Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1151

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H3? TITLE 2 Ewmhs my (gel; last discharge theref1·0~m.., (Felt. 28, 1e25, 4;, 6;% 23, 40, A3 Stat.-1@7.’1099.) . _ qc _ . A ) {8;; qymgfex of mm in regttlaf Nevy er Scwgng in Naval R e and re~@®mg m.1jegl¤;· 2;;,,-,~; pay.-—.—Fmliste<l mee `wlw were eerviug in_ me regunug NMS, ,,,3 july 1, 1925, or Awhe, haviug been dlscharged there- , {Mu @58; fo that date, ieeulisted ri;1 the regular Navy after Jim 3, .1925, and Within mimths from date of sai:} ‘ {H,,,,,·;;—€_ my who weye sewing `iu the Nqval Reserve Fpree en sw- ;_ 3925, ig ee enrellmententered lute wl>thiu·four mpnths l ;§·,,§¤ gm Hate of their discharge from t1;e»;·egulm·‘ Navyljjauel keke Swretnfore reesalisted or may hereafter ajeenlijst in the

,;;m· Navy within three menths Item the detei of their

die-:m·ge’£r¤»m the Naval Reserve, gliallebe entitled to be unus- A i<·:·ml te 'the Fleet Naval Reserve en the completion oi sixteen 4;;- mma yee1;s’ navel service,-end when se transferred- shall, eg- ’»ée;»t when on active duty, be Eildgéd to receive, if_ they heve .§;{¤1 sixteen but lem than twenty yegrsf naval service, pay at ssh mtv of `enethird the base pay received by themat the time Z `— (;{'1I‘iU;lSf(51`, plitsell géermeueut additiqns theretqgkend it they have had twenty or niet? year?} navel Service, gay at tile ;·e,te of mw-i¤::lf of the meepey received ey themjt the time of transfer, plus `all permanent additions thereto: Provided; That the _ pegs? smtlmrhed in this sectiqn shell be iecreaeéd 10 per cenztuui `· my uu men who may be ereeitee with extraertlinapy hereismjn · the lim: ot duty or whose avetege marks in cotiéuct for twenty m_¤·$ A- xme emu mt 1»e_1eS.~; mm 95 per ceutum or tile maxi.

 mum: I’ma=édé¢ further, Tlmt for all purposes of this section a'

vemplete enlistment dming mi110rlty shell be ceurgted as four _ wars` eerwéice, nad ieny enlislqgentl t€l‘Ill1!1§l§8d'. .withi.u tlnree I mlmms priertc the expiration of the term»0f~such enlistment shell he wanted as the full term ofserviee fogwkhich enlisted. wee- 2S,‘1{325, c. s1g1, ‘§§ 26, 40;—43 s‘mt.}i0e1, 1090.-) A ‘ _ 788. Active duty and retirement of enlisted · mee trans? ‘· . {erred under p:»evi of preceding section; pay and allow- _ e¤ce§.——·-In time of peace aéll enlisted men. S0 framsferred to the !~‘im·`1 Navel Reserve ie- aecordauee with the preceding section may he required t0· perform net more thee two lxxicmthsf active rlufy ixlezieh tuur·yeai· period sudelxall be examined physically. . at least ence during each four-yeerhywried, ahd- it upon euchi a examination they are {quad not physipelly quuliéed they shall , lre ia·:m+=ferred t0*the‘ret§red list of the regulef Navy, with the A pay they ere then receiving, mad, upoxe the completion of thirty A Z·‘:>:ar;;‘ service, imzludluguxzavel eervice, time iu; the Fleet Navel lileerve ami time on the retired Het bf the Navy, they shall re—` W ce‘ia·4» the elltmancee te which eulistetl men of the regular New

we entitled on retireeient after, thirty F<¥m·e’ xiaval serw·iee·:

1·*mz·~idcd, That ell enmtecl men se `tfuneterred to the »Fleet Nami Reserve who age pet txjemferred to the retited list purj“li$¥!lC` to the femgoigg provleioue of. this jsectien shall, HPO!} l·e:ep1s»tieu of thirty yeé:·s’ eweice, including neiel service and tame in the Fleet Navel_Rwetve, be transferred to the retired _ list ei the reganlureiblevy with the peg their were then receiving, and the allowances té which enlisted meal-uf,the same rating ere entitled ’o¤ retimment after thirty` yeerS’” !18·V¤l— Service. tlfeb. 28; 1925, c. 3‘?4, §‘27,’43»Stat. ,1088.) A l · l A _7$9· Ilwvectien of Naval Reurvef exits.--Au lqepeetion of NAYHI lleserve malts shall be made at least (mee each year by ¢+H1lCQ1'$'0{v the Navi detailed by the Seéetery of the Navy fer lheepurpose, and gem- amen; shell i·epqrtj`-te the Secretary _f·f ¥liQ hav; upon the·qt;m1i§c•gti0¤e, qrgmxizatiim, and &d inletremm et gid quite. (Feb. 28, 1925; c. 314,} %, 43 Stat. @88.) . THE Mi:·}IlCI~lAIfl’;l‘ MARINE NAVAL RESERVE . {Mfg}- Cempesitlea.-—-The Merchant Marine Naval Reserve shell lr 8i;1(;;¤l¤DQ~ee*d of tuale eltizene of the United States mid of the in- - _ P@*‘wSel0x1s,¤t the United States who mlaloyv ex who have 862’l0°·—·-—~2$+———-72 ( -»’ ‘ ‘ " · -

