Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1603

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1589 ‘T1TL1.a 48.·--mzazurrozzzus acres 'or zz lessqunntity of unapproprlntcd public land in Alaska, and no more : ·Pr0v£dcd, That nothing herein·_c011tained_ shall be ° :·m1struedFt0 llmlt Ior curtail the area/0f’an§,· homestead elalm 1;u.vfully'lnitintcd {prior to June_28, 1918. (July 8, l916, c. 228 §l1, 39 Stat. 3.52; June 28, 1918,- c. 110,40 Stat. 632.). .374. Eiect of entry in another State or Territory.—A i*‘;·r lwmesteacl entry iq any other State or Territory shnl me be a bar to 21 homestead entry in Alaska. (July 8_, 1916 , C, 2;2S,'§ 1,.39 Stat. 352; June 28, 1918, c. 110, 40- Stat. 632.) · 375. Entry on xmsnrveyed lands; ·final`p`1j0ofs;——·If the systenc of public surveysthas net been extended over the land includeé in a ‘lmmestead_ entry, the entryman may, after due c¤mp11a¤¤ » with the terms of-the homestead law in the matter of residence cnltivaticn, and improvement, submit to the register a showing as to such compliance, duly. corroborated by two witnesses, and · if suclrevideuce satisfactorily shows that the hdmesteadexj is lx as position toeubmit aéceptable final proc! the surveyor generai of the Territory 'will be so advised and will, not later than the next succeeding_s11rveying season, issue- proper instructions fq1 the survey of the lnndxso enterjerywithout expense to the entry- maxxfwlxo may thereafter submit final- proof as in simllan i entries df surveyed lands; S0. fat asprncticable, such survey shall fellow the general syetempf public-land surveys, land the entrymnn shell conform His boundaries thereto :_ Pr0vided,,Thu1

z6thing` herein shell prevent the hbulesteader {rpm securing

earlier neticm on his·entry;.by a special survey at his own expense, if he ec elects. (June 28, 1918, c. 110; '40 Stat. 633.) 376, Entry on land containing coal, oil, or `gss.-—¥-—H0mestead claims may be initiated by actual settlers,011 public lands Hoi ‘the United States in Alaska known to contain workable eoal, nil, 01·Yges_Aep0site, or that may be valuable for the coal, oil, gr gas eenthtixied therein, and- which ere not otherwise reserved t mj withdrawn, whenever such claim shall be initiated with! a view of obtaining or passing title witlx a reservation to the United States of the coed, all, , or gas ln each lends, and ot the right to prospect fol?. mine, and remove the name; end any eettler wlm has lnltleted a homestead claim in good faith on ·lnnde` containing workallle deposits of coal, oil, or gas, or that wmv be valuable for the coal, ”oil, ortgas contained therein, V may perfect theienme under the prcvlsionswot the laws under which the claim was initiated, but shall receive the limited patent. provided for in section r377_ of this title: Provided, hoeneger,. That Mehonldlt be discovered at any time pylori totlle iesunnw .e£~{n dna! certldcate on nay claim inlttlntedlior uni reserved lands ln Alnekn that the lnndenre c0al,·e oil, or gan in , chaxncter, the patent issued an such entry shall c¤ntn1nttB¢ reservation required by enid emtlcu. _(M’nr. 8,1922, c. 96, ti 1, ,42 Stat, 415.) ~ A ‘ . ° 4 t , `377. Pétent fer ilend entered under sectipn 316;, reservatinne.~·———Upnn ‘eatle£ectery‘ pmt ,.0f full cnmpllnnce with the previelens et the l&W5¢l1Bd€l' which the entry is made and et jbeétien 376 of this dtle the entrymanehnlhbeyentitled to e , patent to the lnndslentered by him, which patent ehall contain it rnnerrntlen tc the*United_ Staten nt all the cent, ell, or gee gin the land se patented. togetnerwith the right to presnect ter, mine, and- remove the same, — '1‘£e heal, nil, or gan deposits ec _ reserved shall be nunjectitc dlepesal by the United States in nccerdnnce with the previeienelet . the laws npnllcnble to cenl, eil. organ deposits my mel, ell, cx gee lands in Aleinkn in force at the ttime_e£` such dlapenal. _ Au!. Pdreon qgmllded to acquire gccnl, nil, or gas depcelte, . or the right mine and remove » the ceel or to drill Tor and remove the ll nr gee nnder the laws ct the United Staten, shell new the right at all tlmee tn enter umn the lands entered or mtexlted, t t nrcrlded by the pmvmens hereqt, ter the purpose at preepenting lor coal, nil, or gas therein. umn the apprqval by the n retnry et the renew: »¤:_ e men dt: undertaking te be mea with mm ae eecurlty_£er the payment ot all d&QA% to ghecrnps And im-

