Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1396

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§ 771 TITLE 4.2.-·-1»z privileged; but auch lands shall not be surveyed luto less than %u e lmadred and sixty acres, or subdivided into less than forty acres, (R, S. § 2-419.) ’ · ‘ ‘ 771. Conpeusaiieu by the day in Oregon and California.-—. Whewrer the puhlle ourreya, or 8E} portiou of them, in the States of Oregon aud Qlttoruia, are `eo required toe be made no to rr·o@r it expedlmi; tqmake compensation for the survey- iug thereof by the day instead of oy the mile, it shall be lawful `for the Gommlyesmuer of the General Land Omoo, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to make such fair aud reasonable allowance os, in his judgment. may be necessary to lasure the accurate and faithful execution of the work. (1;, S. S e2411.) · 772, Reeurreys or retraeemeuts to mark boundarieeof laude midisposed ef.—-—'l`he Secretary of the Interior may, as of March 3, wml, ie me disrretiou cause to be made, as he may deem_ wise under the rectangular system on that date provided by , law, such reeurveys or retracomeuts of the saurvey; of public lands as, after full irzvestigatiou, he may deem essential to' properly mark the boundaries of the public lands remaining uodirposed of: Provided, That ue ouch reeurvey or retracement shall be so executed as to impair the bona fide rights or claims of any claimant, eutrymau, or ojwuer of lands amacted by such resurvey or retracemeut: Provided farther, That not to exceed 2G per oem: or the total annual appropriation for surveys aud resurveys of the public lands shall be used for the resurveys and retraeemeats authorized lxereby._ (Mar. 3, 1909, c. 271, 35 Stat. 845; June 25, 1910, No. 40, 36 Stat. 884.), ‘ ,773. Reaurreya or retrsceuaeuts of township lines, etc.——¢ Uma. the application of the owners of ·thI`€6·fo\lI‘thS` of the privately {owned laude in any township covered by publlcdand surveys, more than 50 per cmtmu l of the area of which townahim is "privataely owned, accompanied by oa deposit with the United Stated Field Surveying Service for the proper State, or it ithere no Surreylug _Service lu_ such State, thou with the Commissioner ot the General ;Land Omoo,. ot the proportionate estimated cm, inclusive of the; necessary work, of me rmrvey of retmeemeut lot all the privately owned lands in said township, we Gomissiouer ot the General Land Odlce, subject to the euperviaory; authority of the Secretary of _ the Interior, shall be authorized lu his discretion to cause to be

 a rmrvey or rdracement ot the lines ot mid townallip

aud ro permanent cemie and mouumeuts, in accordance ‘ jim the laws aud rgulatioua goyemiug surveys aud resurveya of public laude. {The sum so deposited shelf be held by the i Field Surveying Service or commissioner and may be expended iu payment of the cost of such surrey, including Held aryl o§ce work, aud any excem over the coat of · auch, survey and tlie expenses incident thereto shall be repaid prot rata to the person making said deporits or their legal representatives. The pro; portiouate coat of the _§eld and omce work for the reeurvey or retmcemeut of ainy public l&BdS;iH'S\IC}1 township shall be paid from the curreut appropriation for the survey! wld reaurvey ot public laude, in addition to the portion of such approixrlalion otherwise allowed by law for resurveys aud—retraceu*1ents. Similar resurreye and retracemeuts may be made ou the duplication, accompanied by the requisite deposit, of any court ot corupeteut jurisdiction, the returns of auch reeurvey or retrace? meut to be submitted to the court. cruel Secretary _ ot the Iateriorir authorized to` make , all necxaary ruled and regulations to carry thia aectlou into lull form and em;-ect. (Sept. 21, 1918, 6175,,40 Stat. 965; Mar. 3, 1825, e. 43 Stat, 1144;) Y 774. Protection oi surveyor by ¤¤shaL—Whmever the President le eatiaded that forcible _ opuodtion has. oiered, or Le likely to be o¤m·ed,“ to my surveyor or deputy surveyor lu the discharge ot hisl dutim in- surveying public laude, it may bealasful for the Preeidwt to order marshal of the State or district, by kiwi; or deputy, to attend ouch surveyor-

