Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1206

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§ TITLE 8S»-—PENSION8,` BON Seé. · 55. Withholding gicnsion prohibltal. 456. Same; notice and hearing. _ ii?. Same; increase gr reduction of pensions. · 58. Increase of pension from date of examiner? ccrtldcatc. EXAMINATION OF CLAIMANTS _AND* PENSIONERS;· FEES 7l. B<>ards <>f examining surgeons; reviewing boards; ex§xu, inag;io{1 e·xpert_ surgeons; fees for examination of upnresldants. 72. Same; fgesg mileage. ‘ 73. Same;‘rep0rts; inspection by claimant. 74. 1'licdical referee and examining surgeons. y 75. Visit to medical examining boards or surgcons—by Commission of Pensions; expenses. . ‘ . · , · _ ACCRUAL, ,&ND COM$iENCEMENT~ OF PEIj1SIONS .91. Qommencemeint of pension. - . 92. §ame,;, insane persons and children. r _ 93. Same; applications med prior to July 1, 1880. 94. Wid¢ws‘ pensions to date from death ofhusband. ·l $35. Commenccnmut for services »prior to _4th- of March; 1861. ’ 9,6. Accru€·d pensions. · _ ‘ · 97. Settlement ct claims for rei;mbursemcut of last sickness az 4* · bu;·ial.0f dccc·ase~d,pcnsio¤;ers. _ _ _ OF AGENTS AND“ATTORl§IEYS ~ 111. Compensation ot agcul or attorney. ~ 112. Same; damlmdlug H10·I'€*th3B_ legal feef 113. Same; fcrprccuriug pension legislation. . . 114. Same;` agmcngent for tec tiled; i'ec'in _Cl\S€ of failure to ill _ »f—m·m.;l amount paid deducycd from Ice. ` 115. Sa¤§1e;_c0mmissla¤er may 1'€j€(!t_ contract for fees. 116. Same; pr0sccuting_clalx;zs fo_r arrears, ._ ` .


FRAUQDS AND INVESTIQATIONS 121. Invegtigating frauds; special. service. _’ _ 122. Same; special cxuminarg authorized to administer oaths;

123. Same; c0¤mpen.imti0¤.. _

12é. Same"; subpmna tg witness; witnessef fees. 125. liame; ;·<·poxjt.of speclalexaialiners; inspection., · 126. F°alac andasvit and postdaglng v0uchcx·s;` false certificate ‘ · _ - vouchers. 2 ‘ . — _ 127. Eml~elkzlc;mut by gqardlan, etc.; penalty. Q ,.~ 12S. Forgery of ixzdcrsement bf ponaiim checks. » ~ ` 129. Pledgalcr tmnsmr at pension; penalty; retaining pension cert. , cate. ‘ . , · _ .~ “ ‘ ‘ 13%}. Claim. dgawt withtmldlng discharge. papers. * , MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS , ll ‘ Section 21. Lmvs extci1ded,t9,x·ates prim: lc Marqh 4, 1M861.· The provisions of this title fu respect to the rates of peusle · ta persiazis .v5·i1¤¤e z·igl1`t accrued »SiI1C€ ‘the 4th glay df Marc · 1861, are extended tcj pepslcuem whom right to pension a ` awed under general Acts passed slams the War; oil theyevol ticmxul priar llc the 4th Hay of March,. 1861. (R. S. § 4712

 Prnviséom e;te,pded‘ tal Mimmmi State Militia,.-—-»—··The pr

vislmxs of wmtialzg, 151. and 191 of this title are extemled`t0 tl QE“i€¤;%l‘=$“ mad privllies at ‘ the Missouri State Militia, and -t1 lwovlsiamxl B»ii@;:mu1·§» Militia, dlsqb1e2~d‘· lay {salmon of mju: ·mc&lvei1 m· disease cgntmétcd in the lim, at duty while ?sumilitia was <:_mpc·;=:1tix1g_ witl1__U*nited States {crew, and tl xvidmv 0;* kzhildmn at may such pemlm, dying of i:1jnxx—y·r€<:elv4 cr disease cemlracted umler the circumstances lmmm set fort _ ball M matitkéd E0 the b@¤eHts dfitllis title. But Vtlm pé¤Si02 G11'&(3(}Q&1I1C_0{A $11;:11* militia shall mt lcommexxce prior tgo- t-1 343 @8.3 ct March, 18173. ·(R. S. %§ MS2.) ‘ ° , 24, Applicant; qsxegumcd, mf- at time of exnlia l me:1t.=-—~A1l slppligeauts for gmnsloax shall he pmsammd -m hk llmd lm dlsalsyility at the time at snlistmgnt; but mach presum lim; may be mbutted. (Mm:. 3, 1885, c. 349, 23 Stat, 362.) _

 Gm penaimi gt A tlxxw;—··~··—-Ncthlllg jul this title slmll I

_, so QG13§[I`l1@d““&$ ta allmv 311051*% thm: p&H§i&§ `at thu mil time` tp th»c§ same; p<·m0;1,·0r IQ Dérgcns entitled jémtly; bl . any penslcm—1·_.wlw Lmlaqll so elect may surrender his certmcal and weclve, in lieu thereof, a cmjtmcaté mr my other paamil

