Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1041

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\ e \\ ., .1027 » tt i mrw 31,-—.KOH§C 754. semhd third Liberty ba¤i;‘ img; tiicates nf i¤debte@ess.r—-In {addition, to tm` bonds euth¤t·ized/ xw sectioh 752 of this titlethe Secretary of .the'1*reaeury is ° 1 ,,§,;1.0ri24ed` to bérmw fr0m‘tiwe to time, on thecredit at the- ’ limited Statesyfor the purpeses. of sections ,7§2·t0 754, 757, 758, . — 7m, 764 te 766; 769, 771,773, end`774 ot this title, to meet · _ public exggmditures eutheniizedtby }aw,-—such- sum or wha; aq . in me judgment may be necessary, and to tsspetherefor- certin, Q. (·;;§*s_·Sr0f {119 States at BOt pal'! _ in subh form or fcrmeiahd subject tg sgch_ germs: and c0mu_ » ,;.,,,3 and at sueh rate or retes pt interest as he may-prgscptne; and each eertiécate so iésuied shall be payable at such tigue not »;—.¤·eodingAne year freni the {late 'of gits issue, may he · 1,.&s·u1imble`beforefmaturity upon such terms and conditiq`ns, um! the interest ziceruing thereon shell he payable at 'suélvtime he times as the.Sec;·eta1iy of the Treasury may grescribe. The sum lof such cértiiitmtes outsthhding hereunder and uxider sec-» {mi 755 offtliis titleyshall not hihany time ‘exg:eQd, in the aggrei-` gmc $10,o00,000,000._ (Sept.`24, 1917, e; 56, § 5, ’40 Stat. 290;_ zxpr. 4, 1918, c. 44, 5, 4, 40 Stat; 504; Mer. 3, }919,_c. 100, § 3, 40‘ sm:. 1311.) h a · __ ‘ W . . _ T ” 755. First Liberfyloan; ¢€Yfi§¢§t¢8._0f indebted13ess.-——·.I1ead- _. diiiglll to the bends jmtharized by sections 1 hud 4 of the‘Act ,~.c Apri1;24, .1917 (ciiaptexj 4,·Fortieth Statutes, page `Z°&6)",·‘the Swretery Z cf~ the Treasury is ahthorized . to bqrrow from time to time, on the credit of the United States, for the purposes ot — s:zid·Aet png! t0·~ meet public expenditures qpthoiized by IN',. such sum- or sums asf in his Jpxdgmenthmay be- necessary, and to issue therefor éeftiécntes of indebtedness `at hot -1ess than par ip such form and subject to such terms mid conditions dud at such rate ofhrinterest, not eiceeding 3% per aper an; num, as he may prescribe; and .each·-certiiicgte sd sued;sha1l by yayable, with the interest accrued thereon, at Suqh time, hot' t ¢~£<·ee·ding_ one yearfgom the date of ite tissue, as the Secretary.; nf the Treasury mey _ prescriye. Gerfiqeetes of indebtetlnese herein authorized éhall mot. bemtthe circulation privilege; andthe sum of etich certificates outstanding shall at no time exceed “ in the·ug1;i·eg·ate §2,000,0m,0O0, and stich ce,i··tiiié·ates"shal1-_be ¤—x{·mpt,_ both aswto principal sind intexest, trumiall taxation;] l·:<<·épt estate or inheritange taxes, imposed by 'uuthority of the , Pnitejd States, pr its possessions, or by a_ny State 0i· loeal urging authorityh (Apr. 24, 1917, c. _4, § 6, 40 Stat. 36.) · ·> 756. Loans tq meet public -expendi~turee; certihcttes of in- Aebtedgms; limitation; counterfeiting.-—'1‘he Secretary of the ’1`z·<>ashi·y is Eutherized to borrow, from time to time, at I1 rate {ur interest not exceediug'3 per eentum pe1·'e.1mum, such sum or · sumsms in his judgment, may be necessary tc. meet public expenditures, mad tejssue therefor eertihcqtes ot indebtedness in suehform end in such deqemtnmtionq as he may pr®ci·ibe; aid t=zu·h_ eertmcate s0 issueti shall payable, with the thtetest aécmed, thereon, at quch time; hot exceeding one yenf from; the date or iwimue, as the Becretarybt the Treasury. mey pre-! eerihe : That the num ofauch,_certi¤cates—·outstau_ding` ehail at no time exceed $300,000,000,_ and the prpvisiqne ot existing Law r ing counterfeiting and other; freudwlente practices, are extended to the bonds `nedycertinmtes of in- <lchtedn@s authorized by this- section. I (June 13, 1,898, c. 448, § 32, 30 Stat; 466; Aug. 5, 1909, e. Q, l 86~'Btat,_ 1I7;`Ma1·. 3.1917,e.169,¤"401, ®_Stat.1008.), / _ ~; ‘ , A 757, @ Libértyleansg additional loins; war-' savings eertiicatek-<I¤ addition to the ’b0¤ds authorized bi é=t"•(‘fi9!i 752 ei this title and the certmcates ot indebtedness authorized by SQ¢ii;0n 754 fe! thi; title, the Secretary ci the _*1‘n·¢gasux·y is authorized to botrew tram time to time, on the enjeflit ‘ of the United Qtntes, for the purpw at sections 752

 fd 754,.757, 758, 760, 764 to 766, TM, 771, 773 and 774 of thid

title and to meet public expenditures sutheri@ by law, such Rpm or sums as in his Judgment may be neeewarj, add to isahe

