti0u.._i¤ such quantity as to ·191

 me amnunt outstanding to be redur_g_dant,°the Secretary of ,.3

like Zl‘ri·z:sury is authorized ui1d required tmdirect that- such- vcr (·§;ézm;~g mall wasg until ctherwisé authorized by him; (R. S. sin; gg sgszea; Ama 24. 1.906, é; i8»61. 34 Stat. 132.): » —- ~ the ‘ 342. Cleaning,' reissue, and reccinagc é?~mi1wr c6ins.——?1‘h¢ lc. 6 sgwmxary of the-Ttgwsury mgyg transfer to the United _’_Stat¢s_ mm at 1’hi’lade1phia,‘1'0x· clcunlngfand reissue, any minor c<§i¤s mir M-—éx·<=~<l at the officesjot designated depcsitaries in excess of dev my m;uiyeh:eum_for the curgent `busigsvess of said biiices; (June twc ~;, is:sT, c. 2, § 1, 30 Stat. 27; May 29,_ 1920, c. -214, § L`41 <;.·£ Sz;a:.<$.’35_.) · · ( l _ __ l3 . 343. 'fransfer cf. bullion for furmatién intis `ingéts.-·—Pm·éels The uf hzsiiiml shall be, f1‘(5l11_fiI!}Q td time, transferred by the super- flm immeient to tha superintendent of melting gmd réiining depart- wh zmm. [ A carefu1`reco—rd‘ of lhasa transfers, noting the we-ight; rec uml vliamctef ot the bullion, shall ”bc_kept:; `and vouchers shall. coil iw mkell for the délivery at ghe gémey duly peceipted by`- thér by ?§>z:;¤ ~;i&1té;1de¤t cf_ melting and 're§ni¤g;depui·i_1ixént. The buh `_ the iw; thus placedyixx the hands, of the superintendent of `;11elting` ata uml reiining departimsent shall bé ssubjwted tolthe seve1f9.l;prqc· · .prQ .<»~».l·>; wvhicirmay be necessary td form it into ingots of thé legal} to l `mzzllisnxxi, and of a qgality suitable for coinage; (R. S. `§Y 3530; sha Au;. 23, 1912,1::. 350, § 1, 3’1_Stat. 384{ Jan, 3, 1923,.c. 22; 42* ang 2—<m:‘.1103,)_ _ r -" * , - U I " for n 344. A®§y of ingats.———-The Wingots so ‘prepar¢<;l lshall be as- moi f*1i5`i‘*}· It they prove tc be within the limits "ullozwéd ·fo11"dgv1a-€ ~c. E filu; fmm tlag standard, the {assays: digll qertity thé `mcf to the 3 >1s;¤·ti¤tc§degt,» wha. shall thexpupon receipt for the same, `innd ery mmsfer them to the M supcrlnmudeht pf. coiuing department. to: 11:.; S. § 3531;. Aug. 23, —1912;`c. 350, { 1, V3'? Stat. 384;¤Jan. 23; ill-` 1€#t33,·c. 22, 42 Sat. 1103.)/_ { — . ·` _ _‘ ._ A V tail . 345, Delivery af ingcts fqr minsge.-»—Tha superintendent c0i1 shall,1 {mm time to fimc, deliver to the mxperiuteédent pt coin-y for imf department ingots fm? the purpose. oi? coimmge.- A careful tho

·<·<,:¤l>fd of thm? tigggilers, noting tha weight ami chnmcfexi bf ~ me

me bullion, shall befkgpt, had vmighers shall be taken for the __sa.¤ i}£*li$`:(3I’}’ at the mgm, duly mcelptad by thanuparintexzdemi atl nga <:<‘·ini;lg depg;-mem`; 'if+ha, ingots·'§,hus.pla¢ed in the hands G2. the me superi:1$mdent" of mining départment shall be subjected to A cloe me eseveral processes uecemary to- make from mémfcoixis in all tak w,»;¤·<:;s lconfcrmable to law. .·(B... S; l` 3532;.Aug.; 723, 1912, palm <·. 350, § 1, 37 Sm;. 384; Jah; 3,19%,.::. @,42 Stat. 1103.) mit 346. Stmdandl af ingéts for wi¤sge.—-·-No ingnts shall tm {lll; usedrfcr cqmage which dwg: mam the legal standard Wmora {acc than tim fgllpwmgl pmpénitllmé, namely; lu _`gc1d.‘ing0ts;· hm- the tl¤¤<>usgln~dth; in slim: lngctu, thxéwthausamlths; · in min¤1·- `ot — coinage alloys, `twentyilve mcushndghs, in the propaistioh at dHi('k8}. ·_(R.. 8, I 3533e)" "~ " ‘ ~ - the J3}?. Prepgntiun md stamping af bars fm- yayimnt of de- ant Dcsxts;-—i-—’iIJhe mperisxwudent at melting Q:;d·mm1ing depnttment thé Shall pregam gil bgm reqmmd mr lhs ymerit of dégioéits ;» #@111 but the beam theme! mall ba asceiaixmd and stamped; thé

my FINANCE § 352 reon by tha assayer. The superlmtendepli of melting and re-, ng débartment shall deliver such bars to the suparintémlem;, 0 shall receipt for the samel .,(R._ S.·*§ 3534; Aug. 23, 1912, 50, § 1, 37 Stat. 384; Jan. 3,1923, c. 22, 42 Stat. 1103,)

