Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1025

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· 1011 TITLE §1.—-MON EY tion 543 of this title. it shall he the duyy of éch c01i;ptr<>ller of :1 ` customs, as {check upon the C0_u€CtOI* 0{ the customs, of their. respective diétficts; Mid of Superintendent S0! mint I and branch mint, as a check up0u‘the_t1·@.surers, mmctively,-. · ui ti mints, or the persons acting ss Sixth. at the close of meh quarter of the yur. and ag mqch offemr as they are. ‘ mmctecl hylhe Secretary of thé Treastiry t9_-do sc, tu examine Hm books; accmmta. reiums, and money ou? baud., , of said. depeysiturws, c<§ll€¢t0l‘~S, CTGSSUTGPS Qf the ujint ahd mch bfauch xuiutfand persoaasmzting as such, audit;} make a .fu1l,.·a<,:puratc,· ° gm1°f$i{}lfl1l§*P€fH?D of their évnéliticq t0. the Secrcta>1?of the- . _’1‘réasi1r=y. (RQ S. § 3650; ,Oct,'f%. 1921, c.‘114L, §. 1, 42 Stat. ` 2*08; Sept, 21,*19%,c; 'I;`it!e'»IV, § 523, 42 Stah"974.) · _ - . U 559. Same; Cqaét S¤i·?cy.—>·Admuces qt rponej {rmt: évuilabigz appmpriations may be made to the Const and <;;e.»m·¢ic Survéy and by authority of ttge super@nteng1ent.tLnereo¢ ·W' tu chiefs of parties, who shall- givebcud pnder such rulgs and ·| regzgaiations`. ddd in sulclr sum as` the Secretgri of Gqmmergre Hwy direct, wd ._ acc0m1ts_ érisiug puder su<;h* advancw shall liv rimdercd through and by the disbursing 0@cc1=’df the Coast _‘ mid Geodetic Survey té the General Amquntipg Omceps under advances mafde tdclaiefs of-parties prior to July· 1,1918. (July · 1, 1918. ,c. 113, '§ il,/40 Stat. june 10, 1921,*0. 18,] 304{ 43 Stag. 24.+) __ . _ · - - ‘ - Chapt.c1·.. .1.-4-AP§’ROPBIATI0NS. __ ‘

 ..<  V  ·“
  • 551.- Contents at estimates af. appropriations and statements ot expem- ‘

diturgss and estimated ,e;pe¤d§tures; itatements nccompanyiqg V iump-sum nppmprintionsl . U - _ . · _ · · _ ` $$22. Statamcxéts require;} with estimates top; lump·sum appropriations. ' 583. Enumémtisn at estimgpes required. . ._ · 584. Expenses Liberty loans: ‘ ‘ g`

 Maniac: ot cpmmunicstiug estlmatges. ‘ _ _ . ‘

586. Order and arrazggemeut ot mtimates and general appropriation` ‘ bil};. . ‘ { _ " .- { 587. Fggimates nat conforming to reqhtrements rearranged. - 5%. Estimates for printing gud bmdiug; only appropriations made for printing aéd -bi¤1!i¤g ugéd t-hexiefor. _ V _ _( _ 5%%. Sa¤xe;other oacem. ·. ‘ ‘ _ ¥ _· .. ‘ , - 5%. Same: Geclogiml Survéyn Coast and Gmdctic Su1=vey,·H)rdrq- Q _·$¥'•Phi¢ Omw, {yd Signal {Service. ' ·59i. ‘Est.§.i:1a1es; ici-salaries. _ , . L _-·_ _ ' E 592. .Repm·ts in egtimates ot numberj and salaries ot i_ue§lci•;ut eng- · . phases:. - . -’ » ’ · * _ . 593. Statements in estimates of cbuditiem of ·busin<:ss.iu departments. ’ 5}%. itcqgisitcs ctgztimatek for sppreprintiohs for imblic works. ‘

