Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1106

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§ 2*24 _ TITL§ 33,-7-·NA»VIG·ATIQN· · 724;; Gantucts far matcrlalsgmacéwiiy for lgttixgr- ’Ali matérigls fa~:· mnstruhtion, _¤¤as,i:1t<ma‘¤ca, repair, am} spamtiq:1 shall be p:·6c11md by public cm1tracts§ under such régula titans t as` may fmm time to time beipresaribed by jthe camgnis simser, sizbjéct tp me apprqval of thé Secretary of Commerce gm! tm mgtract s§al1— he made kxcapt after pub1icYadverftisetmént fm- pmpasals in such farm mid manner as to ·S€*Ci1l;B geni ·ex·a`1.`natiee thereof, ami the same shall only be made with the 1mw$¥; and best bidder therefor, ll{}Gl1 secugity deemed. sum {cient is the §udg&cmt of the CGmml§SiGB£f of Lighthmisés, bm all bids may at any timabe by the ccmnxissicmzr Pm»asid€§, haaémteai, That the Gmmizissicmexf bf Lighthéusw may pzarclaase illumiastiug, oil, wicks, and cl1imm>ys`fo1‘ lights, am · gmum:1 tackle for light Yeséels ami bubys, and to an ammxix " amt gxceeding $5Wat any cme time, otlxci ixiatérialgs and ·sup ` piles when fmmedi§te_ delivery is reqtiired by an éxigencg, by d private cazatract or in `thé open market, if he deems it fof the _ best interests of the sérvice sb tq dc; tmtisucla purchases shal bé set forth in the annual report of the, mnaxixissioner with tlm reasons for puzclméing othér than upon bids after public ad vaftiéemeht. __ {Smile 17, 1919, c. 301, Q'8, 36 Stat. 538.) ·- _ 725. Pmltthiticn against u§ccrs and employea Being intér Fcsted in csmtragts far "énterials, etc.—¥N0 member of the- Bu wsu at V Lfght imuses, Superixittaudent · of Lightlibuses, ‘ liglq keeper, é1·‘_ other _ person in mgy mamner coxmeéted 'with th Lightfcausel Servi£·a,· shall, bel interested, either directly bryin

 directly, in any céntrgct for 'labor, ngatextials; 01- supplies fp

[ the -Lig+hth6use Service, `or in may patent, plm1,_01·’ modi-:,0 cmxstructian gr illumiuatiim, or in any Vtrtlcle of supply fo the Lighthouse, Service. (B. ,, SQ 5 #380.) . — ~ ` 726; · Fuuiishing supplies, etc.;fm· spécial works {mm gcxiera stack.-——Supplies and equipment fogkspecial works oi »the Light h0u§e,Sé1‘vica *may be -fm·1tished from general. stock aud` tl1 appmpriaticu `._" Lighthouse Sersjice, General Expextsesf rein burseed t1¤·~rcf91·‘ {mm the-respective appropriations fog speci: - works. ‘_ (Mar. -4, 1913,}:. 168, 37;Stat. 1018,)* _ ’ , » 727. Lighthouse and other gites; hecusity for ccskién la State af juiisdictima.-—N0 -15 éhthouse, beacon, publiq piers, c 1 lanilmmk,. shall be built or erected pp guy site until · cessic ' of jurisdictiau {wer the sgme lids been made to the, Unite

 States. ("R.   531661.) ·   _ ' .

