Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1332

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§ Q3 TITLE J§2.——THE J tion and enforcement of the rules and regulations made by the Secretary of the Treasury to prevent the introduction of contagious or infeétious diseases into the. United· States from foreign countries, and into one State or Territory or me District of Columbia from another State or Territory lor the District ot Columbia; and all rules and regulations méde by the Secretary of the Treasury shall operate uniformly and in B9 manner dixriminéte against any port oriplace; and at such ports end places within the United States- as have no quarantine regulations under State or municipal authority, where such regulations are, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury, uecessery to prevent the introduction of contagious or infectious diseases into the ·United States from foreign countries, or into one State or Territory ell the- Distrtet of Columbia from -:mother‘ State or Territory or the District of Uolumbia, and at such _ ports and places `withiu the United ‘ States where quarantine regulations exist under the augmgrity of the State or municipality which, the opinion of the Seo- “ 2 netdriof the Treasury, are not sumcient to prevent the iutroy duction of such diseases into the United States, for S into one Statee or Territory or Tthe District of Columbia-from another State or Territory or the District of Columbia, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, if in his judgment it is necessary and proper, mskei such additional rules, and regulations as. are necessary to prevent the introductionr of such diseases *1nto t the United Staft@ from foreign ¤0¤¤u·1t»S,._ or into one Sthtel or Territory or the District of `Columhizr from another State or Territory or the Districtiof Columbia, and Wheh said lrules h mad `regulations have been made they shall be promulgated by t the Secretary of the f1‘re£sury and enforced by the sanitary auth m·ities__of the States faud municipalities, where the State; or muuicipaljhealth authorities .will_uudertake to execute and wforce them; but if the State or municipal authorities shall fait er refuse to enforce said rules and regulations the President éhall .execute·a11d enforce the. `same dud- adopt such imeasures as in his judgment shall he necesegry to prevent the introduction or s;1re.éd'0f/ suclr dieeases, hud `may detailloraispoint o&cers for that purpose. - The Secretary of the *Cl‘reasury_ 'sheil make such rules and “regul£1ttons' as are necessary to be { ébserved by vessels at the.·port of departure and on the voyage, where such vessels soil from guy forelgu port or place to any portl or_·place'i11 the United States, tosecure the best sanitary eohditiozrof suehwesael, her cargo, passenger , oixd crew ;— which shall be Dubltshetd und, communicated to- `mrd enforced by the cxmsular officers of °the,“United States, None of the. pemutiets imposed by any of, sections 81 to 84, 92 to 94, 99, 100, · 102, and 111 of thistitle shall attach to any vessebor owner or ofheer thereof uutll Q copy of all-the 'abmje·mentioued· sec-_ tions, with the rules and rwulationshtade in pursuaucethereof, has mean posted- upto the‘01iice of the consulfor other consular omeer of the United States for teh da§·s=,·iu the port from which .z~znid ves;..—=el. sailed; and the certidcateeof sugh etmsul or consular omcer over his official elgrmture shall be competent evidence of such posting in any court of 'the Utmetn \__§t.ate—s. (‘l~‘eb. 15. 1@3, e. 114, ·§ 3, 27 Stat. 450: July 1, 1902,` c. 1370, § 1, 32 Stat. 712; Aug. 14, 1912,`c. 28S,'§. 1, 37 Stat. 809.) 93. Duties of Surgeon Geueralns to·quarnutiu.e; reports.--e It shall be the duty of the Surgvoan .Geheral of the ‘Pu_blic Hehlth Service. under the `direetiou- of Ul€•pgB01'€t3l‘§'·Of the Treasury, to perforxryall the duties in 'resfxéctl to quurhutlhe and quarantine"regulations which are provided for by sections S4, -92 to 04, 99, 100, 102, and 111 of this title, and to ohmin information ot the sanitary condition of foreign ports " and places from which contagious `and infectious diseases are or may be imported into the United Stzrtm, nndto thisehd the cox1§ulur.0RE·e_r ot the United Stateé atsuch ports and places ge shall be designated hy the Secretary of the Treasury 'shall make to the Secretary of the Treasury weekli reports ot the

