Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1633

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—` 1619 ..2*11*LE 48.-T1>11c1z1;r01ciEs AN Porto Rico. ‘1‘he,l1eads of departrnenta appointed py the gov- e ernor.- ahall hold 0Qce for the term of- tour years and lmtil 1 well- are appointed and ‘quall§ed,i unless sooner re- * moved by the `governor. (Mar; 2, 1917, c. .145, 5*13, 39 Stat. ,¤ ·- 776. l{widence.—Heads of departments ahall reside in ·_Porto 1 _ Rico during their., cmcial inonmbenoy, · and those appointed, by · the governor shall mhave . resided in Porto Rico for at least one U year`p1'i01‘_ to=_ their appointment. (Mar.; 2, l 1911, c. '145, § 13, 777. Executive council; duties; ¢o1ape¤sation.yThe heads ot — departments shall collectively fornr ~a council to the governor, · known as the "execntlve council. _ They. shall perform,_uuder‘tl1e‘ general supervision of the governor, the duties hereinafter pre- Y scribed} or which may hereafter. be prescribed by law and sgueh other {duties, not lnoonslxent with law, as the governor, with the approval of the President, may assign `to them '; wd they- shall make annual and such other reports

 to the governor . as_ he may reqglre, which shall be transmitted to the executive department —of the Government of the United. States to be designated by the President as herein

_ provided: Propided, That the duties herein upon the heads otjdepartmenta shall not carry with them any additional fcompensation.- (Mar. 2,1917, c.-145,‘ I 13,f 39 Stat,. 956.) ` 778. Attorney { general.->The attorney fgeneral shall have charge ot the administration ot justice in Porto` Rico; he. shall — be the legal adviser ot the égovprnor and the heads of depart- _ mentaaud shall be tesponslble for the proper representation of — V ele people of Porto Rico or its duly constituted o$cers in all , actions and proceedings, olvll or criminal, in the Supreme Court ‘ ot Porto Rico in which the people ot Porto Rico shall be inter-_ cated ora party, and he may, if directed by the governor or it tn. bla judgment the public lntereat ·requires it, represent the people ot Porto Ricoor its duly constituted o&cérs in any othereourt or before any other oEcer or board in any action or pro- U _, oeeding, civil or criminal, in which the people of Porto Rico may be a party or be interested. He snall also perform Suche other duties not inconsistent herewith as may be pres&:rl`bed· by law. (Apr. 12, 1m0,_ c. 191,1 21, 31. Stat. *82; Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, § 14,-39 Stat. 966,) __ V · 3 . 779. Executive  ;- power; and duties.-—g—-There shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and cousent ot the senate ot Porto Rico, in EKQGIUVG secretary at an annual ulary ·_o! $5,000,2 who shall record and preserve {the · minutes and proceeding ot the public service éommiasion and ~ the laws enacted by the 1cgi¤1ature·a.¤d» all acts and proceedings of. me governor, and promulgate all proclamation: and orders of the governor and all laws enacted yby tlieleglslatnre, and until otherwiu=provlded‘l>y th• lwlslature of Porto Rico perform all Ithe duties *ot secretary ’ ot Porto Rico as provided by law prior to March 2, 1917, except Q! otherwise speclded in U this secdomand perform auch other dutier assigned ` to_ him. by tpe Governor of Porto ‘Rioo.· ,_ the event nt a 'yacancy ln the omce, or the absence, illness, or temporary dislqnalideation of such cmcer, the governor shall destitute some owoer or employee o! the government to dipclmrge the functions nt said umce during auch vacancy, absence, il1ness,_or temporary,dlscjuallilcation.1 (Apr. 12, 1900, c. 191, { 10, 31 Stat. 3 81; Mar. 2, 1017, c. 145, [22, 39 Stat. ®8; June 7, 1924, C. 322, o S 2. 438tat. 631.) A " _ . ~ Q780. Treuarer; power to duignate depoaitnrles.-Q--'1‘he treaaurer shall. collect and be the y custodian ot publle. funds, and shall disburse the same in accordancewith law, on war- ° rantaalgned by thmxudltor and ·counteralgned· by the governor,. and perform auch o `er duties as may be provided by law. He may designate banking institutions in Porto Rico and the _, United States as depoaitarles ot the government of Porto Ricof subject to such conditions ·aa may be prescribed by the gov-

