Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1263

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1249 Trams 89.~—THE 1=

    • "· · . . . I
_;_ game; forolgh periodicals as; publzcatxons violating copyrlgbt

laws. _ _ I 2;.., Sumo; supplements to poriodicals. _ . yyi Same; publications of benevolent or professional soclotlos, educational institutions, State boards, and tiadesunious; advertisements; circulation. ’ ,. ‘ L l._ Same.; lwriodicsl p`ul»li<·ations of State departmentts of agriculture. L. 2, Same; athdavit of publishers; prepafment or postage.

3, Same; privileges tumlllcd only after hoariégg_ ‘ ‘· I
...s. Same; sworn stgxtcmeuts- relating to newspirpvrs and other publications. _ .
_ same; paid editorials and reading matter marked ·"Advex·tisc-

¤3{?§lt.’t _ ‘ `

§_ ’l‘hird—class matter. C
..s$.*Snmc; circular defined. .

yn?. Same; printed motto; dotincd. _

S. Same; letters written by blind, 1 2 · _.

3:2%. l·`oreign publications; when free ot customs duty. ~ gm, 1·‘ourth—clsss shatter; minimumweight;-nonmailable matter.

41. Same; experimental ·tl'1lD3{)QI’1Z&t10D ot food products:

` tut. Same; purchase of rental of equipment and supplies for Parcelb Post System. · _ - _ A 243. Same; disposition of. nonmsilable. matter. _ _

¢4, Insurance ot parcels, and collection ot postage.
11. Same; fee for lgsurancerreccipt of delivery. .
1*3.. Holme; collect·on—delivery fee. 1

247. Reformation of clnssidcatiou, etc.__ . . 24%. Addresseson postal csrdsaud ursscaled circulars. _ _ o _ :49, Permgslble marks on and iuclosures in ¤econd,j third, and fourth T . class matter. . . _ - T _ 1 2:5fL Wr_spplng_ and securing matter not charged with iirst·class post- ` _ age? - °

51. Same; removing wrappers. _

~_ :313. Newspawrs; dried and lu wrappers.

53. Sa¢o;_ notice of refusal to recclve._ '
34. Same; mrryiug out of m_oll.. _ · _ -

yn;. ldcutlfication of persons claiming mail imdor fictitious hddress. 23*;. Matter relating to spurious money not msilable: `

57; Delivery of mailto persons not residents of place of address.

258. Letters seized to be returned to sc¤do‘rs.' . 1 _ · ·

59. Mail of persons copductlng lotteries or fraudulent schemes To-

_tur¤ed: evidence of agency. . . . ‘ l . ‘ ·`Setti0u_ 221. oflassihcatioztof mail m3£t€I;.·r···h12l1121b1€ mzlttor >lmll·be divided into four classes: n ' First, written matter; ·‘ _

Second, periodical publications; . _ » _ _

Third, miscellaneous printed matter and other . mailable muttcr not in the second, third, or fourth classes; Fourth, merchant and other mailsble matter weighing our less thaueight hoes unduot in any other class. L (Mar. 3, 1879, c. 180, § , _% Stat. 358; `Feb. 28, *1925, c. 368, §§ 206, -.307, 43 Stst. 1667.) ` ‘ ‘ _ ° 222. Firdeclsu Hlttéf.-—B1l111&.b1€ matter oi the ilrst- class shall embrace lettgrs,` postal mrds, and all matters wholly or partly in- writ except as hereinafter provided. (Mar. 3, 1%*79, c. 1%, 1 , Stat. ° ~. ·_ _ 223. Sanej " t of weiét.-y-—f]?he limit of weight of mail matter of the iirst class shall `be themme ss is applicable to mail of the fonuth class. (May 18, 1916, c. 126; $*111, 39 Stat. 162,) Q_ 4 y ‘ I p . ` ' 224. Second-class matter.-·—··Mo.iluble matter of the second class shall embrace all newspapers and other periodical publications which are issued at mud intervals, and as iresuomly as four tlmw 8 year and _ its Within the conditions named in sectlrms 2% and % of this title. (Mar. 3, 1879, c. M50, § 10, % Stat. 359,) l " . · t 225. Sane; exunlnitien; advertiscnests sttaéed to perilodncals.—e——Matter of the mood clam ms! be examined at the omw oi mnllmg, sm it found to co11tal¤‘_mntter which is subsect to- n higher rste.ot,_ suich matter shall be charged with postage at the rate to which the matter is sub- Joct. * Nolthlug herein contained { shall be so 'QGBSIFHBG as to Droshiblt the insertion in of ndvertis ts attached ioermanemly to the mms., (Mar. 3, 1879, c. 180, 5 12, $0 Stat. & 86270%--28-—-·-'T9


