Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1451

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1;g—?*» TITLE 45.——·—-SRA TITLE 45.-R. {"§;%Ya;}¥!¥ ___ _ _ . BH3,.

_ ~g$§`ETY .1?1=·*¥.!a.z¢c¤¤ `AND zavivttkww mr BAILBOAB mmnms Arm . 5

. ems, Asn yxvwscvmx m¤:>LOY¤¤$ _A·m> ·raAvx‘·:x.s7.s.s..-,.---_ 1 6 2, §,.ms2 wsx· Faéa xxscama T0 m:1·L0$¤:s...; .. ;. .. 1;...-.. 51g .

 ;;{—·,q ;;g. QF s.m;vm:»: or xixz·m¥m.=s_-..  ,.  1... 61 7

,}¢ »gmg*; Us ;.s:u.x_:..s uz i1`3¤\N»SlT.. ;Q. . , 71 CROSS REFERENCE S ~.`. · ° 3 maxi! grzmt in saidcf rahwads; sec Titlg.43, Pmsmc Lmms. ’ 3 ighzaggéer 1;——SAFle§TY APPLIANCES — AND ‘ EQUIPMENT 4 US RAILROAD ENGINES ANI} CARS, [AND PROTEC- 4 TSON OF "·I:§3··§PLQ1'1:§I*iS AND .TRAYELERS.· J; g 3_»I¤·sx·i¤g-wheel brakes and appliances for cgcrating "tmin-brake .4 syswm. 5 ` - 4

    • 2. Autammic‘%0up§ers.. _ _ , i

3. Rvfxzsm -.c£ insu@cicut1y equipped cars from connecting lines. A 4, f;z·$b irons cr haudhciiia (0:- security jméoupliqg and uncoupling ij 5. Sma:dm·—·d` height of =\dmwbm·s for freight éars; noncomplyiug cars C »exi·Iud¤a<l from $@+2. __ ‘ . _· ‘ · . i 8, ¥‘aiiu.m tc equip caxjxas pmvide·d;—duty of district attorneys grid G Iatprsmte Commetcc Commission; ·exceptious from operation C nf gfovisicus. · . t 7. Asmmptioa at xisk by emplcyees. _ B. i=’;*<>vis3<>m of chapter exteudsed. _ . , _ V 9. Numberi ct mrs tg bc—0wrgted with power or traixim brakes; iué C 5 creme of number. Q , · w * _ t ${3. "Former xhxtivzs, requirements. and liabilities continued milgsis ( "spcci§ca§!y ameuqed. · · ~ _ ‘ . ‘ , ill Safety appiiaaccs reqtxired for each car; when hand brakes my , be I j . T I ]_ · i · l · , [ 12. Sgfviy appliamses, as qgssgmem by éommissiau¤er,- to be standards t at equipment; modmcation of standard height at dmwbars. _ 13. iéaaity fm- using car not equipped né pmv_ided;‘haul1ng car for i ‘ rewyg where equipment defective? liability {br death _0r in- 8 wry af employee ruse qt chuinsjizzstgad of druwbaré. ‘ _ ‘ t ~ 14. Léabiiity Jp: usiug cur with idefective cquip_mc¤t,— éxcept as 2 _ speciéed. _ . _ A · }5."E»§${§fL*€iR8Bt§i§Y· c·t>s¤mlés1o¤. _ _ , 1*3. Application at provisiéms to common { carriers and vehicleg sub— ] ject ·t<> “Safety Appiiance A¢ts." - · ~ ° E 17. Lavcepmativvs ic he muipped with safety ash pays. M . · · » · AS. Pmzalty for. ki·0’iatic¤,' and actions therefoi; duties of district E E _ ·at t<>meys age! of mmmissiaai. .. * " · , \ lik iéntamémeht by cpmmisaion. , g 23*%.; Wim. imriuded in term "c¤.»mmon C51!'i‘i€l'." · _ _ E W2}. i§:·¤·.:i:éi<arm not zzpglicable. tcp locomotives on wvhichash pan not f necezsmxy. -l Q · '. _ ‘ _ . ( 22,. insgaevtkan af lmmm`ca!iv#—s and Qppudenancos:·w3c§x1itions. * I E2;. Em? m' usmufe 10 cmmst~im$ and appiirtenancex. xihmwful; irzgspcc- I athm mad·—$»mt:s. J _ _ ’ . _ g Q4.! Ciaief impcctcr ®¤d assistant chief izmpectam; appointment myd ` 'Q salaries. ’ * . _· " _' '

 fm§¢es; iegal, iechixieal, steacgraghic, and clerical help! · · . ’ y

26. !§_spec §iam districts; appointment and masignmentlcf district,1¤· ( spvctvrs; salaries and expxmses; examinations at applicants; ‘ = diaquaimcatians. X · _ _ _ . ( {27. Appcimmeai ami aasigameat of additional imznpcctors, I $3%. iimes nm! imtrugtium an 'ta inspicciimz, _ g Qi}. Duties ai district; insmqtcrs; inspection and repairs by <:m·r ierss; I ‘ amtim twmrrier otbondition at boiier; apgmnl tc` chief inspector _ I and reexamimaticn; further appeal to cpmmiasiaxi. _ I 39. P1,wcrs_g¤£l,duties `é§{1aapect¤r£,"an»q pmvisixané of chapter up- I piimbiu m nl! gat. laqcmxmtiva and temdc§r; examinations i of i t¤rs, I ‘ _ · ] 31. Asmuai www at zhief i¤;;w<:tm·.‘ _ 82, Kmart by ca1·~rie:· ta chief inspector as tq accident; preservation, ( _ of diggbied parts; insrwtigaticxa and report timreupcia. I 33, Reports by cammiasian at mvesdgatiam. __ · ` 34. Penalty fm violaticm by carrier; duty at district attorney to sue I ·tMm£or; cme! impegtnr ta give iamxmatian, I _< .35. Iuvestigmioa mm repart by mmmiasism on black signal systems { and appiiamzes fqr matandtic csmtmi of trams; évidmce. . ” I 86, Iuvwtigathm and testing. by mmmixsion at appliance! cr . systems - to pmmate safety. ” ‘ ‘

