Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1399

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]%5 TITLE 43.+-PU; pensions is not widened that the www was properly granted, 1 he mar require additional, evldenee, aa well ot the term aa or · me fact of mrvice. _(-R. S;} 2435.)_ ·` · _ " _ X l 898, nw catitled to Mmty lw.-~·No person whe _ has been in the of the Unltx States shall, in any case, receive a' bounty land warrant if_it appears ·by the master rolls oi his reglmnt or corps that he dmrted or wah aianenorably dlmhargk-:d‘13rom‘selrviee. (R. S, .§ 2438.) ` lWARRAl~1T, LOCATION, AND PATENT _ S21. Amgnrnent of rwarranta? and locations.-—-=All warrants for military bounty lands leaned `nnder any law of the United States, and all valid locations of the same, be asaignable _ by deed or instrument of writing, made and eaecuted according to auch form and pursuant to such regulations. as may be prescribed by, the Gommlssioner of the `General Land Omce, an as to rest the assignee with all, the rights of the original ewner of the warrant or location. (RL 8. § 2414.) '_ _ ‘_ . . ` 822Q Eiect of bale, mortgage, or letter of attorney made before- inane; of warrant;-eAll` salsa, mortgagee, letters or attorney, or other _ instruments of writing, §0¥BK_ to affect the title er claim to anylwarrant leaned, or to be l&ued,*_or any land granted, dr to- be granted; under the preeeding provisions of ellis elnapter, made or executed prior to the issue ot auch- -war4. - rant, shall be null and void to all lntenta and; purposes yvhatr seerer; nor shall auch warrant, or the land obtained thereby, le in anywlse , affected by, or charged with, or subject to', the payinent of any debt onclalm incurred by any omcer or soldier, - prior to the iwilng e{the°patent.· -(R. S. { 2436;) l · . i 323. of warrants.? nay¤§t of . eieeaa over _ mini- ` exam price.-·-'Ihe warrants issued in pursuance of law may he k located amordlng to the legal subdivisions ot the public lands ln one body upon any laude of the United States subject to " private- wil'? ‘ at the gm of such ·—loeation at- the minimum · price, · ,When each warrant is located on lands which _ are subject to entry? at a greater minimum than $1.% per acre, T the locator shall pay tame United States in cash the difference between the value of such warrants at $1.25 per acre and they tract of land located on. Bat where such tract ia rated at ‘ $1.25 per acre, » and does not exceed the area speeihed in the warrant, lt moat be taken in-afull satisfaction thereof., (R. S. i24l5.) · _, _ ·‘ · 824, htry ander rrarranta for iervleea in Revolationary. `V War and War of 1812.-In all mags ot warrants for bounty _ lands, by virtue of an act ailproved July -27, 1842. and 3 of two acts approvedu January 27, 1835, therein and thereby revised, and ot two acts to the éaxne lntentrrmpectively, apqrored June 26, 1848, and_February‘8, 1854, tormllitary aervlcu in the Revolutionary War, or in the .War of 1.812 with Great . Britain, wh&h remained nnaatlsmed on the 2d day·of July, 1864. it la lawful for the person ln whose name auch warrant leaned, his heirs or legal repr&entatlves, to enter ln quarter sections, at the proper local land once in any of the States or Terrltoriw, the quantity ot the public lands subject to prlratel ·entry_ which he. la entitled tounder such warrant. _(R. S. ~| ”·2416.·) l ‘· , ‘ ~ · , ‘ l ·` 825. Time for location of warrants referred to in preceding Beetles.--All warrants for bounty lands referred to in the_'pre— eedlng section may be lomted at any time, in conformity with the general laws inform at the time of nach locationxl (B, BIA _ $2417.) ’ ‘_ . , — . - . 826, Warrants loeated free of expmse.-··1't shall be tm du ··~— or the Commissioner ot the General Innd'_OEee, under each · regulations as `may be prmerlbed by the Secretary ezine -In-. terior, to canae to, he lomted, tree pt » expense, any warrant which me holder may tranamlt to the General Land Omce ll for that purpose, in such State or land district as the holder or warrantee may dealmte, and upon aoodf tanning. land, so