Y41v1> FINANCE r _ §‘761 5 therefor, at such price or prices, and upon such terms and conditions as, he may determine, wax-Savings » certificates [of the United States on which interest to maturity may be dis-, counted in advance at such rate or-_ rates and coxpputeet in such/·manner ss ho may. prescribe. Such wanssvings cen tiiicate shall be in such form or forms, sind suliject to esuchr téijxixs and conditions, and may have snclyprovisions for pay- ment thereof- before maturity, as the Secretary of the Treasury ,» mayjrrescribe, `Ench wat-savings certiilcate so issgued shall, be pnyablejatsuch time, not exceeding me years from the date of its issue, and may be redeemshlol before. maturity, upon such terms and coh_ilitions as the Secretary of the Trcgxsufy many - ‘pi·escribe.— The sum of such wagsavlngs certmcates outétsludl ing shall not atany one timeexceed in the agregate $4,000,- . 000,000, Jlt shall not he lawful for any one person at sn§· one time tohold wabsavlngs certificates of anyxone sériw to an ag·— 'gregate amount exceedings $5,000. The Secretary of the Treasury-1ni1y,,under such regulations and upon such tennis and conditions as-he inay`p1yescribe, issue, or cause to he issued, stamps to evidence _ payments fo1E_oi·`·on account ot such, ceftiflcotes. (Sept. 24, .1917, c;_56, §· 6, 40 Stat. 29}; Sept. 24, 1918,, c. 176, l§_2, 40 Stat. 966.; Nov. 23, 1921,`c. 136, $.1402,.42 Stat. 321.) - 758..Bonds . and certiicates not to cheat cixcihtios privilege.-¥—None of the bonds. authorized by section 752, ot this title not of the ccrtiilcntes authorized by sections 754, and 757 oflthis title shall bear the circulation priéilege, (Sept. 24, 1917, c. 56,, S. 7, 40 Stat. 291.) “ '- 2 ‘ · Q. _ W 759} First Liberty loan; sppropriationjo pay expenses.-——In order to pay all necessary expenses, including rent, connected with anybperationmunder sectl6ns`746, 755,'759,.!764, and 804 of this title, a sum not e1ceeding`one·tenth of. 1 percentum of the amount of certmcates of indebtedness therein authorized t is hereby‘uppropi·iated, or ss much thereof as mdy he necessary, out of any_m0ney in the Treasury-n0t·oU1erwise appropriated, to be expended ns the Secretary of the Treasury may direct: Provided, That, ixfaddition to the reports xequired by law, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, annually, on the mist Monday ln December, transmit to the Congress h detailed statcmennfof all expenditures under such sections. `_ (Apr. 24, 1917; c. 4, ss, 40 sm¤.s$1.) · _ _ . , _ . J ’ K 760.. Second and third Libertflosns; aappropriation`. to psy eizpenses of issue or bonds; report of expenditures.-·—In nlyder · to pay all necessary‘expenses, including rentyconnected with { "a_ny operations under sections 752 to 754, 757, 758, 760,. 764 to 766, 769, -771, and 773 of thistitle, an sumnot exceeding oneilfth of 1 per centum of the amount of bondsand war-saving certlhcstes hud one·tenth of 1 pci ceutum~ot_ the amount ot certillcates of . indebtedness therein authorized is hereby sp— propriatédi, or ss much thereof as may be necessary, out of any, gnoney in the, Treasury not otl1erwise·'#appropriated, to ·o l»e·· expended as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct: Pro— vided, That in addition to the reports required by law, the' Secretary ot the Treasnryshall, annusllypn the first Monday in December, transmit to the Congress a detailed statenxent of. all expenditures under such sections. (Sept; 24, l917, c. 58, { 10,,40 Stat. 292,) -. N " ' p 761, .A_pproprigtions» fof expense girailahle for subsequent A public debt 'issnes.~——·-The spproprlations contained in sections 759 and 760 of this titlegare hereby made applicable to' any opelfations arising in connection with sny public debt woes made shbsequently to June 30,-1921, pursnant to the authority contained ua sections 746, 752 to 755, 757 to 760, 764 to.766, 769, 771, 773 and 864 of this title, `and section 84 of iljitle 12, as imendedhnd supplemented: Provided, That with respect to operations on account ot any such issue mad}? alter June 16, l 192]., such sppropristions shall beuavstlsble only until the close 6

ot tho_£sca.l year next following the nzscsl year in which such