Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/16

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§ 21 {TITLE 1.»»-GENERAL an Chapter 2.--ACTS AND RESOLUTIONSt_OF‘ THE CON-; QRESS; FGRMALITIES OF,]*é1NACTDiE§T;-<RI§iPEALS;`i SEALING. OF {INSTRUMENTS. 2 _ _ See.`_ 2 _ U ‘· _ 21. Qlnfleting clanso. ·‘”" 22. Resolving clause. _ - 23. Enaeting or resolving words after. Eli-st seetion. 2%. Numbering of sectionsfesinglo .proposition., . 25. Title of appropriation— Acts. 4 _ - _

 Printing bills and-joint resolutioxzs. _ i . -

.23*. P:1rclnnent·or paper for printing enrolled hills.or_resolutions. 28. Effect of repealof repealing Act. ‘ __ _ . I _ 29. Repeal of statute as_`al'fee.ting existing liabilities. _ . Sl}. ikimphlet copies of Acts and Statutes at Large ;'con&tents admissi·· bility lneridence. ‘ ' .31. Sealing of instruments. _ ° ‘ Section_21.' Enacting clause.-r—Tl1e enacting. clause of all Acts.- ot Congress shalllie, iB‘-[l·l€- following form: “Be it enacted by” the Senate and_,House of- ltepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress asse1nliled."`». (`l{.:S.‘ §_ 7;.) _ .— _ ~ 22. Resolving ·-Cl8l1S€.—i—·T_il€ resolving clause `of all joint. reso§ lotions shalllie in the following itlflllf “Resolved by the Sen-. ate and-‘House of .Representatlre`s;~of tlie- United- States of America in Congress assegnhledfi (R. §'8.); · · A _- »_ ` 23. Enacting "ort resolvifg `"words, after iirst" sectionQ—No "enacting or"' resolving words shall he used in any*sec`tion of an Act or resolution-of. Congress except ln- the tlrst. (R. S.. § 9.) r I 24. Numbering. of sections}, single proposition.-l-Each secg tion shall be numbered, and shall contain, asnea-rly as ina;} be, a single.proposition"of enactlnent. (R. S. § _10.)° · _' It Q ·25."l`itle’_of appropriation ACtS.r*TllQ- style and title ofyall Acts making appropriatio.nsfor the support of Government shall be as follows :- "An Act making appropriations (here insert the objecf) for tile year endlng*Jun_e 3%)-·(here insert the calendar ”_§‘eHr)." 2 (R. 11.)` · ; . `_ 1 ~ . _ - 26. Printing bills. and joint resolutions.——l§x¤•;ry bill or joint resolution in each House of Congress shall, when such gbill or resolution passes either House. be printed, and such `printed eopy. shall he calledthe engrossed bill orresolution as the case may be-. Said engrossed bill or »resolnt—ion rshallrbe signed by 2 the Clerk of the House or the Secretary of the Senate, and shall be sent to the other House, and in that, form shall he-dealt with ‘ by that House, and its officers and,_lf _.·‘ passed, returned signm by said Clerk or Secretary. When sueh bill, or joint resolution I

'D `REPEAL PROVISIONS — 2 l shall have psssed both Houses, tit shall he printed end sllnlttlxen Q lgecalled the enrolled liill, or joint resolution as the case may ihe,,and ,shall_be signed by the_;$resicling officors of both Houses tlild ‘S€l}t {G thé 1)I°€$id€Ht ot UI1i{€d_.St3lGS. _Du‘¥i1}g-hg· Inst six elayslofh session such engrossing and enrolling of hills sud joint 1`t?SOlll`t'lOHS‘ may be done .otherwlse than as shore pre— scribed, upon t»h_g_Jg1'tl0l‘_»0f COIIQLYESS by QQ11Cl1I‘I‘€ht Il£‘S•)l!,1l':[o;]}_ ·(Nov.‘l,ll893, 28 Stat. Appendis:·5; Mor, 2, 1895, e._1?’2’, ,§-1, 28 Stat. 769.). i_ ° _ * _ — __`e p 27. Parchment or paper for printirige enrolled bills or reso. .lutions.<—·¥Enrolled hills audi resolutions of -elthe1j— jiouse ot Congress shallibe printed on parchment or paper ot Sllifzlblg quality as°»shnll_ be·deterxnii1ed by the Joint Cornmittcen on Print- n mg. (zsler. s,_1o20,.¢, 9e1,··§'"1, 41 Stat. s2o.> ~ * .” _ — ” 28.·tEl¥ect of repehl of repealing‘Act.—Whenever an Act is

·epenled,_`_ which_-repealed°Y at former Act, such former Aetshgli

not `thereby herevived, unless shall expressly so provided. (1;. s.=§ 1”2.)o , _ j l 7 ~» * ~ 29; Repeal of statutes as Qffecting existing liabiliticss-Tlae repeal ofvnny statute shall 119*2 have the-effect to release or ex_ti11lg11ish _:1t1y» penaltpt; ftlffélttlllé, or u8b‘iliPY"{!1ClIl°P0(}»‘Hllilét Suéh statute, unless the .reDé81iug.Act shall tsopexpressry provide, .an<l such statute Vshiill be treated 113 still remaining in force _· for the purpose_o_f»-slusthinintgl any proper action;or·prosecnt_lon {for thefenforcement of such penttltynforfeiture,. or liability.

 s. § 13.).   ‘ _; 1_s       , p   , »

` 30. Pémphlet Ycopiesof Acts tm¢}~St;•tutes lat Large; con-·· tents; .sdmissibilitY___ in"evidence.j—The pamphlet oceplesbt the statutes andvthe hound copies of the Acts»?‘of,4eaeh`]ox:§ressK shall be legal. evidence of thellawgi hud treaties therein conthined in all the courts- of the United ~States and of the several States therein. The-said pamphlet hud the Ststutes at Large ·‘shull-contain all lawsyjoint and co¤current»resolutioz1s passed Qby Congress, and also"all_conirentious,. tr'eaties,·_fproclainatioss, a1ndfx1greementsQ (Jan._12,“1895§ e. .55 13, ,28 Stat. 615.) l T , -31. Sealing of instruments.4-¥In·`_zrlfcases where essesl is f necessary jyyllnw to any commission, process, or other instrugnentw l provided for hy the lawsot Congress, its shall he lawful to amxo tl1Q»_]’l—l'(l[)€I* Se¤1y¤y,o‘ml¤k1¤g _&H··iEll{.l1`€SSi0Il therewith. directly on ` the paper to whichsuch seohis necessnry; which shall be as valid as lfmade on wax or other adhesive, substance. _(R. S. §_ 6.) l l I x l l

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