Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1229

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1215 1*1T1,rs· 38.--·—PENSIONS, Bows. `(4) The term “p¤rent" includes p. father, mother, grandfather, gmmlmother, father` through ad0ption,`mother througln mlngétinu, stepfather, and stepmother, hither of the persons in- ` me service. or of the spouse. . 1 . . (5) "lxc terms "fatl1e1*“" and "m0the1·" include stepfather; mud stepmcthers, fatheré`tu1d‘m0théi·s'thr0ugh adoption, and lméelzls wlzallmfe stood in 1000 paréntls to a member ct the military or naval fofccs at any time prior to his enlistmeutor i11<llli?}ii0D for a period of not l€SS_th&Il~ one year. · _ ' (G) The terms °°lll'0tl1€l‘" and f‘-sister" include brothers and sigters of the half blood aswell as those of the Whole bl00d,` szopl>mtl1ex·s and stegyslsters, and brothers land sisters through 2}(l|3[}tiOIi. L · . `_ _ ~* (T) The` terms _" brother T' had "sistcr’.' include the childréim of a pvrson whs, for a pcri0d`pf.n0t less than one year, stood in l<><·<3 parcutis ton member gf__.the`milltary or naval forces m` the United States at any tfiné prior to his enlistment- br induction, of `another —m<·ml»er of the same houselwldias to wlmm such pcrstm-during ·sucli period`, likewise stood in loc0` {•2lI'GI1tfS. _ ° _ _ _ ‘ _ Y _ ‘_ 18} The t<—·rm—"c<»uixuissicne<l 0Hicér’T.“includes a watrunt 4·ml·cx·, but»i11éludes·0hly_ an officer iu, active service in the miliz:in·y`m· {naval forces »of the Ul?lit€d·S{llt€S. ,' ° . · A ‘ 19) The terms "_m:m ", aud_ " enlisted man_" meah a person, whethér male, or female ~a_nd"wlicthe1·' enlisted; enrolled, _01·· tlrleftcxl into. active service in the military or naval 'foréeé. of the I I'n'it(·¢l States, and include n0uc0mniissi•»ucd`“—zind petty ciilpérs and iuexnhegs of.t1‘aihiu,.v,_ci1mpé authorized by law. —  » . (10) The t9l‘!l'1_"(.’llli>~llZ!I1(‘llt·" includes voluntary enlistment, draft, and enrollment in active service in the military or naval flgrcgs of the United States. _ · (11) The term "injury " includes disease. _ _ (12) '1`*n§ "_pgof’ means the pay for serviég in the Fuited States according tb grade and length of service, exclud- ‘ iu;.:·al_l allowances. “Q _ -W _ (13)·'1`he.térii"1 " military or naval forces ’f means the Army, the N:1vy,,tl1é [JM&YiY)€ Corps, the Coast Guardf the _Nava`l*· Iieservos, the Natimgalk Naval Volunteers, and ati? other branch of the,Ux1ited States sgrvlca while serving pursuant to law with &lw.Army}0r‘the l$zf~;§. f — °_ ` , (14} The tcyxns, ‘* World War,’T *‘durlng the period ‘0f·.the, wan" and ‘€duijiug~the World Wd1·" mean the period beginning Apfai 6. 1917, hzidfcndiug Juny 2, 1921. . _- , , . , j -

 {15) The iterms “dz;{tc at termination. of tlre"w:u·" land

"teiriuinatlqn'ci'·tl1e §=vax··" menu July 2, 1921. `(_JiLme 7, 1924Q ce. 320, § 3, 43 Stat. 607; Mar. 4,1925, c.‘ 553, § 1, 43 Stat. 1302.) . 425. United ·>State¤. Veteran', Btirehu; ednblkhmcut; dia rector;._appointqxm1t; inlay; {admins! and néminintntive staff.--Thém pis wtubllshed an _ lxidepeudent l butéau under the President to known hs thq United States Vct_em¤s’ Bureap, ‘t1m, dlrem;or at whi3vh· shall be appointed by the President by and with the §dVi(?B`_ and chnseut bt the Seugtg. The Director ·`af_ thé" United States ·V€t€f&¤3° Bxigomx shall “i·ecciva a. salafy 0f—$10,0GB per aimum, payable monthly ·· `- . · - 4 Them shall be included on the technical and admi°nistra, tive sta_f£,o£ thé dimctos suéh sta£ 0@Q¢1'B,_~€!p01’€$, mhpectcrs, and asélstautse as the tlimctcrl shhllt préécribe; and there shgll ,bé in the United? States .\’eté;&im’ Bureau` sum mcttsghh had sub-, divisions thereof as thé elitist Ehall px·esgx·ilie.` Wlth such excejiiam as thu @1:1ent ay demi nglvimhie, all émplcyees shall he mnhjhct to the·civi1-nervleé law land regulations made _. thereuumr. .‘(,June 7, 1924, c, 820, I 4,43 Stat. ) i _ 42Q. Sain; payers] aw dating; dspties ,é{_ md e¤ploye¤;· aw gqghlqtlma preofn Mevidehgo; farms of Apdicatinm; invmigations; medal exnngi;1•tk:na;· adiMic¤@t@s and aw•rds.+·-—Tlm d"lnectb1·, submt to the etal dixiectlou St the Prwldent, shall administer, executé, and " eutorm the pr0yl.si0m¤0f~ chapter, ahh for that purpose

