Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1334

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§ 105 TITLE 42.M~THE 1* in which the titleto suchland and water, or any part thereof, is in any ether owner than the United States it shall be the duty of the Secretary; of the Treasury to secure the title and possession ei the same to the United States for the useeot mea Public Health Service of the United States, by purchase nt a reasonable price, if possible; but it, in his judgment, the price deumnrled fer such property be excessive, he is authorited to apply to the Attorney General of the United States to_cause to be iusiituterl, in the proper tribunal, condemnation proeeediggs in the name of the Fnited States for the purpose of aqqulrlng far the`United States the title and possession, of suclrland and water, and eaid Attorney General shall, as soon as possible after surh application by the Secretary of the Treasury, cause such proceedixngs to be instituted and conducted to atconcluy sion, andthe custody and possession of such land and water, when duly acquired in accordance with the award made in sach_.eendena:1ati¢»n proceedings. shall he deliveredto the Secretary of the Treasury for the useof the Public Health Service. {June 19, 19G6,—.c.- 3433, ·§ 2,34 Stat. 299.; Aug. 14, 1912, e. 288, 5 1,,37 Stat. 309.) ‘_ - A . ". 195. Notice of selection of places for quarantine stations and anehorages; instrmnentalities for disinfecting vesselé and cargoes and hospital buildings; `treatment ,_ of ‘ sick and eradieatianef disease.——On acquiring `possession of any land and water in accordance with the provisions of sections 103; and 104 nf this title for the purpose of establishing thereat a quarantine station and anchorage, the Secretary of the Treasury shall cauae to be published such newspapers as he may think proper, once a week for four successive—weeks,`a’ notice ef the selcctien and dcéignatien of such places for quarantine stations and anclwrages, with a description of thetholinrlarles nf such quarantine stations and anchorages, and such rules and regulations aahe shall adopt and promulgate. requiring reseela with yellow fever among their passengers 0_r`_crews°to. ge te. speriiied/quarantine `stations and anchorages, to be dealt with there before visiting any port of the United States. ·IIe éhall establish at such quarantine `stations and anchorages all neeeesaxry instrrmnentalities for diéinfecting vessels and their. mrgoee, and where the sameshall be required shall erect the aneeessary hospital buildings and install the.neceseary_fum_ltnre` ` and llttlnge for areeeiving and treating the sick among the pas- · wagers and crews ot vessels going to such quarantineiqtations and ancheragea and provide for the__sepa@tion ot·_ those among, their paaeengvrs and crews yvho are sulferingjrom yellow fever from three who areln 'good health, and shall turther hrovidep fer doing all things neceseary to eradicate sneh diemse from such veeaa•ls,"_their mrgow, passengers, and crews. (June 19, 1.3%,15 3433, § 3, 34 Stat. 300.)- `, · _ , 196. Trapm pn qaaranhae reservations; vemls ehterlng United Stats ia yiolatien of lavrs.———Whenes{er any persen shall treepaam npon the grenade belonging to any quarantine reservation, gr wheneter any person, master, pilot,/m' owner of_ s rerseel entering any port of the _United· ·8t•,tes, shall so enter in violation of section 86 of this title, or ln "$lolatic»n of the { quarantine regulations framed under shld section, each person treemaesing, _ or ’ such master, pilot; or other person ln eom{ mand ot a Fveesel shall, upon cenvictienthereof, aj fined of not mere than $3%, or be senteneed to in1p~rlee»nment.tor l ° a period et not more than thirty days, or shall be punished t by both dne and`impriso1¤rnent,· at the discretion of the court.,} ., And it shall be the dnity bf the United Stntes.utt»0r.ney ln. the l district where the misdemeanor shall have been comnaittedi te take immediate @lzdnce ot the oaense, upon report made € to him by any medial officer of the Public Halth Service, or by any hfdeer of the custnms eervlee, er by any State- emeer , `aetingnnder proper authority. (Aug. 1, 1888, c. 727, § 1, 25? Stat. 355; July 1, 1902, of 1370, { 1, 32 Stat. 712; Aug. 14, 1912, _c.288,§1,37_StaL3G9.) — ` v V l

