Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1120

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§ 193 `~ TITLE 193. Form of himorablc discharge.—Hcuorable discharge shall be granted according to 0. form prescribed by the Sabre tary of the Ndry. (R; S. §-1427.) ` 194. `Re rt of men entitled to h0¤0nblc`disch•rgc;¢»—It sha] _bc the dup every céfhmauding officer of a vessel on return ing from cruise, and immediately on his arrivafirg port, ·t· ‘ forward to the Secretary ofj the Navy a list of the name 6 such of the crew as, in hisnbpinion, on being discharged, ar entitled xtc an j' honorable diSCh2i1°g'€” as a testimonial 0 iidelity and qbedignce; and he shall grant; the same to th personsvso designixtéh. ‘ (R. S. § 1429; Aug. 22,.`}l912, c:. 335, 8 Stat. 330; Mar. 4,‘ 1925, c. 536, "§ 19, 43 Stat. 1276.) ,195. Discharge withixf three months before expiration 0 t¢fH\.·—UHd€PMSHCh regulations as the Secretary of the Nav; may prescribe, with the approval offthe_ lfreéident, any cm listed man may be discharged at any time within three month before the expiration of his térm of. enlistment or exteudeu enlistment withput prejudice to a{ofright, privi1egc,_0r_ bened that he would have received, except pay and allowances fo the unexpired period" not servelj, or to which he would fhérg after beéome entitled, had• he served his full term ot enlist · ment or extended enlistment. (Aug. 22, 1912, c. 335, -87 Stal 331.) ‘ t ' 196. Purchaséof discharge.-An timenot peace the_Presidbn ’ inay il1_hiS discretion, and under suchf rules arid upon suc] conditions as. he may prescribe, permit any enlisted man t· purchdsbhis. discharge fr0m“the Navy, the amounts receive therefrom to be 'covcged into the Treasury. (Mar. 3, 1893 ` c. 212;.27 Stat. 717;) a A A · _ 197. Discharfc for good of service; payments.—¢—Pe;· <ms, dis charged frdm the naval s0rvi·cé"by ldishonoghble discharge, bad conduct discharge, or guy other discharge for the good of thservice, mz1y,'uppxi iiischargé, be paid a sum h0t”`t0_cxceed $25 Provided, 'ghat the said sum shall be fixed by, and in the dis eration of, the·Secrctary of the Navy,-and `shall be paid bq); in cages where the pcison so discharged would otherwise °b{ without/funds to méct his immediate needs. ’(Mar. 4} 1925 c. 536, § 10, 43_ Stat. 1274.) _ N , 198. New rating or promotion as ·n'ct effecting discharges a The rating dt ah enlisted mz1n‘a{s‘a’matc, 6r`his appointmeu as a warrant omccr, shall not élischarge him_f1·0m his enlist ment.- (B. S. $1409.) _ 4 t ` 199; Temporary home for discharged 'seamen.·—-'Pbe Sécre tary of the Navy is hereby authorized to permit any persm receiving the honorable discharge authorized by seetion 19 _tc‘ elect u home on board of ény of the United States receiving ships, during any portion ct the three months granted by lai as the limit; of time ivfthln vbhich to receive the pecqntarg ‘ bmtciit ot such dischaxgc, the- men so choosing av110me tb bt entitled to one ration per dd:} for their keeping whildfuxfnishec with guch home, but not to. hay,. other? thin the enlistment allowance authorized by section 16 of Title 37 upon reenlist mont: Iwwidod, That the persons sq furnished with a home shall bch amenable to such regdlations gb may be prescriibcc _l•y they Secretary og the Navy or ctherf competent authority .(I:"cb 8, 1889. c. 115, 25 Stat. 657; Aug. 22.1912, c.”835, 37 Stat.'331·)‘ { ·· _ . W ' 200. Refund of `bcunty on dischsu·ge.——·-The Secretary of the Navygmay, in his discmticn, require the whole or a part ·0: the bounty almvvsed upon enlistment to be retundegi id casea where mvunre discharged during tlié. mst wit of enliétmepa . by reqizgst, for inaptitude, as dudesimbla, or for disability nc iucurwdixal line of duty._»{Mar., 2,1907, c, 2512Q 84 Stat.`1176.] ’ 291.. Digpa§iti»6i1__cf enlisted men gt expiratimn "éf tem oi c¤list¤c¤t.———-It smh be? the dm ct the commanding cmcer 01 any neat, squadron, or wwe! acting- dugly, whén on serv 2 ice, to send { to an `Atlantic of to a theme port 01 the Unitéd States, as their enligtmenf may have occurreé

e4.-1v4vY · ,.» {1106 s on eitihe: the Atlantic or Pacino coast ot tho United >· States, in some public or other vessel, all petty officers and . pcrs0ns‘ot·in!erior rstlngsdesiring to go theré at the expira- L1 `tion of their terms of enlistutent, or as sooii thereafter 35 n- may bc, unless. in his opinion, the goteution of such p=5rs~ns 0 for a longer period should be ésséntlgl to the qmblic iutcrws 1 in which case he may detain them. 0i' dl}? Qf them, umu ghé g pvessel to which they belong Shall", fi->t\1l‘¤ to Such Atlamic .,, of Pocidc. port. — All persons enlisted without the limits of me e United States may, be discharged, on the expiration of t1¤·i;· 7 enlistment, either in a foreign port or in A port of the dtumd -smtos,.—·or they may be dctaivged as above provided beyum

 the torm of their enlistment. All persons sent home, or (ip.

