Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1209

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lliifii t R V TITLE 38.—e;PENSIONB, BONUIS tw. ..5 {xi.; _C0I$11I1iSSi0D€¥° of Pensions, shall have chaxjgg or me m§mazio¤ and reviSi<m of the rsports of examiuipg gupgemlg .8...é sm!. mixer duties tcpching me-zgiical and·ious t in ;g..» }*t·nsi0¤· Ofiiifé, $8 tht? iI1t€f€S¢8 of the Sérivice may de- mw., Am the Secrctaty of tlxelriterior is furthenj authoriggd ., ..;.;..1; such qugalmcd surgeons (not exgecdiug four) as the .»t2;.¤§;¤i¤s`of· the service xmjgy require, who may perform that .;... ag exmnining Surgeons when S0 required, but stmh ap- i_h;m...;S S1.m11_uot increase the cleriml force ot. said bureau. .1s.S.§4776.)» t " _ ·_ _ .j

5, Visit tc mcdiéalexamining beards or surgeons by Com- l

- missitmei of Pensions; expenses.-—-—The. Commissioner of Pen- >;.»..~ um}, when inlhis judgment it rshall be deemed necessary ...· ;..·.~.;¤·1·, visit in person. fqrthe purpose of examinamm mm g;;<;.._-¢-$ir>n; {my of {ht! H1€di$?&l `éhlllliuiug boards or sm;gggr?s,· or n.:.;.· sénd 'auy one or more of the o@cers of hisbureau for {1...; ;_»uz?pcse. and the neceSS&r`y dud actual expenses} at such vt<%¥s :§hzzl1’bc paid by the Secrcxary of the Interior, upon ,,.·..;..·.·1y <·xe·<·uted vouchers. out of the contingent fund-ot said 1.¤z·t·au. _(R.. S. § 4766; Aug. 8, 1882. c. dw, 22. Stat. 373; Mat. 3, 1:+:sQ, b. 460, 30 Stat. 1379.) ` · _ I N _ l APCRUAL AND COMMENCEMENT 01** PENSIONS ` $1. Commencement of pension.-—-All pensions gmirtcd in cons<c~t;u•d~mr£· of death occurring from a cause which originated in me $t$I;\'iC€_?Si13(.*€ March 4, 1861, ot in consequence 0; $VQ\111dS,_ wr injuries reccimd cr disease contracted since that date shall wmmtmce, except as otherwise provided`by_1aw, from the date pf miugkhe application in- the Burcauof Pensions,. (Jan. 25, N'9, <—. 23,·§ 1,20 Stat. 265; Mar. 3, 1879, c. 187., §_§ 2, 20 Stat.

June _7, 1888, é. 3%, 25 Stat. 173.-) -. ‘· · * ‘ `

92. Same; insane pemtms and cliildren.-———Except as other- . wiw pmvidcd. by law, all pensions granted,. on claims by; har din behalf at iusmgé persons and children under jsixtcen

·4~.u·s_ of age, in consequence of death occurrihgfrom a éause

whivlx priginatetl in the service since the 4th_ day of Marchy ism, ti.: in cemsequeuce of wounds urn injixxiw received or dt>..u`z mmtmcted sinée t that date, ·shall commence from the {mah or discharge bf the person. on whose account the claim if: granted, 'if the disability qccuired prior to, discharge, and if mm disabilityogeurred alter the diskxlgarge than from the dmv at actual disability or iromythe ’te;*minati0u of the xjight uf. the party hqvingprior title to such pensibn. (Mar. 3, ISYS, c. .187, S-2, 20·St&t. 47%) . \ g d ° ·_ ` · 93. Same; applicatians Elcd prin; to July, 1, 1880.————·When·e a;s;.1Vi· ·atipn was med- p:·io;·‘to Ju1y_.1, 1880, all pensions granted .5:. consequence. ot. death hom a cause `W}1iCh_0l’ig!;- m>te<1= in the service since March Q, 1881, or in tzonsdqtimce ot tmmxxls or iujmies recewéd or disease ciontrséted siuée that date shalfcommcnca ~ the déath or di&rge of the pe;. V ii sm? an whmk gcccuut the cigim has beau granted if the disabfifty maurrw prio: to discharge a¤di_ it `such disability oc~. curved after the discharge, than from‘_the— date of actual disability, or from the termination of the right of pérty having xwiqr titleto such peusiqxx, (Mar. 3, 1879; @187, I 2, 20 Stat. 470.) ~ . _ 94. Widow? td date {thm death of hdsband.-—·All pensions granted rm&r` the general Ewa regixlattixxg pensiona t ta widows in ’con sequex1ce¢ cit death from a muse. which originatted in ttm service lgfnce the 4th day nf March, 1861, shall from the date ci dam at the husband 1; except as otherwise wovided in thm title. (June 'l.· 0. 369, 25 Stat. 173.) Q t I l · . t · 95. in 4, 1861.-—— hl atl {mj; whieh the game at dis£5{l1t;fV¤¥ dédth t xmted in the td the? 4th day és 1861, and t an amticattm mr: pasted shall have dbd _ within Wmiws