’UBLIC zrmnrn 1320 f 107. Violation of quarantine lewis; by omcers.——»Aoy officer, or person acting as au o&cer; or agent ot_ the United States an any quarantineetation, or other pereon employed to _1 in preventing the spread of such disease, who shall willfullwviolate any of the quarnntfe laws ot the United States, or any of the rules and regulations made and promulgated by the Secretary of athe Treasury as provide}! for in section 95 of this title, or any lawful order ot his koperior officer or o@cers, shall be deemed guilty of ‘a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shell be punished by a fine of Wetmore than $@00 or innprleon- .ment for not more than one year, on both, in the discretion oi the conrt. (Mar. 27, 1890, c. 51, § 2,26 Stat. 31.) 108. Same; by co1mnon,carriers.—\Vhen any common carrier or officer, agent, or employee of any common carrier shall willifnlly violate any of the quarantine laws of the United Staten, or the rules and regulations made and promulgated as provided for in section 95 of this title, such common carrier, OHFICBPQ agent, or employee, shall `be deemed. guilty of n` guisdemeanor, and shall, on conviction, be pnntwed by n Sno of v not more than $500, `or` imprisonment fornot lrnore than two lyears, or both, in tue, discretion of the court.- (Mar. 27, Iwt), M,c._51, § 3, 26 `Stat.`31t)· — - ° 1 `109.\Rep0rt of expenditures lto [prevent epide¤ics.··—-A de- [ tailed, report shall be submitted. annually to Cougrem, showing ¥ the expenditures made under nl>Pl'¢>Dl’iltione` to enable tm tPresident, in case only of threatened or gctnal epidemk of cholera, typhus fever,. yellovvitever; mellpox, bnbenle plague, Chinese plague or black dmth, trachoma, influenza, Rocky v Mountain 'spotted fever, or infantile paralysis, to am im v` local boards, or otherwise; in his discretion, in preventing and

 suppressing- the spread of the same, and in such emtg&‘ in

i the execution. of any quarantine lame which may be then}:

force. (June 12, 1917, c. 27, { 1, 40 Stat; 121; Feb. 17, 1922,
 0,55, 42 Stat. 380fJnn. 3, 1923, c. 2 42 Stat. HQ; Apr.4,
 19¢24,tc. 84; Title I, 43 Stet.`76; Jane 20, 19%, c. 85, I 1, '·$3 Stat. -

X 757;,Jai1. 22Q 19%, c. 87, Title I, 43 Stat. 775;) K ' M 110.`Schedule ofifem for vessels at qmrantino uatkm; New York aStntion.—e-The Secretary of m is authorized aud directed -to promulgate such A sehwnlekoi tem to be charged vessels at each ot the national stntione as willibe fair andreasonnble for the nervixs r ·ed by each stationi This authority ehall not be applicable to anx qnnran· .

 tine station where the tees are nxed by lu:. . -e

§ · The schedule" of tees and rates ot ehargé in meet at the New

 York Quarantine Station at the time ot the transfer of the title

i thereto to the United States shall N adoyed and promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury as the mhednle oi tees end _ "rates ot charges for the operation otthe aid n¤tion under the jnriadiction.ot"hthe United--Stat.e¢.‘ (June 5, mw.- c. 235, { 1, 41 Stat.__875; June 16, 1921, c. %, { 1, ·¤ Stat. &.) __ ’111.·Snsmslmn of i¤¤i¢nti¤.—-·\V!wver lt shall be Shown to the satisfaction, of the ‘ dent that by rmeon of the existence of cholera or otheri infections or contiglons___d®m in o, foreign country there la @rione`"danger of the lntrwnction ot the some into the United States, and that no·tpvithetnnding tlie quarantine defense this danger is so increased by the introduction of persona or ipropbrrty from such country that n sus? pension of the right to introduce the sameis dmanded in the. interest ot the public health, the President shall have power to J prohibit, inwvhole or in part, the introduction of persons ami property from snob countries or places. as he- shall designate and for such? periodol time oe he may deem necessaryd. (Feb. 15, 1%; c, 114, § 1, 27 Stat. {52.) _ ·V . ` _ 112. Removal of revenue oicers from port during epi- v demic.y—-·Whenever, by the prevalence of any contogioue or

 epidemic disease in ornear the place bylaw established as the

port of- entry for any collection district, it becomes dangerous ‘ or inconvenient for the owcers ot the revenile emoloyed-tlnerein ‘