Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1552

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~ A,»§-864 TITLE .46.- 864. Sale of vessels; ternxs and] conélitionsr-In order to accomplish the declared gurposes of this chapter, and to _ , carry out the policy declared insection 861 hereof, the board is authorized and _ directed to sell,. as soon as practicable, consistent with good business methods and the objects and 'purposes to be nttained I by this chapter, “at public or private competitive sale after appraisement and due aglvertisement, to personswho are citizens 0t_ the UnitedStates erz- ‘cc·pt es provided in, the following section, all, of the vessels referred to ein the preceding section or otherwise acquired by the board. Such sale shall be made atsuch prices end on such terms and conditions ns `the.board°may prescribe, but, the com pletion of the payment ot the purchase price and lnterest shall not be deferred more than fifteen years after the making oi " the contract of saIe.· 1‘hc.board`in HXiI1g.O1¥ accepting the sale price of such vessels Shdll take into consideration the prevailing) domestic end foreign market price. ot, the available ` supply of, . and the demand for vessels, 'e;istixig_ freight rates and prospects of their maintenanpe, the cost of constructing vessels, of sixnilar types under prevdiling conditions, as well as the cost of the construction or purchase price of theyessels . to be sold, and any other fnets· or conditions that wonld in· ‘ iluence a. prudent, solvent business -man in the snlelof similar vessels or property which he is not forced to sell. All soles -n1nde°under the authority of this- chapter shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions of section 808. (June 5, 1920 -c.250;§5,41Stnt.990.) _ · I, `. _· _— r . 865. Sale to aliens}-—The`bo;1rd is authorized and empowered to sell to aliens, at snch prices and ,_0u ouch terms and. condi tions as it may determine, not inconsistent with the provision; of the preceding section (eicept that completion of the pay ment of the purchase price end interest shall. not be deferred niore than tenyears after the making of the contract of sale) ’such vessels as it shall, after carefhl investigation, deem unnecessary to the romotion and maintenance of nn emeient American m marine; but no such sale `shnll be made unless the be ’ , {after diligent enort, has been unable `to eell in accordance with the terrnst and conditions of said section _, .snch vessels to persons citizens of the United Stntes, and has ‘ upon an n@rmntlv;e `vote of not less than five of ite members spread upon the minutes of the -box-usd, determined to. make such sale; and it shall make ns a part of ·its records "a {ull statement of ite reasons for making such sole. ,Deterred pay ’ ments ·ofpurchase price of vessels under this section shall been interest at the rate of not less than 5%,per centnm per an enum, pnynble_semianuunlly. (June 5, 1920, cl 250, { 6, 41. Stat 991.) , ° .. { 866. Establishment and operation of Steamship linen hetween port! of United Staten-—-Inveettgatiora and determine: time by ·hoa.rd.——·-The board is authorized and directed `to in veetigate and determine as promptly as possible. after June 5,- 1920, and from time to time thereafter what steamshi; lines should beestnblished and put in operation tromporte iz the United Staten or nny ,Territory,‘ Dietrich lor pos or thereof to {such world_nnd` domestic markets as ln imm ment ere desirable tor` the promotion, development, expansion end maintenance ot the toreign and coastwise tradeyof the United Staten and an adequate, postal service, and to deter mine the type, size, speed, and other requirements of the vessels to be employed upon such lines and the frequency nut regnlerlty their. oenilinga, with n vjiew to furnlshing;ade qnate,‘regn r, certain, and perxnnnent servloe. _ ~ _ — Sale or charter ot:·i>¢sbels.———·-·The board is authorised to neil and 'it a entlegnctory sale cnn not·be made, to charter mc! ot the vessels referred to or section 863, oai otherwise acquired by the board, as will meet these requirements to responsible persons who rare citizyn ot_ the United States who umu tt o establish and nzialntain sueh lines upon such terms of peymem

