Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/156

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§ 168 _;.·*1r1lE a.>·-1u,1mr.·sl. ' tion in all cases shall `i11clude_a`}»crs0¤ql physlézil cxémingnciion by the mc->dlcal·exan:i¤ers)._ or who failsito detain such scéuiximlm baard after sucln inspazcicn or to sucl1 ··sed1nan if 1·©: ;a1ii·a~d by such immigration officér or ilié S€C1‘€*tH=l’Y of Labor` lu di; zeglmll pay is the co1la{#t_0r of custémslu’£l,ltlleljc.x1st0mS' _ aligstricf in which the port of”a1*rlv; lbcgtczl tlnevsmu of~$1,O0O, =fm· each a_lie1i_Sca1m1:i,_in `-réspekt? of whom such faifiife occurs. Ne vessel "sl1£zll`be grm1{cd’`g-lthe dctermi11at:l011 cfwlze liability t0.tlm.payme1;t of1sucl1.ilneg__6r »whilg.;hé finé rs:i;:1ins.uupa1id, exéept that clearance iixay be granted ]ll'i01’ `to the (lc1°m·mi11aticx1*_a£.gud: questicp upozxlche deposit of :1 Sum` suilkiéut to ccvér slick line} or·o£"a bon:} wifll sumciéul surety Ii" securé {bei payment ··tl1ei·e0f applmvcd by the ccllcctbt of vustcihs.-··` .·‘ _ l (b) Primd facie`cvidc:1c=2‘ of failure ta detairi br deport.- .1*mnf #t.!:at;`ma_‘glima seamanfdid uQt·.a,ppgar lupmi putgqilxg zumaifcesi; é} the vessel on which ha {11?}’i‘\’€d ilu the Uxiitccl Filtzites imag: alay place 0uls‘lde’tl1e1*eOf, or lhstfllx w:1s»repg>1*te·(l;`-by_tl1c Y auaster »Gf_S\ll§11 \'€SSQ1 as a Ydcézcrtcr, shall primafacie evi? "_dc:rcc·0{’ fail·mEé td. Retain br deportl affér requirement by tlxé iéunigmtixm 9§cé;· c1·.thé· Sécretary of Labéxié  » ¥ g i (t) Bepuértatima; prmcdérc;-If like Secretary éf _Lab<fr .tlriils. ` {hai deportation of me *aliei1_`·lScamau»;e vessel on} whiéh he arrived; imuld- cause hmlhe lu1rdshipQ` to such `seaiua;1 lhé z1m;_causc_hjm 1:0 baldepqtted din ai10tlie1·_vess¢l·3t'thejexpénse of the veésxal on which he ar1—lvcd,."a¤d s_uch vessel shall not be~. granted A{!h;Hl‘&l1C€_ until suclyexpensa l1&S·bé€I1;»4Q&id 01* ifs payl xzaem-Vgm~1m:1tegd·,t9’.tlm_ aéligfactién of j the Secretary of·L3b01·Q.

a__. J (May 26, 1924, lc?. 19d;_§»”29j(a;c); 43._·$;qt._ 164,)‘   i .     ·

1%. fayiug ex! or diS¢h8l;§i1\\g exclaicled alic¤s émplbyed cnf vess¢¥s;·1g¤di¤g stbillaw resl1ipping.—It\.;¢slx‘all— be uénluwful ‘t0_ | im? <>i'£ `c1··-dimlxaxjge any allén `einplofed, on board any vessel. arrivi;1g*;i1; thé United States from any fbrelgxlpprt ot place;-A qmzzlass dal? [admitted lputs-nant to the lasjvs and treétics of the U13it€d St&t€S regulating the immigration Q0f·alie‘us. In case »

    n~1§e¤—*l~~i1:£—¢¤ds— ~gt¢}/ —i¤e$l=: i;+~o1a?-l§ca»~·.¤l»gpy;i;©é,g;_l;er. wxessalm

