Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1686

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. \ x . __ » §°25»' { n " rgrL`E 4s.-:z·a,é ties, and- theneéessery agents employed in such transportation, `°or the issuance of gnileage, excnrsion, or commutation passen- ·. E gereticketsi nothing in Lhis chapter shall, be construed to prey hibit any common ?C&j`/i;ié1‘_ frimnlgiving reduced rates- for min-__ ‘· istcrs~»of—re1igio11, or to municipal governments. for the transl Kperration ‘of indigent persons,`0r to inmates '0f·· the national homes or State ”homes· for disabled volnnteér soldiers-"and_ of _scklie'rs’ and snilcrs‘. orphan homes, including) those about to enter and those retlirninghome after discharge, under arrangexncntswrith thelroards of inanagers or said homes. Nothing in tl: chapter shall be construed to prevent railroads from girlng free carriage fo their own.0&cers and employees, or preven_t the principal cdicers of any. railroad company or companies `—fI'G131`€,X€ll3IIgiIlg'[¥8SS§.S_·0I' tickets with other railroad companies for their oillccrs and employees; and nothing in this r·hs;$ter`contai1lc1l shall jH,’}&l1§’ way "nl»rid‘ge or alter the reme; dies new ·exlst_ing at conigxnon law or by stetnte,·l;iut the provisions of this cllaptcr are in atldit.i0n_ to such remedies: Pro; ·z·ide·g, Thai nothing in this chapter shall prevent the issuance of joint iI1U}fCll€ill`g9Hi\I{}{$6V€—tilOHS&l1d-IHilé tickets, with special privileges ssto lhe amount of free baggage that may be carried under milenge tickets of due thousand dor more `mileS._ But before any common carrier, subject ·t0 the provlsions` 'of this ·ch:iptcr.' shall lssne any such joint interchangeable‘ mileage ‘ tickets with- special: privileges, Ans :‘1foresai‘<l,` it shell tile wigh lhe Interstate Commerce Comznissipn cofnicsiof the joint tari s of, rnfes,',fares, or charges on which such joint interchangeable ‘ mileage tickets are to be based, together with 'specific:1tions of `ntlietanzonnt of free baggage permitted to be carried under such tickets, in the same znannerl as conmmnc·nri·icrs are requlredi _, to do 'with regard to other joint rates hy· section 6· of this £il3]}l(H’;‘ and a1l_the‘pr0w·isir>x1s of said section 6 relating to joint rates, fares, and cherges sl1a1l_be»ollserw<ed by saidlcomrnen carriers end enforced by the Interstate 'Comrnercc C¢`TI11·· mission ns folly with regard to such joint interchangeable mile-

acc tickets as with regard. to other'} joint rates, fares. and

b charges referred to in saidsection 6.] It shall be unlawful for ‘ 'any common carrier that has issued or authorized to be issued any such joint interchangeable nnlleage tickets to demand, · collect, or; receive from an`? person or persons aj greater or less compensation for lransplzrtation of persons or baggage lander snch joint interchangeable mileage tickets than 'thatreqiilred by the rate, lfsre, or chnr’ge_specificd in the copies of the joint term of rates, fares, or) charges hieel with the commission in force at she time, The provisinnscof section 10 of this chapter

 shell apply to any violation ot the requirementsof this proviso.

(2) Selle of integjchlzszgeahlc mileage or ·scr»Lp.—~The commlsl sion ·ls_directcd togreqnlre, after notice! and hcering,. each carrier by rail, subject to this chapter, to issue at such omces as ymay 1i%-i)1‘€S¢Zl‘ibéd,_b,Y the commission interchangeable mileage or sextlp conpon tickets at just and reasonable rates, good for passenger cnrringc upon the passenger trains ot all carriers by roll snhjcct to thischapter. The commission may in its dis4 - crction cxcxnptefroni the provisions of this paragraph and the f(}HO&i?iI1g`I§Sf8‘gf&§h either in whole or in `part any carrier where the particular circumstances shown to the commission shall `jl_1stity“snch exemption to beniade. Such tickets may he required to he issued in such denorninations as the commission may prescribe. Before making any order requiring theiissnnnce of any such tickets the connnission shall xnakcand pnlllish such reasonable mics end rcgnlationsefor their issuance and ue as in its judgment the public interest demands; and especially it shall prescribe smother) snchtickets are transfcrrable or nontransferrnhlc, end it the letter, what identification may be required; and especially, also to what haggage»prix*l1eges the lnwfnl holders of such tickets are entitled. i J · . s _ (3) Pcswliyi for {altered; to comlply.———-éany cslfticr which, , through- the act ot any agent or employee, willfully refnses to

