Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1195

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‘ 1181 TITFE $.:——PATRIOTIC som uéutof partisan bp;-inclplee., (June 7, 193, c. @6,] 6, 43L Stat.}

   Exclusive right to RlNG•·<*Th9 corporetion and its Stete

ind may Suhdlvieioos shall have the sole and exclusive right to ,,3,,,, and to use in c¤rryl¤g‘_o\1t‘itB purposes nerne “The mimd States B1lndiVeteI‘&!l8 ot. the —World War." __ (June 7,

   S 7,       ' J`   . _ _ . · .

.88_ Right gg gmpeel, ete., reserved.-The right to repeal, _ w,,,_ Qi amend this cheptere at any time is egpreesly reserved. ‘.(§!lllt" 7, 1924, 0, 296, S .8, 43 Stat. 536,) , ·; (·haptor_7.——A}IERICAN WAR lfIOCl‘HERS.__ U lubgjli [l:1'<‘¤l‘p0!'3l'0I‘SZ HSIIDQ. ‘ _ sa; t‘omp`§e·ti0¤ of 01’KRHlz¢\tl0¤. #

ZZ· `lllt 0.4+*. of *Ct>l'[)0I‘HlllOl1,

tall llorgings, _ ‘ · 93. (',sn‘}:nl‘:ll€'p0W€l‘8._ _

»·;_ `l*r·»}wrty; exemption from taxation. _ ’ ’

·*· .· horshi . ». . §u;;><»}l_ll<‘&$. _- · ig; sm. Assets o{ existing t‘0t'p6.l‘8(l0§. • wa, 1-:x··lt;s_1ve right to name. ‘ ‘· gui. ll·g;»m·ls to Congress. · `juf, Slate: :lg{?BtSL i I _ · . . pt:. .xm·pmnce by majority of lncorporatotl. _ wl. liigm to repeal, etc., reseryed.

 103. Prvsent i0¤lC9l‘$. , I .

Section 9l. Incorpontors; name,-—The followlngmamed per- 5.,xlt_ mzmelyf Allee.M._ 1·`rencl1,‘founder, Indianapolis, Indiana;. l Mable t'. Digney, State War Mother, Whi'te·Pll1lns, New _York`.; Mrs. Goorgze Gordon Selbold, _Wash1ngton, District of Columbia; 31.lry I. Iluotington, ‘State_War Mother, Bloomington, Indiana; `l~1,lm»z·tT. Wilson, State ,War Mother, Wwrrensbnrg,._Mlssourl;T l,il»l»i<; Tl¤omas,.State War Mother, Racine, Wisconsin; Virginia _ll··ae11,_.Stete War Mother, Frnnlgfort, Kentucky; A. Shanahan, Sllllo wer Mother, Jersey C1ty,"New Jersey; Blanche A. Bellek, sono War Mother, Philadelphia, Pezmeylvanln ; 'Lydie Burhyg. Smto War Mother, Butte,·Montana; Estelle T. Wllcor, State Wm- Mother, Onmha, Nebraska.; Emile Hendricks, 'State War 3l·»rlu·r,_ Selena, Oregon; 'Grece. .·R. , Montgomery, State- tWar_ lloxlwr, Clmrlotte, North Carolina; Kate C. Dellny, State Wu M·»me·r, Blavkfdot, Idaho; Elizebytll Allen, Stite. War Mother, lA!Vl‘l2lll{l, Colorado; Id¢·' McCullough, -Stute .W'ar Mother, ‘ wwwa, llllnolé; Rope SJ Sargent, State War Mother, San, l'ram·is¢_:o, California; Jessie Monahan, State . War Mother, . l·:m4»·»ml, Oklahoma; Margaret N. McCluer,°Kane¤s Clty, Mlev Mari; (Harrie R. Root, Gardner, Illinois; Mary E; Spenee, Milj»·r:mkm•, x·mt·,,¤g1¤·;,A11,·e.‘ Bronson Qldbanf, Lexington, Kell- _iH<·ky: l·`loreng·e A, Latham, Kenees Clt‘y, Missouri; Mnlmla M. lztgvtl. New Castle, Indiana; Carrie White Avefis Washington, llistrivt ot Columbia; Il. C. Morrigon, Shelbyville, Indlann.: ·¥<~:—us¤·tto Boone, Kgng.;s‘ City, Missouri; _Gertrude ‘R. City, .1·»u4·t. Illinois: Mrs. R. E,. Little, Wadéeboro, North Caroline; llxerlszalxollo Clements. Savramento, Cullforngjn; `Mru. Alice E.- l·:¤·¤¤,¤, ru,·x,1o,_ Colorndo; Mm.-` Mary, Dawson, Idaho Falla, ltlulm; ·Mrs._Jeesle T. Lesh, Chicago, Illinois; Mrs. Harry C.` M,,¤·»·lma». slaelbyville, Indiana; Mrs. Jessie E. Moody. Carterville. Lllseourl; Mrs. J.; I,. Roddy, North Platte, Nebraska; Mrs. {'l¥—lll€‘l‘l_Il(? Connelly; Newark, New Jersey; MPS. Ella O?G01‘·,g man 8t11'nton,'Bren;, New York City, New York; Mm?. R. C. \\’garn·e·r1, Gastonia, North Carolina: Mrs. Hettle, V. Belkin, Okla- l l*·,>fl3u City, Oklahoma; Mg;. "Idg Boxwell, Middletown. Ohio :.1 ·Mz§.¢.: filzznrlos S. Fohl, H§!?lSbllYK•’ Pemloylvnnle; E. L. l · l°hl1lip, Mllweukee, .Wl¤oons1n; Mrsf Julia A. Wlllglnson, Pont- I lruid, Maine; gud their gssoclntos and '§ll¢?€‘€;589l°$‘ dill? QUGSBU a · 8%* hereby incorporated and declared to ben body corporate of ,! _ the District of Columbia by the name of Amerleen. Furl llothere, and by meh name shall he known end have perpetuel . , sum-eeeloe with the powers, limitations, and restriction; herein <‘o¤talned,· (Feb,. 24, e, @, { 1, 43 Stst. 9%-) I

