Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1214

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§ 165 TITLE` 88.-—-PENSIONS, Bova _ 165. ,Legs· of hand, feet, erm, or leg; pension frem_ mt

‘ "nfter Msrc§_ 3, 1883.--From and after March 3, 1883, and e1

-_ ce§t as otherwise provided in this lltle all persons who, whil in the military or naval service ot the United States; and i the lizie of duty, shall have lost one haud_o1·.ene foot, dr bee tqgelly. or perma·zie11tly_ disabled in the S&Hl€,· shall receive _ pension of‘_$24 per mouth ; all persons whoin likemamier shui _ have lost either gu arm at or above the elbow, 01‘·_& IBSQC d - above the knee, shall ; receive- a' ])€IlSi'§)!f df $30 -pei· mouth Pro-vided, That ixothiug cdntaixied lu this section shall be 1:91 s¢ifued— to rexéeal section 177 of this title, `or to cnapggj iheirat · of $18 pet mohth {therein mentioned to be prqpbrtionatel divided for any degree of d.i$ability_ established for" which sei jim; 153`of this title makes ne iufqvislqu. (Mar. 3, 1883, c. 9; 22§tat.453,) Z · ‘``` . _ 166. `Increase; from 13d-`8ft¢!l`Aug\lI8f 4,. 1886.-—Frem eu after August 4, 1886, and except as otherwise provided in/thi title, all pexjsous whe, while ln the military or jnaval seivic ef the United Stale; aud`_i1i line of duty, shall have lcs; on build br one {ect, br been tqtally disabled in the _ same, elm} receive a i>ension‘of $30 a month; all persons who in like man ner shall l1ave`·lost either dB._’&l°l1l·`&E_'f)l! above the elbow or e leg dat or above the·kuee:‘0r been totallyndisabled in the same shall receive in pension bf $36 per month; dud ell rperéeus wh in like manner sliall have lest either an atm at:_ the shoulde · joint or a leg at the hip joint, ur S0_!1€8I‘ thefjoiut-as U)-.I)`l‘€ vent the hse cf._’un artideial lilnb, shall receive a pension a _`the rate of $45 penmonth. (Aug. 4, 1886, cg. 899; 24-Stat; 220. · 167. Sane; fxrommd after Mhrclr'2, 1903.·~·—F1jqm and atte Maxfch 2, 1903, andwexeept as ptl1e1·~wise‘ptevlded in tlrlé title ` all persons who, while in the military '01‘ riavhl service ot th United States and in the line ot duty, shall have lost one baud 0 one foot, er been totally disabled in the same, shall receive _: I pension at the rate of $40 month; that allperszms who; i1

 uk€_H1&!1B€1', shall have lost anfarm-at dr above the elbow or 1

leg· at_or above the knee,‘o;· been totally disabled in me same shall receive a pension at theiate et $46901* monlh; all person whe, in like manner, shall have `lost ·au arm. at the shoulder — joint or a leg at the hié jplut, 0: .éo_uear the shoulder 6i·‘°'l1l| joint or where thesame ls` in` such g condition as to preven the use ot an m·ti§¢;lal`limb, shall receive :1 pension at the rah ‘o£ $55 per month, and all persons wl1b;"`in'like‘ manner. slml have lest hue hand and (me foot, pr been totally dlegbled 11 the seme, shall reeeive a pension at the rate of $60 penymeuth (Bids-. 2; 1903, cq 977,. 32 Stat; 944.) I ‘ .. " -l68.‘»Same§` increase fren: ; and after May 1, IQZQ, nm June 5, 1929.;—;¢#Frem and after` Muyf 1, 1920, all i)§l‘30l)S¥”\\’.h08| ` nemee were eu the pension roll ae ylmt duteaml whe whlh lu tile servlée of the United States in the Army, Ngvy, 01 alliarime Corps during the Civil War, and from and after June 5, 1920,"all persons whose nemedare 6u.‘the_pe11si<m roll, slit who, while la tixeeervlce of the Uzilted States in the. Army ‘ Nevy. mr Marine Genie gud in the line at duty, vshall have low due lmml or cine feet _0r beexi tomliyfdlsabled. in the `seme shall receive a pexisio:1 at the rate et $60 pe1·.x;m·‘ufh ;_` dll {perl SGBSX who, ilu such service and lp like KHIRDDBI, shall hive losw in erm at Ol? above the ‘elb0W. or a leg at or above the knee _ or been totally disabled in the same, shall receive a pension at the rate of $65 per mouth; all pefsonis-wh0,' in such service and lu like mhzmcr, shell have lost an arm at the ehouldez joint er a leg at the hip joint, er so uml- the slieuldex or `hl; julut,—m· where the um is ls mh eeudltlou a.s_m prevent the use ot an artidclal llmb, $411 receive n §§l18i0R at the rate ei 'S72 per month; and QH. pho, ln such service and In like 'mamner, slmlllzave handled one MQL me Iieemtotalls disabled in tlie same. mcelse ai pension at the rate oi $90 pep mostly (Hay _1, 19*20, c. 165e ‘§ 8, (41 Stat. 585; June 5. 19%), cz.245, {3, ·11 Stat. 8%.) ` » i


d _1§9. Diiability .eq¤ivd¢¤;i IM bw of limé or foq¢,;Fm
-A and arm. march 3, 11%, all xwrsws w`¤i> while mlum um; ‘

le, iary orjnavnl service of the Uxgited#8cqtes,1a;;d in the une Of, B dcuty ghgu have been so disabled 88 tv ,r€¤der their ineapamy n to pe1·§¤ual l§bo:_eguivale—ut to the im 5; `a hand Ur a a, too; shall rgccivq a' pension of $24per month, (Altus. 3 u_ 1883, c; 91, 22 Stat. %3.)‘ _ - . ’ ·