728. S1{&cicm:y of ééssian by State; sgréjce of- State proce:

 in lands ceded.-·—A cessiou by .9. State of jurisdiction over

place sélécted ds the site `cf a lighthoaisé, or othq; stmctux or work of the Lighthouse Service, shall he deemed ·suiHg:ie1 withtiu the preceding section, notwithstanding it- contains; rmtervatiuu that process issued unqér autlwrity of stick Stm qmay éomlinué to be served within such place. And tnptwitl standing any sucl1.· mssicém of jurisdiction contain.? ii1u‘su< rt·;=ers·at,ic»n, ml s;>1·<>ccs$ may be saved and executed within tl ·* piat:é {ceded, in the same maumzr as if no passion had bee mask?. `(R, S, 4662.) · · U. ` ·" Q . ~ 729. .Pm·clxasc by commissioner of sites fm lighthouses.- 'Lls;. (?c>:mnis>·i4mgr of Lightheusécs, utxder the direction Qfi tl S;~;·rptary~ of C0m1¤€·r<+<¤, 1% authorized, whenever an appfupri tina:. is made by (‘¤>1ag}·g:·¤s fmfa new lighthouse, tha, prop ·2si:e‘fm· which does not belong tp thejthxited States, to pu (‘li2i?·3{}& t1m»’ue»<·e·¤swaéx·;*. mud for Vsuch site,. prévided“ the purcha ·. ngmwy be pzaid'f:·<,>m the aafimmt appropriated for su<:h__ligl1 lwxzw, without exvéeqirag the limit of coxt; if any, Hxed in sue »<·:1>:s¤. (itztw IZ, 19lQ, c. §301,»§’ 9, Stat: 538,) I ‘ 339. Pszrchaée of acwitimml land far lightlwiasé mad d pots.—-—-'1‘he p=.i:·<:h;;1>—:·e bf xxemxsary satlditimml la"}! for light; at titmss and dvp<>t$ is autlxtvgized under rules px#•aé:·scrlibegl by tl Se{+r¢m1ry of (`iommerch: Provided, That xm gmgle agquistth of suéh gdditicmal léuui Qimll (mnt isi excess of $@0, `(Mar. 191;%, c. 168, 37 Stat. _1Q1S.) ‘· ‘ E I _ 731. Leaéc of sites fag temporary lights.-—-‘I'he,C0xxamistsion st Igiglxtlmuses is authorized to lease the necesiapy ground I

AND NAVJGABLE _}VATERE ]()g2_ · &11‘g¤gu’11g1s¢s axgd bcaccus asa aw f<>r fempodri use gy? are · used to out changeable éhmimels, and which in c<>mg£‘ - - qu€me can me be made permanent. (Mar. 4, 1909, Q, ·’ 35 Stat. 972.) l · » . * ‘ , A ‘ Exchange nf right 0€_%1¤!’.P6¥€¤i¤i¤g· t¤` 1.ighth0g8_e ~ j 'Sg?·y;ce,--The Secretary of Ccmmérézé is &uth0rize d, ~.·.·1.{.H{.\.,..£ -‘ hg ghgll dekm it gdvisable. tv ¢X€h&Bg*& RHF fight of sway- Q5 gm { ` 3) United Stakes; in cgmmction.with lsnds pertaining to the mgm. - house Service fo; such other rig§t of way mmap be :;e1x.·zz:$:§. tf gaoué to Unc sgrviég, under smh tegms and cxxrsditimm as hs xm: ¢ giecny to be for, t1xé/ best,iu£eré:—.s.ts of tim G<zvernm@_t; {xm} ig} Y case any expenses, not exceeding the sam 01 $@0,. are im·x£:·>~.·{1 i i by mg Unitgd Statks in making SHG!} éxvhmlgv, the mma Am; K be pa5*aI;le'f1‘0m the appropriation, “Lighilgozzsce Sg;·¤.·i.;.,_ (_;,_,H_ · €1‘8lAEX[}€H$€S,” for tbé fisftéi WSP dmfing Whifshf §u€h.ex{·1m;,;¤;g Y V shall bepiéctegl. (Aug. 23; 1916, E. 414. i 2, 39 Stat. 533,) l . 9 733. Approv_alL by,At#t0r1{ey·»G€¤€raI cf) iaith, tc site béére 1 expenditure of méueys.-y-—NQ miblié H¥6¥¥€§r'_.$h£H be. expe;m;€.3· °_ " upon any site 611 'laml pui·cha%d by. the United `Statos {2;.;- mf, " pqrpoges of erecting therecn any- Lighfhcasé until the v.·;·m..n· opinion of the Attciruey Gexier&1_ shall be had ixyfavari of the " validity of tha titIe,_u01• xmtil the consent of the Eegis1at:m··€;£· l` the State ih vs?hich_the laqd br site may be, tc such'·p¤ure·1ms.€, LF. has beau'. given. “The .di.~m·ict atwtueys cf. the Uxriteel Smtes., 9 upgm"the a`ppli‘caLi<m of the Attorney Gérxeml, shalt fuyxzish any I" asswfhuéc. or infbtmntimx fin their power in rélatiéa iz; me r titles bf the public property lying within their z· €ive fii}:- °f tricts. And the Secrefaty of Cémmerce, upcs the appiicatkm 't_ lot the Attorney Genieml, shall éroéure any additiqml eeiidezwe ll of title whfch he may deém xsecessarj, ami which may mt be; tl. in the possession.}! Ithe cmccgrs ot the"Gcvemmé¤t,__and, the `_ 1 expense. of procuring it shall ‘be paid out of the appraprigtiem. E madb. fdr the contingencies `of the `dephgtment. (Rs S. -5 3235.} uu . 734. Coloring and ·m1mbcri¤g_ b¤ays;———Al1 bu=0}·s __a1<mg the » c0ast,_0r in pays, harbors, sounds, or channels, shall be cuiewd. is :1¤d·iimmbered. 80. that passing up the cuasti 0: scmxd; ’0r`e::z.erir ing the bay, harbor, m·_<:haxmcl, red .bu0ys» with éveu mxmhers In- shud} passed on the starboard hand, biack bucys with uneven

