Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1620

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§ 614 ‘ \q’1'LE 48L——TERRIZl'ORIES A; plaée of residence in actual military service, in which case ” pmvisjon may be made by law for taking his vote. ( Every elector. shall be prlvi1eged_Ir0m arrest on eleqtiou day ·qux·ing his attendance at election and in going to and retiurln-

  • 1i:g therefrom; except in case ot breach' ot the peace then committed, or lu case of treason pr felohy. (Ap:. 30, 1900, c. 339,

Q §§ 57, 58, 31 Stat; 151.) _ i- I T ~ , 614. Yoting ,for i·epres€¤tativeS.—Each voter for _—rep1·é- . sentative may cast a vote for sis many representatlveé as are to be elected from the representative district lu. which he is entitled to vdte. - ‘_ - `

·The required number pt candidates receiving the `highest

number of votes 'iu the respective representative districts shall be representatives, for suchwdistrlctse _(A.p1·. 30, 1900, c. 339, § 59, 31 Stat. 151.) i · ’ _ j ‘ Z· - e 615; Veti’K§ `fet se¤st6rs.+g;Eacli yotez for senator may cast one vote for eaclrseuator to be elected from the senatorial disrtrlct in which heals entitled to vbte, _ ` “ · _ Q ., ’ The - required numbexg ot candidates receiving the highest number of Yates ln_ the respective senat0rial_·dlstricts slmll be the senators for such district., (Apt. $0, 1900; `c. 839,. 5 61, 31 _ `Stet.152;) _ · · · " . _618. Qanlmenticus of electors.-—In order to— be qualiiied to vote {cr senators and for voting in ell other elections ip the Territory er Hawaii li person must possess ,al1, the qualiilce- ' time and be subject to all the conditions requirecl by thie chap- . ter et veters tc; reprmntntlvee. (Apr;. 30, 1900, ‘c. 339, § 62, . 81/Stat. 152.) · l ’ - · ’ T 617. _Right · to vétc; qu•li6cé.ti¢ms of ele¢;tp`i·s.-—-In order t0 be qualiéed to vote for `representatives a person shell-··4 ·* First. Be a male citizen ot the Uxiited States except es proyided in section 618 ot this title. ’ _ f . Second., Have resided in the Territory not lease than grief yea? preceding and in the representative district ein which he offers. ta lregster m>t.1¢& than three mouths immediately preceding the time (at which he gtters to register. Q [ Third. Have attained, the age ct twent$·=0ne years. _~ `·Fc¤rthl Priqr to each regulerfl election,. during the time premribed by law tor. reglstmtien, have caused his name to be entered on the frezlster of voters for representatives `tqr his` Fifth, Pe able to speak, reed, _ and. write the English or Haweiim l§.¤8¤age. `(Apr.,30, 1900, c.· 389,*9 60. 31 Stat. 151.) 818. §¤th¤i·izl¤g eitennien of franehise to qemen.-—-—-·· §@e I.@aatmje et t,he_ Terrlteiy. ot} Hawaii is vqtecl wltb the

  • ”·'@WB1" td provide that, in · all elections authorized to be held

mee: me emrlslom pt this chépter, female cltizem possessing the qualmcatlom as male; eltleeps shall be entltled te t ” The selelqlglnmre is turthef feeted with the power to have

 to theyetera at the 'éljerritpry ot lzlawegi the quutlcn

é w¤thex·`e:· not the iemalecitizem pt me Territory shall em `emwwemd to vote at elections `lield ence; the lawn of . the “‘1‘eri·lte¥!.oi Hawaii., The préviélcms et tbl; sectleu slmll appli ie i>eth_Territor1el and municipal `eleotlcme. (June 13, 1918, E?97,§§1,2,·4,40Stat.e664,) g ‘ " 619. Teqpblary renldgta. in military er naval •ervlee.·—-=· No person shall be allowed, to from who le hr the Terfltery by meson? at being in the Army or Navy or by mma cg bein; . attached tp `txoom lu the gentes bt the United States; .(Apr.. L ,1306, c,·33$,§63, 31·S£at${}52.) e ‘ " I . · and pieeincts; apperticnmwt at senate}: mel lZ’ tlY”6;*·j··Th8 legislature bt the `Terrlmry ·_ may from

 te tim establish end elter the "bQi11'.ldQl'¥$8~ ot election
 and votii1g·pre;hi¤éte and eppcrtion the senatdrn end

. ’ repieseetativeq to be felected (mlb sueh district.; (Apr. 30, ‘ 1900, c. 339, { 65.; 31 Stat, 1530 l ‘ `

