Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1204

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_ § 30 TITLE 37.4-PAY mrvices mentioned in. the first paragraph of section 1 of th title detailed to duty involving dying shall not at any. 01 _—.time erceedt one-halt. of `1 per centumb of the total authorize commissioned strength ot such mrvlce. . Omcers, warrant Lol cers, and enlisted men of the National Guard Tparticlpating _ exercises or performing duties provided for hy sections 62, t - 61, and 65 ot Title 32, and_;of the rmerves of the servic __n1entioned in, the .iirst,_ paragraph . ot section 1 of this til called to active duty shall receive an increase. of ·50 p contum of their pay while on duty requiring them to partie glare regularly and frequentlyjn aerial flights, and when sudying duty involves-trayel they- shall also receive, the sam allowances for traveling expenses as are pr hereafter, may ‘ authorized for the Army. g Regulations ln executt of the provisions of this section shall be made by the Pre dent and shall, whenever practicable in his judgment} uniform for all theservices concerned. (June 10, 1922,ic. 21 i§ 20, 42 Stat. 632; May_3·1, 1224, c. 224, $*4, 43 Stat. 251.) .

 36. Edstiug laws andregulntions governing pay and alloi

ances which- are not aiected by readjustment provisions. Nothing al this` title shall operate to change-in any way. ext ing laws, or regulations made in pursuance ,015 law, govern! pay and allowancesot the General ot the Armies, the enlist men ot the Philippine Scouts, Marine Band, Naval Acader Band, Indian scouts, oyordlying cadets ;_ nor the allowances


See Title 6, Orrrcrn. Ann J _” t Pr See Title 18, Garmrmlr. Col ` P1 See·'1‘itle 18, Carmriat. .Co1

.\ AND XIJLOIYAZYGES ' uga. 1 lis. ‘kind for rations, quarters, heat, and light for enlisted men. ` ne nor allowances ln kind for quarters, heat, and ltghyxo,. _.)mb&‘ . ° Bd land, warrant odlccrs; iwr allowaacea {017 B1’iV&te· oust, fg;. ms gmcem'; · nor transportation i¤ Xilid fo¥' 0¤¢¢fS and wamm. in omcers and enllsted men and £h€ii‘__ dependents; nor trans! 53, poytagwa and pacltlug all0W¤¤¢€8 f61’.b•8S¤8€ or hoéwha;.] ea effects- ot omcerscand warrant. o¤cers and enlisted mcs nm- Z

1e, additional pay for aides
nor extm my to enlisted msn S€.;.vih_

er__ as stenographic reporters, or employed as cooks or, nnossnloz? ci-. `or mail clerks, or assistant mail clerks, Qt engaged in sus; ch marine diving. or service on submarines; nor money alles-. S ne. ances granted to enllstedwmen on account of awards of medals be or decorations‘_expre—S~sly &¤th01’i¤vd bf C<> : Prsmlgm - , 5;; _That me pay. and allowaucw of the @¤1b¢¥s ot the Nasa; si- -‘Academy Band shall be not less that which was author. be ized-for the various ranks and ratings insald bands on June . L2. _30,‘ 1922, under decisions of the Gomptrollerfof the Trousnfy Q fn force on that date. . (June 10, 1922 c. 212, { 21, 42 Stat. nr- -May 31, 1924,-c.`224,'§ 5, 43 Stat. 251.) _ ·. " ._ -=- · 31. When provisions of i chapter} efectiye; § tent—lawe . gt; repealed.-7-The provisions OE" QB title fbi}! béeffeclige -he»g;n: ng ning July 1, 1922, and all laws and of laws which al-,

 inconsistent herewitheor in condict with tM provisions lnmg. .1

ny are hereby répealed otthat date. `(Jtmc 10, 1922, c. 212, in- § 22,_ 42 Stat. 633.) ` ° ‘ P uu. e nouns Bnmn. Borms.·_ QNAL LAWS on AND Gaxumar; Pxocmvml nsauiiss ` on Ama Cammy. Psocmounn