Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/128

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.§ 328 wireu 7.+AGB mspmpriatimx of any State or Territory here been withheldk l mul if ao, the 1'(§E.lS()l)Sr therefor. (Aug. 30, 1890,0. 841, § 5, 26 I Stat;. 419:) ~ c ‘( — a 4 328. Power to amend, repeal, etc., reservedQ+Cc>n2ress may 1 at any time mueml, suspend, or repea1`un§? or all of the pro-' e evisiom: of lS€}(?Yi01lS322 to 328, inclusive,_ of this chapter; (Aug, l 30, 15*00. cz. 841,l§ 0; 20 Start. 419;) l AGIUCULTURAL EXTEN $1ONp WORK APPROP.RIATI_ON 34}.% Cooperative extension {vogk- by °c0lleges authorized.#-—‘ l In l»r·d’er to aid in ditf11sin;:0 among the people of the United · States useful and praetical information 011 snxbjectsmelzlting to · u;.:rie1iltu»re and heme economics, and to emzourztge the applica- j tion of the»sa1ne,‘there may be inaugurated in eexmeetielu with l the college or colleges in each State receiving, May 8, 1914, or l ._whi¢·h xndy H.l€fI‘02II;(t.‘l° receive, the benefits of ··the\ foregoing __ provisioxns l of tibia chapter; ixgrieultural Extension vwork ~ which `shall be carried on -in cooperation with Y the United States Depz1rm1e11t—a;_ of Agriculture:} °Pr0vidcd;_ That; in_ any l State in . which toxvewor -more such colleges have been prior to May 8, 1914, or thereafter maybe established the appropriations in section 343 hereinafter madeto such State ·sha‘ll. l he arlnninixstered by such .coll‘ege or colleges as The legislature . of such State may direct: Provided iurth,cr,‘That, pending the, inauguration and· development of the cooperative extension . work herein ‘au`thorized, nothing pihpsectione 3—§1 @0 348, lin-E, elusive, of this clmpter shall be- construed to discontinue either 0 the fururrmaxxugemexat work or the; fm·mers’ cooperative demon- o bslcratiun worlvas conducted May 8, 1014, by the Bureau ot Q Plant Industry of me Departuie11t;v'of* Agriculture. (May 8, 191g c.” 70, §‘ 1Q"38·St:1t. 372.)  ; p ·_ l 3 -· ‘ ` 342; "Cooperative' agricultural work-" de6ned;~ ieooperati _ with Secretary of Agriculture.—C(e>operative agricultural extenaion work shall consist of the giving of instruction and practi- _c·:1le··demonstrationse in agriculture and home economicswto ~mr—~ sons-: not attending or resident in `auid colleges in the serieralp communities, and imparting to suchpersone information onesaid subjects through fxeld dexnons-ntraftlousf puhHcutions,r and otheriwiae; and thi§.wm·k ahall be carried on'in such manner as may. be mutually agreed upon `hyhtlxep Secretary of Agriculture und the State agricu·ltu_ral college or colleges receiving thee heneilta of sections 341 to 348,rlncluéive, of this chapter. (May 8, IQL4, e. 79, § 2, 38 Stat; 373.) 2 " ri- I _ _ ,343. Appropriation for extension work generally; contribution by· Stated.-·¥For the puq».»ael¤r puping the expenses of said cooperative ag;rl<:u1tural_ egteueloxn work and the necessary ( printing and distributing of Lpformution in connection wit.h‘ ` the same, there is permanently appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $48% l 000 for each year, $10.000 of which shall e paid nnnvually, jln the max‘me_r hereina»fte1\ provided, to. eu; State which almll hyd uqlrion of its elvgislatpre nascent; to fhe p_rovlaiona of sections ,341 to 348,4 inclusive, of this chapter? ’I’w·o1}e'ded,* f1`hut'there ia`0. lulao [!€‘l’I1\2lllU!'lH)'L1l]l[l!'()]"lX‘i_$1·[·(Hl` for each ’year the sump of $4_.100,— l i 000 in addition to the sum of $480,000 héreinbefore pwvided: Provided further, '1`hat; before the funds herein appropriated _ ah:1ll·heeom<~ znvszlluble touuy college for any Baeal year plans l for the work to be carried on under sections 341 to 348, inclu·‘ sive, of {lm; chapter Shall ·beeuhmltted by gthe proper omeialsof each college and approved- by the Secretary not Agriculture, Such _ad<litlunul sum elmll-be used only for the purposes hereinhefore stated fn the preeeding‘eSecti_on,”a;nd Shall beallotted annually to T ‘ each State by the Secretary of Agrleullure andpaid In the man-` ner herelnbetore provided, in the"proportion`which the_ruralpopulation of each State hears to thetotal rural population of all the States as determined by the next preeedinglederal census: Pr0vi»ded` further; Thntno payment out of rtheadditionnl approprialtion herein provided shall be made in an} year to any