M-·—-·N4VY § 821_ I " “N ,. followed the eee as a,· yimfeeeioninnd who-are employee}, or who have been employed within thzeeiyeere, ext pubtic fveseels of the United States or such etlxezhseegeiug vessels decume¤ted_under ’ the laws of the-United States as tuefbe epprrevedeby the Secre—

 tary of the‘Nayy.· (Feb. %, 1925, e. $74, § 30; 43 Stét. 10@,) _ "
 892. Txnnsfer of members te Vehmteer Naval Reserve; dis·_

eharge.—0meers and enlisted men · of the Merchant Markle [Naval. Reserve shall be transferred to the Volunteer Navel Ref serve, cr. discharged, three `yeers after they have ceased to felluwt the, sea eb s profession. (Feb. 28, 1%§,‘c. 374, § 31, , 43 Stat.1089,) `“ ‘_ · ,· ‘ “ ` 8§l3._,!1`raining duty;-Qmcers end enlisted ieee et the Mer- ‘ chant Marine Navel Reserve may, txpen their, own, épplieetlcm, approved by directiext of the Secretary et the Nevy," be given the same treinini-g duty, with `or wttbmzt pay, as is provided _ for otllcers and enlisted men, of the Fleet Neval1Rcserve.Y (Feb. ~28,·1925,;c`Z 374, 5.32, §£3.`Stat.-1_%9.) v = · - ·804. Psy of,¤§cers bm! enlimedwm ie time of peace.--In , time aof peace omcers. &·tid.enlistcd"mc1r of the E£ere1m_nt‘Mari¤e Nave} Rese1*ve/ when not °empi0yed cit active duty with the regular Nays? shell be paid per sebum, under, seek regulations; as the Seeretsify 01 the N evi may prescribe, at the rate el not exeeediug one 1D<j31th'S base pay of V their cérrespendiug grmiw, , rerlks, or ratings ju the regular Navyjvhich pei ehellbe agidi- ` tigmal to` any-pay to which' thei m:1y'_‘be entitled fer tteieimg duty: Pmvided, That funds equal t6_th€'&m0i1Bt 'reqeizeé fe: the purpbses bfathis sectiexi shall Etst have beenzmeéte available by the Congress forthts speci§c purpose. (Feb. 28, 1925, c;_32'4, $,33, 43 Stat. 1089.j . ...‘ . '···*"`“`—-_ _` — 5* Q 805. ·Flag`er pen¤`ant.·-Jfhe Seeretefy of the Navy shell pre ‘ scribe d Suitable iIeg or pemmnt whieh Semi ‘ es. ee t `emblem of the Merchant ·-Marine Navel Reeerye eu any seegoing merchant `veseet documented under tlie laws et the United States: Prqvéqled, gfhet such vessel be mrs}; dé;¤igBél{€d·’ by the Secretary of the Navy as suitable fog service age a" mm! auxiliary'in`ti1;ie _0f \V£l1‘2‘PI`0t’i{!6dlfMft}18T,“ That the mastei -0: commanding officer and not dées than 50 pe: eentmp ef" the Qiiicers ate membe£·s of the Navelt Reserve ; And preeided fer- _ ther,. That such Hag he pennant shall not be Koweiu lice et - the `netional epsigm (Fel). 28, 1925, c; 37~1,·§ 34, 43 Stat. 1089.) . 1 · THE YOLIYNTEER NAVAL RESERVE 811-; Active or training glaty; pay- a¤d`e1lewa¤eu.·-=·0“§'§t*ers . · and4jlieted men of the Volunteer _Nevel Iiteeervekhall net be ` required t0` attend drills FOI`: mrferm training duty and shell, receive up ·pey er; allowances, except when ordered R to éctive duty ox; training duty; Provided, Thett they may, upon their owe °apglimtieii,fapproved by the direétio;1 et the Seeiretery et the Navy, be given the Same active ditty er trelniugndety, with-er- ·with0tit peéyés is provided for 0mC&1’S._8D€} enlisted mee of me Fleet Nevel Reeerye. { (Feb, 28,,1925, e. 374,-Q 35, 43_Stet. 1089.) NAVAL RESERVE OFEICERS’_TI{;fINIXG (7031*8 5 821. Estalflishment and operation; éegulatiens; eppeepriw .tiens,fer expenditures; aipmintmeet of members as Neva} Reg . serve ¤$cers; ·-tetal of §erse1,mel.·-··—A N eve}. Reserve €)tHeers‘ Trainlne'_Cx>rps is hereby authorized te be established eee} upevated under such regulations es the Pxesident may prescribe, which regulations shall, ee fel`: `es may be [)§;&CCi€¢1b}€,1 emfferm to the . provisiene 013 _ sections 381 te 399] of Title 16, Aeuw Provided, That the p0sy.·ei·§. conferred therein upon the Secge-·‘ tary cet `W'ar with- regettl te] the]-Re:‘=erve’ iQf¤<·ers’ Treini dug Corps are lgereby éenferred ugion the Secretary °of the .Nuvy with regatd to the Naval Reserve Omcees" Tmiuleg 1C01"])SZ} Provided f·m·the·r, That all- expenditmjee in connection with the eetabliehmeet andepeysetien of the Neva! Reserve 0Hicers’ Training · Cerpe shell be epeciheelly appro- e gppiateek therefor: And` provided further, That members et ' . { l Q ` . P. ‘ ·