I PUBLIC HEALTH 1318 `sanitary condition of the ports and places at which they are respectively stationed, according to such forms as the Secretary of the Treasury shall p ribe; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall also obtain, urc% accessible, including State and municipal sanitary authorities throughout the United States, weekly reports ot the sanitary `condition of ports and places within the United States, and shall prepare, publish, and transmit to collectors of customs and to Stats and municipal health omcers and other `sanltarians weekly abstracts of the consular sanitary reports and otherl pertinent information;\recei_yed· by him, and shall also, asifar as he may be able, by means of the voluntary cooperation of State and municipal authorities, `of . publlc associations, and private persons,. procure. information relating to the climatic and other conditions aiecting the publiehealth, and shall make an an-; nual report ot his operations to Congrem, with such recommendationsas he may deem important to the public interest. (Feb, .15,_1893, ci 114, 54, 27 Stat. 451; July -1, 1902,,c. 1370, $,-1, 32 StEt,.`712;"Aug; 14, 1912, c. 288, § 1, 37 Stat. 309.) »

 94.— Reiulationa to secure sanitary conditions of v@lq;

inspection; health certi8cate.-4The Secretary ot the Treasury { shall from time to time issue to the consular omcers ot_ the ·Unitéd' States and to the medical oiilcérs serving at any foreign. port, and otherwise make`_pu·blicly known- the rules and regulations made by him, to beiused andcomplied with by vessels _in— foreign ports, for securing the best mnitary conditions of such vessels, them cargoes, passengers, and crew, before their. departure for a_ny port in the United States, and in the course of the voyage `; and all such otherrules and regulations as shall `

 observed in the inspection ot the mane on the arrival thereof

at ·any_ quarantine stationat the port of destination, and tor the disinfection and. isolation of the same, and the treatment of cargo and persons on board, so as to prevent the introduction of cholera, yellow fever, orj other contagious or infectious diseases; and it shall not be laivful for any vessel to, eater said n port to discharge itscargo, or land its passengers, except upon t a certificate of the health oliicer at such quarantine station ` t certifying that said rules and rregulations have ln all respects t been observed and complied with, as well onlhis part as on the Spa-rt of the said vessel and its master, in·respect" to the same l-and to its cargo, `passengers and crew; and the master of every such vessel- shall produce. and deliver to the collector ot,.customs at said_port.ot entry, together with 'the other papers of the vessel, the said hills ot health required to be obtained at . the port of; departure and the certidcate_ herein required to .beobtained `from the health omcer at the port of entry; and thatthe biellstof health- herein prescribed shall he considered as part ot the sl:lp’s papers, and when duly eertlaed to by the fproper consular oriother omcer of the United States, over his official ignature and seal, shall he accepted as evidence of the St£lt€!§‘i]t8 therein contained in any court of the United States, (Feb. 15, 1893, c. 114, § 5, 27_ Stat..451.) I , a · ‘95.· Regulations `toprevent spread of contagious diseases; violation of rales.——Whenever it shall ‘m made to appear ro `the satisfaction of the President that cholera, °yellow fever, smallpox, ofplague exists in any State, or Territory, or tri the 'District of Columbia, and that there js danger of the spread oflsuch disease into other States, 'Perritories, or the District of Columbia, he is authorized, to ·cause· the Secretaryaot the Trea`sury to promulgate such rules and regulations as in his judgment may be necessary _ to prevent the spread; of such disease from one State or Territory into another, or_1'rom any State or Territory into the Dlstrlé@C0luxnbla, or from the District of Columbia into any State or Territory, and toemploy such inspectors and other mrsons as may be necessary to execute such regulations to prevent the spread of such disease; Thesald rulw and regulations shallfbe prepared by the Surgeon. General ot the·`Publlc Health Service under the direction ot the