Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1583

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1559 t  !'¥TLE J¤B.--TERtRITO$JE8 A. 3 bald the wma as is piovidcd by Act `0fCOHg1•cm pfovldiug for

 " the pmecation _ ot criminal odcaéca in Alaska, except that in

};mSoc¤tio¤»s Jgrowiag out of my rcvamtc `law paged by me. la};is1at·ux·o the $@1 be paid as in civil actions and such p;·g£ti(30BS shall be In 'the oxiamc of the '1‘crx·itory.\,_(Aug., 29, 1914, c.~%2, 38 Stat. 710.)_` a ‘ _ ‘ L DEILEGATE TO CONGRESS i ‘ 131. Delegate; qtuli§cgt io;as; allowances.-+Tl1c pcoplé of the · Territory of Alaska sball__bc; lf€Il1°%€I1t€d»bY a Delegate in the House of Reprcaaatativas cot the United States; cbzoscn; by the, tpooplo tbarcof ia the maancr and at the tiaéchcrclnaftcr prc·» lavribcd, and who shall bc known ao the Delegate from Alaska. Such Delegate shall atthe time oi his election. have been for a¤;»va:rycars a citlza;1 of tlxc United Statcsg and shall be an ° inhabitant and qaallilcd yotcr of the Dlstyict of Alaska; and I shall be not loss than twenty·§vcf years of age. ‘ (May 7, 1906, l e, 2083,} 1, 34 Stat. 169; May 24, 1924, c..83, §. 1, 43 Stat. JAQ?)

 132. Same} term.———'1‘bé~ Delegate chosm at each blgction shall 

hold bis ofécc for the aamc term as the Hcmbcraof tl1c‘House»‘ of Representatives cbosca at the gcaaal election' in tho same 4 Jyear, .(Hay·7,-1966; c. %&,o§ 2, 33 _Stat.,170.)$/‘· _ _ 134. Sure; ·salaryj1md to be for full `tci·in.—— The aalagy amlcallowaaca of 'the Delegate from Al¤,aka,·_shaH_j f bc for the lull term of the Congmas to which ho la clccteq a l Dclcgatc; (.May,7, 1908, c. 2083, F2, 34 Stat. 170.).-· _ . · ‘, l ·- Cross rcafcrcxacoi Amount of allowance; 'pco acctloa 44.013 Title 2. t J35. Election for Delegate; votcrs.-—All male citizengs of the l l’x1itcd·’ Statca twentyzonc yéara 0( ago-and over who are actual and bona lldc residents of Alaska, and who have such resi- x ilcnts contininouslyi during the czitiré Your immediately prcccd—” mg’m¤·p1ae¢1o¤, and who have boon such residents continuously for thirty days jxext prcccdiug the election in tlicvprccinct in whiifh Eyhcyivotc, shall bc quallbcd to vote for -theclcot-Rm of ~a l llolcgatc from Alaska: (May 7, 1906, c. 2083,‘§ 3, 34 Stat. 170.) 16. Same; election district; iq tow;1;_o&¢érs.——·gEach incorporated town in the Territory of. Alaaka shall constitute xm clccy ma district; and whore the population lot such town "cxcccdsi obo thousand inhabitants the common comicilmay, in their dia-

 ujction, at least thirty days before thé election, divide tho diszcict into two or more voting precincts ami dchnc the boundaries

of each precinct; and tho mid common council, shall also ap-‘ qloixzt, at least thirty days bcfoyo tho election, three judges of clcctioo and two clocks for each voting precinct, all of whom shall bcqualmcd voters of tho prcciuct;.aud po more than twat jadgcs and ono clock shall bclong to the aamc political party. The comino;1 council ahall also, at lcaat thirty days bcforo the “

 data ot the élcctioa, provldq a suitable polllagjplacol for mob

V0tj!lgT§1'€(2ii1Q{ and givcduo noticot of the cloctlou by: posting a written or printed notice in tlurcé public placca la oacli precinct, Specifying the timo azadlxilacc ot tbc clcctlmi, and lb casa there arc one or more ncwapaporaot gcucral circulation publicized in the town, theaa copy of saldmoticc slialkalso abc published ln one ot such aowspapcra at least coco a wack for two ooaaacutlvc nwccks xzoxt prior to tho datc of tho clcctloa. (May 7,`19¤06, ct. 2083, 5 34 §tat, 17<0.)·_ * —· l o . a 137 . Same; districts oatslda of tomw; pxccinctg.-·—-·All ‘o£ the tcz·x·l tory in coach recording district altuato outside ot an inoorpomtad town ahall, for tho of subchapter, coa- -t stltuto one clactiou district; la ouch ycar ia which A Dclcgato _ is to clcctccl tho commlmioaax lu each oi said cloction dia- __ trictg tahall, at lcastiaixty days. bofom tho date of each cloction, isaac aa order and botlcc, digaéd by him aad c¤térc€l.‘ln his Tccozds in a' book to be kept by him for that purpoao, in tvhlch Bald order and xxoticc hc shall--— . ‘ ‘ 86270*--26---99 a ~