No 12v.s·U1..41.: 1’Q»S»SESSIONS 1606 'THE .m1>101ARY t 631. Courts; jurisdiction' and procedure ‘ continued.-——The judicial power of the Territory shall be vested in one supreme court, circuit courts, and in such interior courts as the leglgloture may from time to tiine establish. And untill the legislm tute shall otherwise provide, the laws ot Hawaii in force o prior to April 30, 1900, `concerniug the several courts and their

 jurisdiction and procedure shall continue in force except ng
 herein otherwise. provided. ](Apr.‘ 30, 1900, c. 339, §` _81,` 31

i Stat. 157.) _ , 1 / 5 · I _ é

 632. Justices; appointment and qunlihcptiou.-4The supreme
  • court shall consist of a chief juotlce and tevo awociate justices,
who shall be citizens of the Territory of Hawaii and éhall be

appointed 'by.the President of the United States, by and with z the advice ond consent of the Senate of the. United Stnteé, V and may be removed by the rénlgmenr, In ease of the disqualiilcatiou or absence of guy justice thereof, in any cause pending } before the court, on the trial and determination ot said cause his place shall. belilled as provided by law. (Apr. 30, 1900, c. 339, § 82.31 Stat. 157.) · - . ‘ ~ ‘ ·633. Same; tenure of ¤B¢¢:. •l¤;H6catious.—'I‘he President ishnll nominate aud; py aud·'with‘ the advice and consent ot the · Senate, upgoiut tlyet chief justice and justices ot the supreme court, the judges of the‘circult·.courts, who` ghall hold”th‘eiro respective 0§ces for the term, of fomi years, unless ` sooner removedby the President. .` ‘ A . ·, ‘ ‘ All omcers appointed untlerf the provisions. of this section shall be citizens of the Territory ot ·Hawnii and` shall have yeéided therein for at least three years next preceding their , appointment, ·(Ap1·. 30, 1900. c. 339. ‘§ 80, 31 Stat; 156; Mer.

 3; 1905, c. 1465; S 2, 33 Stat. 1035: July 9, 1921, e. 42; {312, 42

l_Stat._119.) . _ H . . . o ~ ~_ ‘ _, 634. Same; salary.--The following ofécers shall receive the Q following salary, to be puidby the United States :· The chief u justice of the eupreme eouptjof the Territory $7,500; the associnted judges of thejsupieme court '$7,000_ each.; the judges e of the circuit courts $6.000 “ench. (Apr. 30, 1909, .c. w; § 92, 31`Stat. }59; Hey 27, 1910, c. 258. .5 8a' 36 Stdt.448; July 9; 1921.Qc. 42, { 314, 42 Stat. 120.)- _~ ‘ ° ‘ · 635. Lauri relatinf to Jhldicial department und procedure.-—‘ The lawn ot_ ._I-Idééaii relntivie to the ;I¤di€i§i department. includlng civil and criminal procedure, okeept he amended by this ,, chapter, ere coutlnued in to:-ce.; subject to modmcauon by Gou- ¢i·ese,-- or the legislature. The provisions of new `ulaws or any ` levi: ot, the Republic ot Hamill wlaich require jurlw to“`bo cenaposed ot aliens or foreigners only, or to be oouwtuted by im- ~. naneliug natives ot Hawaii only, ln civil and criminal cases speckled in said lawn] arewpealed, and·all inria shall be com stituted. without reference to the mee or plnée of nntlvlty ot thexjurors: but no permu who in not h mule eituen et the ¤¤1cea_s¤gg and twenty-one resi-:. et age and who an not understandintly speak, read,. and write the English language shell/be_· a qu¤HHedA juror or grgud juror in the Territory ot Hawaii. No person shall be `é9Hvleted“ in any crimlngl case except. by unanimous verdictot the jury. .No plaintiff or de-) tendant in any suit or proxedlng lu a court of the Territory of Hawai) shall be entitled to n ttlnl by n jury impnneled Qexclu·· éivay tron: IEIQQQ oi eu; race. Grand julia may be drawn in the manner. provided by the Hawaiian legieliture. dud shall ~ elt at auch times as the circuit judaesot the xespectlve cireuiti J shall direct'; the number of grand jurors_~in ench circuit shale pe not lens than thirteen. und the method ot the presentation of new to uid grand juixjors shell be prescribed by the supreme court ot the`.Tei·rltory ot Hawaii. _The several circuit. oourts ge; subpmnn witn to— dppenr before the grnud juty in like manner ne they subpguu witneeseo to nppeare betore their re- `spectlve courts. (Apr. 30. 1900. e` M9. { 83, 31[Stat; 157.)