Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1216

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§ 2W TITLE 38.-··PENSIONS, BONUI 286. Abandonment by widow; `children’nf pension,-—I! any per- - son die, leaving a widow entitled to a pension by of his death, and .a child or children éxteea years of age by shueh gwidow, and it shall be duly wrtilled under seal by any eqnrt having proha'te·ju1fisdietion, that satisfactory eviderfce has been produced before such court, upon due. nottee to the widow, that shehns ahandenedthe carefof such Child or ehildren, .orthat she is au unsuitable person, by reason of immoral eonduct, to lure the custody-of the same, en presentation of satisfactory evidence thereof to, the Gommiseioner ot Penhtonh, no pension ’ gshall he allowed. to such widow until each child or children ‘ shall have attaimd the age of sixteen years, any, provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding; and said child, or xchildren shall he pensioned in the mme mnner, and from the same date, as if no widow had survived sueh·'pereon,`and such pension shall be paid to the guardian of such child ortehildren; butif in any case payment of pension shall have? been made to the widow, the penélon to the child oriehildren - shall comnxence from [the date to which her penaien has jbeen (R. S. 54706-)] `_F-» -. h 291. Time for which a` widow slisll not receive penslome No.-pension shell begranted to `¤ widowlior the same time that herihnshand received one. (R. —S._§ 473tl.); 2 — ` 292. What deemed }€¢i¢i!¤lte.-—In- the ndmiuistray tion of the pension lags, children- born before- the marriage — of _ their parents, it acknowledged by the father before or after the marriage, shall be deemed legitimate., (R. S. {4704.) _ " _ t 298. of dependent relatives; when dependent parents mtitled It any person embraced within the provialone of sections 1 'and 152 of this title, die, by reason of any wound, injury, cnnalty, or disease, which, under the conditiehe and limitations ot such sections, would have entitled him -- to an jnvalid pension, and haé not left or shall not leave gn widow or legltlnhate child, but has left or shall leave other relative or relatiires who ‘were—_ dependent upon ihim for support, ’ in whole m·`1¤ part, at·the·date ot-his death, sueh relative ox relatives shall be entitled, in the 'follewlng order of precedence, ‘_to receive thefsaxne pension as such person "would have been entitled to had he been totally disabled, except. he otherwise provided by law, namely: drst, the mother ;_ secondly, the father; thirdly, orphan brothers and sisters under sixteen years, ot age, who ahall b€`]_1€BSi0‘l1€d jointly, When orphan childrer ot the ‘same"parent have dthereut guardians, or aportion oi _ there only are.under_ gua;·dia·nsh_,ip,_the share of the joint pen sion to ~whlt·h each ward shall he entitled shall be paid to' the guardian ot auch- ward. ‘It in any case mid person shall have left father add mother who were depehdent upon him, then on the death ot the mother, the father shall become entttlec to the pension, éomxne11clng'.frorn_end·after the deathol the mother; and upon the death of the mother andfather, or npot the death of the father and the remarriage ot the lnnother. the dependent brothers and sisters under sixteen years 'of age. ahold jointly become entitled to; such pension until they attain the age of sixteen years respeottvely, cpmmeuciug`fr0m_~the` dent! or remarriage of the party who· had the prior right to the pension,. · __` '- t vln considering the pension claims ot dependent parents, the · fact of thelsoldiefs deathiby reason .of any wound, injury .caeaalty, or disease which, under` the conditions and limitation: of existing laws, would have entitled himito an lnyalidpen eion, and the tact that the soldier. left no widow; or mlnoa children having been ,,ahown an required by lair it ohnll be necessary only to show by competent and maclent evidene that such parehtor Qrenttf are without other pmsmt meant ot support than their own manual labor or the- eontributieu: of others not legally bound ter their support; All" pension allowed to dependent parents under thl_s`tltle,1shall eommene mm the date or the huh; at me appumm ana

