Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1699

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- 1685 TITLE ls.-1*1zAz and facilities. in connection with the commerce ot-. the United States, and to foster and preserve in full yigor both rail and »w¤atcr_t1•ansport&tion. _~`- _ Q _ * I It shall be thee duty ot the Becretary of War, witnthe. object `of promotion, ooconrnzing} and deycloping inland waterway. transportatglon ifacilitiee intconnection with_ the ‘ mrnmerce of the United `Btates, to investigate the appropriate. types of suitable for different classes oil such viator- _ ways; to investigate the subject of `water. terminals, both for _ ` inland waterwayltranlco and-for through traEc_jby_ inter andrail, including the necemary docks, `» warehouses, apparatus,r cquipxnent, and appliances in connection ·ul€1T&W1C11,- and also _ railroad spurs and switches connecting with such terminals with a view to devising the types- jnost `-appropriate for differ-· ent lowtions, and for the more ·" expeditious and. economical _ transfer °o1·`intercl1ange of passengers or property between · carriers by water and mrriers ·by' rail; to advise with communities, cities, and " towns`--regarding the appropriate . location of such tenngnals, and to cooperate with them in the prepare-, tion of plane? for suitable. terminal facilities; to investigate the emdng status ot water transportation upon the different inland waterways of the~conn.try,-with a ylew to determin-

 mg whether su& waterways are being `ntilined to the extent

or their capacity, and to wh§t.4éxté11t;Ithéy are meeting the demands ot tramc, and whether me water carriers utilizing ‘ sucn waterways are interchanging treme with · the railroads.; and to any other matter that may tend to__promote end, encourage inland svater transportation. ‘__It shall false be the province and dnty the Secretary of War ·`to ' t·ompile,°·pnb1ish,.·¢nd distribute, from `tlme to _ time; such useful, statistics, ·dn&, and jhtormation concernlng transporta- .tion on inland waterwaysas he may deemto be of-value to the cowrcial interests of the codntry. , · ' 'The words f* inland waterway ” "as used ln this section shall be · construed to include the Great Lakes. (Feb. H, 1920,c.91, §·560,41~Stat. 4®.)_ ‘ , M _ ‘_‘·· ’ . 143, Operation ofbeats, etc., by·Secretary_ of. War on New York State Barge Canal discontinued.--At the end ot { days ,a §ter_ Febmaa-y 27, 1921, the authority conferred `upon the secretory ot, War under section 141 ot this chapter, to opaate for commercial purpwes bmw, barges, tngs,Y or other s transportadon 'tacilitiea upon the Newr lYork_ State _ Barge Canal shall cease, and thereafter- there shall `be no such operation by the Secretary " of War or any other agency 1 of the United Staten. ·'1‘be-Secretary of Warpehall ae soon as is practicable, dispose of boats, barges, ~tugs,· and other , transportation facilities purchased or constructed . for Yuee p upon the said canal,. pending dnals dlspoqltlm, the Sec- l rotary ot ‘War may lease the same: Provided, That all the money obtained . {rom the sale or lease ot these boats, parzce,1 ‘ and tngs shall be available until eipended by · the inland — and coastvztse waterways service ot the Warybepartment ·_ln the lnaugnration and development of other inland, canal, j and _ coastwlae waterways ln accordance with" the ·exp&d deelre o£~ Oongrws in the preceding section: Provided further, That not to exceed `25' pencentum of f¤'é"'boats, barges, and .tngs built or `pnrchawd for the United States, herein anthocizcd to be sold, may be retained by the United States for the operation of other inland, canal, For—wise. routes of _ the Unitw States until ouch equipment replaced by other equipment to be purchased from funds received from the sale Prescribed aboror (Feb. `2'I, #1921, e. 81, 41 Stat. 1149.) INLAND WATERWAY3 CORPORATION .151. Corporntionkcreated; government and direction by Sea- ` rotary of .Wi,r,——~For the purpose of carrying operations » of the Gowfernment-ov»*ned_‘ inland, canal, and coastwlae watera Ways system to the point where the system can be transferred to private operation to me besf advantage of the Government,

