Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1587

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157 3 TITLE 48.-TERR1 Tomas designated by the Secretary of the Interior as a special peace officer of the division of Alaska in whieh uch person resides and such special pence omcer shall have authority to arrest upon warrant duly issued, any; native of Alaska charged wit! ~the violation ot- any ot the! provisions of the Criminal Code 01 Alaska (Act March 3,11899, chapter 429, Thirtieth Statutes a1 Large, pages 1253-1256) or any amendment thereof, or any white D1{1I15’Ch&1‘g9d" wi the violation of any of. said provisions to the detrimentgot azélimtiveot Alaska-; and such peace omcer shall also have authority tomake such arrests, without- W&1T8DtQ`·fo1 n crime committed or attempted in his presence, or when the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in hi; presence, or when a felony has in fact been committed and he has reasonable canoe for believing the person arrested to have committed- it.; and any person so argested shall botaken, it accordance with Lsuch miles and regulations as `may be pre scribed by_ the Attorney General, and without unnecessary do lay, before a jUnited States commiseioner 0;% other Judicial omcer fo1·"tri£l.‘ No person so appointed aha~11_bo—e1tntit1ed tc , any fees or émolnments 0; any' qnamcrexg whatsoever for per forming any ot the services herein mentioned,. 'mt ‘;¤ay‘ be allowed, in the discretion of the Attorney General, expenses actually and necmrily incurred in connoctionwith such` services. (liar.}, 1909, 02%, 35 Stat. 837.) J . ' 173. Yocatioaal tr@g I for' aboriginal natives; schools, 1 etc.-—-The Secretary. ot the Interior is authorized to establish a system of vocational training for the aboriginal native, people _ of Territory of Alaska, .8Bd-·t0_00l1Btl'¤Ct and maintain. suit- `) able? bnildmzl for. schools and dormitories" and hospitals in such localitieawithinl the ilaxjitory ot Alaska as he may` select. {Feb. %, 1925, c."@0, I. 1, 43 Stat. 978.) t _ _ _ · ` F 174. Same; bdkhnis asdzned to Rarcdujof Education by Secretary of · interiorr-·'1‘l;e Secretary ot the Interior is instructed to assin to. the_Burend otlduoation any unoccupied building in Alaska which are am his custody at abandoned miiitaify peas or tm; me- zmuamgq eopuoma by tl·.iéMDepart— o ment ot the Interior, for use. oy the Bureau ot Education as indastryal schools or hospital; that are held by him to be necessary or mitable for pprpows outlined in section 173 oi this title; and the Secretary ot War is` authorized to transfer to the · Swretnry of the Interior ‘¤¤y. unoccupied buildinga tn Alaska that in the opinion of the Secretary ot War may be dispenpod with by the War Department, to be used for induatrtnlesehool or hospital p that are heid by him to be noemary or anitnble {oi- su& purposes, and the Seomotary of the Interior is authorised to dismantle and remove any ot { the aforementioned buildings to such locations as may be docided upon for the erection ot industrial schools. (Feb. 25, 1925, o. 3%, $-2, 43 Stat. 978.) ‘ I e ‘ ALASKA°GAHE` LAW 191. Powm aw duties of Secretary of Co¤m`érec·’md Secretary of Agricultare.—gTbe’powers and. duties conferred upon the Secretary of Gommm‘ pi·io1·_to Hay 81, 1920, by hw, proclamation:. ok mecntive orders with respect to any mink, mana, bmver; land ottex, mmhat, fox, wolf, `wolverine, weasel, or other land anhnala in Alaska, and with r%t oo the Imam; of ceruini islands in Alaska. for the Propagation of ianbeartug are conferred upon, and ehall be o;erdsw-by, the Bmrmry ot A.gx*1oa1ture,‘and the Power! nod édaties confused upon the ot Agri- _ cultnre prior to May__S1, 19%, with respeetio wnlfum and sea lim ate coa&¤·ed upon, and ahallibo exereim by, the Seaetnry of Dommm. ‘_Nothing in this section shall aaect the and! duties .¢Q¤f¢!'1'¢d the tary ot Commereo by Lam, proelamatioaa, or Exxutivo _ orders with to fur koala and `eeatottera sad jixriadictioa over the Pribilot legends and the snimals thereon. Uday 81, 1920, c. 217,41 Stat. 716.) .- a l I

