Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1397

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{{353 _ TITLE 48.-—P

  • 282. Regulations by—Secrciary of Interim·.-··~’1‘ha Secretary ot

tm Interior is required to pgmécribe such regulations for carry- ing the provisions of this c1;apte1··i11m eEect as he may deem mwssary and prayer in order to protect the Government ggaixxst imposition and fraud by persons claiming the Bement mwmf; and all laws and parts of laws for the punishment at frauds against the United Siiptes are __made applicable to frauds uaéer that sectioxit _‘(R S. Q 2442.) » _ ·· Q'83. Beauty warrants md indemnity cértiéutes receivable in payment far 1a¤ds.·——Iu `addition to, thé benefits. otherwise givea thereto bf law, all u¤sa”tis¤ed _ mglitary bounty-land warrants under my Act of Congress, and uusatismzd indemnity egrxiamtw ct london uudqr the Act of C·ong;·c& approéed June 2, 1858, shall be receivable at thérnte of $1,25_·per acre ig mymeat or part payment for my lands entered under the da:sert—1a¤d Law (aha 9 ct this title) ; the timber ind sstoué mw (chapter 8 of th§:2§t1e)—; or fcr Iauds—which may be`so1H` at public auction, except such lands ·ns shall have been pur- ` cmsed tum my Indian tribe within teh years prior to December 13, 1w!. (Déc. 13, 1894, c. 3, 28 Stat. 594.). _ · 784. Duty of Ceamisémr of Pmsicas to excqutc bounty- land laws.—Thé of Pwdom shall perform, ymder the direction of the Secretary of Interior, such duties in the executicm of the various b<mnty·la.ud laws an mai be prescribed by me Prwdwt. _(B. S. O 471.)- . ‘ 785. Persm to sign homty·l•M wu·nnts.—The Commissioner of Pensions is authorized, with the approval of the Secretary ot the Interior, to appoint an person to sign the naine ot me ccmmlsxouer ta certmcates or warmum 10: bounty iands; and certmentes or warrant; so signed s1;•,11‘bc as validfas it signed by the commfdsiouer. (R. S. { 478Q) ° 786; Printed indrmim furnished freé.—-The G0 0i1er at Penmcns, on npplkmtiem being made to him.- in person, or by later, bi IH! dnimmt or_ appiiénpt for bounty land, O1? other glkiwsnce required by law to be idjusted or paid by the Pension Omen, shall tmjnish such person; treo at all eipeuse, all such printed .i¤s¤·uctio¤s mh tqrms. gs may be necesangry in wtablishlng sudhbtaining mid claim: on the imuing ct n bouutrlaud wnrrsiut, he shall forthwith notify the claimant or nmimng, and also the ngéut or attorney in the case, it there be one, that such {allowance hah been made; md the dat; and amount thereof. (IL B. § 4748.). · 787._Fnkc nf .&c¤mm¢i§ {slcc iidavit dud pqstdating vouchers; faké eutiicate to vmehér¤.+Every g pemoa before whom any declnhtion, nEdavit,_ voucher, Olf othey paper cr”writi¤g,‘t0 bd used in nid of- the ·|}t0SOCUtiO¤· of qny claim 10: bounty land or payment thereof purports .t0 hive been executed whd shall knowingly certify that the deciarqnt, n¤1ut; or www in §&dav1t,` voucher, cr uber paper or appeared before him and was sworn thereto, or ac¤owlédgéd· the execution thereof, wha, in {get, such `nmant, mr did gof personally spam: cr was amt sworn thereto,' dr did

 mt adnowledge tha. exequticn thenét. shall be punished bk

•. Ana hot exceeding $500, or by impriwument Yfor n term ot mt more thnulive yenmu (B, B. S 4746; J’u1y’7,°I898,’c. 578, so sm,/118.) __ " ‘ ‘ ‘ , RIGHT T0 BOUNTY; AMOUNT 791. Service in Wu- of 1812 ind Indian wars; ammmtw af bounty.-—-heh of the·•u1rviv1ug, 01‘,_&thQ" widpw dr ming: cblldrm of nm noncommissidnecl xmcers, mtmcldm,-or prlvatu, at volunteers; r or $1GQ in A wv _?¢8i¤`t!¢¤t» ¤¤¤Pl¤!. or dctn&@t. tha· United St¤¢¤¤· i¤_ the vu ir1t.h.Gmnt‘Br1tain, on 18md¤7¤t§¤¤¢,‘1812,¤ridp.¤yottb.•I¤<da¤ uid‘p1‘i0r ta the Bdwet l8¤0,‘—;¤d·e•& gt tho»ccm·

