Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1205

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Phspter I · _ . . _

_ um Conmssxorwz or- P¤N¤l·0N¤.s,-·-- -.-..· .; -

· fi, m_.x,;R_,,_ ;»g(•v;slo`:··ss oovnssmo nuonr T0 rmrsron 2 E:. s·¤s,xsu.u·y on neun cms: nu: ro snvxcn sxscn Luncn. _ 4, 185] ____ -§. . n ,..--.;-..;.--..4- .. ’ 1...- 15 4‘ Nr‘§\"" . 5 m~.;—mlr. umm wo ¤cs¤¤¤·------4 ---. s ---------..·- J 24

 4:, vm:. \vsn, sun wsru Manco, nm Bnvonvmonlanr Wn

_ —Sl’§R\`Il`E Asn ·ms.nsxu·rx·; rnssxoss or fmrnuss; wxnows, c¤m.nsrm, nnensomrr nnrsmvxsg- r¤nsxonse To Anne ` ‘ N[‘g`$E;é; --;...1-..-7- ·-----· T-?-,.-;--,4-; 6*- N CBQ88 REFEFNCE · Bounty lands; 9¢e_ T!tk_43, PUBIJC ` (`hspter 1.;-TH.E OF PENSIONSJ Sw. 1 · ‘. "/I

_ no-mmissioner of Pension!.

Lf; Killtivl `(IUQPS. ` ' ’ ti. lwputy comxnlssioner; dnties. · ·4.‘.¤\nnu:1! report of pe¤®¤I. . · L, Pension dssbnrsing pink? appointment. J = 1;. mizing pension dtsbnrsing clerk;' designation -oi_ clerks to sig checks. ‘ ` - r . 7, Bond ot dtsbursinglclerkg _ _ s. lwtaail obelerlns to ssslstjouse Committees on Pensions. W _ Beetion l. Commissioner of Pensions.-eThere shall Qbe in th ln·;.m·1xlle1lt of the Interior a Commissioner of Pensions- wh ` sll;¤'ll‘ be sppointed by the President by and with the sdvlce an ` elmsent of the Senate, (R. S.- {470; Mar. .3, 1925; c. 462, 4 Syn. 1164.) _ . Y ° 2. Sanne; dnties.-—i'1#he Commissioner of Pensions shall pea form. under the dirxtion of the secretary of tlxe-Inferior, suc <lllllt·>2_1ll"ul€ execution of the various pension laws ns mn ‘ l·l· ;.¤·es{·ribe¢l_l>y the President; (R,.-;S.‘£ 471;) 5 . 3. Deputy commissioner; dutiese-—Tlrere` shall be ln Z th l».-pm·lo_1ent·of_ the Interior a. Deputy Commissioner of _Pe1 ‘ sions, who shall be appointed by the President, by 'and· wit the mlviee and consent of the. Senate, svbo dull be éharge with sinch duties in the Pension Bnrean as may be prescribe by the _Seeretsry_ of the Interior, or may by luv mm is ease. ot death, resignstion, nbsence, or sickness < the eoxnmlssiloner, his duties shall devolve upon the déput ’ wmnalssioner, nntll -_a snecmor isinppointed orsueh Qabsem or si<·kness,cesses. (B. S. Q 472.); _·` _ _ l. I

 4. Anmial revert bf pensions.-···g'I‘he Oommimloner of Pen

‘ sions shall,-so tar ss msg be practicable, in his nnnnal repori slate the smonnhpsid fof pensions during the decal yur fc _ “‘}*i<‘h thi! report is made, in such manner- as will lndicnta &>=4·ps¤·utely, the number oi pensioners and the aggregate ps; Q ments_ for pensions on a-eeonnt of esch·'of the wars for whle pensions have been authorized, nnd on account of nnllltar ·Zlll£l'll5·1$"Rl services since the close of the Civil War. Hesha revortgin his snnnnl report the total snnnal amount paid .f< qaghlitions also reductions on the annual pension rolls. '(Jsn. 1: W7?. rz. 27, { I, 19 Stat. &; Apr. 4, 18%; c. B3,-26 Stat. 40.")e 5, Pensim éishring sppdntnent.-——There shall l: one ‘<lisbnrs1ng elerk in the Burg; of Pensions to be éelecte and appointed by. the Eecretnry otjtho Interior. (Aug. 1’ 10;:2, e. 301. S 1. -31 sm.s12.) , - 6· ·A¢tin§ mgxn d g ·¢l¢rk; of det} to sagn checks-——-·In use oi si or nmwoidsble noses: Qf the elerk im the paw: oi pwdonn from hi 0@e, the: may, Wkb the QWNH of the th6“·Intedm·, §¤¢hm‘h¤ Ee &id clerk c his;o¤ce or duh to témpornril ¤¢¢¤•¤eh¢ n¤xr¤ewm¤»¢¢p¤¤m·