LNSPOR1’A1'ION` _ l __I6Y2`·¢ issue or accept any such ticket- demanded or presented- under the lawful requirements of this chapter, or willfully refuses. to conform to the rules and regulations lawfully madei, and puhlished by the commission hereunder, or any person who shall 2, willfully 0Eer for sale or carriage any- such ticket contrary to the said·rules and regulations shall-be deenied.gui1ty-of aimindemeanor, and upon conviction; shall be hned not to exceed ’ "$1,000LJ` (Feb. 4, 1887, c. 104, §_22, 24 Stah.381'; Mar. 2, 18821, c. 382, 5 9,; 25 Stat. 862; ”Feb.` 8, 1895, c. 61, 28 Stat. 643;; am} Aug. 18, 1922,‘c:~·2.80, 42 Stat.‘82I.)_· " _' ·· _ f~ · ·, g _ I 25, Schedules and rates of~_water‘ carriers in foreign com-, merce.——(1) Schedules io he-filed by carriers `by ·wotcr or foreign c<mt'gne1jce,¥—Ex·ery. common carrier by water in foreign ; commerce, whose vessels are registered under the laws of the . United States, shall die with the- commission-, `regulariy as changes are made, a schedule or schedules showing for each of _ its stéam ressels intended to load general cargo at ports , in the United States for foreign destinations (a) the ports of- ‘ loading, . (b) the dates upon which such vessels will comfnence ‘ to receive freight and-Jdatesl of sailing, (c) the route and itinerary. such vessels will follorvjanid the ports of call for which cargo will be carried. i » · _ . A _` _ ·'(2) iQ·u0tq,z‘ion of `fotcs by carriers by crater; reservation of space.-—-Upon [application of a_ny_shipper a carrier by railroad shall nnake request for, and the carrier by water shall wi-upon receipt ofsuch request name, a specidc rate applying for such sailing, .&l`1d'Ii[`foXl such commodity as shall he embraced in_ the » inquiry, and"`%shall‘uame in connection with such rate, port charges, if any, which accrue in addition to the vessefs rates and are not otlxerwise publishedyhy the railwayas in addition V' to or absorbed in the railway rate. Vessel rates, if conditioned upon quantity *0t. shipment, must lk so stated and separate .. rates may be provided for carload and, less-·than-carload shipments,. The carrier thy water, upon advices fro@ a carrier hy railroad, Qstating that the quoted rate is- firmly accepted as applying Lupton a spwihcallyinamed quantity of any commodity, ’ shall, subject- to such conditionsas the commission by regulation may prescribe, make hrm reservation from unsold space in such steam vessel as shall required for its transportation and Shall soradvlsegthe carrier. nytpaxiroecl in which advices! shall be included the latest barailahle information as to prosnective sailing date of such vessel. _ . t i `° (3)_ Modification, publication, and distributive of schedules; ~ 'rullea.-——-As _, the matters so required to be stated in such schedule or schedules are changed or niodided from time to time, the carricrTshall·§le with the commission such changes pr modifications as early as practicable after such modification is ascertained. The- commission is authorised to make and publish c regulations not inconsistent herewith governing the manner and form in which such carriers are to corapiy with the foregoing provisions. The commission shall cause 6 to be published in compact form, for the information of shippers i of conunodities throughout the country, the sohstance of sucha schedules, and furnish such publications to all railway carriers subject to this chapter, fin such nuantitics that railway carriers may supply- to each ·of their agents who receive commodities for shipment in such cities and towns as may he specified by the cornmission, a copy of said publication; the intent being; that" each shipping com- , munity sumciently important, from the standpoint of the export trade, to he so specified byxthe commission shall have opportunity to know the sailtngs and routes, and to ascertain the transportation charges of such vessels engaged iu toreign commerce. Each railway carrier to which such publication is furnislned hy the *connnission is required to distribute the saute as aforesaid and to maintain such puhlica-Q tion as,it is ,h:sue·d froxn time to time, in the hands ot its agents. The commission is authorised to make such rules