Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1291

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1277 .  »;r1r1,¤ @.--7112: P; inspectors in grade 3 on that date shall nimexuaeu in grade 2; · inspectors in grade {oe that dete shall be included lugrede 3; iziepect-ers m grade 5 oe thatrdate shall be iecluded in grade 4 ;. . ixgwcmrs in gradxe 8 OH that date shall be lnclpxded in grade and in@h0re in grade 7 en that date ehall be include? in " grade 6. Inspectors- shall be prcéoted `eecceeeively to grade 5 at the begidning ef? the quarter tellowixig x year’s mtisfectorye, sei-rice in` the next lewer grade, and nor tb exceed 35. per ‘ vemiim er the force te grade 6 for meritoridus service after not less thurcee 5·ear`s .%rvlce id grade`5; and the time Server by inspectors in their grade. on Deceexber 31, 1924,`shal1 be inchedcd in the y:ear's service. required for premdtic;1 in the grades provided herein, cicept as toduspeeters in grade 1 rm `rlmr date- (Feb. 28, 1925, c,_368, § 2, 43 Stat. 1055.) f. ·» .· ` 694; Sgmc; expeuics while an oEcial business away. from hepes._——In®ect0rs_ shall be ‘p¤id· their actual expenses not to exceed % per day while engaged on 0&clal business away. from . meiehomw and eéciel domicile;. (Apr. 24, 1920, c. 161, § 1, ° 41 S¥nt._574_;;Junel 5, 1920, c. 254,711 Stat.-1052;gFeb..28, 1925, cL3@,§-2,43Stat.1055.)‘_=— - _` ‘ `_ 835. Salary and `pcr diem of inspector detailed to free-. delivery systa.-}TIxe bureau pt accounts, . in the Post _0iHce l Department, shell eehirge to -t the approprietiou for the freé· delivery systm the salary `nnd per diem of the p0st-0i· _ specter detailed ter' that service. . (R. S. §§ 4013, 4020; June- 11. 1880, c. @8, 5 .1, 21 Stat.—_177; Mar.- 3, 1897, c. 385, § 1, 29‘ ` Stat. 648; Jmae 10, 1921, c. 18, 42 Stht:. 23.) . ;” . —* 59%. %*%.~e..·· %r.$ gire leeeeeer e mSpectm·— is required to `ceffect or disburse any `publicl money, he shall,. before entering upon such duty, give bond in such sum pqd · form; and with ‘s1ich.seemjity, as the Postmaster General may approve. _(R. S. { 4018,) _· · `j » U; .-I 697. Amistsat Pestmasters General as inspectors.--—Tl1e _, Peetmaster Geueralrmay employ, wlrexr the service requires it, E the Assistant Peetmeetere _Geueral and superintendents in his ». @ertment as pest-0Qee ipsbeetore; and l1e.may_all0w_ them' g therefer net exceeding the amount eipended by them as necessary traveling expeinm while so employed, (R, S, § 4019.) 698. at division hudqutrters; grades; promotions} t trader of clerks or mrriers is City Delivery Service te posil lien of clerks at divided heeMuarters.—-Clerks ut dfvision_ l lresdqeerters of p0st»0i§ce inspectors shall be divided lxito sixl _ gredm, as fellows; ’ · . { ‘ ‘`'·_ i , Grhde 1-——-salery, $1,900; grade y.2`-—salery, $2,000; grade -3-- Q salary, $2,150;* gnde-_ 4-—e•lery, @,300; e grade 5-—·—salary, ( $2,450; garde 6·—-salary, $2,600 ;_ aud. there shall be one chief clerk at meh division limdquarters at e Salary of $3,009. In the 1'88»d} i1t of gradw `fcr clerks letwdivieimn headqnierters , te cmferm to' {hc grades hereln . prorldaed, clerks in each et , `wthe grades existing rm- .31, 1924, shall be included in , the grade et the name number herein provided. `Clerks eh a _ division hmdquarters mall be promoted succ@sively to grade 5 1 az the beginning ot the quarter tollejwlug n year’s satisfactory J service lu the xxeit lcsrer grade and not to exceed 35"‘per-centum ' ef tm force to grade Q for meritorious service after not less : than eee reefs serrlce in grade 5; aud the time served by‘ “ clerks in theH‘ gradw on December 31, 19%, shall be included in U1€')’B&!:’8 service reqniired for premctien in thejgradee pm . vided herein. Whenever in the discretion ct the Beetmnster ·· Genergl the news qt the service require meh` action, ne is ' fi11{h§)1’lZ$(l_~{0 transfer clerks er carriers in the City Delivery I Service. from 0$ces nt which division headquarters ot { peer-nmce inspectors ere located to the poeitiqu et'-, clerk at A suv}: division hmdquartere utter msdn; n neecompetltive 7 exemieetlmx at e eelnry not to exceed After steel} 7 transfer is mule efl’eetlve clerks so trs¤§erred be` eliélble for prmuorieu to the grades of salary provided ter clerks at -1 {