as, AND VETERANS’° RELIEE § 430 shall have_full power and authority to more rules and regulations, notlinconalstent with the provieions of this chapter, whim are necessary or appropriate to curry outits purposes, and shall decide all questions arfsixig under this chapter and all decisions of questions of fact affecting any elaimaut to the benefits of ~` Parts II, III; or IV of this chapter, shall be conclusive except aa otherwise providedr hercia. All officers and employees ot the , . bureaushall perform such dutlesias may be assigned them by the director. All 0iHcial acts performed by such otiicers or employees specially designated therefor by the director shall have the same force and eHect as though performed by the director in person. Wherever under any provision or jD£OViSi0I}S ofthis chapter regulations are directed or authorized to be made, such regulations, muws the context otherwise requires, shall erm be made by the director. The director shall adopt reasonable a11d·_proper'rules to govern the procedure of the dirisio_ns and to regulate and provide furthe nature and extent of thejproots _ audevidence and the xpethod of takixrg and furnishing the same in order to establish the right t0_ benehts of eompeasatloe, `in_- surauce, vocational training or mairitenance and supportallow- u auce_p1jovided° for in thischapter, the forms of application of those claiming to be entitled to such beiielitg, the methods of _uiaking investigations aud medical examinations, and the manner and fcriu of adjudications and awards. (June 7, 1924, c._$20,· § 5, 43_‘Stat.. 608.). ·’ lr ·. ’ ‘ · -‘ ‘ 427.— Statement by directorate Congress lbf employees and . rates of pay.-0n the first day of each regular of Gonl gress the ~Diroct'or of, the Veteransf Bureau shall transmit; to , the President oi the Senate and the Speaker et the Houwd of;

 Representatives a stalxtmegxt giving ia detail _(a) naar W ei

l ber ofpositions at h' rate of $2,000,or xyore"per annum, (b)

 the rate of salary- attachedto each position, (c) the number of

positions ateach rate in the eentral office and in each regional _ omce or. subomce and hospital, and ·.(d) a briet statement of the duties of each position. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 468, S 1, 43 Stat. 1216.}-. — __· _ _~ _. .428. Report- by director- to Congress of activities of hureatt.-——The Director of the United States•\'ete1*ans‘_Borez:o shall on the drst Monday in December ot each `year the with the Speaker of the House ot Representatives-~aad--the President oft!lt!‘-S€!1!§tQi& full and complete report of all activitiw of —the United States _Véterana’ Bureau,. shgrrlng io detail the aumher @of~ claimants ahd the amount of compensation- mid, the amaber of veterans of. the variohewara and expeditions receiving hospltallzatioxiahd medical treatment, the number of dependeots‘drawl·ng` cohnpensatien and the amount ot auch compea&· , tion, the number of; persons holding and paying tor- Coverameot lite insurance, and a toll and iteuiiaed statement of all moneys received and disbursed by the director,. or any of his agents, for the preceding year. (Jane T, 1924, c. 320, § 14, 43 Stat. 611.) _ _ — —° _ . -_ ‘ { , _

 429. Placement of rehabilitated persona; me of facilitiu of

Qtepartmént of Labor.?-The soma shall have the ponrer,"`aad it shall be its duty,-to. provide for the placement ot rehabill- _ tated porous lu suitable- or gainful occupations. The director lis· authorized and directed to utilise, with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, the tacllitlea ot the Department of Labor, `iu ad tar as may be pra.ctlcable, the placehjleht ot rehabilitated persona ihahftable or gainful occupations. (Jude 7, 1024,

 320, $,6,+43 Stat. 609.) ~ · { _ __ ·

·‘ 436.~Ceatr•1‘·nhd nad suboQcea of burcag: p¤·wera.·-;-—·'i‘lle* director shall establish a ceotral oliice in the District "ot Colurhbia, and such regional odlces and subomees, d hot, exceégyhg oaébundred in number, vrithln the territory of e the United States and ; lta outlying poéssessiona as may be deemed necessary by him 8Bd in the best interests ot the work committed to the Veteranaf Bureau and to carry out. the purposx ot this N chapter. Such regional o@ces and sob—