Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1657

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1643 TITLE 48.--TERRITORIES ANL diction to reviéw, revise, modify, reverse, or nmrm the nnal S4 judgments and decrees of the district court of the Canal Zonq, pe and to render such judgments as in the opinion ot the paid P: appellate ccuyt should {have béen rendered by the trial court in all actions ind proceedings in which the Constitution or any e1 Statute, treaty, °tit1e, r1ght,’ or privilege of the United Stages eq ~ is involved, and in cases in which the value in controversy ex- w ‘ wais $1,000, to be ascertained by_ the oath of either party or ti by other competent evidence, and also in criminal gases wherein la mb ammse cmirged is punishable as 1 felony; and ayso in civil tl and criminal cases in which the juiisdiction ot the· trial coup; 1* is in isstié, but whenever any such msc is“ not otherwise re sa viewable }i¤· said appellate court the question bt jurisdiction on alone shgll be revieWablc_ by said appellate cqurt. “And suc]; s: appellate juriédictikm, subject "to the ~right of review by or d appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States as in other ·t1 cases authoiimd by. law; may be exercised by said circuit 1; wurt of appealsjn the saufe manner, under `the same regula- b tions, and by the same procedure as D€&1'lY'&8 ptacticablé as is` j' , dune in. reviewing the Sugljudgments and decrees ot the dis- 1* trict courts of the United States; Casesfpendingln thé said V mircuit court of abpéals ou September. 21, 1922, shall not be ·°$ atfécted '"héreby,5 but the same shall be disposgd qt as though Y this chapter had not been enacted. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 870, S 3, P 42 smc. 1006.) _ . ‘ — —· _ *3 1357. Common law and equity jurisdiction blended.-It shall °° not benecessary in the disttict court ot the Canal Zone to '* exercise Rmntely the law gud. equity jurisdictionjvested in ·° said court; :md’the code of civil procedure of the Canal Zope 5 and the ltuies of pmcticej adopted in j id zone, in so far as · they` éuthorise an blending of `said jurisdictions in cascé at law P and ii: gquity, are hereby confirmed. (Sept. 21, 1922; c. 870, _S §8,42Stnt.1008.) · _ ‘· ·, ‘° 1358} A&¤wl¢dgme¤t af deeds in Canal Zone.--Dgéds and· S .oLhe;· instruments ntectipg land sitxiate ui the Distric; ot B Columbia lor any Territqry of the United States may be acknowledged in the Canal Zone before any notary public or 8 judge, appointed therein by proper authority, or by jmy oEce1·’ I · 1h<·r<;·in who has ex bwcio the powers ct a notary public: I Provided, That the certmcdto by such ngtaiy in the Cabal Zone ° Shui bc» wccmmnied by the certitlcgtc ot the governor or -1; acting governor “ot suc} place tb the c¤ect *thnf {hc notary t tqking •aiQ·né¤0gwlcd¢me¤fwns in tact fha cmcer he purported t tobe;•.¤d•¤y·d&ds og other instruments affecting lqndsso I sitmte, sq sck¤owl since thelnt dnroi January, amos, t ami by md: certlucats uhhh have thé same etect ` as meh dead; or cmu tnntmmmts hcxmttu no acknowledged ° ‘a¤d'cert1¤ad. (J¤.¤s%,1W6,¢a8585,r84 Stat. 552.)  : Chapta VBGIN ISLANDS. - ` see. , · t 1391. 3¤@¤¤: mmm!. · _ · , 1 1392. bal h1••·e¤¤n¤•§: courts: twill and irtts at error., I 1898.G•k•me¤¤s¤1•;•1i¢{l•&1it1to¤n•¢nbe¤‘•hip1¤,· 1*394. mma: dum! me |¤ter¤a.l·r¢,vi¤¤¢ tus. z * F 13%. Tu hu mntinuad: tax on — Y 1396. use wyoné inte umm flaw!}. 1 nas?. Insane: lan at Unitedstntn m tox·c•. ‘ , 1$98·A Quuasmnn 1md_ pimott tau. ‘ _ 1 1&91.~Jm·kMi¤n; mi¢ng~r.·--··E;copt ni provided _!n thlnb 4 chapta, military, dvd, and Judicial powprn ¤ ... to` g tavern the Wm Indian Ialmchacquirad trom`D k shb,11 T] be vested in A Ecveinor Qmd,iu,such person ar p¢rsé>¤•’u‘ the 1 _. Prwdent my appoint, md Mshali be nxaréiséd in mmm: as the Preiideut shall dimct until shalt provma for ~¢ tho government ct said islands 2 Provided, Tint the President ¢ may asmgn ui amcet ¤t_ the Army qr Navy tolnrva SI such Q'! ‘ Sovarqor and Dél'fo1'i¤_€hQ'd\1d§ apperutéing to nid amps: 1 Provided fwtbd, Thatthegcvémcrcttheuididudi •ha11 • be appointed by gm; with the nqvim ind ccwnt at the, 4

