Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1203

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1189 i · TITLE .t7.···¥PAlf·A _A $,,,3;; hgté »ccmp!ef¢d. — Démildent {children sgi}, be mah as M,. ggiiued in scétivil 8 6f* thx title; _(J,mm_10, 192, tg; 212, . .g.;.g,42stat.%14) _· _ i __ ‘ ` " 22, pay and aibwanpcs of fenah af. Army ggd VNM,y,..g;t.;;;;11enci¤g Juiy 1, 1922, ammal pay of; femala §·,,,.,,,.a_’,,; {aa Army a¤d_Navy=m¤1l was {allows: During the

 gm timwyeurs of Serviiqé. $8*9; {mm the   of the

{max; aaai of aervicé ¤¤ti1_ the c0m$et1m qi the sixth year 5; s<gr%·i<·®.` $1,6894 {mm- we °f me www! FEV ,,{ Sayviee iiutil the ¢<>mI>]€¢i9§ or fhg Binth Yea: qt segvice,

;>0; {mm the, h¢gi¤¤iB§ ¤f__¢h¢ {wth year of .service,'$1,560.

¤,$;;pri‘iI1$t*I}d€nt8 af the  !?Q8iY€ 8 IB$}l1€y 8,1-

,;,a<.a;a—a_at the rate cl $2.509 ¤ IGM, existant gmperintendaata,

(§i‘{‘·(‘I§,$I°$, and rate la and thief misses at the sstgoi $% a year, iziadciition to `gaay as uuiaes. Nurses be entitled to-the same allowance far subsistence as is ¤uthm·i§ed ia. 9 at this title tor <.¤r!iv£·a~s receiving me psy of the Erct bermd, Mid` to the mma azxmazzctz for rehtal nf quarters as is authorised in section 10 · (gf mis. chapter I<>i·i0Qc¤rs fvxeiving the pay ct the Ars: period. (June` 10, 1922, C, 212, {-13, SML @1.) ‘ _ ‘ h U ` -23. National Guird glenn men; " reserve aways; pay md allowances; pay; validatieh ef payments.-—Of§car8. of the National. Guard recéixjiiig ~,Ffqdera1 pay, except for armory drill, and reserve 0@cers at any of they ¤a·rvie—»;·s juentiimed in the -f1i·st ·pai·dgraph `ot sectipi? 1 of this title, while; cm .active_ duty shail receive the aiiowmces _hm·in gwoacriimd for omcers of the regular fseryices in seétions » ts and l0_in`additi01‘1 to the pay sutilxbrized in section 143 of '1‘is_1t· 32;_tield ‘0!Hce1*s and lieuteusmtsot they National Guard wzmzzaizxtiiug organizations less thanea §§d Qviugmmiza%»1z·atix·e ftmctimis, shall feceivé $240 per year. fox? thejfaith- '{zii °pm·formaa1cc°.qf the ndministrativelduties connected thereg xyitlz; and warraxit cmcers ot the National- Ginérd Shall receive nut mare than-four·tHirtieths 0} this mogxthly base pziyof théif » ;m‘<1t» Tm- satisfactory performance ot théir appropriate duties, meter sum regulations 2.8 the Secretary of Wan may prescribe. sm am} after July I, 1922, the aijiixory dri1l_~pa_y forgnlisted mw of the Natimxal Guaxjd of tl?é sixth grade shall be $1.15, am} my those of thé seventh grade shallabé $1, iq lieti ’0t that

m·z·oi<»f<*>;·e authorized; and the pay of enlisted 111911 0t,th¤

xazitmal Guard bi the sixth and seventh grades shall be $1.15 am $1 per day, respectivéljy whenever they are participating ii; exercises provided tcxuby secti0¤s‘63, 64, and 65 of Title- 32. Uiii<.·s.·x=s `aml warraxnt qmcérs of the Nati{mal'_Guard, While . ;»ar‘xiq—ipati11g.i¤ exérciws oz performing the. duties provided fw! by azecticngs 63, 64, and 85_0£ Title 32, mid reserve Gmitéts anti rtaarsae wafrant 0@ccx·s bf any of tha sc·;·i·icés_meqtioned ixmha first paragraph of section 1` of this chapter, while dn Aw·zix·e duty, including dqty for training. purpbsés, shall receive ata- u1iQs¤·ances· prescribed for ohicers and warrant omcers qi gm- 11»;·;;uim· Sci·vices upder sections $9, 10, and 19 __<1£_»this-titie, and pzxyxucxxts lherctoicrc xhadae, gi: accruing under the opera- ‘zia.a; at this section, ·heréby made I'€t1`0§CuY€· - in effect, {0:: maxal alloxvauces t0`c@cérs and warrmrt"0$cers of thé National Quardr or raaewaa while atténdizag éampa at inastmcticu or 5?‘%*¥`Vi4·‘¢3 sglipols ara hereby validated, (ghme 10, 1922, 0. 212, § 14, 442 Stat.·631, 632; Mug. 4, 1923,;:. 281, 42 St_at..1507,·) - ·24. Law; authariziug increase of pay for foreign service t1i1_d'€0HlmBt3¤9§”¤f quarters, heat, and light repealeda-—-Exist! _ Mi 1=mj=·= authpxiziag imzmaaa at pay fm: foreign sarviceyénd os? <‘<%·};=zr1¤1tati‘an at quartara, heat, and light are·_he1jéby repéaléd ( t·iz‘4·:tixja July 1, 1:922.. _(Jtme 10, 19f??3", c. 212, 5 15, 42 Stat. 632.)

