Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1610

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§, 436 _ TITLE #8.-·TERRIQ‘ORIE8 .4 Mterms nndconditions as ·l¤-the case.-of an original lense underthe snrne, secure a further or new lense covering additional lands contiguous to those ememeee in- the original lease,. but

t shall the total aren embraced in such orlginnl end

new leases exceed in the eggregete two thousand pnve hundred and sixty acres; _ _ W . ·_ ·` _` ` _ Upon satisfactory showing by any lessee to the Secretary of ` the interior that all ot A the workable deposits of coal yvianm n tract covered by. his or its leesem be exhausted, `worked. out, or removed within three years thereafter,‘Secremry ot the Interior may,. withinhis discretion, lense to' such l$see an additional tract of land or coal ‘ deposits, which; including the coal area remaining in the original lease, shall not exceed two thousand dve hundred and slxty acres, tl1rough· the same procedure and under the saine competitive conditions as in l case of nn original lease.` (Oct; 20, 1914,;}. 830, { 4, 38 Stat. 742.) 5 ~ ·· . " ‘ ‘ , 436. Consolidation of lenses.-—Subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, lessees. 8 holding under leases .8mdH blocks.- or areas may consolidate their said leases or holdings so as to include in a single holding not to exceed two `thousand ive hundred and sixty acres of contiguous lands. -( Oct. 20,1914; ¢.se0,;s,sssmt‘74s.) - ° »· o _ Cross reference: section}152 onthis title. _ ” 437. Term of lesse.%¥Leases may be for periods of not more than" fifty iyenrs _ each, subject to renewal, on such terms and conditions ns may be authorized by law et the time or snch, renewal. (Oct. 20, 1914, c. 330, §· 9, 88 Stat. 744.) - _ A Royalties and rentals payable to United States by le ——-For_ the privilege ot mining and extracting and dlsg posing of the coal in the lands covered by his lease the lessee shall pay to the United States such royalties ns may be specined ln the lease, which shall not be less than.2ycents per ton, due and payable et the end or each month eumdlni that ot the shipment ofethé coal from the mine, end an nnnunl rental- payable yet fthe beginning ot, each year, on " the lands covered by such lense, at the rate oi 25. cents per acretor the drst year thereafter, 50 cents per acre for the second, third, tenrth, anddfth years, and $1 per Acre for each und every year thereatter- during the `continuance ot the lane, except that such rental for any year shall be credited aghlnst the royeltles as they accrue for that year. (Oct. 20, 1914, c. 880, Q 9, 38 [ Stat.744.)_ y he . ·_ _· . V . _ ” ‘ 439. Disposal of royslties and rentals ,reeeived.——·All net protltb troxn operation oi Government mines, and all royalties and rentals under lenses hs herein provided shell. be deposited in the '1‘reesury_of- the United States in e separate and distinct » rend to be applied to the reimbursement ot the Government _ or the United Stetes-on-account ot any expenditures made in the construction of railroads the shell be deposited one me rene known ea A1s¤x¤.ome embusnea under section 41 of this title to be expended ss provided in sold . section. (Oct. .20, 1.914, c. 880, I 8,_ 88 Stat. 744.) · 440. Property leeewx of emmmt; forfeiture of excess.--—mch shell be for such bloclr or tract of T lend as may be o¤ered` or spplied '!or,.. not excemlng in era two thousand ive Andlsixty nm.‘&.»ot to be described by the eemxylnona ot the. `survey, em no person, moeletion, or eorporetton, except es provided. shell be permitted to take or hold any interest es n stockholder or otherwise- in more than one such lense under sections 432 to 452 of this title, and any interest held ‘ln deletion ol this proviso shell be forfeited to the Unitd” States by upproprlete proceed1n@», inetltuted by the Attorney General tor that purpose in eny court or competent jurisdiction, except that any such ownership and interest hereby which may be acquired, by descent, will, judgment, or decree my

