Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1439

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` . 1425 TITLE ZH.-·—PUB“LlG _PR tivm or Ddégates M the Sute or- '1‘errltory` represented b; the decxsed. The re¢niniu number, also in cloth binding shall be distributed in the progwertion ot two thousand to th ` Seoote ond _-tour thoomnd to the Hemw. i_l‘he engraving fo esueh eolxlm shall be done at the Bureau of Engrevlbg ani Printing! and `mld. fof out of the épproprlgtion for that bureau (at the " usual bomber " the bound rolume ‘ shall contain iz gm volume for eeeh Home all eulmee d§1°lH§ the eeselon o · Congress upon Senotore and» Representatives respectively. Th p;·eperet§bn‘ ol? memorial uddrmm on Senators an Members of the Hoon, Bé§l’€§I1t&uV@,S]3§,u be done undo the direction of the J · C@ ittee on Printing without extra 'expooee therefor, (ddg, E, 1894, .c. 307, 28 Stat; 447} Jan ` 1*2. lsbii, e. 23, § ?3,y28 Stat. 616.) e;—;q,;»··j _ ‘ " 1.32. Illustrations eccompaoyiog bound copies of·me1noria addresses.-QThe illustrations to accompany bound -` copies. 0 memorial addresses delivered in Congreso shall be made a the Bus·ee_u of E'§g:·oving ood. Printing and pdid for out 0 the ogaproprlatioo for that boreou, or, in the discretion ‘ ot. tlm Joint Committee on Printing,. shall be obtained elsewhere bg the `Publie Printer and charged to the= allotment gfor printing and binding for Congress. _· (Mar; 4,1921, c. 161, S 1, 41 Stal 1431.>— ’»°_ l . I -153, Statement of appropriations; ·‘* usual n.umber.T’—O: _tlae stotenients of appropriations; required to be prepared b} . section 105tof Title ·2, there shall be printed, after the close 01 each regular session ot. Congress, the usual nu1nbe1·_of· copies (Mar, 2, 1895, c. 189, § 1, 28 Stat. -958.) _ ._ _ _ . , .· E ‘ 154. Printing · for committees of Cong1;ess.—No committee at Congrese shall be empowered to procure the printing of- more than ooethousand copies of eny hearing or other document which shell be germoue thereto, for its use except by_s1,n;p1e eoneorrent, or‘joi;1t_ resolution, as provided this chapter (im *12;*1895; in sdss 23; § 2, 28 Stat. 801; Mor. 1, 1907, e. 2284, 5 1 35 Stat; 1012,) ” — _ ‘ I _- - 155. Committee, reports; indexing end. binding.——·I`he Secre tory of the Senator and Clerk of the House shall procuretlené file for the use ot their respective Houses copies of all ‘ reports - naodethy-'eo1ounlttees,_dod they are hereby directed at the close ` of each seseloooi'- Congress to canoe such reports to be indexeé end bound, one- copy to -be_` deposited in the library of eocl: House and ooe copy in the room ot the committee· from which the reports enaenhte. (Jen. 12, 1895, eg 23, { 83,, 28 Stat. 622.) · 156. Reports of Libririen of Congress:-—Ot the annuz1l ond special reports of the Librarian ot Congress submitted to Con gross, there shall be printed ond bound in eloth dye tholieond ieopim for the om ot the Library of Congress. (Feb. 24, 1904,

 8, 33 Stef, 583.) . ‘ · . , —

157. Diz¤ri·butio` · of docu`ments‘ to . Con.grwsmen.—»\\’hen— ever in i the division among Senators, Representatives, and Delegates of ·doeume1it.·3 printed for the useof Congress there · shell be an apportionment to each or either House in `round nloznbers, tire Public Printer shall not deliver the full `ntlmber , so accredited at the respective folding rooms, but only the

  • largest multiple ot the number constituting the full rnemherelite ot each or eitlier House, including the Secretary ond Ser-

—·g~eoot dt Arms of the Senate and G'l€1’k,·S€l‘R’8dlll2 et Arms; and Doorkeeper of the Housegvhleh shall be contéieed in the round nombers thus accredited to each or either House, so that the Bumbéf-d@1i¥€I%d_ shall divide evenly ond without remainder oznong tile Members of the House to which they ere delivered; ood, the remainder of the documents thus resulting Shall be turned over to the Superintendent =o£ Documents, to be distéb- uted by him, first, to publie and school libraries for the purpose ot completing brolten sets; second, to pgxblie and school llbrariee that have not been supplied with my portions of snob sets, and, lastly, by sole to other persons ;' said libraries ‘*to be named `to him- by Senators, Representatives, and Qelégatm at Congress; se2·1o·—-26-4w ° " ‘ °

