Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1064

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§ 30 TITLE 38.--NAVJGATION 39. Grand River, Missouri, above Brunswick.-Grand River in they State of Missouri above the city of Brunswick. in the cmmty of Chariton in said State, is declared to be not a · `navigablc stream and snail be sb treated by the Secretary 01 War and by all other authorities. (Feb. 15, 1905, c. 57§, 33 Stat. 715.) I · l l 31. Iowa River, Iown, ab0v¢,T00lsb0r0.—-S0 much Q01 the Iowa River within the State of Iowagas lies north bfthe town 01 Wapellé, and s0‘ much of the said river, within the State 01 Iowa} as lies between the town of Toolsboro hud the tbwnoi Wnpelln, in the c0unty.of Louisa, shall not ’,be deemed a navigable river or public highway, but dams and bridges may be éonstfucted across it. (R. § 5248; Aug. 18, 1894, c. 299, §1,2sSm¢.3:s6.; · . " _ t- _ 32. Lake George, »Missis.sippi;——I;nke George} in Yazoc Gonntygin the State of Mississippi, is xleclared to bg not aa . navigable water of the United States within the meaning ot the laws enacted "by the Congress ’fp1:` the preservationy and . protection lot such` waters. The right pf- Congress to alter, amend, or repeal this sectiqn. is hereby cxj>ressly'reser¢.ed. (May 24, ,1922, c. 198, ii 1%-2, 42 Stat. 552.) - _ ‘ · _ ~ 33. Little River, Arkansas, from Big Lake to` [Marked Tree.4-—Litt.1e-iRiver, fr0n1,Big Luke in- Mississippi County tp Marked Tren in Poinsett County, Arkansas, is declared to be not n navigable waterway gt the United States within ·the meaning of. the glsws enacted by Congress fo1; the pyotéctiqu of suchu wsiteuvnys. · (Max. ·2,· 1919, fc. .95, § 4, 40 Stat. 1287.) 34. Mill- Slough orego¤.——¥Mil1 Sloughy ’a tidal- tributary of Coos Bdy, lyingwithin the Iiinits of the city of Mari1htielq1Q State of Oregon, lsdeclargd to' bg not si navigable waterway ‘ at the Unitgd States; within thpmeaning of me laws enacted by Conzress for the preservationand protection of sugh wati>.r- ways, and the consent of Congress is glven to the filling in of said slougli by the. said city of ‘Marshiie1d. (Oct, 23[ 1913, c.33,38S·tat.233.) ·-` _ . . ` .35. Miqbissippi River, West Chanml,__0ppoéite. La Crosse, Wisconsin.---The branch of the Mississippi River` tlowing tween Grand Islnnd and the mainland opposite the city 01 Ln Cwsse, Static! Wisconsimnnd known as the West Channel, .1s giéélared ummvigable, Ind the said city of La; Crosse is relieved of the nycasslty of 'maintniniug a draw 01* pontoon brings over snid .W$t Channel. (Febl 23, 1901, c.. 470, 31 Stat. @4.) ~ - · t . . l . · 36. Mosqnita Crock, South Carolina.-¥—M0»squlto Creek, in. Colleten QcnntyQ 'Bcuth Carolina, is declared to be a `n0nnav1— gable strmm `withln the xnganini ot the Conntltution gud lawn of the United States. (Aug. 8, 1917, c. 49, §· 15, 40 Stat, 268,) , 87. Noclisny River, ·Mis•ouri;-—-Nodaway River, in the counties of Andrew, Holt, and N0daway,_in the State of Missouri, is declared to be not a navigable water · of the UniteH~ States within tha ménulnz 01 the Laws enacted by Ccniress for the prmrvation and protection at such waters. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this is hereby hxpwssly rmrvmt (Feb}15. 191Q, e. 82. is 1-:-2. an sch:. 101.) I 38. Oklumhs Riter, Florida; Kyle and Young Cmil and " Harrison Landing extunsima " nnbatitntw.-·Upon the convey- ·_ ance to the States, free of c0st, title to tha lnnd occu-· pled by what is kncwnns the “.Kyle and Y0nng'O8.nal"’ and the “Morrison Landing ¢xtensimy" pt the samgon the Okla _waha River, in the Statb of F1orldn,"tozethm.* with title to 9. ‘ strip at lsingl on the east side otaald canal oi such width as in thejndgment at the at Hs: may he xgqnired for thai future" widening at sald_ canal and exténslén by the United Stages, the mid and nxtemlcn shall 'bocome nf (wa public wataryvgy-of the United Stntg in plans of the natural béd of the rivcr;· (July 27, 1916, é. 260, I 1, &`8tnt:&6.) _ Q · 39. Ollnla Slqugly ~0r¢g¤n.——;···All ,o£ that portion of Olinln .. · Slough in Lincoln Cnunty, Orqontnbcve a point where a line