BES, AND VETERA;NS’ RELIEF · loo.) 5 shall continue me longer than the existence of the depemlom. . (R; S. 5 4707 ; June 27, 1890, e. 634, { 1,.26 Stat. 183) L' 284. brothers —•,nd sisters; dependency construed \ . A minor brother or sister shall be asmmed to have been at o , pendent within thejneanlng of section 203 of this Title ii. at ‘_the date of the brother’s deathpsaid brother or sis£ter`lm·`! M.-, ~ 8dQqq8t€ [Beau? of Bum}0rftban the pI'(}(‘§}(·f§c ,f their oven manual labor and thecontrihntiens of said brother nr (lf ])l%1’80R8·B0f bound tg lid in t-h€iI` Sll])p(;p{·. gud if,. by actual contributions, vi? i¤ lm! stag: Way. the l»mm,.;_ had-recopized his obligations to aid ln support of his xninor hrother or__slster, oxzwasjby law bound tosnch support. / or ypongion allowed to any person on eewent of his or£§—‘ dc- ‘ HQ lmovidéd. Rgt be ftlf mp;

period mma; vvhlch it mall.not—_be g a me¤Q3. U`;

adequate subsistence. (3.8. { 4'i07.)~ . _ *.

nd   Gia Sisters; roam: -:

. riage ef} on renewed Wihybod.-Jfhe -remur· ‘rlage·‘_of" vvldevi, dependent mvtbef, of sam- · entitled to pension shall not har her right to saeh peasioa to l the date of her remarriage, whether in application therefor was Qled before orntter web rriage ; but oathe .remarringe _of any vrldovv, dependent meg;. or d€9éB®¤f. sister hating ‘a pension such pension, shallcease. Any widow who a·m=_ the .

  • lawful ware of any omcer or enlisted ¤:n'oht@r person is

» the Army, 1\l'avy,;or°]£arlne Corpse! the United Smatks. as deserihed in 1, 2, and :3_of ¤ecwh_152 of this title,

 daring the period ofrhis ·|B|’Vi¢€·ié   ¤&r,.•¤d whose asm

r 'was. onaceo or gnauhe mma on the pensten more of. > her husbandideath as the rault ofwoaud or lhjory reeeival

 or dlawse éohtraeted in such- mllithry or naval service, and _

[ whose names has or he dropped peasioa _ roll hy rmson .o£.her marriage toinother who has time · diediior shall. die, or from whom she has hem. er. shed he di- ,_ vorced, npon her `own appliwtien and fault on hep e_ part, and`if‘_she»_is without mans ofsupport than her , daily labor has an actnal net income ofYnot·exeeeding Y np . DG! !e¤r,L$h$ll be entitled to hare herlnsme sym placed ··n_ ·

the pension roll·at_ the rate provided for -_laa·, su·.·h`

5 pension to coamw fronvthe date of the Elia; of her applies-

tion in the fension Bureau. _— _Where each widow. is élready in
_ rmeipt of st pension from the United States- wall not be .

r entitled to restoration under this Qetien, the `pensiou _ . of said widow on `herfsecond or subsequent marriage has ae- 3 crned to I helpleés or idiotic child, or s child or children male: _ a· the RSG of Sixteen yedls, alle shall not he entitled to restoration _, under this`sect.lon_ unless or mild, or vhild 1 or M children sixteen years of age; than g member or a, members of her family and eared for hyimr, and upon the ` I restoration of said widow the payment of pension toslnld child e or children shall ’c&se. (3. S. {4708; June iwo, 634.. 1 §· 3.·`26 Stat. 182; lay 9, '1900,_c,_ 3m; 31 stag @71; Mar. 3. 3 .1901,_¢y86'6, { 1, 31'Stnt. 14·¤;`E‘eb. 28, 190d, c. 858, §. 1. 32 _

·.Stat.92Q.) W"- . ., . _·· _‘ `

a 206.* Same; compensation of claiy agents.--No claim agent or other person shall be entitled to rmeive any compensation e_ for services in waking application for pension oader motion l, 205 otthis title. `(Feb. 1903, e. 858,] 8, 82.Stat. 921.) ` é `Chapter 4.--NAVY PENBIONB.

irarrant o¤cer¤ and other naval ntlags; dinhlllty arb?

‘· to March 4, 1881. . ~ » E 222. Snmeyenglneer e¤cers. _

 ’ 223. Eamegwidews and children. ‘ · \

8 -224: Navy pension {and: trastee. T _ 8 825.S¤¤§l¤l’lR¤¤¤¤!. _ T 226. Same; investment. _ B 227. dame; rate of interests . d nl. Bene; pastors paynbh fren.