Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1231

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. _ \ 1217 o rzrnn tas.-rsyszozes. Bow va eessorles, and nleo to provide iaccommodatione for tmcers, nurses, and attending pemonnel; and also to provide proper and suitable recreational uemters, the Director of the United Staten Veteram’ . Bureau is authorized to accept g11t,s.o¤· donations for any of tM R1¤‘D% named * Buch hospital, pinnts to he conjstrueted shall be of nreiseoor construction and existing plants purchased shall`_be remodeled to' be `Hifeproof, and the location and nature thereof, whether for the trentment or tuberculosis, nenropsychintric, or medical and `surgiee! cases, shall he tin the- discretion of the _Dl!Bét0!· of- the ? United States Vete;·ens’ -Bnreau,` subject to theepprovalof the _ iiresidents &P!’0f3£d€d; howeiver,. That the director, with the {approval of the President, may utilize such suitable buildings, structures, and grounds, owned by the United Staten, aemay be, evailable for purpoees aforesaid, and the President is authorized by Exeentive or-oor_.m transfer any auch buildings,. structures, and grounds to the control nnd jurisdiction of the United States Veterane* Bnrenn upon request of the director ’ mereotu (Mar. 3, 1925, c, ·@, { 1, 43 Stat 1212.)° ~1 ‘

 436. Same; construction of lmildings.-The construction of

new hospitals or `dispenmries, or the replacement, extension, l niteration, remodeling, or repair of all hospitals or dispensation constructed prior to, or after March ‘-8, 1925, Shell be done ln such manner as the Breeident may determine, andhe ls-nnthon ized to.—i~equlre the. erehlteotural, engineering, 01-- ether forces of any of the of the Goverment to do or assist in qaich work, am to employ individuals ond agencies not now' connected with .— the Government, ·” if · ln his opinion. _ desirable, nt. such compensation as he `mny consider reasonable. Ieiorl 3, 19%,4:. 469, { 2, e.t3t_Btat. 1213..) _ e _· — -_ · I U

 _437. Sane: appropriation; use of.-—-A num not to exceed 3

per `centum of the $10,000,900 npproprlated March "`3, 1925, for.

 carrying _ into;   the provloious·of‘¤eo*tions· 435 and 436 of

_ Qthie title relodng to nddltiwal hospital and out-patient dis- ' penenry fndlltla shall be available for the employment ln the ` Dimict, of Colnmhln. and in the held of necmaryftechxzricnl and wml amstnnte at the customary rates of compensation, exclwével; ‘to nid in the p»@oo¤ of the plans and specime- - tions for the projects authorized herein and for the supervision of the execntion thereof, ang for traveling expenses, deldomce equipment and ln connection therewith. . '(Mar. 3, 19%, ‘c.4&,§8,·t3Stnt. 1218:)¥_, “I ~ d 438. Same; hospitals not to be nm.-—·Upon eompletion of the hmpital program provided for an "eections 435 to 437 _ ·· of this no contract or oths hgeplhl or institution other xthan those hosplttls and inedtutione under the . jurisdiction and control of the United —~Stntu· Veterans? _Bureap\,or those govanmental hoepitnle or lngtltu§ons r ln section E of this title, shall be used, enoept where duo to- the nature `of ,` a elal nfs dimse or disability lt would endanger his life to remove him from auch; hospital to a Veterans? Bureau- hos-·_ pital, or in the event of extreme emergency ln the discretion of ·the·oireetor. (Mar. 8, 1925, c. 4%, —§_ 4, .43‘8ta~t. 1213.) 1 " 433. Same; rules and regnlhttons; penalty for breaches.-- The director is authorized to meke meh rules and. regulations as may be deemed necesenry in order to promote good conduct on the part of persona who are receiving care or tneetment lu hoapitaw, homes, or institutions as petients or benedclariee of avoid hnrenn dnrlnf their stay in neon hospltalp, homes, institutions, or? training centers. Penaltlea for the breach of eneh rnlee tend 1m·nlatlom4,@any, with, the approval . of the _ director, extend to n forfeiture by the odender of such portion of the compensation payable tohlw, not exceeding threeiouprthe of the monthly finstallment per month for three months, for n breech eomitted while receiving treatment ln auch hospital, , home, lnetitution, or training center as may · be ,prum·lbed by - such rules and regulations., '(innefl, 1924, c. 820, | 11, 43 Stat. t 86270*-$-26-·-¤——7‘I_‘ j t _-__ ¢