y tained by d commanding officer, according to the pmvixions. 1- of this section, shall be subject in all respects. to the laws om] . regulations for tlxggovernmont of the Navy until their mum d to an Atlantic or Paqiiic port and their regular dischargw; Lt and all persons so detained by— quch, 0iHcerQ or reiautéring {0 r sérvountil the. return to an Atlantic or_ Pacmc port of the s· vessel to which they bgl0ng,_sha1l in no case held iI1.S€‘I’Vl(·Q.

-3 more than thirty `days_afte1;;’_théir’ arrival. in skid port. »5l1·

t. persons who shall be so detained beyond their terms of pn. listmept who shalL,·afte1·_tlia termination of their ouiiot- .t ment, vgg:¤tarily_ reenter to `SCITVO uixtil thé rotum_ in an tn Atlahw or Pacillc port of the vessel to which they bol·»¤z, c· and théir regular ‘dischai·ge. therefrom,. shall receive for me d time during which they gre so detained, or shall so sorw bo- · l, youd their original t@rms_ ot enlistment, an addition of qm- 2 fourth of their forrixexwpuyvz Providéd,STh§t the shipping zmi1 s-- ples shall hereafter contain the kubstance of this soczizm. l- (R. S. §_1422; Mar. 3, 1875. c. 155, 18 Stat. 484,) aj 202. Discharge of mcn~ under t'wénty··o¤c.-¥-Upon-the_prm·n·

tation of satisfgxétory evidonge as to his age, gud upon appliquny tion for discharge by his parent or guardian presented to tl1€_ t

y_ Secretary wjthinlsixty days after the `date_ of his enlistment, e any man enlisted- in the naval service, Including the Matsuo EQ Corps, under twenty-one $‘<-mrs of age, who was enlisted wim- .` out the written consent of his parent ogiguardiau, if any, sham J be discharged for his own convenience. (May 28, 192+, c. 203. t 43 Stat. 194; Mag. 4, 1925. c. 536, §_19,_ 43 Stat.-1278.) A

- 208, Discharge of men ‘ under eighteen.-—-In cases provmod

tor in section 162 vkhérc it is afterwards fomidyupon ovi5k·m.·<;·

. patisfactory to t1ie·_Navy Départment, that rocmit has sivom

m falsely as to agefsmd is -uudor_ eighteen yoarsaot age ot trio., 4 time of enlistment, he shall,. lupon request of either parent, mgm 3 ·in case of their death, by the lcggl guardiarz, boyoleosed fm§v. v service. in the Naéy, gipon payment ot mil coat oi mst onttif. y · unless, ir; any given Case, the Secretary, in his discretio¤,’sttE}!_1 B relieve said-recrxiit. of such "paymgnt. (M,ar.’3, 1915, c. S3. 3 &38 Stat. 931.) ‘ ‘ ” ju § Chatitcr 3.3-—·GENERAI.• PROVISIONS RELATING T0 Q ’ OFFICERS. ` _ 211. Citizeznshipn _ · i ~= ‘ ‘ 212. Designation of omccrs for command of Beats; number and rank. I 213; From what grades designated. " . __ 214. Dosignstion as not creating vacancies i¤_ grades or increasing B numtgnr of omcers. - · o , `· 215. Detachment fx·om.<;ommand: return to former rank. . _ F 216. Commanding om-cer of squadron; rank and title-; authority. 5 217. Cousulnr powers of commanding owcnm. _ , _ L 218. Ccmmihdlng odlceri ot vessel:} not required to Act gypsy o§c<*l‘¤- t ~219;~ Duty ot ccutroauding otHcer·to_` discourage sale of wages oyrrexr. · 220.{ Duty ot commandiugmhccrs Qu krmiting leave and liberty. ’ 221. Isieutongnt commanders; assignment to duty. ‘ [ 222. Show duty; employment of oacgrs. ` { 223. Eligibility tm·‘shorq_duty, .. , ~. .. _ 224; Seq service; whpt oonstignrxtesnj · “ 225. E§taE‘~ omécrs; exemption from sen duty. [ 226. Esect `otippolntment in diplomnticservice. [ 227. _E¤ect of dismissal or resignation to éacppe d1@l¤n!;·