Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1067

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’ 1053 www :.2.-·1uv1oAT101v . me boat into the sedwny, shall carry one albround, white light, m»d_in* addition, on approaching or being approached l>y other xwwls, shall show a second white light at least three feet

.»w the Hmtllglgt; and at a horizontal distance of at least

m·.~,f¢»g_g away from it in the direction ln which the outlyipg z·;··kl.··is attached. . _ . ‘ . (lv) vessels and boats, except open boats gs dotlnegi in subuévisiosn (a), when fishing with drift; nots, shall, so long las mc m·t§\`arc wholly or partly ih- the water, carry two white Eizshts where they can bést be-secu. Such·li;.;·hts sholl be placed ..» mat the vorticzxldistanca between them shéll bc not less man six feet and not more than fifteen feet, and so that the ggurizmzml distance bctwcou lhom, -mogsurcd `in a lime =with E; kool, shall bc riot; loss than five foot sind rmt more than M. f.»vt.` Tho lowcriof these two lights shallnjggm the direc-_ ’ lion of the néts, and both of them shall be of such fl Cll!1lt8.C't€I‘ HQ tu show all around the_hoz·iz011,.ax1d to be visible at a`dist;ax1cc nf siot lc§s thai: three miles. _ . c . Withih the Mcdltcrrmxcsm Sou and in the soas bordering the .··.:zsLs of Japan and ·_]{O1'Q8..S8i·liI1§mHSlli!lg`V_9S8€lS;.Of. less than hvcaity. mus grosis tonnage shall not be obligcgl to carry the l·»v.·.·r of these two lights. Should they, however, n0t~cm·ry lt, zh.·y` shall showdn the sanaofmsitjoxi, (fin the direction of tho not or gear) a white llglgt, iisiblé at a distance of not less mlm cnc sea milé,1on°tlae approach of or_ to other vcssclsQ _' Qc) Vusso1s_ and boats, cxrecpt open boats as dciiricd_ii1 sub} ¤l.ivi;;i.m (21)-, when _¤l1€_H$hlll/g with their lines outhnd at-· m.·l1c4l., to or hauling their lines, and when not at anchor or matigmary within the- ¤i0uuingi_0fogubdivision (ln), sholl carry · the mmcflights as vossél.·a Asking with_drlft.ncts. when shootml: lines, ormfishing with towing lines, they Skill éatjry the lights `p¤·c§xerib¢?d fof a steam or sailing yossol under way, respectf.Ply' U .,` · I I _. · _ · I ,_ I - Within the Malltérfunoan Seo and iii the seas bordering- the c<m.·$ts ot Japan and Korea sailing tlslzing vessels o£_ less than lwczaty tons gross. mmxage shall not. he obligod to cqrrylthe lower of those twolllghts. Should; they, howcvei, not carryjt. they slaolfshow in the same posltion`(in the direction. of tho lines} a white light, visible at a distance of not than one soo mile on the lapptoach of or to other vessels. _ · , N (td) Vésscls whéo chkagod in tragwllug, by which is meant the drngglfxg of an appératqs along thejbottom of the soiv-—— · . · · · 1·’°irst. It steam vessels, shall carry in the sqmoposition as tho white lkfht mentioned in article two ;(u) `a tri-colored lantern so comstructm mad; iixgod as to show a wbltcjliglxt t‘k·om·rlgbt ahmd totoro pointsl ou» oooh bow, ang} o. green light and ‘a rod light over an arc of the horimnr from two points on each bow to two mintsymsait tho boom on the st.a;·l;oard‘ and port sides, `r<~spoc.tively; ai1d'¤0t loss B38.11 si: ‘¤0r more than twelve foot lwlow the tI;‘l·~€010!Bd\lKD{éfB 21 whitelight fn A lautoru, so cousmxctod as to show A clear, xmltorm, and nfnbrokcu light; all orenmd the horizon; » * _ ' Sccoxgd. It sulllgg repeals, shulljcarry a white light li: s. lanlcm, so coostmctod os to show a cloar,‘u¤i£o1·_m, ond unbroken 1i;;;ht‘ull around the horlion, and shall also, on the approach of or to othet vessels, show whoré lt can best be swan a— white ilzarc-up light oaf torch in sumcléut tlmé to projwsnt collision." _ All lights mentioned in subdlylsiou (d) Bust and second shall

 he visible at o. distouco of at least ·tm‘0. miles. e _ *· _ . A

Q (c) _Gy¤tox·‘ dredgem and other vmla Bolling viith drcglze nets shall muy sado show tho mma lights a§ tlfaiviiom. f ’. v (Y) veewelé and boats may athhy time use a ilaroqxp light lbf addition to the lights- which they his by this _ article required to carry and olmw, gui! they my also uq workin; li_ghg;s,, . _ _ N . . (ii) -Ewm·y mlalngl voéqol and every boat undo: one hundm-and toot ln length, who;} at Aucllor, ihnll c;hiblt