‘OS`T'.·lL SERVICE § 229 226. Same; conditions admitting publications to.—--Except as otherwise provided by law, the conditions upon which a puh- ]l(°8·tlO!l shall be admitted to the‘s=eeond` class are as follows: First; It must regularly be issued at stated intervals, as froquently as four times a year, and hear a date of issue, and be numbered consecutively, Second. It must be issued from a known oillco of publication. _'l`hlrd. It must be formed of printed `papewsheets, without board, clothfleather, or other yubstantial binding, such as distinguish printedlbooks for preservation ·. from peri dioal publications. Fourth. It must be originated and [}lll)llill't‘d. for the diestzmioetion of information of a ’public Ch211°8Ct(’l’,.0i' devoted to literature, the sciences, arts, or some epecial léudustry, and having a legitimate list , of subscribers. · Nothi g herein contained shall be so construed ,218 t0_ admit to t second class rate regular publications de-

 signed primarily for advertising purposes, or for free eircnfla-
 tion, or for circulation at nominal Totes. {Mar. 3, 1879, e. 189,

§ 14, 20 Sgt. 359.) - * ·_ __ 227. ·Same;· foreignl periodicals as; publications violating. copyright laws.+Foreig11' newspopersam other periodicals ot the same general character as those admitted to thej second class in the United States may, _“l1Ilél€l' the direction of -the Poétmaster General, on applieation, of the publishers thereof or their agents, be 'transmitted through the mails atlhe same rates as if published in the United States. Nothing hereiii contained shallnbe so construed as to.`allow` the transmission ·througl1 the mails of any publication which violates any copy- right granted*by'the· United States. "(Mar, 3, 1879, c, 180, § 15, 20 Stat. 359.) . t · ` .22.8. Same} supplements to periodicals.—gPublishers of matter; of the second class may without- subjecting it to extra postage, `fold within their regular issues a supplement; but in all_o:lses_ the added, matter. must be germane to the publication which it supplements, that is —to say, matter supplied in order to complete! that, to which it is added or sunplemented, . but omitted from the regular iseue for went of spneeg, time, or greater convenience, WhlCh`.SH[lDl€£lléDt nmst in every ease `he issued with the publication. (Mar. 3, 1879, c. 180, § 16, ,20 Stat. 359.) . — 1 _ ° 229. Same'; imblications of benevolent or professional soeieties, ednoational institutions, State —~ @16:, and trades·_ unions; advertisements; circulationw-—All periodical pnlgliqations issued from a known place `ot publication at stated intervals, and as :req¤em1_y· as four times a year, by or under the auspices of a benevolent or fraternal soelety or order organized under the lodge system and having a bona ode membership ot not lesa than one thousand persons, or by a regularly incorporated institution of learning, or by a regularly established State institution of learning supported in whole or in part by ¤ public taxation, or by or `nnder the anepleeo ot e, tredeeunion, and all publlétions of strictly professional, literarynhistorlenl, or seientihc societies, ineluding- the bulletins leeoed by State boards ot health, and by Stateboards or departments of public . oharitleseand eorreetionayeball be admitted to the mails as secondclasa matter, and the postage thereon shall be the same as on other wseeoncbelam matter ;, and snob periodical publications, issued by or under the auspices of benevolent or fraternal societies or orders or tradevunlonls, or by strictly prog feséonal, literary, historical, or eeleutihe societies, shall have the right to énrry advertising matter, whether sueh matter, pertains to such benevolent or fraternal soeletiea or orders; . trades-unions, strictly professional, literary, hietorlcal, or` scientiilc societies, or, to other persons, institutions, or coneems ;: bot meh periodical fpublieatioes, hereby permitted to ` carry advertidng matter, not be designed or published Drimarlly foradvertmng purposes, and shall be originated and publl& to further the objects and pnrmma ot such benevo- ~ lent or fraternal eoclatlei or orclara, trades-unions, or other