Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1149

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qt K “1135_ . . ”""'@ ·’ hi ,;,8 Smranlqs ¤r ¢=‘·¤¤’@*¤* °¤‘¥¤*¤· M mh f¤¤¤¤_ Ggi(,_(,!.S (ag théjxavy an Guard who haw hem gncg July. `;_ ;:a25, or Wiw Q3! k°i“¤¤`• P€!'$0d»_b€t 3;;ik3il}{(?fi the the as IN haha by mm in tm Njwy mimasi G\1I1‘d,i sltall take T, -,.y,w2e¤¤·e among thmselvg andswith other cmccrs oi} zcgwd Rcmwe- aecoming to the dam oi tm ccmm1¤sic¤¤€§r» “—;§;~m¤t§ held bi them i¤ tbé N¤VY·`h91‘ Cmwf Guard when Sow-;m·(1 therefmm·-· (Fw-~_28. 19%, ¢· 874, 55,15,. 40, 43 Sm, 1084, 1096.} · ’ r . _ _ ' :4;.1. Precedence with ¢&¤¢¤ ¤f r¢x¤Isr Navy,-—In_ time-or

¤—m·<~ omcers 9; tha Naval Rmrve sltalt take preceglence

Wxvtila but after 0$cer8 of thé same rank or grade in the

¢:u2:{:· NayyZ W'heu mobilized ·with_ the regu1ar.Navy tqr‘

mz-. or ngtionalzemgrgcncy, GECQIS of the Naval Bgsgrve shall; . {Qty me duration of the war or national emergency, jake ‘ ;.,m¤1m;¢c after the Jsmiyf Gi their tive or gractes in me r¢~gu1:u·_’Navy on date of such mobilization; Provided, ·1‘mu Q;1iii·ez·s·o£ the Ndval Reserve of and :5ove the rank 915 iiemtmmat `commander who sclécted for pdvanceinent ih }gt~{·m·¤1; 1uce"with the provisions ct sectiqq 765 ot this chapter t shall, `whc:2 so adfahced, take précedence during the than véxistiaag war or national cmemenéy with 0@(?€l#8 of the !'€8¤U1r·

<;¤·y of the same rg1nk·0r_ grindeju accordance with the qates

mixed in their commissions. (Feb.’28; 1925, c. 374,·.§ 16,` 43 SLSif.1G8iJ ‘· .. ·; __ __' 765. Advancement of ¤§6crs of Nnvsl 'Rescrge- in time at vm? or °‘natiimal’ emergency; pay a¤d`•1loy•¤m.—4Iu time .0i- waz; {nr natiquaf cmergiiuby, omcers on the active list of thé Xaxfvgzl Reserve employed on active duty shall be "advanceyi in gmde and mauk up to .and`i¤cluding tlncidhk of licuténant cmmuzamler with the cEcé;·s_ of the regular Navy with whom or nyxtjafter whom lthey myc prebedepcé iq acc0@nce` with this chapter. and such-_0$cérs of andihboye the faqk of lieu-' ¥(*i1i!§I_{·(J~01HH1$Hd€f'ShQ,u.’b€ eligible im: sc1e<;ti0z;" upon mecom-‘ mwsdzatiou by galbcarq appointed, constitutéd, and approved S required by laév (or die; regular Navy and when" éo selected Mare}-! mneligible `tm·_.adva¤cement, eithexf temporary 0/r permimigm, to the next higher gradc 6: rank in the Navalkcserve <·.·z··:···>;»4»n41izxg' tg suclr higher. grédes or- ranks qs may than exim <t»n_t1;e active list dt the regular Navy, gin such uumbérst ' 1`·=r each grade pr- rank. as may bg brascxftibed t;·0m.time to e _ xiing by the Secretary of the Navy: Pfovided, That H6 officert ~' write Naval Reserveghall be.édvag.1ced»'t0 a.higher·rauk'u;1ti1 he me qualiiied therefor _By such mental, m0m1,`pr0fessionul, _ dw! physical examinations the Secretary ’ of the Navy · my prescribe: I?r0vidcd'f1¢rther,V'1‘hx§t all omccrs of the Naval I lama-»,·e who may b€`8.dYH.I1f2§!d to a higher grsfde or mak shui! be allowed- the pay lgnd allowances of the Higher grade ·‘¤4· mak iromxug dates. stateq th their `cqmmissioitsz Provided im-1i»·.•j, That the provisions of this séctigm Shall not apply to ·t•'t§z¢·cn·s sv-ho‘huve‘ peéia {or may.here8Iter be retired from the Nami Itescrve 1376rcé or t.lia VNava1 Reserve. (Feb, 2S,`1925, .<;.,:¢T4, §·1'i, 43 Stat. 1%~1.) ' _` _ ’2’4;§.. Physical exaniuztiou of of Nays! Reservei disgharge cxnrgtirement far disability.-—-All £>£Hcérs` nt U18fNHVH} · ii»·~<·:v§‘<; shall be examined ~ physically once evefy fbur years;. ur ufwucxy. as °may be d&2d"i1e<:essary, and it upon such amuuiuutipn they avg found abt physically qmihiméd for (active! myiw they shall be hoimrably dimph1‘¢°d_ or,. within the dis—— t t·mmi<»n¤ of the Secmtarybt, the Nah'. Pl¤€€d on the hcfqrary mimi list provided--for imqectibn 767 ct this chapter,. (Feb; 138, 1925, c. 374, { 18, 43t St§tQ,1085·) . - l -_ ‘ 767, Retiremém nf , §£cerg of Naval @¢·rve fm? IIE ’ dr