  • ¤' 179. ilncamcity fcr`pérfcrp1in§`m•¤¤aI. l•bcr;¥—A11 pé:—si»·¤ ·

_·_ X O ~ · · _ . _ · • $ ¤·_ whq_.whi1gi_i¤ the m§!ita.ry.0r Btw! Qefvive of the Unite;} 1·· stares axigifin the_lme_ of ‘d¤tyW shall hnvebeea so a1·§;¤,;Qd1 2c pther*· we man.-gp ptzated infwcticn 1% <>r_169 ot this me ,,8 ».v to be inenpaciyated for ip¢fI¢>1fmi¤8 im! ¤¤¤¤¤¤l"l¤b0r. but 1;.); [ L s1;all`rece1vg- 4 pension of $30 per mmith. .QM&lf:.3, -133;-; ,;._ 91, ‘ 22 Stat. 453;) _ - ` · .- ‘ _ _

 ._ 171. Dggfneps; raiélfyéé smlnffcr August @7, 1888.——Frk,m

LS. and after- August. 27, 1888,. and except. jas px·m*ided in section' `°_ 172 or-this title, ali pérsdns bn the pcmim: rqlis of the United Q

  • ° Sgates, drawingjxensions dn account of loss of hcaringg emu

H be exititled tojegeiveilthé dum of $30,~in»c¤ées bt mtal-·dea£`

  • `_ ness. -· (Aug. 2'fl,j1888, 0, 913, 25 Stgt.`§49.) ‘ _ .

? 172,; Same; from had aftgr January 15,‘1903.-;Fmm an:} 3* · after. Jquugry 15, 1903, allpersong qu thq-pension ‘ro11 6: me T 1 United Stags qu that _.dqte,· or-who maybe placed tbmzen, ye. Q ceiviug pension I01·_ total lossrof hearing due tacsmses origiunt- 1

 ing in the-military_0r mgval. service'0f_the\U1;iléd Statesxm
 in- the line ofd“tyi_ Shgu be   tf). l°§iV'8 thi? SIRI] nf $4()

r"· per mouth; (_R. S.,§ 4®3;'Aug. 1888, c. 913, 25 Stat. 449; _ Jan. 15, 1903; c; 199, % Stat. 2773.) .. _ ‘ j .5 _T_ Y Q; $113. Partial deafness.;-—From and after August ig au persons oé tug pension rims cit the United States diiéwing? H pensions cm pcgojuut of loss ci hémiing shall bé &ut_it1ed‘ td re-` ll beivc in busés 61* partial deafness such pfqpcrtion of thé sum n' of $30 per munth asibe- Seigmtary- oi the Iniériosvmy deem ,; equitable; the amount 'paid to be determined by the degmc eif S; dtsability existiuglu each cése. _ (Aug. 127, 1888, c.".913, 25 Stét. gk :149·>‘ - _. .7 KY ° 174. Diéabilify requiring regular pcmqml attention.;-A}! tl soldiers, sailors and` mariiaes ,w!10*may so' totally and 2 permanen§;ly helpless_from»`l¤ju¤·I@'x*ec¢·ived or disease mg- 1 tmcted In the sgrviée gud like of dutyfgs to require the regular ¤ peiscadl aid and attendance of another petsca- wherwisg than ¤· as specmcglly providedior xmdcr mctiogn lw qt this titlé shan be entitled to receive a pension of tbematev at Sm per mam}; i from `tlia daté of- the certmcato of the examining Fsugkcons gr 2. b0u1‘d'6t cxnminigng surgemm, shéwing such degree of disability. B (Mar. 4,~189.0,_c. %,—%6 Stat. 16.) I -_

175. Disability "rgquiring fgeqtggnt ·at%end·_·

I‘ §!)¢¢····Fl‘0m zmd after July 1%; ~sa1¢1i¢rs_ gmx snilorg wiqr 3

 .an‘e shown; to be totally ir;cg`pac•it£¥»ted to; pezmrming mzuzmzni

E labor by reason ctr injuries .received_or.dis¢asg c0i;i:rgcted1in the - ser‘vi<;·e of the Uxzgimd States and in line at d!i£.Y. had wllm aw _ ' thereby disabled to such a degice nam require frequent and E periodiczxl, tb<mgh xnotjregular and cmistmn@;,_ personal gid am attendance at another person, shall be emitted, to" receive -1a·

pension ot $50 per ¤;éuth·fx·0m and After the date` of the

_ .`c·ertiHcate·`0t the examining surgeon or boardfof examining . I surgecné shéwing such degrée ot tiisabilfty. (July 14, 1892, · Q c.1§9, 27 3taL 1j49.·) · __ K- . _. I , 17»6.@M.}nimum ratej far pe¤§ims.···—-·Pensionex·s ghuu be rated g at mf img: than $6 per—m011tb.‘ (Mar. 2., 1895,12. 161, 28 Stax} ‘ >`70*·) ·. , -.:`· r 177.. is rnd otherwise provided `for.-'mw mfg of $18 _ E per lmon be pmporticnatéx divided fo; any éegreé of , disability # $2 E iébed fqr which Section 153 ct this title makes no provision. (R. S. S 4699.) g