 595. Staigmants lu estimates ot lguildings rentged. · _ ~ · '

596. Estimates; statements in of G0ver¤i:1c¤t—0wned buildings in Disi _ trivt ot Cnhambia. ‘ . ‘ ‘ · · _ ~` " 597. ‘Smm; ndqiticmnl explanations. ‘ » ‘. ' .598, Same; aspmmt of outstaniling apprepriatmnq designated. · _ _.'Z·99. Same; statement at }3€!'S0§1l• employed at mints and sissy ofbcep. - . 606. Same ;, ic: Coast Guntvd. ‘ 601, Same; smarts at person; gmployed on public buildings add ex~ Q bcagliturea tcr_’repni1·•. ‘ . _ , . _ . . ·’ 602. Same; gpprqprjntlmis to retund illegally amuse; or ‘cc1lccted reve· ~ _ uu~é`tnx¤._ ‘ , , . . ‘ 603. Same; to: Foreign Seagvice., ‘ Y · " g .604. Bam; for irive:·a¤d·hs1—bor improvements. , ` $95. Sam ;_ to: mmtmction m·'modcr¤§;¤ of batteries. 606. Sam; tm: iortismtism my mmm: possessions; _ " .· @09. Same; stgtemeats in at number sqdmainriea qt persons employed · unda: gppmgrktiqns {dr mama ¢!_Nnvy. V ~ 610. Sam; fm: Péqt 9#¤~¢e· Department. *· as 611. Same; for Railway Mail Service. _ _» · ` 612. Kumi; Geélqgicnl 8 . · °_ ’ 613. Same :,m:=’ Indian nppwpdatioas. . 61*.- mm; mr nassaui QH;. ! · · Q A ’ $15. Sauzg:-fer e:;>ens¢s‘o£ Q-134 ,t¢l'&‘i$0l‘in.L Aish? Fithil ]\li’I§· _ _ . · dicuan n{ Deis•rtmLe¤t_ ¤£· Justice. Q V ‘ 615.*1+; M tar expense. at gwemment in Terdtsdu. » » By!. Same; mumm tar D¤putm·¤n.t of Agriculture. _ _ $18. Gum: tar ‘ 819. &¤¢; {ar ¢&c¢u and emplaygs to; Belarus: bt Fisheries. _· 620. Same: for cspemeg at regulating immigration. . 621; far Panama Canal; e · ·, 622. Bam; compiyta; np§ pzriuuqg. ·

ZAND FINANCE § 550 éecf .. . _ , 823. Same; elimination of unnecessary worcksn 6.?.4.` Sami; ;_ statements- accdhpéuying. - · » 625. Statement of {proceeds *0f sales of qld material. . 626. Statements ot money received from prccccds oi public pwpéfty - · or dthet sourced, and ohpnymcuts ‘tbercfr0mZ ·· “ ` 627. Ccnétpuctiou ct appropriation acts. 628,., Application of mohcysi nppropfintcd. - _ I . 629. Lump~sum upproptintions; not available fur increascdisnlarics. 630. Same; sukaricsv iq! ncicutihc and technical employees of Depnrt- ·- _ "ment ot”Agricu1turc. _ n · { , 631. Drafté for War /nnd_N:;vy.·Departments: _ 632. Restriction on paymcuts on account ct Postal Service. 633. Charge against fund ‘fTruu@0rt’ntin¤ and rccruitingf for trans- - L portatiem of man diéchatgcd. ‘ 4 - » » _ . 634; Appropriiticns for Navy controiicd by Secretary; fc: buregus " ‘ kept scpu·a.tcly./ _ · ‘ _ u - ‘ · · . 635. _Appropg·iatiunq Qfoz Burcaud of Yards and Docks avniiable until ,. expequea. — - —- , , ’

 Rcst·x·icti0¤s“_upo¤ unc ct appropriations {cr “Increase' nf Nivy "

· uixdcr Burcauct Ordnance. ’ . , 'cv _ ‘ _ _‘ 637. _Co¤tingc:Fc expenses ncbpayablc fiom appmprkxticns Qt Nam} . _mm¤;;¤ume¤e. - - ’ * _ _ . ‘ · . 638. Restrictions upon nppmpfintions for nrdnancc cr Ménnncc mute! .~ tial or jnntcrial purchum .the;·cw‘itb. · · » ‘ , — 639; Credit to npp;·opriatiuu· “Pay miscellaneous " ct premiums in-cm ~ _ sale of eicnange. · ’ ‘ ~ _ ‘ 840. Clothing and pnulrstores fund. _, ~ 641. Naval supplies; pugchasc, and cthssmcaticn and tune, fc: Navy,