 lgngth of é¢rvice.—-QiHce;·s ot the Naval Reserve shall be placed

cm an 1wnorary» retired list ot the Navi! Bmw without pay .01j Hilcwances upon reaching the age of nigty-Gm Year!. GL, within cpe mama; Gfjhe secmtaryot t}x¢—Navy, `upch the

L-eNAVX § 781 - cmoerfs own request, ntter twenty-Eve yur? service in the Naval Baerve: Provided,. That servieet an the Navy, Marine Corps, Naval Rxerve, Force; N ationnl Naval Voinnteers,* Naval Militia, Naval Aux1liu·yIService, and Coast Gua1‘d_ shalhbe counted an service in the Navel Bmrve under me provisions. of this sectton. (Feh.28, 1925,.c. 374, { 19, 43 Stat. 1085.) 768. Regulations for recruiting, organization, etc., of Nara! Ruerve; detail of o&eri and neu and fnrniahhg of veeéele and mppliei, from Navy; leave of dame; of United Statu employee; for training duty.-·'1‘he`Sem·etary·ot the Navy shall prescribe all necessary and proper regulations, not inconsistent ‘with, the `provisions of this chapter, for the recruiting, organization; government, adminletrntion, training, inspection, S and ‘mohilization' of the Naval Begrre héreby createdrand `established, and. shall smh omre and enlisted men and shall make avai1able" such- vessels, nrmamentj equipment, and other taéilitieeoi the regular Navy as he may deem necessary and advisable ·ter the development of tm Naval ’ new-ver in # accordance with _ the proviéone of this chapter :‘ Provided; '1‘hat_ all omcers and employees of the i United_ State; or of the District of Columbia, who are members of the Naval Reserve, entitled to leave of nmenee froxn their respective duties,. without `loss ot Spay, time, oi emciency rating; onrh a1l» days- during which e-they are employed, r· under orders, on training duty lor periods mt to exceed tit- _teen days lin any onefcalendar year. /(Feb.— 28,,19%, c. 374, {ao, 4:; smc. 1oeo;‘>'- _ · S, __ J 5 ‘ `769.·Am1ual appropriation of funds for rapport of Naval &eerve.—¢'12he necessary funds- are 'hereby authorised — to be appropriated annually, to he paid out, of any money in the ’ ` Treasury not 'otheryvioe j appropriated, for the pnpport of the N ayal Reserve, tinclndlng all expenses. permining ~ thereto es' r authorized by law. . (Feb."%, 1925, e, 3‘2’4,·$ 37,_43 Stat, 1090.) W 770.‘·A1mual estimates by Secretary of the N ayy.—+The Secretarydof the Navy shall eubmit annually in connection with the estimates for the Nayy Department { a `-statement ehowing ‘ separately the sums` required for the following purposes under `thischapter: » — p ‘ . " · · (a) The estimated amount necessary .for all purposes for the- Fleet Naval Iteserye for the succeeding .Hscn1 eyear, not = including pay andeallowances of former enlisted men ot the hregulq 1 Navy _ traneierred ~ or` assigned *to the Fleet Naval .Reserve, {_ , ·‘ .J _ ‘ _ . (b) The estimated amount for said fiscal Z year required to cover the pay `and allowances of those former enllstedmen ot the regular Nevy,`traneferred` to t2:·Fleet' Naval Reserve. _ * iv (c) The nmo.unt_ést;i1nated for id' Hscal year to cover other annual payment of $25 allowed by Section 783 of this chapter}

  • t0 those? men ot the Naval Iteserre who have been assigned

`lthereto. "(Feb. 28, 1925, c._ 374, {38, 43 Stott,1090.) J Y ‘» THEFLEET NAVAI; RESERVE _ _ 781.‘_Training or other duty; subsistence; pay for éviaxion duty..——·—In tinie ot peace; except as herein otherwlee provided, ondcers and enrolled and enlisted ··men of the Fleet Naval Reserve shall be required to perform suéh training dutyj not _ to) exceed dfteendaye annually, esnmy be prescribed. ltiyrthe 'Secretury oi the Navy, unless excused therefrom for good and S suEcient reasons by direction of the Secretary of the Navy: "Providod, That they may be given additional training or other duty, either with or without pay, as may-he authorized, with 'their consent, by the Secretary or the Navy: Pro·oided·[e¢·tker;

 That when authorined training or other duty without pay is pers J

formed by omcers or. men they may, in the 'discretiowot the _ Secretary of the Nnvy, be fnrfnielied su¤smence=1o‘ kind or A comznutgtion athereot nt·‘a rate to he tired from time to time {hy the Secretary of the Navy; Ando providedjurther, That -o&cers and men while detailed formtraining `or other duty in