Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1111

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_ 1;. \ TITLE 38.-»—-N3VlG'ATION_ Al . 109Y _ ._ .\ __ p H _, { me as he may) deekuhvwhéf for completing an aceurate cpm » of prt-·ry partof the.¢0&§t§· (H. S. { 468]._.v)» _ . 33;:; Additional $¥l{h0¤{! to orkr surveys beyond twenty. _ leggne limit.-——',l`he President may also cause auch examlnnuopg ; `Rm] illlwrvatious G&0l'gQ°S · — { lama, and toany other bank, or shoal, and the sotmdings and l ` ,.,,1-mute, although beyond? the distance of twentyleagnes irony p th., more `jto the Gulf Btfeum, ushe may, deem especially — sul»kl·r·.·iont to the commercial interests of the United. States,. 41:.s.—§4682.)`. v " _ · 2 a 553, Mode of conduttiug surveys gcn—erally.v—All appropria- fions maderrfor the work of-surveying the coast of-the United States shall, unless otherwise provided bywlaw, he expended in

n·4=··r¤l;mce» with the plan of reorganizing the mode of execut-'

.5,,; me surwjeyjwhieh has been submitted -to the President by 3 luinrll of officersaorganlzed under the _Act·of March 3, 1843, · I · ·> • . ·_ l P _' - The Presidentshall carry into fetfect the plan of the board, nr agreed upon by a majority ot its '-members -; and shall cause · . to l¤·_employed as many officers of the `Army and·‘Navy of the. ` ,[i;;i\e·d States us will be compatible with the successful prose- i emlion or the work; the omcers of the Navy to be employed on the hydrographieal. mrts, and the;officers of the Army on._ “ the topographical parts of the work; and- no, officer- of the"Army_ or Xmly shall receive any extra pay out ot any appropriations V for surveys. (R. S- {Q 4683,4684.) . . ‘ . r I ‘ 884. Power to use books, maps, etc., and to employ e perg sons.»--The President `ls authorized, in executing the foregoing provisions relating to the cogst survey, to use allmaps, charts, 4 looks, instruments, and apparatus_'helonging‘ to ._the · United " l stares, and todlrect wherethe same `shallrbo deposited, and to i·m,»1oy all persons fin the land or naval sergice ot the United »S’1_¤ltes,.nnd su_cl1_astronomers and- other persons as he- shalldlwm proper., (R. 8. { 4685.) . W -_ { I · 885. Power to ESQ public vessels.-4-The President is author- · lzml, for any of the purpowspot surveying the coast of the. halted States,·to_ cause to_be employed such of the public ves-°` ` selis in hctual service. as he deems it expedient to employ, and to - give such instructionsitor regulating their conduct as-he deems propor,'aceordlng to the tenor of this chapter. —(R. S. { 4686;.) { . ;886. Manner cdcmployment of oicers of Army or Navy.-- Gxilcers of the Army and Navy shall, as far as practicable, be' enlployed .in the work ot surveying the const of the United States, whenever and in the- manner required by the department having charge thereof. (RQB. { 4687.) { ‘ _ . 887. Allowance for subsistence to amen or Army or Navy.-- Tllo Secretary oi the Treasury may gmane such allowances to the omcers and men oipthe Army and Navy, while employed on _ .···ast' survey service, for subsistence, in pddltiop to their compensation, as he may deem necmsary, not. exceedingthe sum authorized by the Treasury rgulation of the 11th dn! of Mui, lsu: Provided, That there shall be- no ‘allowance for sub- . - szslenco to omcera of the Nqvy attached to the Coast and Gvodetic Survey, except that when omeers are detached to do work away from their vessels under clrcumstancm involving lllelll ln extra expenditures, the superintendent may allow to any such omcer subsistence at a rate not exceeding $1 per day inr the period acuiallydeovered by such duty away. from Such vessel. (R. S, { 4888} Aug. 80, 1890, .c. 837, { 1, 26 Stat, 382.) l

