Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1337

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1323 TITLE 4£.-·~THH P which shall eaadat of the Chief of the Children': Bureau, the ‘Sm·g~e<m General of the Uaitw Statu Public Hmlth Service, end the United States Commissioner et Education, The beard. shell elect lm ewan chairman and perform the duties provided `fer: ki this chapter, A “ ,. · · The wildrenfs Bureau ot the Department et·'Leb0r- shall be 4 herged with the administration of this ehapter, except as e¥ha·rwi% provided in this chapter, md the Chief of the Chile (¥¥€il’£ Bureau ahall be the executive 0&ce1·. It shall be the amy at the Chlldren’s Bureau to make or cause to be made such studim, investigations, and reports ‘as‘wi1lZpr0m0te the eflleioat administration et this chapter. (Nev. Z3, 1921, e. 135, § 3, 42`Stat. 224.) _ · · . l _ 182. Appropriation fer.-·Thes—e is authorized to be appropriated annually, out ef, any money in the Treasury not 0t.herg‘ wise appropriated, the same epecmed in section 163 of this title, to be paid, to the eeyeral States fer the purpose of cooperating with them in premotiug the welfare and hygiene `cf maternity and infancy as p1·0vided.’_ (N0v.° 23, 1921, c. 135, a§"1,42smi·.&4.)_, ·_ e · - _ 163. Same; amomit; appettieaateat to States; additional spmrtieammt.—-;I¤`er me purpeee of earrying aut the provisions of this ehaptei, there is authorized tp beappmpriated annually anti; June 39, 1927, ent of anylmoney ia &1E`Tl'€&Sll1'Y not otherwise appropriated, $240,600, te be mually apportleaed among the several States in the mamma: provided ia this chapter, and for the asc of me Swim subject to. the pmvisicas ot this chapter, aaaually, for the mme period, an additional, sum not te., exceed $1,000,060, {Bae additional appropriations authorized shall be agmrtiimed $,606 te meh State and the balance among the _ Statx ig the pmpcrtiaa which their population bears to the tem population of the States of the United States, according _ tb the last weeediag United States census. No véfment 0i;t· ot the additional ammpriatioa authorized shall be made in any ymr te any State aatil an eqaal sum has been appropriated l fm- that year by the lwlelature et {mea State for the maiuteq aaaee of the eervicesaad facilities provided-te:·_i¤ this chapter. So much `ot the amount apportieuef to any State for ear Beeal yur aa mmaiae @3 to State at me cloee thereof shall he available for gxpenditurw in that State until the .cl0ee` ei w meal yen;. (Nev. %,‘Ql921, c.'135, { 2, 42 Stat. ¤4.)· _ · ·- _ , ° · » 184. of by St¢tm·-—····I¤ order to secmje the lieaeete of the apwepriatleae aiatherieecl in sectlen 1% ef this any State shall, through the legislative authority themmt, accept we provléaae of this ehapter ind mlgnate er aumrlze the ceeatlea at a` Statue agency with which the Chi!-· dma'; Bama shall have all aecesmry powers to cooperate as herein provided ia the admiaiatratiea ot the pmvmoas of this &apte:·.. Ia any? Bate hating a ehildgweltare er ehildhygieue divima in its State agmy et health, the me mate agency et aaai! administer the previelom of this chapter through each divisiama., (Nev. 23, 1921, e. 135, { 4,42 Stat, 2%.) ~ 185; Dedaetha fre¤ '&PP¥¤F1'i¤tiea, fe: "•d¤.i®rétive ex·· pauses.:-;——Se mech. net te exceed 5 per eeetam, of the addi-—. · tieaal awgufiatlcm authorized fer any aseal year gmder see tlea 1% at this title, an. the £·'hil dren’e Bmneau may estimate . te be aeeweary for administering the Bl‘*0Yi$0H8`” of this ®apter, alxalg be deducted. fe; that p»¤r@,_ to he available until ex-- pended, (Nev., 23,1921, A 135, { 5, 42 Stat. ,,&§.) _ . ,166. eats fer Childrefs Mre•,a.·-»Qnit of the , amounts aataorlzed aadera sectlmx of title the Chily di1··en’s‘Ba1*@aYh·natherwe<l to employ nmetaats. clerks, and other perseim in Dimtct ax Gelaxama and elsewhere, to be takm {mm the eligble lifts of the Civil $ervlce _miaaiea,‘ md te gmrehaee eupm1ee,·mate¤·ln1, equipment, emee ae: had e· ~ atm nad te index saeb”_¤·avel andother expeaae as lt may deem necessary fm out the