LND INSUIJAR POSHE8B.(01€8· 1596 he held for two years, and notjlonger, after its `acqulslum (Oct. 20,- 1014, c."830, § 0, _88 Stat. 743.) _, , _» _" . 441. nreeeang anthorizcd masq: generally; mlnhneam. Any person. who- shall purchase, acquire, or hold any interest ln two or more nach leases, except as herein provided, or who shall knowingly purchase, acquire, for holdany stock in a em-. , porationhaving an interest lntwo or more such leases, or who shall knowingly sell} or transfer to om disqualified to pur} chase, or excem as in sections 432 to Mizofthistitle spcclllcally provided, oleqaalmeo to, acquire, any interest, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and npon mnviction Skill, be pup. {shed by imprisonment for not more than three years andby a anemee, exceedlng s1,ooo: nausea, me meh ownership and interest hereby forbidden which maybe by descent, wl11,~judgment,‘or decree may he held two years after

its acquisition 'and not longer, and in case ¢ minority or other

disability such time as the court may decree. `(Oct. @, 1914, c.,330,$—7,§ .Stat.743.)_ 4 . _ ° » “ 442. liability of omccr or agent of corporation violating last.-Any director, trustee, omcer, or agent of any corporation holding any lnterestin such a lmao who shall, on behalf of such corporation, `act in` the purchase of any interest a in another lease, or who shall knowingly Qact on behalf of such. corporation in the sale or transfer of any such mterest in any t lease held by suchlcorporation to any corporation or individual holdingany interest in any such aleaseyexcept as herein pro- Fvided,_shal1 be guilty of a felony andmllrbcsnhject to lmprls ` n onment for a term of .nof·'ciceeding.three years and a Bne of not exceeding $1,000. (Oct. 20, 1914,. c.· 830,, I 8, 88 8tat._743.) . ~ 443; Forfciture of lease for o@la·•r.-gl! any of the lands or deposits leased. under the provlmons of sections 432 to . 452 of this titleshall belsnblcascd, trustem, waxed, or.coutrolled by any device permanently, temporarily, directly, in- r, 0 directly, tacltly, or inanymanner whatsoever, so fthat they norm ` part of. or are in anywise controlledby any combination in `the form ofan unlawful trust, witheonsent of lessee, or form the subject of any contract or conmracy in in lthemln1ngorse1llngof’c¤&1.¤§t]er®intoby thale¤ss,;or_of anyholdlng of auch lands by amr individual, partnership, assot ciation, corporation, or control, ln excess at two thoumnd are ‘ hundred and dxty acres in the Territory of Alaslm. the lmao . thereobshall be; forfeltedhy. appropriate court pmdlngs. '. (00*% 20.1914, ¢· 880.,}.8t. 88 Stat. 748.) , . ‘ _ ` 444. permits; leases to prospectorsre-Where pr@eu¤g or exploratory snort is nemssary to awrmlns the existence or workabllity of coal deposits in any mclalmed, unoevelepee areain .A1ada,‘,m Secretary of the lntuior mh! _lsan• tlngpermltaforatermofnottoekmedfouryears, under such rules tm! aato » development as he may premdhe, to ippllcanta quallded under

 432 to 452 of thistitle, for not'—to axcasd two thoomnd

. nys hundred and and if the tlmc when la said permit the permlmahows to tha. Sscrmry of tw ln-* 0 terlor that¤¤taln¤ coal ln commercial Qcandtlg the ~ be entltledlto, a lease undef said sactiem for all . or anypart of the land lnhiI i¥· (Oct. 20. 1914. c. @°»b§;8. , 88‘Btat, 742; Mar. 4, 1%. cz 152, 41 Stat, 13&.~) · _ ._» , 445. @1 for local andgdonutlc needs.-éln order to provide » for supply of urlctlylocal and dmestlc needs ter rnelthe · · S@tary of thelnterlor may, nnder such and regulationsa aa he may prcdcribolu advance`, issue to any applicant onallned. E` under ncdw 434 of thlatltle a llmltedllcenae or permit grant- U · the right to prospect for, mime and dlaposo of coal belong- ‘ r.lngtotbaU¤1tedBtat¤on¢cl§&tractsnottoexceedtc¤

· acres to any me andationof persons in any one cod

l ileld for as period ot not ten years, on men conditions

  • 1 not inconsistent with the provisions of sections .t0· 452 of