AND NAVIGABLE WATERS 1050. · that is one hundred and twenty rods eouth and m¤¤l¤g @3% , and west and parallel with the sectlen line betwem Sectione 3 1 and 17 in tpwnshipéll SOT1th,',l’8D§€ 10 west of the WHlamette I meridian, crosses said stream, is declared to be a` nonnuvlgeexg I stream. (Feb. 26, 1917, é. 119, 39.Stat. 937,) r — 40. One Hundred and_ Tia River, Mi•m§rI.—0ue Hundred L and Two Riversouth ot the nortlr boundaryline ot Andrew Y County, Missouri, as now located, be, and the same is declared E to be not a navigable water of the United States within tm E meaning of the laws enacted by Congress for the preservatieu 4 and protection of such waters. The right to alter, amend, or »

  • repeal this_ section is hereby expressly reserved. W (Feb. 15,

,· 1910, c. 31, §`2, 36 Stat. 194.) _ I A 9 41. Osage River, Miee01gri.——The Osage River in the Steee .. of Missouri above the point where the south line of sectiqm n 15 anc1_16 in township 40 nortlx, of range 22 west, of the tim; E principal meridian, and in the`c0unty of Benton, State ot Mis L sonri, crosses said river, is declared not to be ,efmv1gamr— . stream, and shall be so treated by the Secretary ei War and . by all other authorities. (Mar. 4, .1904, C: %, Stat. 58.), . 42. Platte River, Miss0uri.=—'1‘he Platte River .in` the State er r _Mi-ssonri is declare;} to be a nonnavigable stream within me meaning of · the Constitution and laws `ot the United States, » and jurisdiction over sa¤ld‘river is lxerehy declared to be vested g in the State of Missouri. The right of Congress Ito alter, .` amend, or repeal this section is hereby expressly reserwrl. {Feb]16, 1921,1:. 62, *§$ 1-2, 41·Stat. 1105.) f “ 43. Saint Marys River; (Ohh ami Indiana,-—Sal_nt -Marys . River, Ohip rage Indiana, is declared toibe a nonnavlgable ' stream within the meanings! the Constitution and laws of the- United States. (Aug._;8, 1917, c. 49, S 17, `-10 Stat. 2%.) . E · 44. ._Sturge•n Bay, Il1ineie.·=—S0 mueh of the west fork of Sturgeon Bay within the county of Mercer and State 01 Illinois a,s’lies westof the line between the Qst half and the west. lggli qt the east half of section 25, in township 14 north, ¥&m;¢‘ 6 west of the Iourtli principal meridian, and"m much of the .Q east fork df said Sturgeon Bay aslles north. of the nerth line not section 30, in township 14 north, range 5 West of the fourth principal meridian, ahalfnot be deemed navigable waters ot · the United States. '(Feb. 7, 1907, N0. 13, 34 Stat. 1421.) _ 45. Swan Creek," Telede, .Oliia.—·—Swan Creek, a stream lying ‘witl1in tlie limits of the clty of Toledo, State et]0hl0, is dé- » cléred to' be not a navigable waterway of the United Statcs~ . ·witl1in the meaning of the laws enacted by for the pregservation and protection ot. such waterways, and the cnnsent ot Congress `is hereby given for the in of said creek `by the local `authoritiw. (Mar. 4, 1915, c. 142, { 13, 38Stat..1055.) I n 4B.~·'I‘chul•` Lake, Hisaissipiwb-—-Tchula Lake, in Holmes County, ln t-he State of Mlsstqsippt, ··is declared ‘to`·Ibe a nonuavigable stream within the meaning of the Constitution and laws of the United States. The rikht of Congresa to elter, amend, er repeal itiyis wctionzls hereby exprwsly reserved. (July 1, 1922, c. 266,* H 1.-2, 42 Stat. 818.) . ` Chapter Sa-INTERNATIONAL RULES FOB NAVIGA- . T10! AT SEA; ‘ ‘ { ’ * PRELIMINARY 61. Adopqon of ruler- ter nav1g•t1e¤‘c¤—hlgh 62. "S•.ili¤i vessel? "stmm veq•el,"- and " under way" detlned. _ 68. “Visible " as qpplied to lights cleaned. · ’ · · RULES CONQHNING LFGHTS, `_/71."1‘1ne for liglgtqg- prescribed lights Axclnalve. .I 72. Llghts of steam veqel under; vn!. ‘ ‘ - _ 73. Lights pt vmel towing andthe: vessel er veuele. e s A 9 _ 74. Lightruid (dey signals of wml notnnder eentrel and et tele. ·.g:·gphe•hlev¢§•el. I __ V. “ 75. Lights ot eailinivesael underway and of vessel in tow. 78._L1xh't| ct small vessel under way In had wehther. \ r 6 . f·~