WD NAVIGABLE-WAT§R8 l I l :_· W . 888.jRepcrt. ta Congress bn ccast siu·véys.+'1‘he Secretary ol Gcmmercé shall xjepdrt t0.`C0i;gress annually thé I1i1IHb€l.‘ ind names "ot the persona' employed during wthe last preceding Hscal year upbn the coast suyséey and business connected there. with; the amount qt- compensation 0(evety kind respectively puidtherxi, for whht purpose, and thé length of lime employed ;» and shalt tcpott a· full` statement of all other expenditures made ·unde1··.t1ie direction of the Director 0( thé Coast and Geqae:1q$m·vey._ ·— ~ _ ‘ __ ‘ - ~ . 4 The coast survey report shall be submitted to Congress dur- ‘ lug the month of December in each ycaf, .d1id~ shailibé accom·· paixied by_a°gpneral'chart_0f the wholejcoasts.-61* the- United, ” States, on- aé large a sc`ale’_"as convenient and ‘practicable,_sh0w- " ing, as‘nea1€ as -practica_b1e, the c0n§gurati'qn_qf the coasts, and shqwing, by lines, the probable limits `of the Gulf Sfreaing andsh·5wing, by} linesfthe probabie-iimitg to which the squpdingw oi! tlfe coast will extend, and showing,. by the use of wlors and explanqtions, Pthe exavct portions of _0ur coésts, of which Kcompxexe charts hzivc been published by the coast 'survey; also, showing `such other parts ot the coasts ot whiqh the triangu1_a— tion, the topography. and the Somidiixgs havpbeexi completed, ‘ bmit not xiubllshed, and} also, such pdrts of {hc coasts ot which the- triangulation arid topography, · 01; the triangulation only, have been completed. (B. S- §§ 264, .4690.) I ’ ‘ _ 889. Cooperation with ·_N0rth' Cémiina State Fish Commissibxg in_ survey of wateys of Sthte.——The _Seqretary of Qommérce is authorized and directed, upon the rcofficst. of the Governor of thei State of North Carolina, to designate such\bt§cers, experts, andemplcyees qi the _C0&sfand Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries as may be, necessary to `cooperate with the North Carolina State Hsh`c0mmis$i<mer in making a sugjvcy of’and mdrkiné In ar prominent ·ma1mei· all these areas of the waters bf the soundéy and their tributaries ‘o£—. the State in which the uga of. any or ·gll· iishing appliances argpmhibftcd ~ by 'law; and the Secretary of Commerce is herchy authorized and direéted ,t0 furnish tc the oHiéers,__experts, and employees qt. sgid bureaus so detailed gs aioiesaid such instruments, ·appliances, audsfeaui launehesas may be necessary to make the survey aforesaid; aixd fhé Secretary qi Commerce is hereby. au- `thoyized to bavémade nih the Coast and `Ge0detic_Survey ail the plats necessary. to shdw the results ot ths aforesaid survey, and" to tpfnish to the fish commissioner of the State of North . Caxjolina such copies as may ‘be`»necess·ary. for his mq, and I0: this purpose to emDl¤¥·· in the Qstrict of Columbia and else: where such teqlmically qzialitied persons as. may be necessary to carry out the purposes ot this section. . (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 313, §1,'35_Stat. 1064.‘)` '_ _ , · _ » f _ »_ 890. Marking triangulation points of Néfth Carolina survey.—-·¥Tho Secréfary of Commerce is tufthér authorized to have erected bE_`C0¤Stl‘I1CE6d by "the omcers detailed aé provided in jzhe preceding section, gvhilé .making said survey, such struc-- tures as may be necessary tqmark in a promiugntnml satigfactory manner thp pbints of triangulation so that thp same may be used for suchfutzurb work .0f the Coast and Geodetic Stirvey us the said Coast and Gcodetic Survey may be mrcafter requirw to perfqrm` in mmcuting the Government coasblsurvey nf °the navigable waterg of the United ‘Stat•;es located within the State of North Carolina. (Mar. 4,` 1909{ c. 813, §` 2, 35.Sta.t. 1065.) a ` · Q