Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1027

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1013 TITLE 3l.~·-MONE lump-sum or genefal appropriations. (Mar.- 3, 1915, c. 75, g 1. 38 Stat. 858.) 5 . ¢ ‘ . M { 115) Clerk hire in oliice of disbureing clerk for payment of pensiens.<-F.§tin1ates in detail for clerks and others employed in the office of the disbursing clerk. for the payment of pen-» eitmé and the amotmts to be pwd to each. (Aug. 17, 1912, c. 301, § 1, 37 Stat. {$12.) . . “ (16) Department of C0mmerce.—Estimates in detuil‘1’or all pcrsengxlz services and texi all general and miscellaneous expenses for the Department of Cemmerce. (Mar. 3, 1903, .-_ 1006, §' 8, 32 Stat. 1082 ;· .Mz3r. 4. 1913, c. 141,,5 1, 37. Stnt. Mft {T) Steamboat Inspection Service.--Detailed__éstimates` for .su1u;·ies gud contingent expenses of the Steamboat Inspection Service. (June 25, 1910, c. 384,,518, 36 Stat. 773.) me * -( 18} Alaskan ish l\8t¢h¢i'i¢8.*·ESCim8t€S tb cover the cost of the establishment and maintenance of fish Vhatcheries in Ala1sk:1,Athe salaries and actual traveling expenses ct officials necessary to the proper investlgntion,'/iuspetstion, and regulation of the Alaskan Esherim `nnd h•,tcheries,‘ and` eueh ether expenditures as mny~be`»necessm·y te carry out the ‘p1·0visions 1 of sections -230 to 242 of Title 48. (June‘_26, 1906, c. 3547,, § 12,34 Stat; 480.) ‘ ¤ - _ ·.(19) Shipgilng wm¤lssimers»` and, ¢lerks.—-Detailed 'esti-. mutex fer compensation ot. shipping commissioners. and gclerks ~0f shipping commlseioners, tcl- services under section 331 ot Title 510, estimates therefor t0. be stibmltted to. the Bureau of the Budget by the Secretary ot Commerce. (June 25, 1910, c. 384, '§ 7, 30 Stat. 773.) _ _ ” _ ` _ (20) Census 0Ece.-—-Eaitimates ln detail for the expenses ot the permanenf Census Ofllee. (June 28, 1902, c. 1301,} 1, 32 Stat; 456.) Y . ’ _ · . , (2;) Federal Trade CQ¤miSBi0R.*EStllll&t€8 in detai1 ton · all expendltums axxyaepttue Federal '1‘i·_ade C-ommlssion, (Mar.? IZ, 1915, c. 75, $-1, 38 Stat. 841.). _- ° (22) (Expenses of Department of Ldbcr.-—Estima€&_ de- ( tail tot all personal servlcu and for all general/and miscellaneous expenses for the Department e£.Lnb0r.· (May 1, 1913, t tz. 1_,“§ 1, 38 St;. 2.) _ Q . ( , '° - (23) Bnreur of immigration and- Naturalization; division cf t, infornatlean.-#-Detnlletl éstiiuntu jfcr nppropriatkms ~ quired for additional; assistants, clerical and otherwise, neces- ”s=ary to maintain 1 division of information ln the'-Bureau of immigration and Naturalization, Department of Lnbqr. '(~M&I’, 04, 1907, c·%18, |¤1,'34 Stat. 1329.) . » ( _ ‘ i (24) Etpews of collecting internal revenue.:-—-An estimate in detail, by collection districts, ’ct·the expense et assessing and the expense ez the collection of internal- revenue.; (1%,3. § 3071.) · . · · ‘ ( (25) United j&•te• Penitentiary, McNeil: island, Wa¤h.————·— Estimates ln detall`fo1• nil expenses or maintaining the United _States Penitentiary it McNells Island, Wnéhlngton, including salaries ei all neeennry cticers ind embloyees therefor, the estimates. to be subxmtttedtc the Bureau ot the‘Budget'by· the 5 Att0mey_ General. (Mny 27, 1908, c.‘_2i)0, {1, as _St&t..374,·) (26) Personal services ln Indian _0&ce.--·Fetlma,tes' in de- 1 l tail tc: all pefsenel services required in the Indian Omce. (Aug. _23, $1912, c. 350, 37 Stat. 3Q6.)' · -. , n ` V _ 584. ‘Expensei of Liberty b•ns.—··——4Estlmute; et appxcpxfintions shall be submitted to‘Ge  ; ~;=e : in the mnnner prescribed by law for exfaensmintlsing in céunedilon with we loans anthorized- by the varied; Liberty @4 Acts and the Vlctery Liberty Loan Act. (May w, 1920, 12:214, L1. li sta:. 048.), , 585. Manner of pemmunlcatinr e¤»timata•.——Est1mnte• qt expenditmies and nnpreprlatinns lcémmunleatod to the-· Burnt: me ‘ the Budget mall specify, as nearly as may be convenient, the ,_ murees {mm which uetlerlvetl, and the calcu-

