Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1201

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1187· . T11’IlE ..87.-PAY A1 ‘ {wei subsistence allowances, and to eaeh·‘omeer reeelying the mq. my · or- the fourth or Qtth period, the amount of this, .— `,,p}§&%s¤$ee { shi}! be ·c¢ma1_ to three subsistence allowances; P,-,,,»;;1,·4, That an` omcer with no dependents lshall reeeive ope. jo wi?. c. 212, §_5,_42 Stat. @28.) j * . , . . l D

. H, Rent,} allowance to   below grade

. of hrigadier general or equivalent.-yE:¤::ept as otherwise pro-, ,—;.;,~t1 in the fourth paragraph otthla section,. each eommiga `aiolwd bdieer below the ·grade of bifigldier general or fits t·qelva1eu`t, in any ot the servtcea-mentioned ilu the llrst ]»;§`r;i§l‘l”lpl\ of section 1 -0f this tltl€,· (lll AQHYQ ,;,,;y Qu- entitled to active duty pay shall he entitled atall times to El loozieymlowance for rental of quarters. ‘1‘hé“ amountiot _ 'sueh money alltlwdllvé for fthé félltil of ·ql1&l't2f$ Shall be 1 é [ tlt·termined,by·the rate for room tojbé fired by the Presii dent foreach decal year ln aecordant:eg·with‘a certlhcate fl.l!‘lll§·llGd- .b.Y the thé_ Of, rents in the United Bitte! for yell asf tmggtered with renin for the calendar year 992. "S¤ch rate me one room is herebydxéd at $20 per month. for the decal ’ 1 _ year 1923, and this rate the maximum and shall be used I by the Presldwt as the ln Bring the" mme or _ lower rates for subsequent _ ,‘ · i_ · I " · " “ ~ To an omcer having a dependent, the base pay ot the Bret period the amount- otnthle allowance shall, be equal to that for two room to su&j an omcer receiving theyvbaae pay or the second the amount j of this allowance shall be · llqlldl `{0 that {Bf W 8uCh mee pay of the third period thepamonnt of l·<· equal to that for fom?. rooms, .to` each ausomeer receiving · the bose pay of the fourth period the amount of this allow-_ lame shall be equal to that of dye and to such an omcer .. xweiving the ham pay ot the llfth .or sixth period the amount of this allowance shall he equal to that for six rooms, · An omeer haylng no d%dent, receiving the base pay of the lirat or eecond period shall receive w allowancetor two rooms, each an omcer receiving the baée pay of the third { or fourth y period shall receive the allowance for three rooms, and such an base pay of thelltth or sixth-period-· shall reeelve the allowance for ton: rooms. Y ” - · . ` No allowance shall to an ollleer, having no dependenu, while la ’Held*¤a•·aea duty,. nor whlle‘ an _· onleer with or without dependants- is stained as at l me lltrmanent station thegnmher ot rooms proylded by law for an omeer of hh tanker -a len numhmnot in any · Peftipular cash wheceh, in the a » i ; o »·= of eonpetent superior aathorlty ot the service comeraed, a lem number ot would' he adequate. for m occupancy of Ee omcer and his dependents, _. _ ‘ _ ‘.-' Régulatlmls in erecution of the wovlalons cotthis section an mace andln war _&all heanade hy the”Prealdent and shall, whenever in hl; jadmmt, he wlform for all of the scrvlcm including adjunct forces thereof. ‘ (June lo, 1922, e..212, [8, 42 Stat; E28; May 81,.1924, c, 224, F2, $3 Stat.%0.) ‘ .° -. · Hg; allewamea, where abject, to` rednction.——···= {mbvilmw; total of base, pay, pay for length of service and . _ mwstence mental of quartera, authorized in thla tltle for any omca below the grade ot brlgadler gem eral or its equivalent, shall exceed $7% a year, the amonntot the allowa¤@ to which such omcert is entitled shall bec reduced hy the ammt ot the ex@ above $7,200: Provided, 'ljhat this section ahall not apply to the commandant ot the Sim Guan}! nor the Director of the and Geotledc mm AY- _( une 10, 19%, e. 212, { 7, 42 8tat._%;_.J&¤. 12; , c. ¤, S 2, 42 Stat. 1130.) . I