 Deviutitmé allqwed in adjusting weights; gold c0iras.——··

adjusting thé weights. of the gold coins, the following devia-· ns shall not be exceeded in any single pi’eca: In the d<mb1e·

le and thejeagle, 0ne·halfQdt a gmim ixi the half-eagle and

~ qug1rtér=eagleQ one-fourth. gi a~graiu. Amt in weighiuga, ubgzr of pieces iogether, `when delivered by the superintendof coming department tp the Supcri11t‘<—mdem:, and by the gerinqenglent to the depbsitor, the deviation from the stand-· lweiglxt "shall not {exceed onelhundredth of éu ounce in )O0 in_d0ub1e—eagles, eagles, halteagles, or quarteveagles. . S. 5,3535; Sept. 26, 1890, c. 945,} 1, 26 Stat. 485; Aug. 23, ll 2, cg "35Q,`§ 1, 37 Stat. 384; Jan. 3, 1925,.c; 22; 42 Stat. 1103;) A L49. Same; silver c0i¤b.·¥—In *b.djusti¤g_ {lie weight of the sil- éoins the following deviaticms shall not be exceeded ih any glé piece": In the dollar, the halt ami quarter dollar, and iu dimc,.qne and one-half grains. (R. S;} 3536; Febt 27, 1877, $9, Q Q, 19 Stat. 249; Mar. 4,1911; gz. 267, 33 St21t.-1354*.) , L50. ‘Samc_; minbrn c0ins.——Iu_ adjusting the weight of the Q l01‘· c0ins__p1·0vigicd by this chapter, tllgre shall be no greater lation 'allowed tllQIl three grains for the 5jcem: piece and >Qgmi¤s.fbr the 1-cent piece. (R. -8...5 3537 ; Sept. 26, 1@0, D45, § 1,26 Stat. 485.) i‘ N` ‘ _ _ [ »51;’ Delivery bf coins to superintendent and trial of pieccs.e-· e superintendent, of ruining department shall, from time to ne, as (!6lH§,_8IZQ prep»ared,· deliver them to the superinteudeht,” 0 shall receipt-. for the same, and whoishall keep la careful nid of thei kllld,`HElH1b€I‘; and actual wjeight, In receiving ,

 the duty of \the’superin`tendént m ascertaqn, l `

_ e t1’i8.1. of a number ot single piecseg se~ps,rat@y, fwhethér » coins of that delivery qre·-» within the legal limit; of tls: _ ndard weight.; and if his trials for this purposé shall incl? · vé sa§isfactory,· he shall cause all the cams of such delivery be weighed separately, and such as 81‘B`Il0t·'Of légal weight lll bé defacedvaxid delivered tc the sixperintendeutl as melting ·* l · ré§ni;§g `department as stsndagcl lwullicéa, to be again medlinto ingots and recoinéd`; or the whole deligary may; it_ re cq:.nvehient,¤ be remelted.r (R. S. Q 3538; Aug. 23, 1912, S50, §”1,‘37 Stat. 384; Jian. 3, 1923,%;. 22;.*42 Stat. 11Q3.)¤ 52. Senlipg and transmitting trial-jpiecea;-=-,&t every deliv- ‘ of bolus made by therSuperi11t€1idcan{.-of coming department _ a superlntezidexit, ltshall bexthe duty of such_·superintenQe¤t, the ptcseméé of the assayér, to take indiéc1€i¤*&,ir2atel§jé_d cern number of piacw of each variety fgr thé annual trial of ng, the uumbeii for gqld pains béing nm: less thas} cme piece. each oxié thousand pieces or Kany fractional part lot one lugaxjd pieces delivered; and for silvérl coms one piece mr sh {wd thousand pieces Jcr any fractional *pa,rt of two tlmlrlcfpieces `dellvered. The pieces so takeq shall be carefully led upmiu a1reuvel0pe,{ pr0p3s·rly'lal1=<>led, stating the claim of delivery, than number and denomination of the pieces ini sed, mid the amquxft of t ha~dglivm·y from whiélx they were mz. < Clixésc seiléd · parmls contaiininlg the rescéved pieces .ll“ be deposited in a pyx, designated for the purpcxse gt back xt; which shalrbé kept under the Joint mm otalhé summa-! dent and asmeyar, mid bé so secux·ed`tl1s1t neither `czmlhava MQ td ils contents without the; plregseizcw of the other, and mmrvéd pieces flu theié sealed cnvelcpés frém this c•;»ixm,·:·<·; each paint shhll. be transmitted quarterly to the mint ut, iladelphla. A mcbrél shall glsc beakept at the same tinm of nxgmbefaind .danqmln&tlpn of the pieces sgi taken fnrlthe mal trial of colds, and 0( the number and dennminzxtion of pieces lmpresentecl by·th¢m gud so delivered. a copy` of lah mcord bball Aw trmsmitltcd ”quzu·terly’ to the Director of Mint. Other biéces may at any time be taken foxfsuch