 - and not for bureaus. · . ‘ »

642.. “Navai Supply Account ”; purcnnscs chgrgcd tc.; c¤ts from "`Gcnéral Acconutlot A.dvnnccs,"L:ctn:ncd. ' 643. Permanent Special working fund :‘ tzbarmc Rninst And crcéité tc. ` 644. N¢v‘nl,Suppky Acc0u¤t‘fu¤d";»ch¢r§e¤ . 645. Prtcm ofmateriai expended fron Bgvnl Supp!} Account; nt .. ccttniu material aft prices. d _ __ · _· V ’ 846. pvérncaq ckntgés chnrgcq nggtnst aupreprlstiws. . 6517. Direct and -i¤·dircct dwrtcc inclndcé in cunt di wpfk nuéer anim! appropriations. _ / .. ’ . ‘ · 648. Equipment oumtd charged against nppwpriatiun “Increase ot tlic ’ Navy, construction and machinery? - ’ 6;t9.- Expenses o!=—ccx·tai_n naval nuiilinrics. charged spinst sppreprtaf . { tidn “Fuel und transportation? ' ‘ 650. Charge against fu¤d` “Pay of the Army ” az detained pay. 651. Disburscnicuts; for Signs} Service.- . ’ . _ 652. Apprdprintiqns for Quujtermnster Carpc ; nc- payment of extra- ` d duty pa; at Wcst.Pctnt. . , _ —» 653. Appropriations for hcrsea;·expc¤diturc¢— scum. _ · · 654. Appropriations for support c£,Army; use {nc supplies for su§‘nc—‘ "qucht years; “I · e 655. Appmoprjatious fo; ordnance-stores am unttinn, available tn; twn · year;. ’ I - , _ _ . · “ 656. Cost ct transportation of material changed to sppmpiintécna tc: · · work in connection with which tmnapnitntkxn charges required. Y 657. Appropriations ‘ for Q1-dnnucc `Department; no cxncnditurc fur frcig1it·ch&rgcs. _ . ° . . ‘ " · _ · 658. Expenses ot manufacturing opcntium by Chic: pt Ordnance " ' charged against ippfoprinticnh therein:. — . ‘ 659. Usé ot mntenisél procured undcxq ani nppmpkigtten by Chic! .ct. Ordnance. `_- { . . - , __ ° - 680; Expenses cb Ordnance ‘Depnrtqcnt in procuring ntcres tnr other ‘ - depapunents or bnxrenns. { , » a- 661-. Kppmphatiun for Coast and Gcoéctic Survey; p»nrcb•s;c¤ {mm. 662. Apprepriattcm mr Bnrccu ct purchases from 663._E:pc¤diturc• tc! supplies. tn: ccnita and jndicini wc ‘ . 664..Appr¤i1rihtinn for furniture, ind r6p•ira__,tu:· public buildings; pertain expenditures wschinited. _ . ‘ _ . 665. Expcndituré in cicéa . of npisreprlatiemn: voluntpy acvtce .£0»r- » , hidden; nppcrticgnnxcnt ’c£· nppreprlntionc for ccatingcut V cx-_ · muses or ctncr gcncmi .. purpdsca. _ _ ' ' 668. Gntuitcus acrvicc at `nwmbcrn ct Reserve · Corps. 667. Contracts tnrgtnel fdr public building in ndvgnce at appznprintinnn 668. Ccgntricts tg: tucl by Sccrctgry nt Wu without twat! 710 current GM. kppcrticmncnt of ccntinxcnt tundct deptrtngentq to o$c»s and • ' e ,um“§O . · _ c·r9.°1.··ucuiu; ur -pun-ugrnpns in G€€§I’$IB0 amount apprepngteq, ° ,_ M1. Apgféprhtioun for contingent cxpcnaw ot Cungrcu; restricticns. 672. Exnennu of écimnhaicnn and inqumce. ‘ ( _ 678. Um ct pnbktc mcneys cr nppmcriationc toe: compcnsuticu br cxpuaécf commission; dctnjls tmm executive departments tb - such communion pmhibimd. * - - ‘ 674. Bégtricticns cYn_ contingent npprupriutinno. . 875. Inn mntinnst inndnt ' 675. by Depaxgtment nt Commerce. #