OSTALLSERVICE § 7.03 division headquarters of posit-0Hk·e— lnspeet0rs.` (Feb. 28, -1925, c.368,`§ 2, 43 Stat;1055.) ` l Q · . ` ·. 699. Same; U suMtit¤tes.———When any- clerk in the oflice et! division headquarters in the pest-otflee inspection service is absent from duty for any cause other than leave with pay S Allowed by lewgthe Postmaster General, under such regulations as hegnmey prescribe,. may authorize the employment. of :1 substitute for Spch‘work,`g1nd payment’.`tl:ere£0r from the lepeed Sdlary of such absent clerk ate rate not to exceed the grade ot pay,9f thelclerlg ebse.ut"$x*itl10ut_`;>ay. . (Feb, 28, 1925, c., 368, §2, 43 Stat. 1056.)*- l " ‘ l `E" e . 700. Searcheq authorized.-¤—'1fhe Postmaster General. may; by. a lette1·_0f· authorization under his hunk}, to be Elec! among the record; of his department, empetver any post-e$ce inspector or gher. ofiieer {of the Post Qjhee, Establishment to mike Searches for mailable matter transported in vieletieu of Lew; mid, the linspeeter or pmcer so authorized may open and search any ear or, vehicle passing, er having lately before* passed,·,frmn any·.·place—‘at whieh thereeis a pcm cme of the United States_‘te,t£11y_other such piece, or any bex, peeliage, or packet, being, or having lately before beeé; in such ear or vehicle, or any etore orhouse, other than a‘,d%•;ellihg house, used or occupied by any common carrier or transportation e0m· pany, in which such box, package, or packet may be contained, whenever sueh inspector —0r—. oiliéer has reason to believe that mnilable matter, transported contrary to levy, gmay therein lm foimd.*(R.S.§4026.) - ._ ·· ~ 701. Reduction salary:. restereties te former grade or · idvmcement to interpedinte grade.-——Whenever an · empleyeeik _‘ provided for in this chapteushnllthave been reduced in s:elnry¤ · for any cause, he may _ be restored to hisfermer gmée or ` ndvenbed to an intermediate grade et the beginning of any querter fullenfing the reduction, and a rest ation to a former graqe or advancement to an .intermedfH{,•;retle shall not be construed as atpromotiou within the meaning of the law prohibiting advancement et more than one grade within {me year. j (Feb. *28, 192§ c. 368, § 11, 43 Stat. 1064.) ` I . 702. -Pron10tion regardless of increase of pey.=——AIL‘e1;»`;»le5·ees provided for in this chapter in automatic grades who have not reached the maximum gradesto whiclrthey are entitled to progress automatically, shall be promoted at the beginning of the quarter following the completion of one years. setisfactory `service since their ‘lest_ promotion, regardless of émy increases in salarieso ·grs.mted them, by the provisions ot this chapter. · (Feb. ,28, 1925, e. 3%, §- 11, 4;% Stet. 1065.) ` 703. Promotion of _ iemployee yvhese 'prometien withheld.-- Whenever the promotion ot_ an emp1¤yee,_p¤¢»·1ue¤ for Ein mis chapter is `withheld because ef' unsatisfactery service, suchemployee jmay be_ promote;} at the beginning at . the secencf quarter thereagter, or of Weinyeubsequent qtmrter, on evidence that his record has been satisfactory during the iuterveniug` period. (Feb. 28, 1925, c. 368, §.11, 43 Stat. 1064.) ' Chapter 19..-i-THE MONEXZORDER SYSTEM: Sec. _ `_ _ ‘ _ '- .:· 711. Moneymrdcr system `establlihed. 712. i·‘erelm uwney—order exchanges.- . · 713.¤ucO of money orders at brunch omees xml stations. ._ 714. Who to act izrabeence et postmaster. . 115. Blenks and books in business. “ 716. Amonfnt ot orders, and fees. _ . T1?. Clerks; compensation; additional clerks at international exehunge I'18. Unpaid orders. _ _ _ I'19. Blank applications for orders. E20. Ferns for erderm = ‘ . T2;. Limited money-order omees. · TQ. Beghlntienlt designation of owcer te sign warrants. E28. lndeaeeaent ¢t.o:·der•. — F24? Identldeation et Pelee.