ws, Am: vemneree enum; § 112 whose account the claim is made, or within three years of the termixmtiqn. of a pension previcuely granted on account cfthehservice and death of the same person, the pension shell commence- from the date of tiling by the party prosecuting the claim the lest paper requisite to establish the same; But no clnimnllowed prior tc the dtlfday of June, 1866, shall be edected bynnything herein contained. (R. S. §· 4713.) _96, Accrued pensions.-—Thc accrued pension to the date ef the death of any pensioner, or of any mrsen entitled to 8. pension haying an application therefo;·‘—pending, and whether a certiiicate therefor shall issue prior or subsequent the the death of such person, shall, in the case of a perscn pensioncd, or applying for pension, on accennt of hiedisehilitiee or éervice, be paid, iirst, to his widow ;- second, lfthere is no widow, to his child er children under the age of sixteen years nt his death; third, in cnse ofe ·wldcw,_t0 her minor children under the nge of sixteen years at her deem: Such accrued pension shall not beconsidered a part of the nwete et the estate of € such deceased person, nor he liable _ fer the payment ct fthe debteioi said estate in any case whatsoever, hnt shnil innre __,,_ to the sole and exclusive benedt of the widew er children. And if no widow or guild 'S\11'VlY€ sn& pensioner, and in the ‘_cese' .0t his lest s;u·vivi@ child who wee such miner nt his n death, and in case ot e"` dependent mother, Iither, sister, ea: brother, no payment whetneeyee nt their accrued melon Shall be made or allowed except so much as may ¤e,~¤me·y te reimburse- the person who bore · the expense of their lest sickness and burial, if they did not leave wcient nesew te meet sucliexpcuse. ‘ (Mar. 2, 1w5, ‘c. 193, 28 Stat. Ang. 17, 1912,je. 301; §·_1,`37`_Stat. 312) l · — ‘  » , 97. Settlentenc of elaine fer reixnhnmeinent of last nickness and burial of deceasedpeuieners; erei hnrsement ef_" claims.-—-¥The settlement `cf ell claims for the reimbursement of . expenses ct the last exekuge and burial nt deceased pensioners c shall be under the direction at the.Cem—mieeiener et Pensions. . ` I _ No pnrt of any accrued pension shall be need to- reihbnrse } any Stnte, county, 61* municipal. enrporatiengfer expenses in- , curred by such` State, cennty, or municipal corporation under i State law tonrexpenses of they Inst elcknese cr burial et e de— kcensed pensioner. (Mar. 3,19%, e. I4§3,; { 1, 33 Smit. 1169; E Har. 4,1909, c. 302, 35»Stet._ 1058) ‘

 111. Cenpcnsatien of agent ar nttrtneye-+Ne agent er at- ·

g torney or other person shall demand ex receive any ether cem—.

 pensation for his eervicw in prosecuting n clelm fer peneien

than such en the C0éI!li§”i0»!1¢I’*.0f Pensicme shall direct te he 0 pnid to him, not exceeding $%;, ner shell such agent, attemey ` or other pernen demand or receive `euch ccmpensetlen, in whole et in part, until suchipeneien shall he silenced. In all clnirnsj allowed since June 20, 1878, where it shell eppeerlte the set- c lefnctien of the Comreinelcner et Peneeene that fee: of $10, F or any peri: thereof, has net been paid, he shell causcthe came tc be déductedirong the peeelen, end naunete the recegnized nttorney. (ll, S. I 4785; July}, 1828d,~c. 181, § 3, % Stnt. 99; Aug. 17, 1912, c. 301, I1, 87 Stat. 312,) 112., Same; dewding mere than legs! fcc;-——Any agent er nttcrney, ereeny ether perecn instrumental in ixrceecutlng `ney . claim for pension, who mall directly er indirectly contract fer, demand, er receive cx retain any greater ccmpeneetlen for his seercicee, for instrumentality- in prceecutlng zvclaim forepee-

eion then in pmvidcd ln this title, er who ehell wrongfully,

wltliheld {rem dpmelener the whole, er any part of the pension er claim dllewed and due such pensioner er claimant, shall be deemed guilty of e high misdemeanor, and, -cenvicticm

     snchcdeeeehe deedrnet exceeding $500,

, at hnrd mt exceeding two yeare,,cr% both.