 ‘numbgrs» on the pokt hand, and lgqoysr with red and biacrk

' stripes on cither hand. Buoys in channel ways .·sha1l_ he V<·¢>»i<>:·£·zl 58 with alternate white and black perpendicular strims. (K S. al 54678.) , »_` . _ ‘¥ ` _e M .735, Marking pierhgada ix? certain l$g€§.-—·—';I1€ €§ommissie}¤@¥ Qt I..igbthq#uses.`_·shal1 properly Imggk al) gierbeaqs E>ekmgin.g tv- 8 lthe United Sta.tes..a{guatcd em the northern and m»r;hwe;z<>m he lakes, whenever he is dxily notmegi. by me depaxwamexxt chargeé hg witg__@_hc qorxstructiou or repairsof pierheayls that the c<}zz.»;zmg;- _h tim; Qr repair of any sxgch .pim—):;eadg has Fees; completed. @12. Lé-S.§46Z7.)».» ~ .` ‘ an 736. P18§i!%g warnings, aver ¤bstrg¢ti4>;;g.,-·{1‘~};e Ue,mu¤1i><si¢»:wr — of Liglgthexuses may, when- he eleerqé it. hg nege$sax·y,ipl=1g:e fi

__ 5ligbfvessél,“ or other suitab1e,_w`&ruiz1g of gdaxxgvr. em ur`- ****1

39 amy wreck _.0I‘ temporary nbstruetiem tp —th§` entrapce of am? df ha.1~bor,_0x· in the`·cI1a:meI‘ or ‘f¤irvmy u£.mxy buy ux·;_sou;;.i. 81, (R, S. 5 4616.) . - I * i ’ . n._ 737. Maintenance of anchorage bxmys in Neg: Ycrk {md S3 fqliladdbhis_H8.x’B0rs.···-··It is lmxjétxy rrmeké the duty of the (`• *31* ‘t_ missiogxer of Lighthouses to mrc for mad- maintain the zw- Eh . chomge b\10}"S`_1§_N€W York Harbin: :.md_ 1’1;i£ad e~1p!ai& iiurtm 1 placed there hyuthé Ugxiteqx States prim: to may 14, (E18? W 14; 190§, ci; 168, 5 4, 35 Stét. 16.2.) 5 ` Qa. _ (Sec also secti0¤.472.1)_ _ x .· iw) . 738- Ccopcfatéimx with Césst Guard in mgrléiiig .¢a.ixchm"3g¢ . um gmmnds ·_ in Neuj Yark and _·Hsmptc1i Rgmds Hai·b0rs.=-·-—T1‘he _4, ..Lighth<mae Service shatl- céepersté with°?t1m Cosét ·Guar¢! in marking hxkhcxage gréxunds in the nf New York :meier H¤£i¥pt£m» Roads ‘by[furn1shi¤g`_:xi}d` nmimgming buqys H€’i‘€‘$’

  • 0: sary tc: such purposés. (June 5; 1926, c. 235, §a1, 41 Stat.