emo LANDS » _ § 832 tar as the same can be aecerteiried from the mnpe, plats; end Held notes `ot e surveyor, or {rom any other intermntien in the poeseseioE%{.the local odiee, and, upon the location being made, the Secretary shall cause a patent to be transmitted to such warrnntee or holder. (B. S. 5 2437.) ’ 827. Issuance of patent.--Every persen for whom provision is made by sections 791 and 793 of this title, shell ~ receive e warrant from the Department ot the. Interior ter the quhhtity of lend to which éhe is entitled; end, upon the return of meh warrant, evidence of the loeution thereof having men legally made to the General Land Owce, Ry patent shall be imued therefor., (B. S. $·2·§23.) _ n l , ` 828. Imueof patent notwithstanding. loss of warrant.--When a soldier of the Regular Army, who has obtained a military lend, Warrant, loses the same, or such warrant ie d$treyed by accident, he Lshall, upon proof thereof- to the satisfaction ei the Secretnry N0! the Interior, be entitled to a patent in like manger as it the warrant was produced. (R. S. 5 2439.) 829. Assignment of lestirsrrznt; liability.-—-When? ever it appears that any certihcéte or warrant; issued in pursuance of any law granting bounty land, hes been lost or destroyed, whether the ‘·satne has been sold and assigned by the warrantee. or not, the Secretary of Interior is Jnqhired to cause a newfbertidcate. or warrant of like tenor to be issued in {lieu thereof; which new certiiicete or » warrant may be aeslguéd;' located, and patented ln` like inarmer_ ns ether . certiiicates orjrarrents for bounty land are authorized by ine? to be assigned, located, alnd patented; and in all um where war- { rants have been, nor may be, reissued, the erignal warrant} ini whose ever hands it mnye be; shall he deemed and held to be null and void, and the assignment thereof, it_ any there he, fraudulent; and no havent shall ever issue for any lend lo-, cated therewith, unless such presumption of mee in the assignment . be removed by due proof that the same was executed by the ~warrnntce in` good faith and for a valuable L consideration, (Rt S, $ 2441.) · o. . 830, Loss of or failure to isene certihcate of Honorable dis·_ charge.-#In. all cases ot discharge from the military service of the United States·_ot. any soldier of Se Regular Army, when itappeore to the satisfaction of the Secretary ot War that n certitlmte of faithful services has` been omitted by the neglect ot the l discharging omcer; by rnisconstruction et the lhw, or " by any other neglect or casualty, "suclf emimon ahhh act pre y vent the inning ot the ywirrant and potent as in other And when lt is proved thet my soldier et the Regular Army

 lmt   discharge and? certidcate ot — faithful ‘ service, the

Secretary of -War xshall cause such to be furnished; such soldier he will e1ititle=him to his land warrant and patent, provided sinch measure is juetihed by the time oi his enlistment, the period of service, and the of some ·o$cer ot the corps to which he was nttnched. _ (B. S; { 24400 _ r 831. Mode of ludng patents to. heirs.-·-In all cases where an omcer or soldier oi the Revolutionary War; er _: _ soldieret the War of 1812, who vine nérmtled to bennty land, his died bxore obtaining n patent for the land, end where application is; made by` u part only ot the heirs of such dmeésed ~oh‘i¢;er or soldier for such bounty land, it shall be the duty et the Secreé { tary of the Interior to lssuethepntent in the B8}318 ot the heirs of such decenned omcer ·er neldler, without specifying each; and the patent so isstiedln thenhme of the helrs,`gehernlly, éhall inure to the benedt of the whole, in sueh portions hs they are severally entitled to by the laws of descent in the State or Territory where the o@cer er soldier belenged et the time 0; his denth.~ (R. SJ 2443.) ` ‘ . 832. Degggef claimant after establishing right and before warrant.-- en préot has been died in the Pension Omce, during the- lifetime of Q claimant, establishing, to the satisfaction otethat {mee, his right to ‘a. warrant for military services, and