Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1261

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· iii}? TITLE 39.5-2*11E

 Same; compe;asatio¤,_,.of Qeraons empleyedp-—To provide

{ze me payment of such persons as may be employed for this aorvice, the postmaster at any o§eo designated by section 167 aa mia title shall keep a record of the number of letters relelsxal at smtp ofllee bearinggsuch speoiaf stamp, whléh-nixmber lem eorrespoud with tghe number entered in the receipt books la—reao¥‘e`re specified, amiat tfaejend of each `moath he may pay le loci: person ori persons employed a"sum not exceeding 85] per oemum of Qlle face value of all Stamps of the face valpe ’ wi lo cams received and recorded during {hat mouth. For the J a >;a·eial»<lellver5: ei mail matter weighing more than two pounds , and QQ; more than te:1\§0i1nds, 11 ce¤ts.may· be paid to the laalzaezlger or other person amaking, suclr delivery, and for the ,»;a¤eial delivery of mail matter $veigl1ir1g—m01·é than tell p0uf1dsQ la vents may be so mid. Notlllng in this section and sections 243,5 and 169 of thia titleyshall interfere with thelprompt delivery or letters as new provided by law or regulations 0`f the Post {mice Department. ~ (liar. 3, 1885, c. 342, § 6, 23* Slgat. , liar. 3, 1903, é.'1009,_§ 2, 32 Stal. 1175; F$bI`28,»1925, c. 368 gzlz, ·13,.Scat.`1069.) - e ” 171. Same; regalatim1s,——The Postmaster _·Gener,al shall pre Saville suitable regulat,io¤s,_`not_ ‘i11c011sisten€` a·~1@\1aw, for the gawormazsce oi the immedlatedelivery service, the`? keeping 01

 alla. records engl rexlderizlg of accounts thereof, &l1@ all imatter:

p laomected. therewith, and may prescribe. the hours — ithin wlxlel each immediate delivery shall be made at any post oillce. (Aug _·l, 15%, c, 991, § 2;**24 Stat. 221.) , . , ` _

   172. Same; false ·ret¤mS:, compensation ja- case auf.-——Au;

gazazomaster, or any `assistant postmaster, clerk, or employéeof z n poazmaater, wholshall 'make any false return or record ot? the l·l·e{·ipt or delivery of any article of. mailable matter asobeing saasmaal with a special-delivery `étamp, or slggll make any false relara of the number of articles `specially delivered from hi: {alive, for llzeparpoae of increasing his compensation, shall be lieemed gailty`oli a u1isde111é:1uor,.aud,-on aéouvietiou thereof 1 Jmll be filled not less than $100 110: more than $500, orwim }l¥l.5l31}€d for a term of £1o¢;~leés‘ than fhiriy days nor mor l A. mae one year,,_or both auch Hee axid imprisonment at the dis L ‘ {wales of lhe éourt; and whenever, upon evidence deemed satis §;orn·*y to him, Hale QPoatmaste1•· General shall determine _.t11a

 zlyfaoell falae retpru has. beéa‘made,ah% may, by order, fix ab

aolately, the compensation of the postmaster for such spe ia dellrery dating aay quarter or quarters which heshall :1% zllffected oy each falaereltura, and the General Aceountlng Ollie `sllail a(lj‘eat the poaatxoaatefa accolmt_aL·;cordl11gly‘, ’ »( Aug; 4

 e. $01, § 3, 24% Slat, 221; Juuo.10, 1921, c. 18, 6. 304, 4

Stal, 24.) ‘ ‘ P _— _ J _ Q · 173. Same; persona employed deemw postal employees.- Ally peraoo employed to make immediate dellrery of letters o amor mall matter shallbbe deemed aa employee of the poets aerrlee, xrhetber he may have aw-ora or net, or temporarll er permalleetly employed, aalfaa each employee allall be liabl cio any penalties or .psmialm1eot.a prevlllecl by law tori the iu laopax adelzeatioa, ~= delay, aecretioa, riiliagf embezzlement, pm loioiog, or destruction ofaay letter or other article`of_ mail ma? ter, or the contents {l1€ifi%·9f,'iH£fHSt€d to him for delivery c placed la his custody. (Aug. 4, 18%, c, 901, § 4,-2gi Stat. 221.) o 174. Same: me@gera ‘ deemed acarriera.e4—Ex*ery - apecia delivery ·m£SS£ll§€1','¥$'h£3l1 actually engaged in carrying or l¥eIi~ aeriag letters or other mail matler l1I1d€·1Y‘CG11C,¥&é?t, directly c ledlreétly, with the Peat of§oe Department, or emplegked by tl: Poet Qmee Beglarlmoat, ahall be tleexaeda earrler or latruated with the §l3ll.l,8.l3d'h£1YlH§;,£HStQ£lY thereof withla tl; omeanlng oi seetlena'326, 32.1, and 324 of Title 15. ‘ (Mani 4903, e. 1Q®, § 4, 32 Stat. 11’¥€.)‘ l — , ’ `F l * 175. Same;”al1owamee for car fagefor meaaeagers ina Sra class e§o¤a; delivery ia Erst sad aecead alms a§eea..·—-—-Out · o the revenue ariaieg from épecialldeliavery baalaeaa the Pos