 87. Inspection gt mail cm;. - Q ‘-1

IILROQDS 1.;,6 AILROADS Ehapter __ ~ - _ gag, Q . Gqvm·m»:mm-Axnxn n.m,m>Am·_.-.,Q-..,_.;..-..;. ,,.., ;. ... 81 ». Mnnzfucxmz, coxgmxmow, Am Agzxwnlwzas m cm~:-mosggizszm · BHTWHEW CABBEHRS AND EMPL()YEi*}\S __,______ , ____________ 19; '. ADJUSTMENT>s_A‘xn muon m»Am>s- ., .,-...--,~,;..,- $13.1 iec. · , _

8./ Monthly repi>rts of ralIx·oad‘acciel<>1`¤ts; duty ot carrier ta make.
9. Penalty for fallur~c__t0. make repeprt. _ , ‘ M
 Innvestigation by ;c0mmissi¢;m of ::cci6e~:xts{ "·.<;·¢»0·peratic¤ with Stats

‘, commissioners; réports of investigations. Q »

1. Repdits not evidence. in suits for damages;. .
 Form of reports. - . _ ~
3.‘T€1‘!}18 fu il]t€I'S{3I}? C0lH!Ii€l'C€ ” {IDG °° ff}I'€*YgIl €0HlH‘l{’·t'€2€!” €}€*HB€*d.

Af Micdals- of hpndr for pez·scns'·suving lives on r.·1i}x·ca»<Is. {S. Roseltes land ribbons. ‘ ‘

6: Paymqm; of pxpcuscs.

Settigm 1. 'Drking-wheel brakes mul Fsfapliances fer ép»ei·&t·# ng tthin-Brake systems-It shall be unlawful for agy cammdu !&1‘1li€1‘_ engaged 'iu interstate ccrmmcree by railmad to use aa ts liuek any locomotive engine in moving i¤te»x·s£ate tmmc rmt squipped with a power d1‘iViHg-Wh86rb{&ké gmx! applimzcm {exp rperating the tmin·b1·3ke system, 0: to mn any 'fxaiu tut smh mmc that has _¤ot—.g sumciem; numbergci mmm it so cquiwmi vith ppwer or train brakes that the engineer oa the l¤cc~m0ti ve° lraw;i11g_such train" can; control its seed without. requiring urakémen to use the commqn hind brake fd: that purposa. [Ma;. 2, 1893, Q. 196, 5 1, 27 Stat. 531.) » . · 2; Autcmatic- couplers.-=~It shall be unlawful *£c~x·l &121y_ccm··. non. c&1*rier_e¤ggged in interstala cqmmvce by A railmaei ta mul _0i·»pe1imit to be 'hau1ed4.01·· used on its line any ca.: n moving lxiterstate tra§c'i10t‘c<mipped with couplers mtbmatiéally by impact; and which cm? be rmcoupléé withmst he necessity of men gazing $étwean‘ the ends of the cam. (Ear. KX . 2,-1893, c. 2, 27 St&§.°_531,) — _ M ’ 3.— Be(¤Sdli°0f· ix;su§¢i*e¤tly equippcé cam fmm ilxes.-44Wh.e11"-may person, Brin, " éampany, or commaticcn anraged ixi luterstate qommerce bi shall have emxipijeei x qumqimt number Q! its cars so gs= to comply with me {H9? risitms ot nsectimx 1 vt {his. éhapter, it may lawfrmy rgmse ta receive from ‘cm:xnég:ting 1111% at road or shippexs any carsimzst · equipped s1imciem;ly,fin accordance with the Emi: sectiantat this zhapter, with such bowef or train bmkw &s— will wm·k and , readily mtérchagga with the brakes in use én its mm cém, as required by thié chapter. (Mgr. 2,-1893; c. 196, 5 3, ’2‘Z { Statl 4. GraB· irons. éér hanéhéldmh for security ix; eaupliing md mcsupling _¢gara.·-—·—lJ¤t{1 ntherwise owered by Interstate "Jcmmerce Conzmissiém it shéll be 1mL•1w£¤1—!é:·&¤y milmad rompagny to usa any mr in Qitgrstate that is mt grovided with secure gmb irons as handhelds in me ands and sides at each cagi mr greater mcurtty tal men iu‘cmp1i¤§g and mcoupling cam. (Mar. 2; 2>l¥#» xc. 196, 5 4, 27 Stat. 531*) . - 5; Stnhdard heightwf érgwbirs fér freight un; smmpm-· plying _ gears excluégé tra§¢.-——-Ng height <gm·s, eitheré .cudm1 or uzglpadedi smh be used ix; ixytexsmte tm, &c which 10 not comply with this prescribqd stangiard gs to height at 1mwba'rs.?, (Mar, 2, 1893, c. 196, § 5; 2*4;* Stat; 531.) » »6.~ Failmfé tu eqsip cars as wcvided; dat? af district altaraejm Inteistate Cammerce Ggmmissimx: examptims fwm apemtimn if pt¤i*isi¤¤s.—~A¤y coizamonl carrier engaged in m4

érstate commerce by mi1z·<md` using any Ioccimextivé eugimj

rmmixig any tmin, cm hauling c1·_·pe`ruiittixig to be lxaulada cn: med on its line any cm in violation of any ui; the preceding

»mvisions` of this éhaqter, shall bb liable to a pemlty of $100