_ \ ND INSULA1;.P@SBION8 1%_ ‘ First. Divide his election district into such nnmher of voting precincts as may an his judgment be neeesmry/or convenient, de§n_ing_the.boundories of each precinct by Before} objects end " {permanent monuments or landmarks, ns fer as practzimble, _

  • andwin such manner that the boundaries otlmch can be readllyj

hdeterrnined and become generally known from snch desciipdon, specify a polling " place in each of said precincts, and give to each voting precinct an appropriate nemo by which the same shall thereafter. be designated. No snch voting precinct shall be established with less! than thirty qnnlineell voters rendent therein; · and, the precincts.·esteblished as aforesaid shell re—· hmaln as , permanent precincts for all snmeqnent elections, on- RSS discontluued or changed by l order ot the commissioner of ’ thatdistrict. P. _ · » Second. Give notice ot saldclection, specifying in eeidnetice, among-other things, the date of meh election, the boundary of the voting precincts established, the location oi the poll· · ting place in the precinct, and the lronrs between which sold polling_places—wi1l”be open., r _ ‘ - " · » K _· Said me and notice shall ··be given, "pnblicityihy said commissioner. by ‘ posting copies, of the mms at lee; thirty days · before the date ot `®ch_ election. Said copies shell he posted as follows: One an A the o&ce ot the commiwoner, in sold district, and three, copies to be posted `·in three conspicnons placw in each, of said voting precincts, as `establish&_ ones of which shall be the designated`pol1lng—_¢ace inj with precinct; and said commissioner shall else mall s_ certided copy of sold order and notice to the Governor of Alaska at his owcinl residence, Q , _ _~ ~ or * ‘ At least thirty days prior to the date of the holding ot, such election the commissioner shall select, notify, and nppolnt from "arnong the qualined electors ‘ · in` each voting precinct three judges of election tor, said precinct, no niore than two of whom shall- be of the some political party. _ Sold mmmiwoner shell notlfy hll of said judges of election, of their appointment as snch,_,so.t1mt each and all of them shell reeeive said notice it least ten dnys before the datéeof the election. (May 7, 1906, c. 2083, 5 5,,34 Stat. 171,) c _ A _ — · 5 `· , » l38. Same; election board;vclerks.——il?he `judgesi of election ei each votingr precinct shall constitnte the election ,bon_rd for sold ·preci_nct and shell supervise and have charge of the election therein. c They shell secure had provide a plnce for eholdingmhe election and A suitable hallotibox. They shell psesnpon the quelmcstion of the voter end, it he be found qnelihed, receive, and deposit his ballot in theeballot box, end shall csnrsw ned make n return of the votes cost, as hereinafter provided. . Thélmémbém of said election board, in» precinct, before entering upon theé dnties of their o$ce, shell esch, scrernlly tnke nn onth,`_ which shell be rednced to writing, before en J cme: quelitled to administer oizths, to honestly; ralthfnlly, and promptly perform the duties of their positions pond lt no o§cer` qnalmed to administer oethsbe present or available, then sny one et said duly appointed or selected judges ot election mor odmlnlster· the necessary oath to sold other ctwojndges, and he shall afterwards in turn heswern by one of them, . Each of said jndges shallwhsye nnthority to sdnztnister nn: seth to the voter · necemnry or proper `nnder this subchapter, and sei judges shall here eqnnl suthorlty; and in cnse of any question or disagreement over sny matter during the course ot sold election the decision of the rnnjorityre of said judges shell govern. ~ , , V ~ "Two of the three judges ot election in esch voting precinct, outside of incorporated towns, to he selected bye n msjority of said judges shell also perform, the duties of clerks of election for that `precinctfthe two judges performing”the duties of clerks shnllbe of different political portions It shell be the duty of fthe clerks stench voting precinct to make s toll written