YD ALLOWANCE.? ‘ 13 `12..Base pay- end allowances of brigadier igenerals, rear . admir§s and minmoderes, surgeon gmerel, and o§eers above thole grades.+Cornmencing Jely 1, 1922, the anmml base pay of ra brigedier general of the Army and of the Mari¤e;C6rps, rear admiral (lower jhelt) of `the Navy, commodore of the Navy, and Surgeon General of rthe Public. Health Service J ~ shall be $6,000; and the- annual base pay 'of a mejor general of the Army- and _` of ~ the Marine Corps, and rear ztdmriral (upper half) of the Navy shall be $,600. Every such omeer · entitled to the eeme money allowance for subsistence ‘ as is authorized in seetion 9 of this title for 0§§€1'8 receiving! tlie my of sixth period and ·to_ the same money allowance for rental ot quertersns jie authorlzed in section .10 of this title for- oQcers receiving the pay of the sixth period: Pro-

 'Phet ·wl;en‘ the total of base pay; sebmstenee, and

rental allowances exceeds $7,500 `for omeera serving ln the grade lot brigadier generafot the Armyand of me. Marine Gorpey rear admiral} (lower half) of the Navy, commodore, of the; Navy, and _S¤rgecn General of the PuNie lHEiIfIl Service, and 9,700 for those serving in the grade of major general eo!. the Armyand of thelarlne Corps, and me admiral §upper_ half) of —the‘Navy, amomxt .0i the allowances to which such o&cer is entitled shall be reduced by the. amount ot‘t1le_excees- above $@580 .0: $,700; Rear atlmirals of the Navy eerrm in Qher grades shall be emxueag while eofserdng,-to the pay and allowanem of a rear admiral (upper hall) and to a momy allowance pajyeer as v rouowqiwuen serscinsls me grade er vlce emmn, zoo; ` when in the grade of a or as Chie!_ot__Neval Operations, $2,260. (June.10,__1922, e. H2; {8, 42 8tat.‘629.)_ 13; Baqepey enhated of Amy and lhrine  : jncraae for service; reenHst¤mt allowxsnees: retired psy of mm.—— July 1, 1922, the monthly bese pay of warrant omcers and egsted men of the Army and Harine. Corps shell be aa folio s: Warrant omcers of the Army and _ Marine Corps,. $148 ;e warrant omcers, Army Mine Planter Service, master; $185; first mate, _$141; eeeond mate,. $109; engineer, $175; ametant engineer, $120; w- lieted men of the Bret grade, $1%; men of the second °gmde,' $84; enlisted men of the third érade, $72 ; tenlhted men of the fourth grade, $54; énlided me of the Rfth gade, $42; enlisted men or the sixth grade, -®; men et the sev-

tgrgde, $21; and "tbe pay for specialists? ritime shell be

as renews: First c1w.p$30; mana tree m: roenn $16_;nm‘th clam $6; man uw, m. menu laws d¤tlaoriE$cent1¤uo iee pay for each ére wars of nervice Q are hereby repealed, ·weetiye Jnne 30;-1922. Gemmne ing J'¤ly»1.·1%, warrant emeers oihtbe Aim and Marine Corps, including warrant officera of the .Army· new Planter Service and enlisted men ot the and Hulk shall receive; as a V permanent addition to their gy, an i@se or 5 per centum of their base my for each tonr yeereot eervieeln guy of- the services in the Brat parawph of section 1'of this title not_to‘e:eeed & per mmm On and after July “ 1, 1922{an enlintuient allowanee equel to $50.m~oltiplled by the number ot years wrveii an the mlistment weed from-irhlch he has, lestebeen~ discharsed, shall- be paid to` every honorably qecherged enlisted [man of the first three grades who reenllxs within • period of wree months from the date of his diseharge, and an enlistment allowance ot $25,·mnltiplied. by the number ot years served in the enli@ent period from which -he_l1ei last been discharged, elmll be paid to every henorably discharged enlisted men ot the other iradee whe reenllste within n period or three montlm from the delle ot his, discharge. Nothin` contained herein ebelt operate to redeee the pay now _ being receivm by eny transferred member not the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. On and after July 1, 1922, retired emxetea men ' ~ . . ·