bouml to gu5*.forc1g11 pmt or 91:109,) he shall. be qgéilbvifx to-land fcarxzlzge ;mrp¤.sscil¢;>fsb re>$l£{ppi;1g{_l1nd·et such regQ;laiti;§las`tl1e Sacr~emryl~0f. Labor may giresxxribe to. prevent alléqs xm &dIl1iS· sible under any law; convention, or treutyT·fr0: ibgumlning ,p¢rmaawnt1‘y in the United States, and ‘xm1yV llxefj aid ,bff, disclmrgcd, 'aml permitted to rem0w*c_his ‘ef£ectg;»a6ytl;l;;;gi ih suéh jgws or treaties qt iufthis subkzhaptertol ccngpaliy u0twith·‘ f standing, -pr0s‘igled dueluoiice cs? such pwpécgiiicgldn be given by, the master bfihé ;se¤;11au himself t0lfDé‘ipi·lnc1pa1 lmmlgratism omcéxf is clmxge 3t”`the porbof urrlv§~L_ (Febi 5, 1917, cyw, 5  % Stat. .- _ l l { "- " r 169. Emplaymeut _é¤Ipa,¤;eng¢r lveasgs of alien; alHictcd ,_ villa idi¢•:§7,·¢tc.—-It. shall biz uxglgwfubi m1y~vessel_csu·tyiug gmssegngam between a part of the United and a port. ora ·f¢w1·¢·lgu émmtry, am··li¤,\.tl1e__ _I»{13_¢_atl Stgtes, to have on buhrd emploiedl. there0¤ any idiocy, lmbecility, imssaalty; epiiwsi —§¤%fcii10sl»sA?”I§“‘7"nnY »1€>¥m, 0i?° a loathsome or dsugétems §¤¤&§lbu3 °dlseasc,l it ‘ if appears toy lthélsatiéfactiph éfvtlne Sccrétirw c£.L£ab01·; from an exumlna-1 tim: madg by Ag medical .0¤i(!£!`. qt the l United Stakes Public Iioaltla .Sérvl<:e,‘ gud is do certlBedl such bmqcer, that; ani} M _>ms:·l1 allen; args sd mlicmd at the time hg was shipped or—eu~ { gazed uml taken on boargzl such ‘ve$se1'm1d_th&f the existence of saiéh alli£é;i¢»¤ mlgl1¢; have bwn détectéd by magna of a com- _]l€¥(2l1t. 111t.‘diC&l.{*Xi1!11i§B.(i0i1 8t such time; and fc; every auch 1 alien sc a8licted_qn‘ board- any such vessel- gt_ttw°tl;ne of ar- ‘ rlml, tla.e owner, agent, comslguee, er muster tlieréuf shall pay 1 f to (he. collector _0f·`cus§0¢gs of "thel cixgtouls district in which Q me port <>if}m·r‘ivai is locatediha smh ot $50, an.d`4~péndlng* (1l?{}2li°t§11"€ ct the vessel the nlimi shall be detaluedl land treated lu lmspiml lxaadmwaupervlsion éf immigration cillbials at the uxpeme of—tl1}2 veszwlg nudge yessul shall be gmnted cle·m·a xlce

4Np CIT I ZE§ §1{1P lim A

 'Q1€_$It§{¢l‘1i1iIl3€i0!{ of €h`e q¤eStion‘A0£_.t1xe ligbxzitfn,

A ,paymc;1f:Qf such Bne a,_ud__whi1e¢ it remgip,S’~¤np,§m, il _

 ciggragce maybe gruhtecl Diff}? iv ithé “detcrminaLiing  05,JiT-t

pqucsii0f1_up0u ilu: deposit GI & 4S&m”v8HHici&·x1t. te} éovgg g,;`.;F · » mm, , Su¢;·;;;i$ir;—g ximy, in the ’dis<:wtiou at they Seeeeegyki } _;,¤,b0¥, be mitigatgd or rwiitted;’··(Fei>. 5, 1917 Q 5 as sm, $06.) . A ‘ _ _ 7 Q ‘"’· _ .'!‘1:enti¤—ént in ihcspitslse; of alien gggmm lmjétea with

 ¢zscas¢s.—;&licu·se·uu1~en {mimi on arrimx m pgyu M mv
 United $Y%$€8“t0ff>¢ §mi§‘¢€d‘TW¤!}__,&;{y‘0£ the_dissbi!.it ie a csjgm.
 ¢¤S<>=$ »¤·¤¤¢i<3¤¢Q ¤¤—*¤¤ v§t<=>¤>€<¤*s>s Swim shui bepxmini gi a.
 hgspital deszgnatcd by_t§1~e immigratian emu; m charge Q5 mp

pm-: mf axrxé¥y;}¥ {fzdjreateel, all expenses co¤¤ei;téqjther€wii}l__ jucluding bgumai mwthe eveiatpf Geath, te be Dome bi tm u“·m,- ·agent, q0psig·1§’ce‘, lor _-mwétet FOI the `véssel, Tami Bét ta be gk}; ~duc_£ed_ frepx, the $e{1§ue¥:xT$ wages, audi,-Hoi sm;h wm1‘g1m}| 3.,, [ gmmgd Aclearsmce uptil Iguch eizpguses are paid or-their pw- · I m€¢}¤i§· upprvvfiutélx Sllayaliiééd imd é0Hiéct9r·cf 2:zi$t•»mQ W

tsp gotmed byythé imm_igi·ati0x3 offiicihl in ‘chm•gg;· Alien S€2Illi{}l|;

sqspecte<1’0f.beiQ`gV;1B-licked with &¤;’. su<Sh»·dis&bi}ii$·fcr ci,e§e$ ;g.»W t_1;1ay` bé removed- fr0q1 the»ve$selW»¤¤ which they ,m·rm§ $0* an

immig;·ation station:-__0r vibe? appt0priatc*~p1ace»fm· asuexl hz,.