Uszazs, AND VETERA}5/S’ zwzgmsi l 1192 to which he would have been entitled had not thé surrcixdtwq _certiHqate been issued. But; all payme¤ts`previ0usly made ml gnyw period covered by the IIGW €€1'£m¢&€% Shall be dedymmi from the amount allowed by such ccrtihcate. (R. S. § 4715; 26.fAllmvanc¢ to persons in Y Army, Navy, cr Marlxtex l C0rps.———-No pensiem shall be allowed or paid to any ·¢lliecl· “? noucommissiemed officer, or private in the Army, Navty, Ol; ` .l\Ia_ri¤;e Cqrps of the United States, either on tha active tl; retired list. · T(·Mm·. 3, 1891, 0-543, § 1, 28 Stat. 1082,) ` 27. Pension .to retired ¤§ccrs gm! men of Rseventxe Cutter ter Service or Coast Guard.-No-li€*¤S}€>¤ Shall allowed orpuglg ·-~ to any commissioned officer, warrant omcer, or enlisted mlm _ in the Re`ve·¤ue_Cutter_Servicc or Cwst G¥i&fd',.0H thetreiiwg _ list. (May 27, 1908, c. 3.200. § 1, 35 Stat. 322; Jem, 28, 1915, · t c. 20, § 1, 38“ Stat. 800; Janl _28, 1915, 0,20, Q 3, 383 Stat. SOI.} Q 28. Pension gllowcd by special Acts mnt strbiect to general ` lavis; suspension of payment.--Whezqw thié rate; comuzeml-

 ment, and duration of 11 pension [allowed by special Act are

¤d ilxed by such Actj they shall notlbe subject to` be vtzried by the ` provisions and limitations of _ the gtmcral pension laws, but when not thus fixed the rate and continuance of the pensitm `shall be subject to variation in accordance with lthe geim-al laws, and its commencement Shall datclfrém the péséage of the .. special. Act, and the Coxmilissioner of _Pe¤sions shall; r_x;m vit f satisfactory evidence that fraud was perpetrated ln obtain. ing such _ speclal Act, suspend ‘ payment thereupon until thats l propriety of repealing the smxwcan be_ctmsig;lered by Cungslxl (R.$.§4?20.)_° l. .»‘ _` · 29. Same; pensioners uixdcr special Act; rights tméer gel;. éral llaw,-———N0 pérsemn receiving ip. pension under a speclal Act shall be entitled to iirecelve in addition thereto a pension umm the genera1 law, unless the special Aét eipressly states that the pénslou granted thaxfeby is in addllién to the—pe¤slo¤'w*l1icl: said person is entitled to receive mgdcr thegcneral law. (July:

  • ° 25*1882, c.·3·1Q, § 5, 22 Stat. H6.) _ _ V l

30{ Absenteés my £url¢mgh.——O5icers absimt `OB sick le:.1w;·, and enlisted méu absent cm sick furlougli, or on éeterzm fmln- lmigh with the mzganizatgion toll which .they‘l;>e19¤§. shall lm~ U rcgarde<l`ln`tl1c admhxlstmtian of thé pension lawsi:1 the. same manner as it- they were lu the Held ‘¤z·.hcspitK&l. (R. _54700·)* l , “..ll » 31. Period of scrvicé cqmstr•xed.—·——-The mriod- of `wrxjice elf _ `°"'~ :,111 persons entitled ta the bmems ot the panama laws, at cl; °?}_l account calf whose clegth guy mma- may ·bcc€»me entitled to ll

  • h· pexmlon, shall bé ‘ccms~tr1ied tn- extend tag the qt ellsbgmw

‘°" lng the oxganlzation tg which such pegsamy belangeil, or until

“‘ tlmlnactual Alscharge tm- other came than the eiplmticm at

’*) the xervlce of such organization. (R, S. S {IGI.) l _ f ET l 32; Prestgmpticn nf- death afmr Kwan ‘y¢nm* umxplaiueé 5; ahmnm.¢·—·Iu c0ixslde;*lng_ glaim§ mall umler t;l1g*‘pe%$l¤x1_1l:x¥=·4,

 the ldegth oi an enlisted mgm: mr uwcer shall be cmisldercd li§*

ri é¤H·Iciem·t;ly proved lt .s¤tisfg<::tcry_ e»x·lélem;e ia` prodxxccé estab- Eé li.shl;1g·'tlm facf at tim tlllxtixxued and uxlexplaimecl abscxzée Gi

 sgml? enlisted man or mlcér tram his home. nucl family tar a`
 _ pericd of Ewen y§el;.¤s,_` dugilng Q whiggln period no iqltelllgcnté

’ ’ wu; his gxistenca »slmIi lmm been regzeived; Arid ¤.¤y"_l>€*¤Si¤¤= S; gmrnted under glgxlatltle shall ccasanpcm wwf ghgtlgnzirh 0E¢:t§¤‘ _ or énllsted man is still living. (Mar. 13, 1&3, c._ 51, Stat. an 57.)k * ,, Q W ' W APPLICATION AND; DI*il(fIlARl\TIO;l' OF CJJAIMANT:

 PA¥MEN’1i‘ QF PENSl()NS“ l ‘

be 41. Pension {mma furnished qa Qplleetlqng miles af issw na mm af `¢¢rti§¢at¢.-The C<>:xmiiéT·s?l¢lzia~¥· al Fensloms, an applikxt Sxxxtilm being made ta him in mma, mz by latter, by my claim-·‘ ie,. fmt mr ¤m_2llmut»f¤r&pe·miemg·.c1,·totl;ex· nllowame réqsxixied bl rm law to bet adlusted or »mld~ byi ttm Pé¤sl¤s.1t_Omm, glmll mrnlxb