’UBLIO LAND8 § 796 missioned ofllcers who was engaged in the military service of the United States in the war with Mexico, shalhbe entitled to lands` as follows: Those who engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and actually served nine months, shall receive one hundredand sixty acres, and those who ongaged to;serve six months, and actually served four months, shall receive eighty ‘ acres, and those who engaged to serve for any or an indednlte period, and actually served one month, shall receive forty acres; but wherever any omcerior soldier was honorably discharged in conseqnence of disability contracted in the service, before the cxpiratigm of his period of service; he shall receive the amount to which he would have been entitled if he had served the full period for which he had engaged to serve. All the persons enumerated in this sec-- tion who enlisted in the regular army, or were mastered in any volunteer company for a period of not lem than twelve months, and who served in the war with Mexico and received an honorable discharge, or who were killed or died of wounds receivedor sichnm incurred in the course of such service, or were discharged before the expiration of the term of service in consequence of wounds received or sickness incurred in the course of such service, shall be entitled to receive a eertlhmte or warrant for one hundred and sixty acrw of land: or at opdon Treasury script for one hundred dollars bearing interest at 6 per centnm per annum. payable semlannoally, at the pleasure of the Governruwt. In the eventof the éuth of any one.of the persons mentioned in this eectiogn durinz mrvlco,. or after hm discharge, and before the lwaing of a certmcate or warrant, the warrant or script shall be lmmd in favor of he fam1ly€or_relatives;,¤rst, to the widow and his children; second, his father; fthird, his mother; fourth, his brothers and sisters. (R. S. O 2418.) ‘_ . . . ‘ 792. htry into service after eomnxmmt of Medea: War.—The persona enumerated xn the preceding section rei ceived into serviceyafter the commencement of the war with Mexico, for less than twelve months, and _ who served an& term, or were honorably discharged are entitled to receive a certificate or warrant for forty acres, or script for w if preferred, and ln. the event of the death of such person daring service, or after honorable discharge before the 11th of Fehruy ary, 1847, the warrant or` script shall iasne to the wife, child, — orchildren, if there heany, and if none, to the father, and if no father, to- the mother of such soldier. (R. SJ S 2419.) — °— 793. Militia, volunteers, and State troops in service between June 18,,1812, and_March 22, .1852.¥-Wherethe militia, or volunteers, or State troops of any State or_ Territory, subsequent to the 18th day of June, 1812, and prior toMarch 22, 1852, were mlled into service, the o@cers and soldiers thereof Shall he entitledto, the benefits of section 791 of this title upon proof of. length of service as therein (R. S.} 2420.) ‘ ` 794. Efect. of receiving bounty under prior atatntes.—¥No ` person shall take any benefit under the provisions of the three preceding sections, if he has received, or is entitled to receive, any military land bounty under any lAct of Congrws passed prior to the 22d March, 1852;· (R; B. $2421.) . — . 795. Period of captivity to actaal service.-4-The period durim which any omcer or soldier remained in captivity with the nenemyashall beestimatedand added`to the periodof his actual service, and the person so retained in. captivity shall ` l receive land under the provisions of sections 791 and 793 of this title, is thaiaame manner that he would be entitledin case

 had   the service for the whole j term made.up_ by the

addition of thetime of his captivity, and had served duringsnch term. (R. _8. { 25122.) · · ” I 796; Widoviraof persons entitled.-—In theevent of thedeoth of any person, for whom provision is made hy sections 791 and 793`of this title, and who did not receive bounty land forhis services, a like? warrant sha]!. issue in favor of his widow, who