ETIE8 AND OBSERYANCE8 98 `=_ 92. Completion of organizgtion.-T-The lpergons .named» in seotion 91 ot this title and such other personé os mai be selected from among the_meml>ershlp of Amérlcnn War Mothers, an association,. ot. women whose= sono and daughters _— served the nllled cause in the great World War between the dntesr of Aprll.6, 1917, and November 11,1918, are lierebj authorized _to meet, to complete the'. organization of said corporation by the Selection of omcers, the adoption of a constitution and by- laws, and to do all other things necessary to carry into effect the provisions 'ot this chaptergat, which meeting any person . duly accredited asn delcg:»1te,£rom."any local' or State, organization. of the- existing organjzdtion known as American. War Mothers shall be permitted to ·parti<;lpate ln. the proceedings thereof. (Feb. 24, 1925, c. 303, §.·2, 43-_Stat. 967.)- _ · 93. Purpose of corporation.——The. object of the _ corporation shall be to- keep`·allve— and develop the spirit- that prompted world service; to ,maintnln· the ties of fellowship. born of that _ service and to assist and further any patriotic work; to in- ,.cu1cate·a sense of individual `obligatiou to the community, rStnte, and`.Nution; to work for the welfare of the Army and * iNavy;` to assist in any way- ln their povrer men and women

 who éerved and were wounded or incapacitated in the World

fwar; to foster and promote friendship and understanding between °America‘ and the»Allles in the W'0rld War. `(Feb. 24, 1925, c. 303, § 3, 43 Stat. 967.) · . ‘ -. _ __ _ . `Q4. Mceting‘s.——'1`he‘_ corporation: shell hold ite meetings -in _ such place aethe incorporators or their successors shall determine, __*(Eeb. ·24, 1925,1:. 303, } QQ- 43 Stat. ,967.) . r · 95. Corporate powers.——The corporation created by this chapter shall have the following powers: To have succession. until the mexnbership as ¤e¤·es¤•;¢e¤`__ provided for shall become extinct, with power to éne end be sued in conrts of law and equity 3. tofreceive, hold; own, hse; ond dispose of such real estate `aud, personal property. ns` shall ·be necessary for its lcorporqte ~pnr ; to adopt an corporate seal and alter the same at pleasure; to ndopt a constitution, bylaws, and regnlationsito carry out its purpms, not inconsistent with the laws

 of the United dStntes.or ot any State; to use ln carrying out the

purpoqeei ot the mpmmud such emhlems and hedges as it may adopt; to establish and maintain oEces Mr. the pondnct _ -¤1··1¢¤_¤¤¤mem;’ to establish State, _Territ0rinl,_ _¤nd· local subdivisions; to publish a `mnghzlne or other publications, and " ~ lgenenlly to do any -nnd· nll `anch nets and- things gs mgy be t necessary and proper to cnrrydnto emect the pnrpom of the corporation; (Feb. ·2-1,1925, xg. 303, 5 5, 43 Stntf967.) ~ Q 96., Property; exemption from taxhtlorn-——·All or the personal hxroperty And funds ot_ the corporation held or used for; I purposes hereof, pursuant to the `provlsions of this chapter, “ whetherot principal or income, shall, so long on the same shall , be `so used, be. exempt from taxes by the United States or nn}? Territory -or dlstriot thereof. The corporation .shall not accept, own, or hold directly or indirectly ani property, real or peréonnlwexcept snch as may he reasonably necessinry to cnrry out the purposes, of its crestionns. dednegllfln this chap— ter; (Feb. 24, 19%, c. § 6,--43 Stat.`961)- _

 97, Membershlpmhlembershlp in limited to women, and no

rvomnn shall be Q member ot this corporation unless ghe is er citizen of the United States and unless her son or sons or daughter or dnngbters of her blood served in the Army o1~__ `Nnvy of the llnited Stntes or in the nillitary or naval service ot nits allies in the great World Worst isonné time during the period between April 6, 1917, ond Novernberll, 1918, both dates lncluslre, having an honorable discharge or still ln the service. (Feb, 24, .19*2,5, c.- 303, §·7,‘ 43 Stat? 968.) · _` ° i d ‘ 98, Nonpoliticsll-———This organization shall be nonpollticnl, and as an or¢nnlzntion_·nhnll not promote the Vcnncllxlawy of any person seeklng publlc owge. (Feb. 24, 1925, c.- 308, (Q 8, 43 $@1%- WSJ ° “ r