YSPQRIYATION, A 154 otjmrrylng out themendates o£`CongreSs prescribed in section l41 ot this chapter, and of carrying out the policy emmclatcd by Congress in the first paragraph ot section 142 of this ,chapter,A there is created e corporation, in the District of Columbia; to be known asthe Inland Waterways Corporation (hereinafter referred to ns the ."`c0rvporutiox1."). _- The Secretary of War. snail . be deemed to be the iuoorporator, ond the incorporation,-shall ` be held effected as of June 3, The Secretary of War shall. r govern ·8l1§-'(1l'1'€0£ the corporation in the exercise or the functions vested in=`it·by-thjs subdivisionof this chnpter.; (June 8,1924,c.243,.§1,43St¤t.360.)- ·  » ._ ` · · 152. Capitol stock.-——The capital stock of the corporation shell P6 $5,000,000, alli of which ‘_is subscribed for by the United States. Such subscriptionshell be paid by the Secretery of the ` Treasury, * viithln the appropriations there§or,° upon call from time to time by ·`tl1e Secretaniy ot Wu. ·' Upon such pay- ment a ‘ receipt therefor shall be imued by the corporation to ·- the United States and delivered to the Secretary- ot. the Treasury, end shall be evidence of the __ stock ownership of the . United States._` There is aluthorlzed) to be appropriated the sum of $5,000,0QO for the purpose of paying such subscription. (June 8, 1924,·.c.·24»3, S 2, 43 Stat..3®.) . , 153, Operation of transportation und termlnel facilities; spplkation `of. other lziws.—-(a) Until `otherwisei directed by Oougxjem, the _ corporationn shell continue the operation of the transportation and- terminal facilities on June 3,1924, operated ‘by_ or under thedirection of the Secretary of War, under tion 141 of this chaptexgfand shall, as soon as there is an im- ` t proved cliarmel suiilcieut to permit the same, initiate the Water . carriage authorized by 'law upon the Mississippi River ubove Saint Louis. - · v t · ..

 · (U) If the Socrethry`o£`War deems it advisable to discontinue

the operation of `any part or the transportation or terminal i tncllitim, or to `developnnd operate new lines, in order to give . "the public the proper service, he shell report thereon to Con- ‘ gross. The operation of any or such facilities shall not he continued end new llnes shall not be developed or operated until authorized by Congress. . . l · _ t r, - ` (c) The operation of the transportation and terminal Ina QuiUé8·l1Dd€f”_”thiS. subdiylsion of this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 1 if this title and to theproristons ` of chapter 23, Title 46,““S1jm·Pr o, in the same manner and to the ~` same extent us lf. such facilities were privately ovirned and operated; and ell vessels of, the corporatioy operated and employed. solely as merchant vessels shall be subject to all other' laws, regulhtlousy and lieblllties governing merchant vessels. `(June 3, 1924, c. 243, 5 3, 43 Stat. 361.) `; L ” ‘ ' 154. Adiinory board; manbers; compensation; chairman; %i¤¢¤ •L¤d‘d¤tie•·———·(a) The Secretary oi'.War- shell- appoint an Adjvlsory Board of six members (hereinafter referred to us the " board"} from individuals promine¤tly_ldeut,ltled with commerdsl or busluwa lnterwts in· territory adjacent to the operations ot the corporation. _ No member of the board. shall be sn odcer, director,-or employee of, orsnbstentielly interested ln, any irallrosd corporation. Twooi such members shall con-, ` tinue in omcegfor terms of one year, and the remaining tour - for terms ot two, three, tour, uml five years, respectively, from thedate of appointment, the term of each to be designated by the Secretur or War. ‘ Enola successor shall be eppointed by the Seeretariof _W,ur 'for e term ot nre years. om the date ot the-expiration of the term of the member who: he succeeds, exoept that shy successor hppoiuted to dll a geeoucy oceurriug prior to .tl1e_explrut,lon of a. term ehell be appointed only tor v the unexpired term of the member Avhom he succeeds. A vneancyvln the board shell not impair the powers ot the re- ·ma.luing members to execute the functions of the board. ~ . (b`) Themembers shell receive no salary for. their services on the board but, under regulations and in amounts prescribed

 the Secretary of War, may be paid ·,by the corporation 0.