-—-SHIPPING 1538 » andother cyrditions as the board may deem just and 'lléccs- > .sary to secure and maintain the service desired; and it any l such steamship line is deemed desirable and necessary, and

if D0. such citizen cart Be secured! to supply such service by-

r fthe purchase or charter of vessels on terms satisfactory to fhg

'_ board, the board shall operate vessels on such line until the

¥ business is developed so thatsuch vessels may be sold on satis- - ractory terms andthe service maintained, or unless it shan l appearwithin a reasonable time that such line can not be made ' ·self-sustaining. · _ p - ‘ r . Contracts for corrying ona£1s.———The `Postmaster General. is. ~ authorized, notwithstanding Jsections 657* to 665, inclusive, of I Title E39, Postal Service, to . contract for the carrying · ot the K mails over such lines at such pricens may be agreedupon by 5 the board and- the Postmaster General. - { ‘ Preference in sales or ch-crtcrs.—-Preference in the sale or ’ assignment ot vessels for operation on such steamship lines ’ shall be given `tojpersonawho are citizens of the United States { who have thecaupport, Bnancial. and otherwise, of the domestic l. communities primarily interxted in such lines if the board. is ’ satisned of the ability of such persons to maintain the service ‘ desired-and proposed to be maintained, or to persona·wlio‘ are ’ citizens oI the United States` who may then be maintaining ’ a service from theport of the United States to or in the gentc eral direction of the. Worldnnnrket port ·t0 which the- board • hast determined that such aeryice should be established. · · · Linea established by boord; continued op`€rotios•.—-—\‘\{l1ere I steamship lines and » regular service have been established — and are being maintained by ships of the board`-on June 5, 1920, i such lines and Service shall be maintained by the board until, - ln. the opinion of the board, the `( maintenance tuereor rs un; I buslnesslike and against the public interests. ` - Y . additional lines established by hoard} rates and charges.-- ·- Whenever the board Shall determine, as prorided"in his chap-

  • 9 ter. that trade conditions warrant the establishment of aoeerrice

¥—‘or_,ndditio_na1 service under Government administration where i ·‘ .a service is already being given by persons, citizens of the_ · United States, the rates and charges for auch Government serv·» · ice shall nofbe lesa than the cost thereof, including a proper • interest and depreciation charge on the value `of Government ¥ vessels and equipment employed therein. (June 5, 1920, c.`2i¤), [¤·:,4.1sm.oe2.)u r _, _ _ ‘ “ .867. Investigation iof port, l terminal, and warehouse facili· V Hear--·It shall be the duty of the board, ln cooperation with the "' Secretary ot War, with the object of promoting, encouraging, · randdeveloplng ports and transportation facilities in connection ith water commerce over which lt has jurisdiction, to’investi· · gte territorial regions and zones tributary to auch ports, tak- · ing into consideration the economies of transportation by rail.

 water, and highway and the natural direction of the how ot - ,

it commerce; to investigate the canoes ot the conswtion of com- ‘ J merce at `porta and the remedies applicable thereto.; to invwtb · 1 gate the subject ot water terminals, including the n_ arY i docks, »warehouaes,_ apparatus, equipment, and appliances in

connection therewith, with a view to devising and suggestixm

r. the types . nnoat appropriate for dwerent locations and for the B moat expeditious`. and economical transfer or interchange of _ · paeeengera or between carriers by water and carriers 5 by rail ;` to advlae with communities resarding the appropriate I location and plan ot construction ot vrharvea, piers, and water · —· terminals; to invmtlgate the practicabllyy and advantages of harbor; 1'lVGif,"§I1d port lnnprorementa in connection `rvlth· for- _ Q eien and coastwise trade} and to investigate any other matter - x that `may tend to promote and encourage the use by vwla ot l ports adequate to care for the treight irbich would naturally r pass through auch ports: ·Prov£ded, That it after auch investb > ration the board cshall he ot the_opinion`that_.'ratea,.charger, t,. mlm, or regulations ot common carriers by rail subject to the