 ·$·>·. Existing pay of amacam and puma; whwe pai in based

mm pay af cummiasiéned `¤E¤en not méduced; tctnl of existing _1>¤y_!_and' allmvaama of enlisted men. nat, r¢duccd.—¥—N0t1ii¤g 1 ¢**{¤\&i¤ed ix; this title shall operate to reduce the payluf ml! Ulmer on the active itat below the my to which he IS entitled

{ND ALLOWAXCES . · . § by rmson. of his grade and length of service on June 30.1922, not including additional. my then authorized by lnwi end nothing contained in this title shall operate to mdnee the totalqf tm` paypnd ailowzinces which pany e?nlEted· man of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps; on Const Guard is new receiving éuringhis current enmtment and while he holds his present grade orrating. · . _ ‘ - _. . ‘

 _ The provisiom ofthis seetion shall apply in like inanner 'to

' each person not ‘commissinned whose pay is based by law on. that of n commimioned. omcer. (June 10,11922, e._ 212, {16, 42,Stat. 632.)’ ·- · Y Zer ·‘ ‘ ·. ` " » · -*26. Retired pgy; nicer;. and (warrant, e§¢ei·s; ne prometien of retired. aicers fer Rtive duty; my one allewanees ef retired éoicerp, warrant 05:as, mlisted men when an native uty.·e0n°°and after Jnly 1, 1922;. retired nmcers and _ warra.¤t omcers shall have their pay; eqnivnlent Qpay, computed is ¤($W—.$\I{h§}fi&d by lsv; enihe bgsin of pay provided Lin this title : That nothing centained in this title: slmljl operate to- reduce the premnt pay og! cmcers, ` warrant; omcers, and enlisted men mw on the retired list or ~@cers or warrant o§cers in in equivalent status of any ot . the services mentioned in the Bret pnrsgrapn. of seétion .1 ef this title: Provided, That the psy saved te an 0&cer by see- . tied 25 ot.this title orsby sectiem- 972 of Tith 1Q.shaH be enné

  • fstrued nn the pn§ epmvmec. in this title for the perm ef

· coniputing retired pay. Active duty performed Cnfter June .30,. 1922, by` an omcer on the retired list or its equivalent shell not entitle such ·oEcer to promotion: Ffévided. That ofiieers . and former odiéers of The Philippine Seouts who were plncw

 on the retired list prior to June 4, 1920, shall be- entitled to g

C promotion enuthe retired Hst for- active duty performed prior ~ toZ—July 1, 1922, subsequent to reti.renien`t, .inC_aeeerdanee {with the provisions of-eseetion `1011 of Title 10; end to the same pay and beneHts· received by other omeers -0f the Army of like C grade andlength of ess.—is,’ on theretired list. Retired oil}- _cers of the Army,` Navy, Marine Corps, "Const Guard, end. Const and Geodetic Survey belowothe grade, of brigedjer gen- . eral or comniodore and retired owarrnnt officers and enlisted. ,. men of those services, shall, wpen en_ae_tive· duty, receive full

4 pay and ellownnces. (JunéL1€t.~1922,` c. 212, 5 17, 42 Stat. 632;

e May 3_1, 1924, e. 224, .5 6, .43 Stat. 252;). _ . - _ i_ 27 . Additional pay to enlisted men; (cr special qnalmca-

 tions.-·Under such regulations as the §’resident may prescribes

, enlisted men otthe Army, Navy, nmrins Corps, and Genet Guard C »_ may `receive ·additj0n al compensation not lessathan $1 orxnore ._ than $5 per month, for special quelliiention in the use of the nrnr 5 n or arms which they may be required to nse. #11 laws and . parts of lnws authorizing extra pay for `qunlincation in the l use lot arms or instruments, or for holding rated positions, e except as otherwise specifieally provided » herein, are hereby F repealed,` to take e&ec.t· July °1, 1922. _ (June 10, 1922, e._ 212, ,`§18,42SLntQ632.) . o _ -` - “Z8. Pay and allowances of cadets and cadet engineers.--- · Cedetsfat the Milituy A.exid€1!1Y and csdets and cadet engil neers of the.Coest Guard shall receive the same pay;end al· · dewances as are 110%; or may hereafter be girevided by law for , midshipmen in the Navy. Y (June 10, 1922, e. 2.12, § 19, 42 _Stnt..632.) ` - . Y J s 29. Increase ofpay of e§eers, -warra.nt e§cers, and enlisted- · l mendetailed te duty `involvingjying; number deta.iled.———-All C ` 1 oqieers, warrant oiilcers. sud enlisted men of nll brsnches of , the ArmY._Navy,_ Marine Corfis. and Coast Guard, when de- ' tailed to duty involving flying, shall receive the snxneinereese. l· of fh€i·l°`·[)£l}" end the same nllommeelfor traveling expenses 5 ns are new nuthor-ized for the performnncel of like duties in

the Army. `Exelusive of the Army Air ;Serviee, and student

{ nvintors and qunlined nirernft pilots of the Navy, Marine l Corps, and Const Guard; the number of omoers of nniy of the ‘