’UBL1U HEALTH §—17U` purpeses of this chapter. (Nov. 23, 19211, c. 135, § 6, 42 Stat. 225.) . 167. Apporticmment of appropriation to States.--\`S?ithin sixty days after any appropriation eutherized by this chapter has been made, the Childrens Bpreae shalt make the appettionmeut provided for and shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury) the amount estimated by the bureau te be mmessaxy for administering the provisions et this cheptezf, and ehali certify to the Secretary oi the Treasury and to the treaeurers of the various States the amount which has bam apportioned to each State ier the Hscsl year fof which such appropriation has been made. (Novi. 23, 1921, c. iss, § 7, 42 Stat. 225.) 168. Submission of plans by Statest apprevale-—·Aey State desiring to receive the benefits .0f this ehepter ebelt, by its agency described in section 164 of this title, submit to the Childrezfs Bureau detailed plans for·carrying eut the previsions ot this chapter within such State, which plans shell. he subject to the approval of the beard. The plane of the States imder this chapter shall provide that ue c@eia1, or agent, er representative in carrying bet the provisions of this chapter shall enter any home or take eharge ot eey ghild ever the objection of the parents, or either oithem, or-tm person stamiiixg izr loco parentis or hating cestetly of seclrehild. It these plans shall bein conformity with the provisions of this chapter and reasonably. appropriate and adequate to carry ent hits pm·· poses they shall be approved by tm boefd and dee; notice et, such approval shall `be sent to the State agency by the Chief et the »Chi1dren’s _§ureau.”.` (Nov. 23, 19¤,·e. 135, i 8, 42 Stat. ' 169. Power of represmtativw bt ChiMre¤’s Bmesete éster homes or takechsrge of t —-»Ne ofheisl, agent, or meprev septative of the ChiIdreu’s· Be1:est;_ shell — by virtue ei this chapter have any rigit to wter snj* hem ever tm et the owneti thereof, or te take charge of any chiiki"` objection of the patents, or either oi them, or ot the perm . staeding in loco parentis ox having eustedyl el meh Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as the power `oi a parent or guerdian or taxa aandiw in ieee wzeetis to determine what treatment or shell, be ‘p:.·e·videe fo: ` an child or the agency er agencies te be wio5··ed for seeh pete

 (N6?. 23, 1921, c. -135, § 9, 42 Stat, Wi) 8 ` ,

° 176. Poi- smeests te Statue-·· Withtn sixty days after: my epprepriatiee authorised hy. this c@u· has been made, and as often white sem appropriation remains eaexpended as »¤ aged eoeditiees may warrant, `the -Cht1dre¤’se· Bureau shall ascertsih tm amounts that hive been" appropriated by the imislatures et the several Statu accepting the pmvisieea et this ehnpter; em! sha1ree—t·tiiy re the Secretary ‘ of the -_Tree;sury the oemetmt te whieh eeeh State is emxeee umiexz the pxjevisiens of this chapter. Seek cer-· tmeate shall state (1) that ·_the—— State has; throegh its legislative authority, accepted the provisions er this chapter and designated er autherieednthe ereation et ae egeeey te eeeperate with the Childretfs Bureau, er that the State has otherwise aceepteé this chapter, as provided in mation 164. et this title; (2) the fact that the proper agmy of the State has submitted to the Child~reu’s Bureau detaited pians for carrying out the provisions ez this chapter, and thet such plans have been appxmreti-by the board; (3) the emeeet, it any, that has bee¤_epprepristed by the ieglsiatnire of the State `fer the main- · teusnee of the services see facilities of this ehspter, es. pmé Yided is seetiepz1& of this titke; and the ameezit to which the State is entitled wider the pmvisio of this chapter. Such eertiwete, ’wh,e¤‘ in conformity with the * previsiees hereof, ¢1ail,·¤eti1 l’Q$’0k@ as prevtded in section 1'Z2 of this title, be sehient authority to the wretmsy et the Treesury te make, · mymept to the State in accordance therewith., (Nov. 23, 1921, e. 1®,`§ 10. Etet. . 3 ‘