{//·’ AND INSULAR POSSESSIONS F § 381 , provements on such lends by reescm of such prospecting. Any, a persén who has acquired from the United States the ces}, eil, or 1 gas deposits in any such land, or the right to miixe, drill fer, ,. orremove the same, may reenter and eccupy so much of the M surface thereof as msiy be required for all purposes reasonably t incident to the mining and removals! the coal, oil, or gss l .therefr0m,, and mine sud remove the coal or. .e1i·111i for and », remove the oil or gas upon payment of the damages caused ftlgrgby to the owner thereof, or upon giving el good and sum- 1 cient bond or undertaking in an actigminstituted is e.uy_c0mpel tent court to ascertain and Hx said damages: Prcrvidedi That 2 the owner under such limited patent shall have the right to ,_ `mine the coal for use on the land for domestic burpeses at

‘ any time prior to the disposal by the United States of the coal

l deposits: Pmrvided further, That nothing in this section or sec- 1 tion,-—376 of this title shall construed as authorizing the I exploration uporl or entry of any coal deposits withdrsxrn from a such `exploration and purchase: And provided fertluv, That rj nothing herein contained shall be held or coustrued to authorise - the entry or disposition, under section 274 of Title 43, ot r lwithdrawu or classihed c0al,_ oil, or gas lands er ot lends val-. { eusble for coal, oil, or gas; (Mer. 8, 1922, c. 96, § 2; 42 Stat.

_ 416.) _ ’ ‘ _ l . . · » _ _

t _378. Lands excepted from cntry.4-There shall be excepted _

‘ from homestead settlement and entry under the rprovisieus

-_ of sections 373 t0_ 375 of this title, the lands indi Annette and _ _Prlbil0f Islands, the islands leased or eccupled for the propsl sggtiou of foxes, and such other lands as have been, er may he, E reserved or wfthdrawu_ from settlement or entry; (July 8, , 1916, c. 228, § 3, 39 Stat. 352; June 28; 1918, c. 110, ,,40 Stat. , 633») ‘ ‘ _ . _ i l I Mxmrm Creams _ l l . _ . l , 381. Mining laws of United Stetes extended te Alaska; , i,,_ I’ég\ll3.ti0IlS.·—i['ll€ laws of the United States relating to mining

claims, mineral locations, and rights incident `thereto are

I hereby extended to Alaska.; Provided, Thstfsubjmt only tai

such general limitations aslmsy be necessary to? exempt navi-

, gaticm from srtiilclsl obstructions all izmd and sheel water 5 between low sud mesh high tide cm the shpres, buys, sud I inlets of Bering [Sea, within the jurisdiction of the United , States! shall be subject tes exploration end mining for geld- E and other precious metals by citizens et the _U¤‘11:ed States, er

persons whe have legally declared their intentions to mceme

, such, under such reasonable rules and regulstlens_ as the , miners In orgsulscd mining. districts -mey_ have heretofore , made or may hereafter make governing the temporary possession thereof ter exploration and rixirligg purposes until other- _ .- wise provided by law: Provided further, That the rules and g regulations established by the miners shell net be in cimsict [ with the gluing isws ret the “UnitedT States; and ue exclusive L permit shall be granted by the Secretary of War sutherisihg - y any person or persons, corporation or cémpany, to excarste _ , or mise uhder shy of ssld waters below low tlde, arld it such ‘ ,. exclusive permit has been granted, lt is Shereby revoked and » declared hull sud void; hut citizens at the United States er l persons who here fglegully declared their intention to become , sueh shell have the rigllft¤ldredge and mine ter gold or ether e preclpgs metals ln said waters, helsw low tide,lsubject te such t lgehersl rules and regulations as the Seeretsry of `Wsr may l prescribe ter the preservation et order sed the protection at ee the [interests et. commerce; such rules and reguietlens shall n net, hewever; deprive miners cm the beech et the? right hereby

  • given `te dump tslllugs inte er pmspg from the ses opposite

.‘ their claims, except where such dumping would actually eb- » =stru¢t hsvlgstleix, sed the reservation ot e resdwsy sixty feet s wlde,`u¤der section 461 er this title, shell not apply to mineral · landslor torn; sites. (June 1%% c. 786, 31 Stat. 329.)