p zzvsvmn POSSESSIONB ‘§ 786 ernor, eftér they have tiled. with him satieyactory evidence oi their pound financial condition and have deposited bonds ot the United States or_ of- the government of, Porto Rico or other security satisfactory`to the governor in Such` amount; as may- be indicated by him ; and no banking institution des- Ny lgnated it depositary of the government of Porto Rico until the feregoing conditions have been complied with. Interest on deposits shell be required and paid into the treesnrpj (Apr. 12, 1900,_c.· 191, §·22,” 31 Stat. 82;_ Mzuu.2, 1917, e. 145, { 15{39 Stat.956.) ° . . 181. Same; bond.+The treasurer shall give bend, approved as to form by the attorney general of Porto Rico in such sum es the legislature may require not fees, however, their the sum N $125.000 with surety lor sureties approved by the governor, (Mar. 2, 1917,}:. 145,5 15, 39 Stat. 956;) — · ‘ _ · ` 782. Commissioner of the §nterior.—#—'1‘he eornmissiener of the interior shall superintend nil works ot a pnblic nature, have chnrge: ot all public buildings, grounds, and lands! except those belonging to the United_ States, and ebelt execute such requirements as may. be imposed by law with respect thereto, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law (Apr. 12, 1$00Q c. 191, `§`24, 31 Stat. 82; Mar , § 16, ` se stat, eso;) · I r y _— 6 - - · . 783.1 Commissioner of edueetion.-——The commissioner of edu-_ ‘ cation` shall euperintend public instruéztion thrmrghout Porto — Rico ;_ ell proposed disbursements on qwest, thereof must `be approved by him, and all courses of study shall be prepared by him, snbjeét -to disapproval by the governor it he desires ter act. He shall prepare rules_gove1;ning` the selection of teachers, and`appointme11t$’ of teachers by local schqot hoardsf shall be subject to his approval, and he shall perform such other duties, not inconsistent with_.this_section, as may be preséribed by law. (Apr, 12, _1900, c. 191; §,.25, 31 Stat. 82; Mar, ${1917, c. 145, §17, so sgat;”e56.)/ _‘ Y , . ‘ = __ _ o - . 5784. Commissioner of agriculture and laber.4-4The commissioner ot agriculture and labor shall have general charge ot such bureaus end branches of . government as have been to or shall be legally constituted for the study, advancement, end benefit .ofagricu1tura,I and other industries, the chief pnrpow of this department being to tester, promote, and. develop the agricultural interests and thelweliare of the wage earners ot Porte Rico, (to improve their working conditions, and to _ advunce their opportunities ‘ for protitable mploymenta end shall I perform such other duties as may , be prescribed by _1aw. (Mar. 2, 1917, c.`145, { 18, 39 Stat. 957.) . . , 785. Cexnniasioner .of henlth.-—-The commiwioner of health r shell have general \chnrge of all` matters relating to public hmlth; sanitation, and Bharitiee, except such as relate to the eonduct of maritime quarantine, end shali perrom such other dutiee as may be prescribed by law. (Mar., 2, 1917, c. 145, "§·19,39Stat;957.)_ L- { . I _, _ t 786, Auditor; payers end duties.-4-—'1'here shall be appointed by tho- President an auditor, at an annual salary ot $6,000 for n tern; et four years and nntii his successor is appointed and qnalihed, who shell examine, nndit, and settle all eccounts pertaining _ to the- revenues and receipts, from what- ·ever source, of the government of Porto! Rico and of the municipal governments of Porto Rico, including public trust " funds and funds `derived from bohd issues; and apdit, in accordance with Inw ·'nnd administrative regulations, all ex- Dehditureé of funds or property pertaining to or held in trust by the government of Porto. Rice or the munieipelities or dependencies thereof. He shell perform il like duty with respect to all government branches. · . · ‘ He Shall keep the general accounts of the government and , preserve the vouchers pertaining thereto. i . A _ It shall, be the duty ot the auditor to bring to the attention Q! the proper administrative otiieer expenditures of funds or