Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1213

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1199.,- TITLE 38.-—.PENEIONS, BONUS 'rmik in, the natal service. · (Rus.] 4GB; June 18,v18;?8, c. 268, ‘::o stat. 166.)* , " . ‘ ‘ _ 154Q s¤me;·eccordi¤¢ to ¤¤k·—Exceot as. oenerwlee pm. ,·g,;et1 By. liiw, every ¢Qm$iB$;9¤®d` o&éer of the Army, Navy, ur Marine Corps shall receive such nad only such pension as ls provltlotl ln theipreceding section, for the rankhe held at the {gmc he reoeivecl the injury or contracted the disease which ` wsultetl in the disdmlity, on‘acco1;nt.of which =he may be ent titledtto it p€liSi0!l; &¤d··dl1y gppointnnetnt, regularly issued to such person, shall be taken to tltwrauitle llisrank from and afterthe._date. as given in the mz of ‘ the conlmiesiow or hpbointnmnt. confwerrlng said rang: .§’»·o¢·i¢1¢·d, 'l‘hat·a vacancy-existed in thergnk thereby conferredi lihnt the person commlssioned _-was not disabled for rnllitary muy; and that he did not w111t¤11y_·-neglect or refuse to be -mustt·red. 1R. SKI 4696.) _ - I _ ° . — .- ’_ v 1,55. `Wotmde received or contracted only in line nf dnt y pe¤gsio¤•bl¢2—N9'_nct80¤ shall be entitled to a pension _xty reason of wounds or injury received or disease contracted in the service of. the United States subsequent to the 27th day of July, 'ISGS, unless the person who waei wounded, or injured, tty contracted the disease was ln the line ofdnty; and, if»`in_ me milit_ary‘service, was at the tithe actually ·in the field, or on , twfmerch, or at some post, fort,_or garrison, or enroute, by tli¤·t~t·tiou oftcolnpetent authority to some post, fort, or garrison or, itin the naval service, was at the time uomeon the books of some ship orrother vessel of Zthe United States, at sea or in . llarltor, actually in commission, or was at some naval station, or on his .way, bydirection. ot. competent authority, to the, l'nitetl_·_States, or to some other `vessel or néval station, or laospildl. "(R; S.} {@4.) ·` I M _' . · I 156. Permanent spe&c dkability; rate after Imc 4, 1872.--# Except ae othertvise provided `in·-this Qtle from and after J }1nt· 4, 1872, all persona entitled by law ton lemdpension than herefaatter'specided, who, while in the military or naval service ot, the United Stntes,_‘ai:d‘ ln‘;_-line of duty, shall have lost ‘t_l1o sight ot both eyed; or shall have loot the sight of-.o¤%eye, the sight of the other Jtavlng been previously lost, or shall have lost both hands, or shall haw loot bothffeet, or neon pcwmauently and totally in the same, or otherviise

a·r¤uanoutly and totally disabled as to rmder them»_nt1erly·

helpless, or no nmrly as to require the'@lar hid azalattendanee nereon, shall he entitled to a pension of $2.1.:;; per month; ml eltperwea who, stant·es,_ shell have lost one hand and one foot, or hem totally and permanently disabled ln the same, orotlnerwise so disabled . ag to be inmpaeitated for performing any manual labor, but I Hui. so much as to require regular did and &¢t€Ild¤¤¢€.° shall be entitled to a pension ·of $24 per`ru0¤`l»h,; ddd i1|.l>¤1'¤0¤i8 ’ who, under like €l\T¢\ll318t S, `shall have lost · one hand, or, one foot, or totally and perrnanwtly·dieab1ed in the annie, or otherwise so disabled ns to render their lncapaelty toperfm"u1 xnanunl ·inbor_equlva1ent to the loss ot hand OP fw!. shall be entitled to e nension of $18 per month: Provided, Thinthll persons who, under like elrcunistnnces, have IGM 8 168 alyore the knee, and ln eonkquenee thereof are so disabled that they can not use nrtltlolnl limbs, shall rated in the? sooond class and receive @4 montlffrom and after 2[unef ‘ 4, 1872; and all persona who, under like €iRllm8tGIl¢@., Shall j have lost the ngrlng of hot]; urs, shall he entitled to A 9611-* — saon of-$13 per month from the date: Rrootded, That the ll€¤sion·for a dlsahdttynot 6<§¤iV@l$¤$` i¤ Wrw *° .· my provlm ros in nm Qsnsu, among continuance of the disability ln meh mgree, be at the `M IBM lligtgl n . disability of like

·&.¢ J     t    

” 157. EN! .13, 18'l£.·-·-sExeept no here? lndfter xirovlded {Nl title, ill. n who, while in- the "¤lllllZ81'! or non! service of United Btatu, and in- the line