-servati·¤u as xyil} Bl)€1blQ`Ih€·‘€X&®iH$B§ suigeons '—ck·§¤&(e1y_ 40

(]€[€l‘il}liI¥€{ ·\V¥1_B£hQl`·.,Z0_l‘_`»D0[ they am `sc gmictedj an 4g;p;»n,;,Zg

·épxmected__tl1e1*ewith td ‘b€· home in the mamnér hereintiétm-é _pre·$cribéd; In gases in which it shall ·app¢airl io; the satisfy- .·tion' of pthé inixnigrafioxr 0@ciz1l i¤.ch§§.·ge_ that it xviii nm im pqs;sime·.wi'th'in· an reasonable ti§ie to c!féi:$·g1-¢uz·c.,t1ze iiétum got {h€'8u€1i.`S8iiH1€}l,$h3}ll.b€ enf6rce<l`}>¤~qr at tlwexpense of ‘· wthq vessel on which they camepupon such £2(i§Iili€i¢#l#$.8S·¥}kQ· _C0qmi.ssioner General bf o]lilllligY2lti0§i,"_Wi€}1A the appmvai uf thé Seéret;;ry· of L:;b01·,_‘ shiall prescfibeyio `insure tiiét {Lge aliens sh;11;1~ Bc- propewly ·c:1r0d.for and prctéeted, -smd_~—tbat the spremlnbf contagidu shqll be g,im ttlediagaius£. 2S, tisrzm {:,4,41 smt.—10s2,> V “ ‘" f? 7 .— »»L»¢ »~1»'l1~. `... __ eign ports; reports of aliens ilicgglly landed.¢—#—>Upcm arrivzxi nf ‘ :mQy_ yessel ini the U¤i_téd— States frounlauj foreign port 0;: ·]si:u:e it shall be the ddty of the _0wner,“éger§t,iZ`€0nsig¤ée, at m::sw¥a·J thereof tb delivert to the principal im migratie1n;o$cjex; ih e:ln:n·gi;._· of the "poit ot arrival lists containing the names ofhll alimns. mn loyeki on suéh vcssé1,` stating position; may respecziv¢=l_g ‘ hcl; in the 'shiyfs company, when gud wheré they were rv- *m· spcétively shipped or engaged, apd spécifyihg- th0sé to` he mia? off anifdischarjedl in` the p0rt (>f·`§rrival ;_' artists coutaiixiirngv _ g `sl0_mué§1 of Sll€°ll,iI1fd}‘l\l8ti0H as the Secretary of Lgbmr sh:gAti·‘ by regulation prescribe_; and after? t11e_m·rival of any smb vcssd §t-shall be the duty- of s§1•;hT;0wuer,» agent, coxmigzwe, or mastengto l‘Q[)0l‘t.·-t0·8l10h immigration officer, in writing; zgs sms: as disc0vered," all- cases iii which any sqch alien has illvgzxlly .. l£lI1d€d_fIZ0lH the vessel, giving a d¢scrip¢iem__ M such alien. t_e.»~ gather with any itxformatioulikely to lwd“t0* hi; apprehension ;~ and before the departure of `smy with xxl it shan be tlw ldhty of suéhvowuér, agent, conslgneey eu: mgstcr to deliver \·» such igixmigmtiuu o§cex· a further list containing the_x}nnx<·g_ 9i all hlieu employees who were mt emplq;-ed thereon at the time of the arrival but yzvhci will léave port thereon at me time of her departure, and also the nameq at those, if zmjr, why} —1mw A been paid ot! and discharged, and of those, if guy, who lmvv desérted or landed; and in cgse of the failure: df such mvmw. égeut, consiguee, or muester so to délivep either otk the said mas of such. aliens —arriving and departing, respcctiyely. ur__e4· » tu report such cases df dcsewtiun orlaxxdiug. such owner. 41;.:4::::; C‘€`m$iKB88,.‘01! master shall, ,it regain-eu by the Se+u¤·¢·uje:·y ·»f L¤b0!‘._ my to the collector of giusming at the“cu:s¥e>n1s <}i&&fl‘i¢‘! ; in which the por}; of arrival is limatecl thé sum of $14} for e:¤·i¤ , alien concerning whom c0i·rect lists -:m;~ not clexlivenvd ur gl I true report is ngotmude as above required. Nui siurln vessel Simi: