Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1629

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, 16,15 . TITLE #8.*j··T.E.RR{TORIEE r* Sec. · · , —. , ‘ S23. Same: enacting clalnee of » bills and resolutions. R S24. Passage of bills { alterations or amendments. .· · 825. Same;·_`referenee'to ccmmitbeeis; aignatixre by g0vernor;·`appmv §;.Préaldent. _ _` _ _ _ _ . * — 826, Laws. to be reported to Congres s · ‘ 827. Time of taking eHect of laws; introdnction ·0f· bllL' $28.. House Journaled _ . R2!}. Seeéiona of each house and committees to be open. _. V Si%0.°Adjeurnment. ‘ `· Q ` ` ’$Ii1·. Presiding o$ce1··t0 sign bills and resolntiona. 532. Bill to centain one subject; approp;·lation·bl1ls..· A » $33. Revenue blllsl to originate in house of afepresentativesf . 82:4. Appropriation- bills' for- executixie, legislative, and judicial é - _ partments,` "'· . ‘ e ‘ · S35, allevlval or amendment of laws. _ 536. Legislature to iireaerlbe number, duties, land compensation — `omcera and employees. _ ‘ _ . L ‘ e , ‘ · S3?. Bills giviilg extra compensation for servicegrendened pmhiblte 838. Term, salary, etc., of pnhlic oillcers not t0» be ehanged aft “ °appoi¤t¤sent._ ’ _ _ · . ` `Z839. Gndera, fesolntiona, "etc., to be presented to governor. QS-1G.·Flnaacial‘ budget. · · Q , ‘ - / · I . ‘ . .841. Revenue inen@clent_ to meet. appropriations; oxjder of paymen L . 1 `_1imitin,g apprepdations. _ . . ·5 - _ . 842. Transmission ot ,copies of lawn to. executive `department. { United States. — ., ·` - _, - ” .: — _ — 843. _Cox·x·up·t solicitation ;` dednitiou ; punishment. _ S4;. Innnenclng _0Qcials by bribery; punishrnexttp _ Y $45. Income tax `laws; modification` or repeal by__Icg1SIatu1'¤.

 M I t Tun wmcramz _

' ~ $61. Courts eontiaaedgxehlet Jnsttee and associate justices St enpren 862. Jurisdiction ot e¤enaes under National Prohibition Act. - ·; ”863. District of Penta Rico; 0m¢Ql'B; jutisdletion; vacancies. . 864. Appeals; removal cfcauaeag write oi error; certiorari: tern _ . I of 'dlatrlqt conn: use o!·Engl1¤h language. ' $65. Writa of error and api>eala.» . ‘ 866. —Px·oceedinge= in English , SG?. Jnrles in diatriet court fqualidcations. . ` 868. *F‘ecs.‘part’of U¤ited.St•tes_·revcnqes. . 869; Fees payable by United Staten out of revenue o!_(PortojR1c¤. 82*0. Salaries et distrlsét court ofimclala. _ ’_ " ' $$1. Fees and mileage of jurors and witnesses. 8122. Habeaa corpus. · _ ‘ · ~- · · { ·· · $1*3. Appointment otjjnkéc, marshals and _¤eeretariea._ ~ - $$4, Judicial-pnoeeas; emciais to be citizens ot United States; out e'§§§. Jnrledlegten of eonrts éontinued. - " _ · t · Md. Jeealege of snprenxeoeonrt as- tempogary or special judge of Unite % States district court. _ . · it RESIDENT C0h£MISSlON,EH. _ eel. Reeident Cpmmisaloner; election. a _ ., @2. $anee;.qual1¤cattona, appointment to dll vaeapcy. - - $33. Same; salary; ’alless·a.neee; freaking privilege. Section 731. "1`erritory lnelnded. under name Ponte Riem- The previaione of °thla·chapter shall apply to the island 1 Porto Rico and toevtlxe adjacent islands belonging to the"Unite States. and waters at thoee islands; and the namee Port Rico, as need in this chapter, shall he held to include ne only the leland ot that name, but all· the adjacent island as aforesaid. (Apr. 12, 1900,* e.._191, 5 _1, 31 Stat. 77; May 2 1917, c. 145, § 1, 39 Stat. 951.) . I ·· 732. Capitale-¤·-The capital ot Porto Rico-ahall be at the eit of San Juan and the seat ot government shall be rnaintalne there. (Apr. 12, 1900,ve. 191, § 8,"31 Stat. 79; Mar. 2, 191‘ _, c. 145, 4,,,39 Std. ” · · ‘ K J ~ 733. Citizens; former Spanish subjects, and children; bod politic; _ name.--all inhabitants oontlnuing to neside in Port Rico who were Spaniel: eubjeets on the 1.1th* day ot April, 1891 and then resided in Porto Rico,. and their children born sul sequent thereto, shall be deemed and held to be citizens » c Porto Rico eubject to the pmvleione ot eeetion 5¤ of Title, 1 end each entitled to the protection of the United State; except euch ae ehall have elected to preserve thei; alleglanc to the Crown of Spain on or before the llth daydof Apr!

. nyu INSULAR P_OSSESSIONS‘ ~ § 7,37

e -1900, in accordance with fthe-p1jovlsi_ons.of the treaty of pyeaee between The United States and Spain entered into on the 11tli " gu dey of April, `1899 ;- and they; P together with Qsneh citizens of the United States as may reside in Porto Rieo,.shal1` constitute ·a body··politic‘ under the name of the People of Porto Rico, A with goyernmentalp powers es hereinafter Lconferred, and with t powerto sue and be sued as such; (Apr.'12, 1900, ::..191, § 7, .31 Stat. 79.) ‘ ~ . ~ ». f ‘ r ‘ V 734. United States laws extended to Porte Rioo; intezjnal revenue receipts. covered into treasm·y,——·~—The statutory laws of [Q_ the United _Ststes not locally inapplicable, except on hereinbefore o1·` hereinafter otherwise provided, shall have the some - force and effect in Porto Rico as in the United Stata, except , °t t.he~iuternnl-revenue plow  : Provided, however, That all tones ,d_ collected `under ’the internal-revenue laws of the United Stntes er on artioles produced in Porto` Rico and transported to the fUnited= States, or peonsnxned" in the island shell be covered into ·* the treasury _ of Porto Rico- (Apr.`-12,1909,. c. 191, § 14, 31 t; Stat, 80f;_ Mar. 2, .1917,e. 145, § 9, 39 Stnt:954.) ' Cross IGIGIEHCQZ Fo! QIRBYDRI 1'6\l’¢Bl1& ta! GB &tti€}€·8 €>f_ ¤3€if€B8¤t}iS§ · <>f of Porto Rlcsn manufacture eoéingmlnto the United Stetes end with; drawn for consn;np·tion or sale, see 26,_IN‘1‘snnAL Bnvnnnn, d 735. Certain laws continnedin force;S“povier_ to modify or" __ repeal laws;—The laws and ordinances of Porto Bice in force _‘ on March 2, 1917, shall eontinue 9 in force end eEect, except ns altered, amended, or modihed in this chapter, until altered, f “° jamended, or repealed by the legislative authority herein pro- _ vided for Porto Rico or by Act of. Conguess of the United - States ;, and such legislative `authority shell have power, when ¤s_· not jnconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, by one enactment ’to amend, alter, modify, or. repeal any law? or f ordinance, civil or criminal, vmntlnued in force by this chapter as ft may from time to time see _ Ht. `·(Apr.· 12,. 1900, é. 1$1, § 15, 31 Stnt..80; Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, § 57; 39 Stat; 968.) 736. Porto Ricm law modi&ed.——So much of the Jew which _ was in foree at the time of cession, April 11th, 1wQ, forbidding ther marriage of priests, ministers, or followers of any faith _ because of vows they may have taken, being phrogreph 4, h·» orticle 83; chapter ·3,_ eivil Qcode, and J which was oontinned Bd by the order of the secretary of justice of Porto Rico, dated . _Mnrch Q.7, 1899, nnd promulgated by `Mejor General Guy V. Henry, United States Volunteers, gis repealed and annulled, - ond. all persons `lawfully married in Porto Rico shell have e fall- the righw and remedies conferred by law upon parties to either civil for rellgiousf merxjiegesi; ‘ Paragraph _1, article 105, section 4,~·`dlvorce, civil ¢0dé, enclgperngraph 2, section 19, ··· of the orderof the zninisterjof just ep of Porto, Rieo, deted if IMBPCH *17, 1899, and promulgated by Mejor General Guy V. K! Henry, United Sthtes Voluntwrs, nre so nxnendedr as to reed: $0* “ ,Ad¤1tery on the pnrtiof either the hi'1Sb&Ild`{01’ the_wife." at (Apr; 12, 1900, -c._ 191, L8, 31 Stat. 79; »Mn1·. 2, 1917, c.,145,__ ls _§ 57, 39_ Stat. 968.) F Q _ 2, 137. Billof rights and restriétionsr-—;_No low shelfbe enacted " in Porto Rico which shall deprive eny. person of life, ’ liberty, r U or property without due process of low, or deny to any person »d" therein the eonhl protection of"` the lows. _ " 7, ·· In `all ciriminnl prosecutions the accused shell, enjoy the `— right to have the nsnstnnce of counsel for his defense, to be v Zy informed of the nature, end cause of the accusation, to have o, _ xo cop thereof, to have sz speedy and pnblle trial, ·to» be con- ·e 9, frjted with the witnesses ngninsthim, endto have compulsory _ o- process for obtaining witnesses in his fever. » ~ P at No person `shel1_be held to answer for a criminal oofenso E., without due*proc‘ess of low; and no person for the same ofs, tense shall be twice put in jeopardy offpnnishnzxent, nor shell

o `bo c®pel1ed in any criminal ease to be n wiltness against __`

l, {himself. I "