 lnticmd npen which they an founded, and   discriminate

ry AND 1-*11vANc1a — § 590 between such estimates as are conjectuml in their clzamcter `aml such as are framed upon actual information and applications from disbursing officers. They shall also give refercxxces l tc axiy law or treaty, by which the proposed- expenditures are, l respcctively,_auth0rized,· specifying the date ci each, and the "vclume and pagé of the Statutes at Large, cr of this Code, as the case may be,.and the section of the Act in which the uuthmfity is to be found; (R. S. 5 3660; Ju11e_10, 1921, c. 18, §”215, 42 Stat. 23.) _ {_ _ - " * 586. ()rdcr’m1d arrangement of (gsgimates and general apprdprieticu bills.——Thc estimates f expenses of the Government, end-supplemental or deficiency estimates, except those for sundry civil expenses, shall be prepared and submitted each yea:-accbrding to the cider and arraugeméutuf the apprepriw tion Acts fo1'A'('.b·8·Y€8.1' preceding. And any changes in such torder and arrangement, dud transteggucf salaries from one ofiice or bureau tcfanother oiilce or bureau, or t’h€`C(lI1801it18.tif•H· of 0mC€é-0l.';bi\1l'€&UB desired by the head; ot any executive dei partmeut may be submitted by note iz; the estimates. The' committees of Congress lin reporting general appropriation bills _shall, us_ far as- may the practicable, jcllow the general order aud arrangement of the respective appropriation Acts for the ·yeai· preceding. (June 22, 1906,`c. 3514, { 4; 34 Stat. 448; Sept. 8,1916, c, 464, 5- 4, 39 Stat. 830; Jlme 10, 1921, ·c._ 18. 55 203, 204, `42 Stat. 21.) _ _ ‘ f_ ; .· ‘ — .587. Estimates not cbnfursuing ta requirements rearranged.-When estliuatcs hereafter transmitted tc the Bureau of the Budget for submission to Congress do not in term and arrangement comply with the provisions of Section 586 of this title, they shall be rca;·,rnnged"s0 as tc comply with said ·requirements of la-W. (Mer; 4, 1909, c. 297, S 4, 35 Stut. 907 ; June 10, 1921, c. 18,:55, 204, 215, 42 Stzt. 21., 23.) . \ “ . t . · ‘588. Estimates for printing and binding; cnly appropriatioins made for printing and binding used, therefor.———Thex·e_ shall besubuiittcd in the. regular annual estimates uuder end as a part of the expenses for ;‘ printing and blm1ing," estimates tot `all printiug`a¤<l`biudjug required by cache! the executive departments, their bureaus and omces, und other Government establlshmeuts·at' Washlngtonf District of Columbia, fo1·_ezxé~h ihscal yegr; end ud appropriations othenithau these made spegldcully and s0lely¤for printing and binding shall be uhsctl fur such purpose; in_ hny executive department or other Gcvem> ment. establishment `iu the, Distmctn ct Columbia ; Pyovidcd`, That nothing in this`scction shallapply to stamped erwelepes, or envelopes and articles ct Stationery other than le_tt“erhemls and noteheuds, printed in the course 0t~manufacture, or to se, much of the printing and binding as ISVDCCPSSQPY to expedite the.-work of that bré!1ch'0f"Thc_Adjutaut Gener¥1l’s Otllce that was~·formerly kuownl as the Record aud. Pension (mice?} the ` War Department., (June 30, 1906, c. 3914, 5 2, -34 Stat. 762; Mar. 2, 1907, c. 2511,,34 Stat. 1158; Mar. 4, 1907, c. 2918, § 1,

 Stat.·1§61; June 10,11921, c. 18, §_ 215, 42 Stat. 23.) .

°`589. Sgmei `other ¤mccrs.—-Tlze amiuul estimate for zgppmprlatious for every ether public etllcer who is auxlicrlzed tc' have printing and binding done at the Govemmeut Pri:1-ting Otllce for the ueebt his public cmce,"` shall include such sum or sums as may seem necessary “fqr_printi11g and biulling, to be executed u¤_dcr the direction of the Public Printer." (R. S. 5 3661} July $1, 1876, c.'_246, 19 Stat. 105; Jun. 12; 1895, ·¤. #23._!\17, 28 sm. ece.) · . - · . 590. Same; Gcblcgical sm¢y,» Coast and .Geede¢ic- Survey, Hydmgrgphic OM¢e,‘md Signal Service.-··All printing and cu- ‘ gruvlng ic: the Geological Sui·vcy,“ the Coaet and Geodetic _ Quxvey, the Hydrdgraphlc omce ut the Nayy Depart·ment,, »»md_th¤ Signal Service shall be eetlmated for `zgeparutely and in detail, sud appropriated for seperately for each of s'z§id“ bureaus. (Aug. 4, 1886, pc. 902, { 1, 24_ Stat. 255.) `