\\_ ·» . ` \ Uses, AND` VETERAA`S’ nnmnm Q , §§ 1,-8 . USES, AND VETERANS RELIEF. cf: Chapter · I . I A _ . _ ·Sec. 1 "Z. Wn wrrn Srns, Pnxmrrrss mscmncrros, Ann Cnxnzsn

1 -. Born: nnnnnuon rrrnnlxs, worsen nurses, Asn nzrnno- _

` Y, mars; ..;. .. .. .. ;,-·.-;...,;.. ._.,,.. 351 31 8. Tun Isoun was _ A-; .. ..4-;, .. .;...- 371 p 51 9. ARK! Anti Nur zstnonr. or uoxon nom. . ;. ...,.,. 391

1 `10. Womm “TAR_·VE’l'BRAN8’ nnnxmr e ... ,-.. .. ... 421

— 11. Wonw- me \’19'.l`EBANSj;,AD#I.U8’EED courmcsurnon ...4-.. . _691 l·1` c With the approval the Commissiomr of Pensions and the Secretary _ of the Interior, the dlsbnmng clerk for the , pay- ment of pensions mny designate and nnthorlze the necemry ·,nunrber of clerks to eign the mme of the clerk j for the payment of pensions to o§clnl checks. (Ang. 17, 1912,, c. 301, § 37 Stnt. 313.) h ‘ · " , - _ 1. one of di@s§ng ‘ clerk.-The dlsbnrsag clerk giie bond with good [und snmcient surety for snch nmennt t nd · ln such -torm as the Secretary of the Interior may approve. .` ¥¤ and such bond shall be held to cover andapwy to the acts of persons nuthorized _ to not in his place.- (AQ; 17, 1912, c. 301, ·§·5,'37 Stut. 313.) ;._ __ - - ·` .` ` * O 8. Detnil of clerks to` a$iet.Honse Connittes en.P&n•.¤—- lg · The Secretary of the Interlorls authorized, if in his opinion

  • 0 the public interests will not- sn§er’ thereby, ww tk request

cd ot either of the committees hereinafter n•med,_to detail L3 ‘that"_depnrtment, one clerk` to not an dork to the _ House‘Qommlttee on Penmons, and onecierk to act as amstsnt "‘_ clerk to the House- Qomnilttee on Invalid Pensions. `(Feb. 1, ’h 1884, No. 4, 23 Stat,286.) _` -· — ‘ L` _Chaptcr 2.+-GENERAL PROVISIONS `GOYEBNIEG le · _RIGHT T0 PENSION. . · ` ` n- ·· _ MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS · ,h_ Sec. · _ ~ ‘ — ~ _ " gd 21. Laws extended to rates prior to Hnrch.4, 1861. . ' - 23._Provlsions extended, to Missouri St1ite°Mllltla. ’d _ 2-1. `Applicants presumednot disabled at time or enlstsent. V. . 25. One pension at rtilne; · _ - _ . - . . · yy 26Z‘·Allovt:.1nce to persons in Army, Navy, or Marine Corps. · < ,y 27. Pension to retired oMcers nnd. men of Rcalpc Cutter Service or 'A Count Gnard. . ij. · · — . `. ’° 28. Pennlon allowed try speclal"'act• not subject to general laws; srspenslo:.} ot payment. _ — ‘ . ‘ ]_ 29. Same; pensionersnnder special act; rights under general lnw. I t - 30. Allscntees on ·furlo·ugh..· ·. - · S 81. Period of eervlceconstmed. _ . lr 82. "Presumption of death alter seven yenrs’ unexplained absence. B' `_APPLlCA'I‘lON AND ·DECLARATION OF CLAIMANT; PAYMENT- 7· ‘ ._ · _ OF PBNSIONS _ ·- rh Boch ~ _ _ · ¤ _ ·y 41. Pension forms furnlshcd` on application; notice ot lsmnnce of U _ ’certiiic¤tc. _ Z E 42.‘Declurntions of claimants; before whom made; certlllcnto of o®· W · clnl character; recognition. ‘ _ ‘· 9. 43. Some; ln foreign oonntrlesrlndlans. - · . 44. Payment of pensionto persons entitled only: exceptions. ,6 45Y Same; desertion oi xrlfc or mlnor children by resident pensioner. I 46. Same`;. pensioner inmate of national noldlervr home. - 3d ’47. Same; l¥Bsioner` entering State home for soldiers or mllors. 7. 48. Bum; lnmntm ot S¤te‘•oldlers’ and ssllorsf homes for volunteer · . _ soldiers. " ` _ _ m 49. Same; determination of questions ot desertion, entrance into A ” hom; neceesiteni eércurnstnnces, ’etc. . Q 60. Pnymentnt pennlonc by checks. without vouchers; delivery or is _ retun of mail. T · _ · · _ lj 51. Same; payable monthly. . . . .· — _ K. 52. &¤¢§‘ payment to lnniutoe of the Nntionsl Home for Disabled _ Volunteer Soldiers nnntected. .‘ EY 53. Unclaimed pnsione. . 54. Attachment, lug, or aelkure ot noneyn du• pensioners nronlbltéd.‘