U > INSULAR Posszssmzvs § 1396 euate: And pfovtded further, That the compensation of all arsonsa appointed under this chapter shall be ilxed by the resident. (Mar. 3, 1917, c. 171, § 1,39 Stat. 1132.) ‘ b ' 1392. Local laws continued; courts; appeals and writs of F1`0I•·—UDti1_ Congress shall otherwise provide, in S0 far as mzpatible with the changed sovereignty and not in eoniliet ith the provisions of this chapter, the flaws regulating elec— ons and the electoral franchise as set forthi in the code of lws published at Amalienborg the Gth day of April, 1906, and 1e other local laws,.in forceand effect in said islands on the 7th day of January, 1917, shall. remain. in force and effect in aid islands, and the same. shall be administered by the civil [iieials and through the localjudicial tl’lbllH&lS'QSt8b]iSh9d `irl aid islands, respectively; and the orders, judgments, and ecrees of said judicial tribunals shall be duly enforced. with he approval of the Presidg;.1t,, _0r under such rules and regultloxis as the President mayiprescribe, any of said laws may e repealed, altered, or amended by the colonial ¢oam·¤11,m·.»1¤g urisdiction. , '1‘he.jurisdietion·= of the judicial tribunals of saidslands shall extend- ·to. all judicial proceedings. and controersies in'-said islands to which the United States or any ltizen thereof may be a party. In all,casesfarisin—g in the said A Vest Indian Islands and reviewable b& the courts of Denmark »rl0r to March »3, 1917, writs of error and appeals shall be to h9°`Ci1;Cl1lC Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, and, except _ s provided in sections 346 alld 347»0f Title 28, JUDICIAL Com: ma UJUDICIABY, the judgments`, orders, and decrees of such ourt shall be iinal in all such cases. (Mar. 3,1917, c. 171, 2, 39 Stat. 1132.) __ k - ‘ 1393. Colonial councils; eligibility .to memberslnip in.r—No erson owing allegiancelto any country other than the United States of America shall be eligible to hold office as a member I the colonial eounells of the Virgin Islands of the United ltates nor to hold any public omce under the government of aid islands. . (July I2, 1921, c.`44, { 1, .42 Stat. 123.) · 1394; Customs duties and intemaléevenue taxes.--·There hall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles coming nto the United States or its possessions from the , Virsgin Islands. the mtes; of duty and iuternalwevenue taxes which are régulred to be levied, collected, and paid upon like articles mported from ioreign eouutries: Provided, That all articles, ‘ he growth or product of, or manufactured in, such islands, 'mm-materials the growth or product of such islands or of the L7¤lted _States,or of both, or whieh do not contain foreign maerlals to the `value of more than 20 per ceutum, of their total value,. upon which no drawback of customs duties has been allowed therein; coming into the United States froin such slandn shall be admitted tree of duty. _(Ma1·. 3, 1917, c. 171, i 8, 89 Stat. 1133.) · ° [ _ _ 1395. Tu lays continued; text on sugar.-Until Congress shall otherwise provide all laws imposing taxes in_ the Virgo I Islands on` March 8, 1917, including the customs laws and regulations, shall, lo so tar as compatlblelwitho the changed mvereigutf and not otherwise Jlereia provided.: continue lnforce and effect, ekeept that articles the growth, product, or manufacture ot the United States shall be admitted there tree af dutyi Provided, That upon exportation of sugar to any foreign country, or the sl1ipm_ent thereof, to the waited, States mr any of its possessions, there shall be levied, collected, and 4 paid thereon an exp0rt*duty_ of $8 per ton of two tlaousuiul pounds irrespective of-polariseope test, in lieu of any export ·- tax required by law. (Mar. 3, 1917,`e, U1,} 4, 39 Stat. 11:;::.) 1396. Duties and ,t•xes·c0vei·éd` into island treasury.——-'l‘l»e luties and texes collected in pursuance of sections 139l In ,139Ci if thi! title shall not be cotfered into the general `fuml of the s Ewan of the United States, but shall he used and expended for the govetameat and beaedt of the Vlx·gia· Islands, under mcb rules and regulations. as the President may, pr=e>=¢·z·il»e, R [Hu. 8, 1917, c. 171. { 6; 39 `Btat. 1133.) ` `