BES, AND _YE1jERAN8’_ RELIEBZ § 443 ‘ 44_0. · Vocational rchebilitaticm;. gifts and donations for; spe-

 fuml fer.-3-The bureau] is authorized and empowered toreceiva; for purposes of .bcneHts· pmylded by Part ·IV of this'

chapter, such gittsdand donatibns from either public er private

 sources ee may   offerednucenditionaily. All mcgneyg se receivied es gifts; or d0nations,, shellvbea paid into the Tremmry

01 the United ,StateS, and shall constitute al permanent fund, te. be calledl the"‘_Special fund fer VOCRITOHRII1'€]]2lbHi'{&YiGIl,"’ te beusedunder the directionef the said bureau lu connectien with, the apnroprlationa made "or teybe made, to defray the expenses of- providing and memeiaeing courses-of nmcatlcnah rehapllitatien; and a_ full report or all gifts and donations 01'Eeredand accepted and allj disbursements theretrém shall be . ·_ submitted annually to Congress by the director. (June], l92-I; exec, 5_1:3,.4s sm¢,·e11.)_- " t - t ‘ 441. Semey revolving `fund w fdr.-~All sums eppreprieted prior tojune 7, 1924, for use. by the I•‘eder§l_ Board for Vet-:1- · tional `Educatlou as a r velving fund, not exceeding $590,000,’uScd’by the ‘b reau-es a- revolving fund fer the pmpese pt _ advaucem nt tb persons cem·n1e1tcing.or_undergt>ing training under Part ‘I_V et thie chapter, such advancemente Yte bear no interest and to be reimbursed in each installments . ‘as uiay beedctermined by the director by proper deductiensfmm the monthly maintenance and support allowances allewed by ‘·.this__chapter. ._(J\1li0 3, 1924,c. 320, § 13, 43·.Stnt. 611.) ·Q _ , 442. Previous appropriations fer military —md naval insur- I · ance apprepriition and premium cellcctcd fer term iu; 'sunnce. uvaautnet for bureau; feturc fer te r l insurance:-=All sums appropriated prior to June 7, 1924, fer —mllltary and naval insurance apprwrlation and-all premiums celleeted for . the yearly renewable term insurance previded by t the provisions of Part lll depesited and covered inte the Trees- - ury to the~credlt‘ otthis dypprepriauen, shall, where unexpended, be made avatlableftor the bureau. All premiums that may be collected after _June 7,1924, fer the yearly renewable term insurance provided by the provisions of Part ·III‘ shall be depositedjmd covered into the _Trei1sury fer the credit of this appropriation. Such sum inc1udi¤g~·ell premium payments is ruade available fer; the peyn1ent.0t.the liabilities ot the United · States incurred- under contracts of ymrly renewable term in- · surance made under the provisions ct Part III, including such ~ liabilities es_ shall have `been or shall hereafter., be reduced to judgment in te dlstrlct court of the _Un,¢ed States or ln the U Suprexne Court of the District `ef `Celu1nbia._‘ —_Paymenta from this appropriation shall be made upon end in accordance with · the awards by thedirecterf (june 7, 1924, eg 320, 5 16, 43_· `Stat. 612.) _ _ _ ~ e .°·

 .443. United. States Geverinmenf life insurance fund; pre-

· miums paid `un account of converted lnéurdnce cmditcd to; payments frenz`; reserve fnmda.4-All premiums paid on nc- , —ceunt at insurance converted under the previsiensvoi Paxlilll ot this. chapter ehall be depositéid and covered inte the Treasury to the credit ·0t_ thei United States Governmezit‘.lite insurance fund andshall be available. for the payment of lmsee, dividends, refunds, and ether bcnedts provided fer under such insurance, including such liabilities as ehahl have been or .slmll ` be reduced to judgment in `a district court of the United States 0r.l11.the_Supreme G0urt·`0t the District of Gelumbia. Pay- ments from this fund shall be made ·upen`¢la~1lce . with awards by the director, " - ‘ · ‘ J The bureau is authorized tolsct aside `eut ct the fund ¤b_`· { collected s’¤ch reserve funds as may be required, under accepted actuarial principles, to meet all liabilitiee `\1Ild€li'S\lCh iusm~»n.·-e; end the Secretary et-the Treasury is authemzed tb invelid and reinvent the said United `Statea Government life lllSlll`tlll¢‘0_ fund, cr any part thereef,·in interest-bearing ebligatiene of the _ United States or bends of the Federal ie·1ju1-lean banks and t to sell said ebligatiena et the United States er the bends ot; _