um NAVIGEEDE} WATERS § $1 I e. white light visible all around the horizon at a distance of at · least gme mile. Q U · Every fishing vessel of one hundred and fifty feet in length or upward, when at anchor, shell exhibit zi white light visible , all e1·0und_ the horizon at a dletenq of at least; one mile, and shall exhibit a Second light as provided for vessels of such length by article eleven. , ‘ ‘ . · Shelxld guy such vessel, whether under cme hundred end tlffy feet in length or of erxehuudred and fifty feet in length- or dpwergl; be att£1<·hed,_ to g net or other ilshlhg gear, she shall 0n_ the approach of other vesgsels Sh¢j\V‘l1lT1 additiemzxl white light at leest three feetbelow the s;n€h0x= light, and at il herlzrmtal distupce of at least Hvé feet away. from it in the direction ef the-net gear. _ - . U _ (li) _If `_u vessel or bent when fishing becomes stationery in cbusequenee of hey gear gettingfast to e feel: or ether obstruction, she shall in daytime haul dewetlhe dey signal fequited by subdivision (k) ;‘ at Hi_ght,Sht)W the light or lights preseribed · for a vesse1"i1tianch0r·; and durigig feg, mist, felling SBOW’,`Q1‘ heavy raid $t·,>rms` make the signal prescribed fer e éessel at `zmchoix . (See gsubqivision (d) and the 1eSt penegraph of article fifteen.) ~ i ·_ ..`. _- . " — (i) In fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy rain storms, drift- » net vessels attached to their nets, and vessels when trewling, dredging, or Hshing with any kihd of draghet, and vessels line, t fishing with their lines cut, shall, it et twenty tene gl‘0Ss tounage or upward, i·eepectlvely,- at lxliervels of not mere than one minute make a blast; if éteamyessels, with the whistk or _ siren, and ‘ifm.lling vessels, with the feghem, each blast to be, followed by ringing the bell. Fishing vessele and beets et less then" twenty tons gress teenage shall not te glye the abovemeqtioned signals ;’ but if they do net, they shall make some other emclent sound signal at lntem*als·ofuet mm than . onemlnute. ‘ ”- V.‘° c_` ‘ (k) All vessels er boats fishing with nets or lines ext trawl;. when tmderiwey, shell in daytime indicate, their eeeeipetien te an app1·0achlng·yessel by displaying a basket- ee other emcieht signal where it czm beet be seen. ’I£ vessels en @m et anchor have their g&x•- lout, they shall, on approach of ether vessels show the same signal bn, the side eu which these vessels ceu passe . . . _ e Y _ ` -~ The veeeels required by this erticleje carry er shew the lights hereinbefore speelhecl shell not beehllged te carry the f lights prescrlbed`·by_article fomi (:1) and the lest paragraph of article elevexi (Jeni 19, 1907, c. 300, §_1, 34 Stat., S50.) · · · 80. Lightq en overtaken Ye¤selL—>—Ar¢. 1¢}.—·—-A Yeeeel which is ‘ being evertaken by lmetlxerlshell elmwi from her stem` te such le’§t mentioned veeeel e whitelight er ·a flerehp light. Thewvhlte light re;wired to be shown by this article mey be tlxed and cerxried in a lz;mtem,‘ but in such ceee the lantern shell he so consitructexl, fitted, and eewened that it shell thww an _ unbyekeu _1ight.0vexf an arc et the horizon et twelve peints et the compass, namely, ter six points from right eil; on eechslde of the vessel, so ee to be visible at e dlétehee or at least eee mile._ Such light shall be carried as nearly ne pmecleable eu the same level ue the side lights. *(A¤g.»19._ lwtl, e. 802,, § 1, 26 e·Stat. 324.) _ . ‘ · · · T l ~ , ‘ » 81. Lighte en veeeel an anchor or aground.--Art. 11.-:-A ves-· 5 *~eel under one humlreel and fifty feet in length, when et eecher, shell eerry forward, where it cen beet he seen. but ste. height mt exceeding twenty fmt. above the hull, e white light in e“ lantern so constructed ee te shew e cheer, imlterm, and un-? broken lightyisihle ell eretmd the herlwu at e distance et et l lmet mile. ; 4 · . `· A vesqd et one hundred and Sfty feet. erupwerde in length, —whe;n at sueher, shell enmity in the fearwirerd part of the vmel, at A- height et net lm that twenty and hm exceeding forty feet shove the hull, eee such lint,. et er near the stemw