AND INSULAR POSSESSIONS § 192 as 192. Duties and powers of the commission, wardens, and

officers.-—-—The commission shall have authority toemploy and

, remove gsme» wardens, deputies, clerks, and such other as- 1_ sistsnts as may be necessary, to dx their periods of service E" end compensation,. to rent quarters, and to incur other ex- I: penses; including printing, necessary for the enforcement of e the provisions of( this spbchspter and for which appropriation 2 has been made;‘ but, subject to_ review. by thecommission, the l executive officer may suspend or remove any game warden or P other employee forcause, including lnsubordination. · 5 Each member of the commission, any warden, any person 1 appointed by the Sccretdry of Agriculture or by the commis· n B sion to enforce the provisions of this; subchapter, any Forest 3 Service employee, marshal, deputy marshal, collector or deputy l collector of customs, oillcer of :1 Coast Guard vessel, special · oillcer of the Department of Justice, or licensed guide shall - have povver, in or out of- the Territory, and it shall be his duty,. l· to arrest without warrant any person cornmltting a rfolations >- of _ sdid provisions in his presence or view, and to teke such - person immediately for examination or trial before an oEcer 5 or court of competent jurisdiction; he shall have power to l execute any warrant or other process issued by an officer or · court “`o!—· competent jurisdiction for the enforcement of the provisions of this subchapter; and he shall have autboritr, » with at search warrant, to any place et any time] Any . { omcer or employee empowered to enforce the provisions ot this t subchapter shall have with respect to camps and vessels of the -_ _United' States llke authority end powers oi as are con- ¤ ferred‘ veith respect - to such vessels upon wardens appointed » by the Secretary ot Agriculture for- the protection of land tur- . besring animals `in Alaska, by the Act of May 31, 1920 (chapter

 217, Forty-ilrst Statutes at Large, pegs 716), conferring upon

· officers appointed for the protection ot tuxebearing animals in l_ Alaska the authority end powers conferred by law upon omcers n and agents of the Department of Commerce employed in the · selmon hsherles and furseal and see-otter servicm in Alaska, = and like authority and powers as were conferred upon tgmne

wardens by the Act ot. May 11, 1908 (Thirtyéltth Statutes, at

T Large; page 102), which provided that any warden in or out · of Alaska might arrest without warrant any person found '“ t violating any of the provisions of that Act, or any of the regula· ~ tions _ therein provided, and might mise any game, birds, or ~ abidés, and any traps, nets, guns, bouts, or other. paraphernalia t used in the capture ofasuch game or birds and found in the possession of said person in or out of Alaska, and keep and deliver the same to s marshal or deputy marshal. The several judges ot the courts established under the laws ot the United States and ··U¤ited States commissioners mey, within their prespective jurlsdictions,· upon oath oradlrmntion. showing probable cause, issue warrants in all sech mms. . All ~guns, traps, nets, boats, dogs, sleds, end other pnrnphernslin. used in ° or in aid of st violation ot }the provisions of this subchepter they be wlzed, and al1 ahimnls birds, or pertsthereof, or nests or eggs of birds taken, trsnsported or contrary to the provisions of this subchapter shell be. seized within or outside _ the Territory by any _ omcer or person authorized to enforce . the provisions of this subchapter, . and upon conriction of the otender or upon llldtmeut of da court of-the United States that the ¤n@ weretming used or were token, transported, or possessed ln violation otthis subchapter, shell be forfeited to the ` United States and disposed of ns directed by the court having Jurisdiction, and itasold- the proceeds of sele shall be trans-

 by the clerk of the court to`the executive otheer to he
 ot sa are other receipts of the coxmnlssion. Any propcrt, animals, birds, or perm thereof, or nests or eggs of birds
 by a licensed guide shall besnfely held and promptly

delivered by him to thecommlssion, a game warden, or to a ngnrshelor e deputy mershnl. it shell be. the duty of the Bwretary ot tho."1‘ressury end the fostmsster oe¤e;·¤1,"¤po¤