t1(iLL.I‘UltE 114 State tmtil an equal sutnghas bcentapproprilateel for that yam; my the legislature of such State, or provided by State, county, college, local authorgy, or individual contributions from withtz; the State, for the maintenance of the cooperative agricultural extension work provided for in sections 341 to 348; inclusive, ot thisjchaptcr.> (May 8, 1914, c. 79, § 3, 88 Stat. 373.) S t ` 344. ifime and manner bf payment; reports by Statc officers of racagptsgnildlsbtl1‘St:m€¤tSyf—Th€¢ sums a·ppropri:;te>d m ma M, pret;_·etl1ng satruon for extenslcn work Shall bc paid in oqiml ~` { n semiannual payments an the 1St·day of January and Jmy `,,g . each year by the Sécrctary of the: Treasury Gpon the Y\`2lI'1`Zlll£ of the Sccrat‘m·y of Agriculture, out of the Trcasnry of the t United States, to the treasurer , or~`other officer of the Snug duly authorized by the laws. of the State tp receive the smnze; and such u§iccr‘ shall be_rcqui1:cd.t0 repnrtto the Sccrctarv of Agric:u1tm·c,_ 0:1 01* before. the lst day~ of September 4,E each year, a `dctailcd_ statement ,0f the amount sd received (lllflllg·th()_;[}1`€}}iO\lS·W fiscal yéat, and of its disbursement, nu forms prescribcd` by; the»Sc<:reta_ry` of Agricnltnre, 'lltiay 5_ 1914, c. 79, § 4, 38 Stat. 374.)-_ . · S ‘ , ” , S 345. State to replace funds misappliw, étc,; restrictions on asc of funds; reports by .c01lcgcs.—¥—If any portion of the moneys rcccivcd by thé designated officer of any‘State {br the Quppwt and maintenance of cooperative agricultural ·extension‘wm·}:, asproyidcd in sections 341 to 348, inclusive, of*thfs·cl1apt•,·;·,` shall by any` action crfcoutgingency ba diminished O1'- lost, ur be-misapplicd, "itshall be replacedrby said Staté to which itl bc10ngS» and until sq replaced no subsequent &DI?1‘0priaticn shall bc apportioned or paid to said State, ¤¤¤1_.¤t»‘pm·u¤¤ afraid . moneys shall bc applied, directly or indirectly, td tbc.tpnrcl1:ns<.e, Ergcticn, preservation, or repair of any building or buildings, or the purchase orrcntal of land, or in éollagacoursc tcaching, lectureslin colleges, promoting agricaltnral trains, or any other purpose not specified ln, scctionS`341 to 348, inclnaiveg of this chapter, and nat more than .._.. 5.par centnma ,,, 0 [A,.f§i3,(?ht§Rltlll&I iw- l proprlatinn. shdllbé applied to the printing and distribution of publicatldnns. It shall he the duty of each jot said collcgvs annuallylon or before that lat day of January, to make; to the. _ governor of the State lu which it ia located .a full and detailt»d_ _ rc·porf·0t its operaticns in the clmetioua of extension work, as S. *~ deduce! in sectlapna 341 tu 348, inclnslrc, of this chapter, in·· · - cludlng a. dctallcd statcment olracaipts and cxp{enditnres frg.»;:1 ` all sources for this purD0¤¢.. a copy of which report shall bc - senttn the Secretary at Agriculture and-to the Secretary oi the Treasury of the ‘Unitc(TS@,as,— (May 8, 1914, c. 'i’9,*§ 5, as sm. 374;) . · f , S {_ 346. Ascertalmnent and certiicotian éf•.mmmts`dne States; certihates withheld {mm States; appeal to C6ngrass.——·0¤;l;r bcfortr the 1gt.day_0f Jnlyiin each year the Secretary ot A · cnlturerlntall ascertain and certify to the Secretary _0f· the Treasury aa to éaekh State whetaer it iscntitlctl to `recqirc its aharacf tlicrfannnal upprepriatlcn· t0r»c00;ierative agricultural extenslcn work under sections 3-11 Sto 348, inclusive, of tllls. .chaptcrQ and tha) amount which it iscntltlécl tcrracclre. lf the Secretary at Ag·ricnlfura shall withhold a cartltlcatc fmm-_ any State nflts appropriation, the {acts and reascnatharcfor shall ha repnlrtctl to tha Prcgsident, and thaamount involvvtl shall ba kept separate in thé”`_Tra,aémry antil the cxplraticn of the Ccingross next succeeding a sesslun af the legislat¤;*c__<>Y any State from which a certtamte has been withhéld, ln m·tll·1· that the State may, lt it ahculd sndesirc, appeal tp,._Cnngrt·»<a_ from the ¢lctcrtnAinatie}n,¤f~t11o Seccrctary of Agrlcnlturrg If tbé Déftx Ccngress hall not direct such.$nrn_: ta- be paid. lit L Shall hc`c0varcd` int% the illreaanryy (May 8,· 1914, c. 79, 5 B; aastat.3v4.)~»=*l * S `S ° cl y 847; Reports to Congrm by Sécrétsryaf `A¢ricdturc.—e—-The _, Secretary ot Agriculture shall make an annual report to C¤m· ‘ mess Gi thevmceipts, axpcntlltnraa, gnu rasulti pt the cocprm-