wma LANDS `"` 1382 or deputy surveyor with sufficient force to protect sneh omeer in the execution of his duty, and to remove force should any be omared. (R. S. 5 2413.) , Chapter 19.-·-·BOUNTY LA.NI)S. GENERAL PBOYIS‘Im~l8 Sec. t 781. Investigation of frauds. c 782. Regulations by Secretary of Interior. 783. Bounty warrants and indemnity eertidostes receivable in nay c ment for lands. 784. Duty ot Conxmlssioner of Pensions to execnte bonntyland laws. S 785. Person to sign bonntydand warrants. 785. Printed instructions furnished free. 787. False certiflc·ation_ of documents; false aminvit and nostelnting . vouchers; false certiheate to vouchers. .· RIGHT TO BQGNTY; AMGUNT 791; Service in ,War· of Isl? and certain Indian ware; amount of · J bounty. { Q 792; Entry *into service after: eommeneement of Mezlan War. ‘ 193. Militia, volunteers, and State troops in wrviee between June 18, · 1812, and Moron 22, 1852. · " 794. Effect of receiving bounty under prior statutes. 795. Perlml of cnptiyity added to aetnnl service. 796. Widows of persons entitled. . ‘ 797. Widows and children of persona entitled. 798.* Subsequent marriage ol widow. `799. ·Mlnors.‘ . . 800. Equalization of bounties. ~ · $01. Right `dependent on length of service. 802. Right independent of length of service. 803. Parol proof of service. · , . ‘ 804; Proof ot service on application for additional bounty. 805. Allowance for travel time in computing length of sorviw. 806. Indians included in bounty hurts. · - · ` ~ 807.. Evidence oi rmht to pension ndmisalple to snow -righfto boonty. 808. Deserters not entitled to bounty land. » WARRANT, LOCATION, AND PATEl$T 821, Assignment ot warrants and locations. _ , 822.- Edect of sale, mortgage, or letter of attorney made aefore bane t ot warrant. 2 . I ‘823. Location ot warrants; payment ot excess __over minimum price., 824; Entry! under warrants for services in ’Rcvo!o·tion•ry War and War ot 1812. ‘ _ . . 825. Timo, for location ot warrants reierred to ln preceding soetton. ‘S26. Warrants located tree ot expense, . 827. Issuance ot patent. Z - . 828. Issue ot p¤tent·n•twltnstnndlng loss of warrant. ,829. Asslprnent ot loot gnrrant: criminal llabllity. 836. Loss of or failure to issue eertldcate of honorable discharge. 831{ Mode of issuing patents to heirs. ~ » - -~ . 832. Death ot claimnntmfter establishing right and before warrant. 833.-,Proofs tiled- by legal representstlées. - · 834. Relocation ofmllltary boontydand warrants in rnees oi error.

 Issuance and recording oij warrants; . _ _- _ “

"CLAlM AGENTS 0R`ATTORNEYS 841. Claim agent withholding discharge papers. - 842.. Compensation ot agent. or attorney. ’ · ·— _ 843. 'Agent or attorney. demanding more than legal tee: 844. Agreement for (ee; dllng; limitation or Qamonnt.


_ Section 781.- Investigation of fra.nda———'i‘he (jornnlissioner ot Pensions is authorized to_ detail from time to time elerks: or _ persons employed in his o&ce _ to make smelal examinations} into the merits ot bounty land claims, whether pending or adjudicated, as he may deem proper, and to aid in the prosecution of any party appearing on such examinations to bc_ guilty- of fraud, either in the presentation or in procuring. . the allowance of such claims; and any person so detailed shall have power to ndminlstenoaths and take nilldavits and deposi4 tions in the conrseof sn-ch examinations, and to orally einmine wsltnemes, and may employ n_ stenographer, when deemed

 by the Commission-er'ot Pensions, in important cases,

such atenmrapher to be paid. by such clerk or person, and the . amount so paid to be allowed in his ,aeeounts.· (R. S. § 4744; July %, 1882,13. 349, § 2, 22 Stat.·175.) '·· V