ES, gum. ysmaaua RELIER _ §" 164 0{dimty, shall haye bam so permanently and tctalljr glisabled as to require the regular personal aid and attendance of another ·pé1*stm, by thelom of the aight of both eyes, or by the loss- ot the ; sight pt one-eye, the sight of éther having been pwvlously lost, ar by',the loss of `bqth hands, or by the low of both feat, or bjnainy othep, injury resulting, ln total and permanent help-· }0S811€8S,_§hi1u be; eixtitlewltrom and after June 18,` 1874, to a pémon of $50 pci month in lieu of a pénsibn of $31,25 pcra _ month granted td such pérsemj by sectiba 156 of this tltlé :`

 That the increase ot pension shall not be granted

by-reaa0;1 at any of thelinjuries herein.@éi§ed unless the same have resulted in permanent t.0ta1°help1esmm_ reéuirlng the xékular personal Laid and attendance of another perwn. i( Jung _ j18,_18?4, c.,%8, I 1,_18 78.) , ‘ _ ‘ l . » - ` ‘ 158. Increase; fox permanent; disability}-—Xll soldiers and

 aailbrafwhc were recefvixig sm. June 16, 1889, a pénslkm of '

, $60 per montll, under thé pmviaicns 01 aectioa 157 of this }_¤tle,_ shall, receive, in lieu, and there shall be paid them in

 amamunue; aapeusiona are paid `to such persons, the
 of _$72‘ per mvnth thereafter; (June 1,6,- ww, c.—%,

i|1,21smt._m;.) .~ N * ‘_ __ _._ 15§..L9ss d h•n&,‘•; both feat, pr Both eyes; psalm F.aft¢r°Jlmc.17,` 1.878.-eOb and after Jane 17, 1378, except-as provided in . sections 16010 1% at this titlé, al} paldlera and milqrs who have lost éither both- their—M¤®’¢r_both,-their_!ect at the sight of both eyes ju the service of the United States, shall gécelvé, and there shall be paid to thm in the eaisel .ma¤ner_·‘as‘pe¤ai<>ua_aré paid pcrscm, the mma! $72

 month, Thla sééticm mall be an commend as ta include
al1 soldiers and ysaibrs who- have.     ‘bliml~· ffchi  
 occurring in me sawiee of the United   (June 17,

1878, c. ,%1, %‘Stat.-144: Har. 3, 1879, c. @0, w_8tatQ-484.) ~ 160..`L0aapf‘b¤tln. gyu nr total after ·April ·8, l904,~—·~I§mm and after April -8,¥ 1904, all wha, while in the military or naval service of the ” United Shtas ja, the lips oi duty, ahalljnave mt both eyaa,_01* who have be ` `cometotally .lqll¤d.h·~am cawca Gccmiring in the service oy! the patted States, ship receive a panama at tharate at $16Q per month: Pyidqd, ‘however,pf1fhat this section shall not be so construed as to reduce . my yzeudon ands:. any Act, public or prlvaté, W (Ap;. c.-945, 33 Stat.f163.)_.` · . 161,. at lax. of wght dia ta bi¤ry.——Fr0m. arid after June 5, 19%, all paraonsewhnae names are of the; pension fall, andlwho, while in the sarvica`0! the United. States in the . · Armyt Navy, or Mayiue. Gorps, and in the at duty shall have lost both eyes, or been diaabléd in tha same, or wha, ia, like aérvlcc and ir; like manner, sustained injqriés tl1at»’prqvcd_ ` the direct cause at the subsequent `tatal loss `of the aight qt, both sym shall receive a pension at the rate of $100 pe1·_ mouth. (luziéli, 1920,;-. 3,41 $tat.‘.982.) 5 · ·' ‘ ` . 162. Lost of both feet.-i-From and after March 2,1903, all petsona who while la the military an naval acrvlca of the United Statéa and in the line jot duty aball have lost both taét shall reéalye srpcnaiqn at the rata of $100 per méath. (MarI2,,l903,c.9*¥7,82Stat;9gi4.) ” · " _ `l68. Loss of, bmh ha¤Q¤.~—·Q-From and after February 12, 1%9, all persons vim; in the military or naval aervice ot the United States and in tha Alfie of duty, hairs lost both hands, shall be `antitlocl to a pension at $100 mammxth. (Feb; 12, 18%, ac. 132, ·¤Stat.`&9.—) _ _' ‘ · . ‘ 3 · ` I6}. Inn df one h•&·•nd,¤na foot.-——A.ll person; who, while la tha m£l1tary—°cr aan! sarvicé ot the United States, and la ` the Rae at duty, shall have-last gmc, handfaud one foot.- mnbeen , Ywtally ar pmmiamtlyj disabled té both, aliall be entitled to a pemeh tar nah 0; audm €liaabiHtiéa,.a¤d at a rata as is

 this `by the provisions cttw `axisting laws for each

dlaamltj:. Pvvvidél, That this `shQl1r not be; so c0¤··_ astgmd as mf radhm in my ca/se, (Fab. 28, 1877, Q- 78,19 milk `_ ‘ { .3, · '