’ POSTAL SERVICE § V“ l inester General may allow expenditti1*ee.,\l>y postmesters at ilrstclass_ post oflices, under ‘regulntio,ns_ to ’be eeto.l»li¤l1ed by him, 1 for oar fare for special-delivery messengers in emergent cases, ~ where immediate delivery in the 'nsuol way is iH`i])l'ilCtlC;ll}i¢:, l not to exceed in the aggregate, for ell odiees, $10,006 e. year. a At first and second class post ottioee the Postmaster .General y may establish rules under which special delivery me;} `be r eiectéil by any salaried clerk or employee thereof, and the lewg ful Special-delivery fees allowed therefor, in cases where such » delivery can not be made by regixler messengers. {June 2,

1900, c. 613_,£§ 1, *31 Stat, 260.) X , » ‘

e 176. Same; assistgnt superintendents; per diem;-—-The ee

sistant scuperiutendents of free-delivery shell be allowed a per
diem of-$4 in lien of ollriexpenses when traveling on bussi
1e?§ of

s the department. °(§eb. 24, 1899, c. 187, 5 1, 39 Stat. 884.) E,

· Chapter 5.——RUREL pELlVERY SERVICE. .···~·~

“'. Sec. ‘ { N; ‘ - Q l Se 191. Extension of service, Q _ ~ _ , 192. Routes; classes; increase of le@ti1 of routes and pay of carriers. 193. Motor vehicles. ,»/ °. · 194. Carriers to furnislxngssery vehicle equipment. · 195. Sumclent equipment, _ · p ‘ ,

 196. Carriers; restrictions; carry,i¤g merchandise.

E 197.l Saleries oiéarriers. — Q ·§ 5 198: Salaries of carriers serving triweekly routes. I 199. Determlnation of pay ot carriers and substitute carriers. 200. Deductions from salaries. _ `· 201, Substitute carriers. _ ‘ » `iii 20-2. Rate of compensationof temporary carriers, V *203.- Carriers; leave of absence; substitutes. " _204. Compensation of carriers on water routes. _ - 1 "20€i;>Additional compensation to carriers carrying pouch mail to inter- 9 mediate. post o`Eees. ‘_` , Q ` g 206. Carrl$rs; equipment moixntennnce. B _2·0fF;`_'I`en1porz1ry redu<·tion‘of pay of rural corriersn _ zcws,-carrie: on Loko Winnepeseukee. - _ ? §;09J_—ClassiHcation of 'clerks in Rnml Free Delix*e¤y`gSerx·iee not other B _ ‘ Wie ovided for. .

 Q10. .gll2>£ance of expenses by Poetixmeter General.

._ 211. P tt-oiliee inspectors; adn1inisterinJgxoaths. ‘ ‘ e Section 191. Extension of service.-———Rm·al meil_ delivery shell a- be extendedso us to serve, nearly as preeiiealxle, the entire a- rural population of the United Statess; `(Jnly 28, 1916, e. 261, tr §` 1, 39 Stat. 423.) _' { ‘ _ . _ - it »- 192. Routes; classes; increase of ° length of routes and pay ll of carriers.-——All rural mail-delivery routes elmll be divided into ri two classes to be- known es——-Q · ~ _ e , Standard horse-dmniu veliielor routes, which shall be twenty l, » iles ip length, and * · i ; ‘ t _ · I l ` 2 ‘Stenderd motorwehiele routes, whicl1¥sl£e.ll be nfty `milee in, · length; and shall only be`estz1bliehed when n majority of the ——- proposed petrons who are heads of femiliee residixngatipon snob »r proposed rontes shall by written petition ask the Post Oiliee ll Depertinent to establish the same. Y l y ‘Nothing herein contained shall be constijned to prohibit the ne estellliehmentof horeedrewn vehicle routes of leeslengtli then x- the standard of -tw·enty-fonr mile.e..f*1f, in the discretion of the r- Postmaster General, in order to render more eeniplete service, t·‘ it should be neoeeeery to do so the Postmaster General may inpr erease the length of rontee not to exceed 50 per eenmm above ` the stemlm·ds!l1e~rein prescribed. »(Jnly 2S, 1916, e. 261, § 1, ,1- 39 Stat. 423.) 5b »- n_ ,' . · ` ‘ * v-_ 193. °Motor vehieles.—>e——Notl1ingKherwhell be eonetrued, and >r no order shell be issued, to prevent tix _ ee of motor vehicles on ne lxoree-idrawn velxicle_ro1}tee.' '(Jnly 28, .1916, ¢;·.*261,» 1, 39 ¤Il Stet. 423) , e _ n · _ ’ , ae 194. Carriers. to` furnielr necessary vehicle muipmentw- 3, Carriers in rnrel ·eee rmelbdelivery service shall furnish all neeee— nary vehicle_eqnipmeut~fo1; prompt handling of the mail-. (July et-} @28, 1916, c. 261, § 1,39 Stat. -123.) , » { · , of . 195. S_¤§cie;nt eq¤ipment.;—-·Tlxe Poetmneter General in his at- discretionmaljr require all »cnrrier$ to furnish sunicient equip-