meme nzvn necuunzvrst § 162 ` y and in this distribution the Superintendent of Deeumtents shell 5, see that as fer as practicable an eqnelf allowance is made tn. e each Senator, Representative; and Delegate. {Jan. 12, 1895, e. »r 23, {B8, 28 Stat. 612T; Apr. 6, 1904, e. 862,33 Stat. 159.) d_ 158; Allmments of pnblié documents » printed after expire-; n. tien of term; rights of retiring Congressmen te deenments,—~·· n The eengrwelenel allotment of public documents iprinted after »f `the expiration df the term of 0Eee of any gennter, Representae tire; er Delegate shell bewlelivered te his` or her successor in d oiheef . `·-¤ .· ·.' · r J Any Senator, Representative, er Delegate; having pnlglie Q! a deeuments`. te hiss-eredit nt the exptrntien of his term of·eHiee 1. shall taliethe same prior te- the cenvening et the next succeed- e ing Congress, and it he shell not do se within such period he

l ’ shall forfeit them to- his er her sueeeeeer nt effice. (Jan. 12,

f 1895,‘c. 23,_§ 72, 28 Stat. 612; Mar. 18, .1924, c., 6G,_ 43 Stan .24,) t `I59. -'1Time—- fer `distribution of `decnments by Cengressrnen { extended.-·—The time- allowed Members ef. Cengw reelectél e _ to distribute public documents to their credit, er the credit ef y their respective districts in the lnterier er other Departments g :m`d_.bu1‘enus,· and ‘ \in_ the Gevernment Printing Gffice, shalt ”

Q" continue during thelr·snceessive.tern1s and until their right te_

I 'frnnk documents shall end; (June`4, 1897, e. 2, { 1, 36 c-J sting 62.)‘ g . ·_ . - ° Q . _ . y 160. Binding for ·C0ng·ressmen.—Eneh Senator. and Repre E sentntive shall be entitledrte the binding in half 'xnerecee, er n. iuaterlal net more expensive, of .bnt ene r copy of each pnbiic t · document to which he may be entitled, an `necennt of which, a with each 'Senat0r_ and Representative, shell be kept by the a - Secretary of the`Sennte and Clerk of the House, reepectiveiy. ·

, (Jam 12;.1$95,.c. 23, § 2, 28`Stat. 601; Mar. 1, 1967, e. 22%,

, G 1. 34 Stat. 1012.) · _, . " * Q 161. Snme; binding at expense at Cengressnten,-2-The Pub: , llc“ 'Prlnter shall be authorized t0· bind nt the Government Printing emce any books, maps, charts, er documents pnblishcd . by authority of Congress, upon application 'ef any Member et l` the Senate or House et Representatives, npen mymeht et the, at actual cost efsueh binding. . (Dee. 10, 1877, `e. 6, 20 Stat. 5.)` p @62. Dncnments and reports . ordered By —` Cmgressmen; 1 freaks and envelepm afar CéRg ····=·DOClIH1€BLS end rea` ports of eemmltteesl with the evidence paper; snbxnitted i therewith, or nny_ 'mrt thereof egeered printed ·bj' Qengress, _ mny be· reprinted by I the Pnblle__Prlnter en order of REF Hemi l ber. ot Congress or Delegate, on prepayment of the cost thereof. .. He may also 1'urnish withent rest to `Senatersr Members, and I Delegates blank franks `printed en eheets end berfernted, er · , singly at thenption of said Senntgrs, Members, and Delegates, for public documents. ·_ Franks se fn~rnisn& shall; eentain in - the upper left-hand eerner thereof the follewing words, tte wit: I “Public document. rFree. United States Sennte (or `flenee ef e Representatives. U. S.)" and ini npper·_rignt—hnnd corner the l letters “U. ;S. S."·er_" M. C."`. But he slfnll net print nny ether.

“w0rds thereon except where it may bp. deslrnble te ntli
·;` the

i -0Hielal title of a decnrnent. All ether wards printed thereon · shall be `nt the personal expense` et the `Seneter,. l\Iember~__ or · Delegate erderlng‘the·sa1ne. __ ‘ ° ~‘ e _' ‘ · L At the request et nny·Cengressmnn the Pnblle Printer ls L Nauthorized to print npcm frsinks or envelopes used for mailing e tpubllc documents er seed the facsimile stamp of said (fen} ? ·gi·t~sSma¤‘ and nsspeeial request fer return if net celled fer, end

s the name of the Statetand eennty and eity. _Sn.`id —Cemg:essmnn -

r ·t0 deposit with his order the extra expense involved in printing; · these·nddit»iennl words; _ ‘ ‘ . . t

  • TM Plibuff I’1‘i¤1f<¤1‘ lnily else, nt the request et amy Semter,

i R€p1*0S£§11t€iVe, or I)ele{sule in (‘<{tigres¢s,~ Ilflllif on envelopes . authorized ei be furrnislied ltlxemzitne of ttlie Sen=·~:t0r, Ilepresen~ ‘ `tative, ur Delegate. and State, the (Inte, and the topic. or subject - matter, not exceeding twelve words. ·